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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

Page 72

by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 69 - Insomnia

  Miranda couldn’t sleep, despite the long ride she’d taken behind Stacy earlier that night. She slipped on a thick set of pajamas and decided to take a walk. She’d never seen Macmanite and figured that she wouldn’t mind seeing at least a little of the scenery from the window. The government house had been built on a tall hill overlooking the city.

  She went out onto the balcony of the second floor and looked at the lights emanating from the city. She was almost awed by the beauty of it when she heard some grumbling coming from one of the rooms behind her. She went over and looked at the light emanating from it and knocked on the door quietly.

  "Who is it?" Medoferro’s voice came out.

  "Miranda," she said, "Mind if I come in?"

  "No problem," Medoferro told her, "It’s unlocked."

  Medoferro was sitting cross-legged on the bed trying in vain to read one of those large books. He was finding them very difficult, as many of the cases were very old and written in Mullinix vernacular that hadn’t been used in centuries. It was something that even historical scholars would have had trouble reading, let alone a young man whose tastes prior to this had run towards detective novels.

  "I heard you grumbling," Miranda said, "Everything all right?"

  "Yeah," Medoferro nodded, "Just fine."

  Miranda sighed and looked at him. She knew he was lying as his body language gave him away on that. It was something that he didn’t do well to his friends or people who knew him well. He was tense and a great burden had been placed on his head. She knew how close she came to being in his shoes and felt sorry he was going through all this.

  "Bullshit, Medo," Miranda said, sitting down on the edge of his bed, "You’re stressed beyond belief. You’re cursing at the books and shaking."

  "I shouldn’t have to be doing it like this," Medoferro said, almost angrily, "I’m supposed to be sitting at Massimaferro’s side, watching him as he does it and learning from his experience. I’m 18 damn it, I’m too young for this."

  "I was wondering how long it would take before you showed a crack," Miranda grinned, "You were putting on a good show earlier."

  "Try reading page upon page of this archaic shit," Medoferro growled, "It’s enough to toast anyone’s mind."

  "So stop reading it," Miranda suggested, "I’m betting a little bit of sleep would do you good."

  "Optimistic aren’t you?" Medoferro asked her, "I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since I heard that case."

  "The murder case we read about yesterday?" Miranda asked him, "What about it?"

  "I keep running over in my head what happened," Medoferro said, looking at Miranda, "I could have so easily missed it and sent that poor kid to his death."

  "But you didn’t," Miranda reminded him, "You saw the truth and did what you had to do to get it out."

  "I’m just scared, Miranda," Medoferro told her, "I feel like I’m drowning here."

  "It isn’t that bad," Miranda told him, "I won’t let you drown Medo. That’s why I came here."

  "What did I do to deserve a friend like you?" Medoferro asked her, "And how do I keep doing it?"

  "Just be yourself," Miranda smiled and kissed his cheek, "Come on, you’ve got a big day tomorrow with the sessions. Forget about the books and get some sleep. I’m betting a few hours of decent shuteye will do you more good."

  "I’d offer to let you join me," Medoferro smiled wickedly, "But I’d probably be asleep before anything fun could happen."

  "Maybe sometime," Miranda smiled, tucking the Mullinix-Apprentice into his bed, "If you convince me properly."

  Medoferro smiled at her and curled up under the covers. Miranda put out the light and watched as Medoferro was asleep within seconds of her doing that. She smiled and looked at him as she walked out the door and took one last long look at Medoferro.

  "Maybe soon," Miranda said to herself while heading back to her room.


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