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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

Page 88

by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 84 - The Date

  "Hello?" Medoferro said as he poked his head into the small restaurant, "Anyone here?"

  "I’m back here, Medo," Miranda said, "Come on in."

  Medoferro walked in and looked around. It was slightly run down, but the smells of good food were unmistakable in the air. Evidently the place had been closed to others for the night, as Medo and Miranda were the only people in the room. He walked over and smiled at her, noticing that she was dressed in some really pretty clothes that she had to have borrowed from her sister.

  "You look great, Miranda," Medo told her, eyeing her up and down, "Thanks for the invitation."

  "Gotta love my sister," Miranda chuckled, "She put all this together. She’s bossy, that’s part of what makes her a great Medico."

  "I see that," Medo smiled, pulling up the seat across from her, "I guess I can’t argue too much, especially seeing how pretty you look tonight."

  "Thank you," she said, "I guess they all want to see us together, huh?"

  "I think so," Medo agreed, "Lot of people pulling for us."

  Before they could say anything else a rather rotund middle aged woman limped into the room. She had a wide smile on her face as she approached the table. Miranda recognized her, but it was Medoferro’s first experience with Mrs. Seville.

  "Welcome Miranda!" Mrs. Seville exclaimed, "And you must be young Medoferro?"

  "That I am," Medo nodded, "Pleased to meet you…"

  "This is Mrs. Seville," Miranda said, introducing them, "She is the finest cook between Skolnik and Hulkensuxor."

  "I do my best, child," Mrs. Seville said, beaming at the complement, "I’ve certainly never heard any complaints."

  "I’m looking forward to the meal, ma’am," Medoferro smiled, "And if the meal is anywhere near as nice as the company, then it shall be a grand one indeed."

  "A real charmer you are, hold on to this one Miranda," Mrs. Seville chuckled, "It will be a pleasure to serve the both of you."

  She smiled at them both and walked back into her kitchen, leaving the two young people alone at the table.

  "Is it that obvious with us?" Medoferro wondered, "That people just seem to keep noticing."

  "I don’t know," Miranda said honestly, "But I will say I’m glad Iggy sent me up here, despite what has happened."

  "I’m glad you’re here," Medoferro told her, "I really am, you know."

  "Thank you," Miranda nodded, "Though, you’ve been avoiding me today though."

  "I’ve had a lot on my mind," Medo told her, "I promise not to avoid you tonight though."

  "You’re worried about taking Massimaferro’s job?" Miranda wondered, "Or about something else?"

  "A number of things," Medo sighed, not wanting to broach the subject, "That’s one of them, but not the biggest one."

  "Iggy gave you instructions this morning, didn’t he?" Miranda said, looking at the bit of pain showing from his eyes, "About me?"

  "Figured that out, did you?" Medo said, nodding, "I should have known you would."

  "I’ve got Stacy as a reminder," Miranda chuckled, "But it’s ok. We’ll worry about that if the time comes."

  "You won’t hold it against me if I have to choose you?" Medoferro asked her.

  "Only if you don’t choose me for other things first," Miranda smiled, "I’ll settle for a nice romantic dinner with you, if you’re willing of course."

  "It would by my pleasure, fair lady," Medoferro said, laying on a bit of charm, "No finer…"

  "Enough of that horseshit," Miranda chuckled, "If I wanted to have dinner with a Mullinix I could have stayed in Mullinix Centre and had dinner with Insegniferro. I’d rather have dinner with the very nice boy I met in a pub, remember him?"

  "I think I do," Medo nodded, "I think I see why everyone was pushing me back to you."

  "Really?" Miranda wondered, "Why?"

  "Because you’re one of the few that still sees me as Copeland," Medo told her, "Not as what I’ve had to become."

  Miranda reached across the table and placed her hand out for him to take. He took her hand in his and smiled as he held on to it, looking in her eyes. It felt good for him to be with someone who did see him that way, and who was able to exude it in her emotions and with the power she herself projected.

  "And what do you think of that?" Miranda wondered, enjoying the touch, "I mean, you could have any of those pretty girls at the palace…"

  "It isn’t the same," Medoferro told her, "Not by a long shot. I get more just out of touching your hand like this, than I do from a whole night with them."

  "Don’t let Marina hear you say that," Miranda chuckled, "But it’s nice to hear you say."

  "I’m sure Stacy has told you about Marina," Medoferro said, "Ever since the old man woke that ability in me, I see more than I care to at times."

  "And what do you see now?" Miranda wondered, "Anything good?"

  "Plenty good," Medoferro smiled, "More good than I can express."

  The sentiment was there and continued with a lot of handholding and eye contact. Mrs. Seville came out with the food quietly and placed it on the table, careful to leave the room for their hands. The smell of the food soon overwhelmed their urge to hold on to each other’s hands.

  "It all looks so good," Medoferro said, "Is this all for us?"

  "You got it," Miranda grinned, "Let’s eat, shall we?"

  They dug into the food, tearing into it together and just diving into it with gusto. It was several minutes of straight eating before they managed to slow down enough to talk. The food was just good enough that there was no way for words to come through until they’d eaten quite a bit.

  "Don’t tell the cooks at the palace," Medo said finally, "But I think this might be the best meal I’ve had in my life."

  "She is very good at this," Miranda grinned, spearing a meatball and feeding it to Medoferro across the table, "I’ve had her food before, but not enjoying it as much as I am now."

  Medoferro ate the meatball and smiled at the girl across the table. This mood continued until they finished the dinner and were all well and full, leaning back into their chairs and gamely eating a little of the rich dessert, enjoying the taste but too full to get it all down.

  "I can’t remember the last time that I was this full," Medoferro said, "This has been a phenomenal meal, Miranda."

  "Be sure to thank Toria later," Miranda smiled, "She’s the one who put it together."

  "Yes," Medoferro nodded, "But you’re the one that made it so nice."

  "You are in serious danger of being really sappy," Miranda chuckled, "But I like the compliment."

  "I see you enjoyed the meal," Mrs. Seville said, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

  "No thank you, ma’am," Medoferro said, "It was wonderful."

  "I hate to ask it," Mrs. Seville said, "But would you mind terribly if I took a picture to show you were here?"

  "Not at all," Medo said graciously, "It is the least I can do after such a fine meal."

  "I’ll take it if you like, Mrs. Seville," Miranda offered.

  "Johnny can do that," Mrs. Seville told her, "Come on and be in the picture."

  The three of them took positions in front of the table and Mr. Seville came out and snapped a photo of the young Mullinix. Medoferro shook his head at the display, but took it gracefully.

  "Thank you, Mullinix," Mrs. Seville said, offering a hand, "Please come back anytime."

  "For a meal like that," Medo smiled, "Of course I will."

  "Come on," Miranda said, "After a meal like that I need some fresh air. How about you?"

  "Sounds like a plan to me," Medoferro agreed, "Where do you want to go?"

  "There’s a grove just out back here," Miranda said, "It’s a beautiful night and you can see the moonlight out there. Sound good to you?"

  "Just so long as the company is just as nice," Medoferro told her.

  "I’d like to think so," Miranda smiled, offering her arm to
the young Mullinix.

  "Let’s go then," Medoferro agreed as he graciously took it, "I’m all for a good walk in the country."

  "I think that can be arranged," Miranda told him as she pushed up against him, "Let’s go."


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