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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

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by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 96 - A Recruiting Drive

  Paulus and Suvorov walked up to a large, dilapidated bar on the northern outskirts of Mullinix Centre. This was a part of town that was usually not visited by more respectable people. In fact, even most of the city guard didn’t patrol it regularly. A few really dirty people were sitting around outside as the two men approached.

  "You are kidding me, right?" Paulus asked Suvorov, "What the hell are we doing in this area?"

  "Getting the people with the least to lose and the largest hatred for Ellis LaPorte," Suvorov explained, "Come on inside. I’ll show you."

  Paulus grunted a little, but followed the larger man into the bar. It was scarcely cleaner on the inside as it was on the outside, though there were more people present inside. The clamor was a bit overpowering, as was the smell, but Paulus managed to make do. It was, after all, a better environment than he’d had in Cirrus while he was there.

  Suvorov walked up to the bar and took one of the empty seats. Paulus took the one next to Suvorov and then dodged a bottle that was thrown by a seated patron. The patron had recognized Paulus for who he was and decided to show his displeasure appropriately. The bartender saw this and walked over to greet Suvorov.

  "Haven’t seen you in lately, Rav," the bartender said, holding out a hand that Suvorov shook vigorously, "You’re courting trouble in here bringing a Mullinix Rep with you. You know that."

  "I know," Suvorov agreed, "But there are some things going down. A lot of what happened down in Cirrus isn’t what we thought it was."

  "What do you mean?" the bartender asked, still looking at Paulus, "You mean they’ve got you believing this bullshit?"

  "I’ve talked to the Mullinix about it, Cholt," Suvorov said, "None of the Mullinix had a clue about the insane shit we were doing down there. Tony Stack was whitewashing all of it before it came up here."

  "Figures," Cholt grunted, "But the Mullinix were responsible."

  "We all make mistakes," Paulus said, "Ellis LaPorte is turning out to be ours."

  "LaPorte is just a stooge," Cholt said, "The blame lies higher."

  "That it does," Suvorov agreed, "But not on our side of the border."

  "Care to explain, Rav?" Cholt said, "I mean, you were usually as quick as we were to blame the higher ups."

  "The Mavelans," Suvorov told him, "Those sons of bitches were behind it all."

  "Right," Cholt scoffed, "Like LaPorte would have stood for that."

  "LaPorte is working for the Mavelans," Paulus said, "Son of a bitch is planning on handing Cirrus over, lock stock and barrel."

  "You’re kidding, right?" Cholt said, "I mean, LaPorte always had delusions of grandeur, but is he nuts? The Mavelans?"

  "Paulus spent several days in LaPorte’s jail," Suvorov said, "It’s the truth."

  "So why tell me this?" Cholt asked him, "What good is old Cholt going to do here?"

  "People listen to you, Cholt," Suvorov said, "We want your help."

  "Me?" Cholt said, "Work for the government? Are you nuts?"

  "I know the new Mullinix, Cholt," Suvorov said, "He’s young, but he’s a good man. I’m not asking you to work directly for us. I just want your help in doing one thing."

  "What’s that?" Cholt asked him, "Or do I even want to know?"

  "The changeover ceremony is in a few hours," Suvorov said, "Medoferro is going to release a lot of details about the mess down there."

  "So?" Cholt wondered, "What does this have to do with me?"

  "I want you to be there," Suvorov said, "Along with as many vets as you can find."

  "Why?" Cholt asked suspiciously, "What are you up to?"

  "We’ve got a plan going to go clean it up," Suvorov said, "If you want a chance to pay back all the assholes who have screwed us over in Cirrus, come to that ceremony."

  "What is in it for us?" Cholt asked, "I mean we’ve given our due."

  "Here," Suvorov said, passing a bag of coins across the table to Cholt, "This should be enough to pay for several rounds for everyone. All I ask in return is that you come to the ceremony. No more than that."

  "Do we get to boo?" Cholt asked him, earning a glare from Paulus.

  "Only if you don’t see the logic of what Medoferro says," Suvorov said, "Will you do it?"

  "I’ll get them there," Cholt agreed, "I make no promises other than that."

  "Good enough," Suvorov said, "Thanks, Cholt."

  Suvorov nudged Paulus and the two of them made their way out of the bar. Paulus looked at the other man with a bit of skepticism, seeing as he didn’t think that this would work. Suvorov waited until they were a good ways away from the bar to explain his actions to Paulus.

  "These people are no longer very patriotic," Suvorov explained, "They understand few things other than alcohol and hate. The trick isn’t so much to make them want to help us as to make them want to get back at LaPorte. I’m betting that Medoferro’s speech, and Cholt spreading what I told him will push them to wanting their shot."

  "I hope you’re right," Paulus said, "Otherwise we’re going down against Mavelan regulars with a bunch of fresh recruits."

  "Trust me," Suvorov grinned, "I know how these people think."

  "Why’s that?" Paulus asked him.

  "Because I was one of them," Suvorov said simply, "Come on. We’ve got another bar to do this same thing at. Hardin will be just as tough a nut to crack as Cholt."


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