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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

Page 112

by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 108 - Combined Mullinix Headquarters

  Medoferro and Simon sat in chairs looking at the maps that Cholt had set out in front of them. Cholt and Hardin may have been rival bar owners, but they were working together marvelously as leaders of the combined forces. The tent had been hastily erected as a shelter from the rain that had accompanied the invasion.

  "As best I can tell this is where the lines are," Cholt told the young Mullinix, "We don’t have any definitive word on their strength yet, but for the most part they appeared not to have been prepared for the level of resistance that we’re giving them."

  "Too much to hope for that they’ll find it too difficult and go home, eh?" Medoferro asked wistfully.

  "I doubt it," Cholt said, "They’ve always been nasty bastards when it comes to fighting. They also probably have numbers on us."

  "How many additions have you gotten from the existing forces?" Simon asked him, "I mean there were several thousand soldiers in the area last I knew."

  "Most of them are still fighting each other to the east," Cholt said, "We’ve gotten a few dozen, but not much more than that. The rain is making it even worse, can’t see anything more than ten feet in front of you."

  "I see why everyone hates this area in the military," Medoferro nodded, "Rain turns everything out here into a gigantic pile of mud."

  "Not an ideal place to fight a war," Cholt agreed, "I can’t believe I agreed to come back here."

  "We had to do something," Medoferro told him, "What kind of citizens would we be if we didn’t at least try?"

  "Living ones?" Simon said hopefully, earning a frown from Medo, "Sorry."

  Medoferro shook his head and looked out the flap of the tent. A couple of soldiers were making their way to the tent. Medoferro pushed a little power to solidify the ground a little to make their way in easier. They came into the room and saluted Cholt properly.

  "Medoferro," Cholt said, "I’d like you to meet Lewis and Martin, two of my longtime friends and some of the best scouts that the Mullinix army has ever produced. I sent them to see if they could ascertain the numbers of the Mavelans coming over the border."

  "Any luck?" Medoferro asked them.

  "The weather is working against them almost as bad as us," Lewis said, "But they’re better equipped for it. From the looks though they’re managing to get more people in than we are."

  "The locals?" Simon asked them.

  "Most of them either got out when it started or are hiding," Martin said, "I wouldn’t worry about them too much. They’re too used to hell coming down from the mountains, just not in these amounts."

  "I hope you have some plans, Mullinix," Cholt said, "Hardin and I are doing the best we can, but we can’t do everything. We’ll also need to get LaPorte’s stormtroopers off our flank so that we can concentrate on the Mavelan threat."

  "Will that be enough?" Simon wondered, "I mean, if they already outnumber us…"

  "Guys," Medoferro said, looking out the flap, "How much of the town do they occupy?"

  "It’s about half and half," Lewis said, "We didn’t look too hard at the town as it isn’t so much a strategic target."

  "It will be for them," Medoferro said, "How much and how bad a shape is it in?"

  "Not as much as they’d like," Martin said, sorta seeing Medo’s point, "Their usual stock in trade around here are fire catapults. Luckily those are useless in this weather."

  "Are there any real tall buildings that we control?" Medoferro asked them, "Preferably one that we can get on top of?"

  "There’s an inn," Lewis said, "It’s not in the best of shape, but it’s sturdy and has roof access. I doubt the Mavelans have it."

  "What are you thinking, Medo?" Simon asked him, "We don’t have anything that’s good from up high?"

  "Sure we do," Medoferro said, looking at his friend, "We have something that they don’t and something that might turn the tide in our favor."

  "Unless you have some magic weapon I don’t know about," Cholt said, "I think you’re insane."

  "Something like that," Medoferro smiled, "Simon, did you ever get the old man to teach you the control techniques?"

  "Yeah," Simon nodded, "He made a point of it after I burned my hands that time with you…"

  Simon’s eyes went wide for a moment as he saw what Medoferro was talking about. He shook his head and couldn’t believe that Medoferro was advocating what he was obviously advocating.

  "You’re not seriously thinking about that?" Simon asked him, "I mean we couldn’t do a large enough thing to make that much of a difference?"

  "What are you two talking about?" Cholt asked them, "Control techniques? High places?"

  "This," Medoferro said as he made a small ball of light on his hand, "On a much larger scale."

  "Can you do enough to make a difference?" Cholt asked him, "I mean that seems farfetched."

  "I’m not looking so much at making a difference directly," Medo smiled, "I’m more looking at scaring the shit out of their rank and file. It isn’t how many soldiers you have, but how many are willing to fight an enemy that makes big fireballs that they can’t see the source of."

  "It’s dangerous, Medo," Simon said, "I mean you remember what happened last time…"

  "I have several bottles of the stuff Toria made," Medo assured him, "It can’t hurt the effort at the very least."

  "If you can do it," Cholt said, "It’ll help. I’ll send a group of my people with you to clear out that building."

  "I’ll need two medically trained," Medoferro said, "Because Simon and I may need it afterwards."

  "You’ll have them," Cholt said, "How far do we chase them if they run?"

  "All the way over the mountain," Medoferro told him, "No more half measures. No more bullshit. The line is going to be put on the other side of the mountain this time."

  "You sure you can do that?" Cholt asked him.

  "He’s the Mullinix," Simon said, "He may be insane, but he has the authority to push through his insanity."

  "I’ll get your people together," Cholt promised, nodding, "Martin, Lewis… Go find out where the Mavelan forward group is and then report over to the inn so you can tell them."

  "We’re on it!" they cried and ran out of the tent.

  "Let’s get moving," Medoferro said, "The sooner we do this, the better."

  "Why do I not believe that?" Simon sighed, "Why did I sign up with you again?"

  "Fun," Medo chuckled, "Adventure. Don’t forget Sascha in your bed back up at the palace too…"

  "Oh yes," Simon nodded, "Let’s finish this quick then so I can get back to her, shall we?"

  "Let’s," Medoferro said simply.


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