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Shattered Heart: A Single Dad Romantic Suspense

Page 21

by Lara Norman

Devon walked out into the brisk afternoon air, rolling his brother's words around in his head. Was he ready for that? He was physically ready, but was he mentally and emotionally ready? Kathy had been his one and only.

  He arrived home to find Don pacing the living room with a voice recorder in one hand and a steno pad in the other.

  "Hey, Dad."

  Don stopped and looked up. "Devon. Hailey is doing her homework in her room."

  "Thanks. Um, can you watch her tonight if I go to dinner with Chloe?"

  "Of course." Don frowned. "Are you okay?"

  "More than okay," Devon replied as he took the stairs two at a time. Don smirked at his retreating form.

  "Hi, Daddy," Hailey said as Devon pushed open her door.

  "Hey, sweetpea." He kissed the top of her head as he bent to look at what she was working on.

  "I'm doing math."

  "And you're doing an excellent job at it." He scanned her answers and kissed her again. "You've got them all correct."

  "I know."

  He huffed out a laugh. "Will you be all right with Grandpa if I take Chloe out to dinner? It'll be just the two of you."

  She looked up with a grin. "Do you think Grandpa will take me for chicken nuggets if I ask him?"

  "It's possible."


  He smiled down at her. "You sure do make things easier for me."

  "I do?" She scrunched her nose in his direction.

  "Yes, because you're the best little girl a dad could ask for."

  "Uncle Caleb says Maisie is the best little girl."

  Devon squatted and hugged her. "Then you're my best girl, and Maisie is Caleb's best girl."

  "I love you, Daddy."

  "I love you, bug."

  He took his shower, put on fresh clothes, and headed back downstairs after saying goodbye to his daughter. He told Don of Hailey's dinner request and left the house with anticipation singing through his veins. After making a stop in town, he drove to Chloe's house with his heart thumping in his chest.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chloe answered the door in a red dress, making it hard for him not to fall to his knees. He held out the flowers he’d picked up on the way. “You look incredible.”

  She blushed. “Thanks. You clean up nicely yourself.”

  Devon followed her inside and watched her bend over to pick a vase from under the sink in which to put the flowers. Her home carried the scent of her perfume; subtle and light. It stirred something inside him much the way the sight of her backside did.

  Just as she straightened, he put his hands on her waist from behind and spun her to face him. Touching his mouth to hers caused heat to race up his spine. She nearly dropped the vase, set it on the counter instead, and slid her arms around his neck as she met him with the same fervor.

  “We should go now,” he managed to say against her lips.

  “I’m not hungry.” Chloe kissed along his jaw, enjoying the scrape of his unshaven face. She found the pulse in his throat and swirled her tongue over it, thrilling when he dug his fingers into her hips in response.


  She splayed her hands over his chest, picturing the way he’d looked half naked earlier in the day. His strong, smooth chest glistening with sweat. Defined muscles and masculinity. She felt him growing hard when she cupped his ass and pulled his pelvis against her.

  Groaning, he attached his lips to her neck, moving up to nibble on her earlobe. His breath was hot in her ear when he exhaled heavily. She shivered and ground into him.

  “Dinner,” he said on a strangled sound.

  Chloe shook her head to clear it. “Do we have to?”

  He laughed, but his burning gaze pinned her in place. “Eat? Yes.”

  “Not right this second, though.”

  “Not right this second,” he agreed.

  Callused hands slid over delicate skin, setting embers into flames. His long, rough-edged fingers stroked, finding the right places to make her moan his name. The underside of her breast, the curve of her waist, the nape of her neck. Every inch of her needed to be explored and committed to memory.

  Chloe had never been touched that way, as if she were something rare and precious. He stirred something new and warm within her soul, caused her blood to go lazy and thick. She only sighed as he slid her dress down her shoulders to let it pool at their feet. Then his tongue was working over the gentle slope of her breasts, teasing her nipples over satin and lace. She didn't bother to hold back a groan when he took one of them in his mouth as his fingers cleverly worked the hooks in the back. When Devon eased the bra from her, she looked up at him in wonderment.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured.

  Chloe met his gaze and held it, the knowledge of what was to come surging through her heart. This was what she’d waited for: the precious way he looked at her, the long, slow caresses, the quiet sighs and quick gasps. She led him slowly in the direction of the bed. His lips were on her neck, her breasts, and back to her mouth for an intoxicating kiss that took everything from within her. She tugged at his shirt, desperate to give back some of the pleasure rushing through her veins. What she found was muscle and man, sinew and strength. Devon’s flesh was warm under her eager fingers, turning his breathing shallow and jagged to match the sound of her heartbeat.

  “I want to make love to you, Chloe.”

  “God, yes.”

  She hadn't expected to feel shy, but when she urged him down on the bed, she almost covered her breasts with her hands. Instead of giving in to the urge, she pulled him against her so they could be skin on skin. Two pairs of hands fumbled with the button of his pants, finally pushing and shoving until that barrier gave way. Slipping down to stretch out along her side, he slid his hand between her thighs, finding her wet and hot.

  “I want to watch you fall apart.”

  She gasped when he removed the last scrap of fabric from her body and pressed his palm against her center. Questing fingers and quiet cries turned into moans of pleasure and excitement. She lost her breath when he sent her over, exhaling with a whisper of his name.

  Dizziness overwhelmed her, and she clung to his shoulders for steadiness, finding that the sensation wouldn't fade. Not while he was etched on her soul. Finally, she had the love she’d been looking for her entire life.


  It was one simple word, but the request was clear. Her pulse skipped a beat when he rose above her and buried himself inside her, her name falling from his lips as a prayer. She delighted in the tense set of his shoulders, in the damp trail of his mouth over her skin, and the guttural sigh. Devon moved with her, against her, giving her what they’d both been seeking. He pulled back to look into her eyes, finding them filled with tears.

  “You’ve made me so happy, Chloe.”

  She nodded, her throat too tight to respond. She understood how he felt. They moved languidly, in no hurry to be anywhere but in each other’s arms. There was a completeness about the moment, a serenity knowing that it was right. He cradled her body close to his, cherishing her, loving her.

  Her name came tumbling out of his mouth, his movements faltering. She clung, clamping her legs around his waist as he came. He covered her mouth with his, pouring every feeling into the kiss. Even when he became motionless everywhere else, the kiss went on.

  He finally pulled back enough to frame her face in his hands. “My God, Chloe, I had no idea how perfect it would be.”

  She felt indulgent just then with his weight pressing her into the mattress. He kissed her nose before moving to the bed beside her.

  She tucked her head next to his and kissed his jaw. “You really think it was perfect?”

  “I can’t even describe it.” She felt him turn his head, lifted hers to look in his eyes. “I don’t even want to bother finding words. I just want to feel.”

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  His face lit up. “I love you so much.”

  She treasured the way it felt whe
n he threaded his fingers in her hair and kissed her until she couldn't breathe. He wasn’t merely gentle; he was tender. When he broke the kiss, he rested his forehead to hers.

  “Are you hungry now?” she asked.

  Devon chuckled. “I could simultaneously eat a whole cow and also not move for the rest of the night.”

  Chloe patted his arm. “Well, I have to pee.”

  She rose from the bed to the sound of his laughter, weighing the options between ordering in and going out as planned. She looked in the mirror at her rumpled hair and smudged makeup.

  “Do you want to go out?” she asked as she walked back out.

  Devon watched her approach and sit on the edge of the bed. “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On whether I can stand for you to cover this up.” He gestured to her naked body.

  She felt herself flush. “Ah, yes, well, my dress is in a pile on the kitchen floor and my hair is a mess.”

  “Sorry about that.”

  “No, please. You can mess my hair up any day, any time.” Chloe laughed at his expression. “Let me rescue my dress and we can go eat.”

  “Okay. I’m going to clean up first.”

  She stared unabashedly at his bare ass while he strode to her bathroom. Chloe pulled on clean panties—Devon had ruined the pair she’d been wearing—and retrieved her dress. She suddenly wanted to go somewhere, to sit across from the man she loved and share a meal. She wanted to show him off, honestly.

  “Almost ready?” he said from behind her.

  She spun to face him. “Huh?”

  He raised a brow. “I asked if you were almost ready.”

  Chloe blushed and slipped her dress on. “Sorry, I was daydreaming.”

  She ran her hands through her hair and dashed to the mirror over her dresser to make sure she looked presentable. Satisfied, she picked up her purse and headed to the door.

  There was only one semi-formal restaurant in Merrimac. People they knew packed the booths, but Chloe kept her eyes on Devon as they sat.

  “What did you tell your boss? With all these people here, there’s no way you can pretend you were sick in bed.”

  “I said I had a personal emergency and agreed to cover for my replacement the next time she needs a day off.”

  “The emergency being . . .”

  She leaned toward him. “I desperately needed to get in your pants.”

  He threw his head back and laughed.

  “And it’s worth it to see you so lighthearted and content.”

  “We’ll try not to make it a habit.”

  “Oh, I hope we will.” She winked.

  “I meant calling in, Ms. Hemsworth,” he said sternly.

  Their server appeared and interrupted the moment. Chloe considered the idea that Devon was moving forward better and faster than any of his family had expected. She sincerely hoped it had something to do with her.

  “On Saturday, I thought we could just go to the movies with Hailey,” Devon said when the server left the table.

  “That’s good. It’ll be dinnertime when I’m off work, so we can meet after that at the theater.” Chloe took a sip of her drink. “Do you want to come to Sunday dinner again?”

  “Um, okay. Are you sure your parents won’t be sick of me?”

  She was shaking her head before he stopped speaking. “No, honey. We’re all in.”

  “I like the sound of that. Are we monopolizing your time, though? There’s no way you have time for anyone other than me anymore.”

  “I admit I’ve spent more time with you and less with Alicia lately, but she understands it won’t always be like this. It’s different while I’ve got this schedule, and she knows I want to spend my spare time with you and Hailey. Don’t worry about me; I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”

  “We could all get together.” He hadn’t seen Alicia or John since Hailey’s party, and he liked them both.

  Chloe smiled. “That sounds like a nice idea. A double date, or a family thing with Hailey and Brandon?”

  “It depends on when everyone is free, but we could all get together the next weekend you’re not working.”

  Chloe watched Devon’s face as she sat back against the booth and let the server serve them. She knew she’d thrust herself into an unusual situation, but there had never been any doubt in her mind. Since the day they met, she’d felt something for him, but that day in the hospital after Hailey was found cemented her love for him. He was nearly destroyed, needing her and his brother to help him get through, but she saw the strength underneath it all. She saw the love and devotion for his daughter and his family.

  “Do you have any idea how much I love you?” she said when they were alone again.

  His grin was quick and brightened his face. “I think so. I’m pretty blown away by how much it turns out I love you.”

  “No reservations?”

  He shook his head slowly. “No, not anymore. Something broke loose inside me, I think. Whatever was holding me back from happiness.”

  “I’m the luckiest person alive, you know.”

  He picked up her hand and kissed the back of it. “That makes two of us.”

  She watched him eat, adoring the face of the man she loved. He’d been through so much, and there was more to come, but he was open and honest with her about it all. He was healing. No matter what came their way, there was nothing they couldn't get through together.

  Chapter Thirty

  Chloe opened the door to let Devon and Hailey in. “Hi, guys.”

  Hailey bounced on her toes. “I wanna meet your cat! Can I please?”

  Chloe squatted and smiled at Hailey. “Of course, sweetie. He’s probably hiding under the couch, but if we sit still for a few minutes, he’ll come out.”


  Devon hugged Chloe and kissed her on the forehead before he sat with Hailey on the couch. “How was your day?”

  She sat in the armchair. “Typical. There weren’t any unusual calls.”

  “Small town life.”

  Hailey gasped. “Oh! There he is.”

  She whispered it, and Chloe turned her head to see Tugger peeking out from under the edge of the couch. “Be still, and he’ll come check you out.”

  “He’s very sweet,” Devon said.

  Hailey’s eyes were wide as she tried her best not to move. “I want to pet him.”

  “Soon, Hailey. Just give him a minute to be comfortable with you.”

  Devon winked at Chloe, and she smiled in return. Tugger was the only thing Hailey had talked about since he said they could go over and meet him before the movie.

  Tugger jumped up on the back of the couch and sniffed at Hailey’s head. “It tickles!”

  Tugger backed up at her outburst, but he didn't get down. He stretched his neck out and sniffed her head once more, then pushed his nose into her hair. She giggled, and he jumped down to the seat cushion to crawl onto her leg.

  “There you are, sweetie kitty.” Hailey stroked Tugger, laughing when he arched his back.

  “He likes you,” Chloe said.

  “I know,” Hailey responded, not taking her eyes off the cat as he bumped against her hand.

  It took plenty of convincing and promises to come back to see the cat after the movie to get Hailey to agree to leave. They had an enjoyable night and returned the next evening to pick Chloe up and drive together to the Hemsworth household for Sunday dinner.

  They were greeted just as warmly as the last time, causing Devon to feel completely relaxed around Chloe’s parents. Chloe took Hailey to the backyard to play for a bit, and Devon opted to stay in the kitchen with Rebecca.

  “Devon, I want you to know how much we adore Hailey,” she said from her position at the stove.

  Devon stood near the sink and offered her a smile. “I can tell.”

  “You’re all right too, I guess.” She shot him a wink, and he chuckled.

  “Good to know.”

  “Do you have any que
stions for me, Devon? I know you and Chloe discussed what happened with her brother, but you and I haven’t exactly had a personal conversation.” She glanced over at him, and he shifted his feet in discomfort.

  “I don’t want to dredge up terrible memories for you.”

  “No, I know. It’s not that. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I hope to be your mother-in-law eventually, and I want to be honest with you as much as I can.”

  “Wow, Rebecca. In the spirit of that honesty, I hope for the same; you know it’ll happen sooner or later, but this isn’t necessary.”

  “What isn’t necessary?” David asked as he came into the room.

  “I thought we should talk about Leo,” Rebecca replied.

  Devon winced. “You don’t have to do that on my account.”

  “Oh, Devon. It’s not only about you. It's about Hailey and your relationship with Chloe.”

  “Rebecca and I agreed on this, Devon.” David sat on one of the counter stools. “We know there were years where we basically failed Chloe, and we’ve tried to make that right for a while now.”

  “I don’t know how successful we’ve been,” Rebecca murmured, blinking rapidly before turning back to the stove.

  “What happened with Steve was an eye-opener. I realized I let her down. I wasn’t there for her as I should have been.”

  Devon held David’s gaze. “I agree with you.”

  David rubbed his hand over his mouth. “Ouch. Look, losing Leo killed something inside us both. It was too hard to recover from that, love each other through the guilt and blame and doubt, and still be the perfect parents for Chloe.”

  Rebecca nodded. “We should have attended counseling.”

  “Even though Chloe begged us to, we weren’t ready to reopen those wounds. We were wrong to shut her out, but there were so many harsh feelings over it all that we were drowning in them.” David spread his hands. “You can’t know what it’s like, thank God. You found your daughter alive, but we weren’t that lucky.”

  “What happened to him?” Devon whispered.

  Rebecca sighed and swiped her fingers over her eyes. “He was taken by a man that lived in the woods, and he killed him.”


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