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Secret Alpha Wolf (Shifter League Book 2)

Page 14

by Leela Ash

  “I don’t know how to explain… There’s this girl…”

  Apollo and Atlas immediately looked to Achilles with interest. They exchanged glances with each other and then Apollo’s face widened into a smile. He was all ears.

  “A girl, you say?” He mopped idly for a moment and then looked back to Achilles. “What’s she like?”

  Achilles sighed, grabbing a duster and going along Lester’s bookshelves with it as methodically as he could. “I don’t know how to explain. She’s really special. Intelligent. Pretty. We get each other.”

  “What does the wolf think?” Atlas asked.

  Achilles gave Atlas a “what the hell do you think?” look, and both Atlas and Apollo laughed.

  “What’s the issue then?” Apollo asked. “You know the Elders wanted us to choose mates.”

  “Well, for one thing, she refuses to speak to me,” he mumbled. “I don’t know how badly I fucked up, but I know I fucked up.”

  “Well, what did you do?” Atlas pried, coming closer to Achilles with his own cloth to dust the shelves near Achilles.

  “I let the wolf take over…”

  Apollo and Atlas did the annoying look exchange thing again and then looked back to Achilles.

  “You freaked out, didn’t you?” Atlas asked, matter-of-factly. “I think it’s pretty normal to freak out.”

  “Freaked out?!” Achilles bellowed, insulted and embarrassed at the insinuation. Whether it was true or not didn’t make it okay for Atlas to point out. And no, he hadn’t actually “freaked out”. He hadn’t run away screaming or thrown a tantrum about the situation. All he had done was…

  “Well, tell us what happened then,” Apollo said. “It’s obviously bothering you, and we have a lot of work to do. If your head isn’t in the game, it could cost us all.”

  “That’s the problem, isn’t it?” Achilles said, sighing heavily. “I thought the same thing. That she was taking up too much of my time and energy. If I wasn’t able to focus on the mission, then there is no way we can make it work. Besides that… I don’t know, there are just a lot of reasons I didn’t see it working out.”

  “Well, Achilles, sometimes the best things for us are right under our noses,” Apollo said wisely.

  Achilles furrowed his brow as the words stirred something in his mind. Something right under his nose? The most important things… It dawned on him that he hadn’t shared his newfound information with the most important people involved in the mission.

  “I think I know what will activate the portals,” he said suddenly, shocked that the reveal hadn’t come to him before this. “I think we have the answer!”

  “You do?!” Apollo was beside Achilles in record speed, and Atlas had his eyes on Achilles eagerly. “What is the key?!”

  Achilles inhaled sharply, casting a glance to the papers Lester had thrown in the fire. He was certain that, if he could read them, he would have found a map that led right to the location of the space where the Serah Stone was to be placed.

  “The Serah Stone.”


  Apollo took it upon himself to get busy making preparations for Gavin’s appearance. Atlas was tasked with getting in touch with the Elders, as Achilles still refused to say anything to them. For whatever reason, they just didn’t strike him as trustworthy.

  Instead, he asked the others if they minded if he got in touch with Lester and let him know that they had taken it upon themselves to take care of his possessions, and they agreed.

  The trip to the hospital gave Achilles anxiety unlike anything he had ever experienced. For some reason, all he could think about was Veronica. He wanted to see her. and yet, he was terrified they might run into each other. The other guys had been interested in the thought of meeting the girl who had made him feel so much, but would they still feel the same way if they knew she was the sheriff? How could he be certain they would still be supportive? What if he got into even more trouble within the league?

  They were supposed to be brothers, and Achilles had been keeping them in the dark about so much. He felt a little better being able to tell them about Lester’s house and the attack and the book, which he hoped Gavin might help him translate somehow before he was forced to give it to the wolf shifter guardians he was trying to avoid. If he could get the information from the book before it went into questionable hands, at least he would be able to do something with it should the time come.

  Fortunately, Veronica wasn’t anywhere near the hospital, and Achilles was able to go in without any confrontations. When he reached Lester’s room, he was surprised to find that he had been moved to a rehabilitation area. Achilles made his way through the long and winding hallways of the hospital toward his friend.

  The wing was much quieter than the room he had originally been staying in, with only a nurse walking here or there. The area itself was very nice and comfortable, with cozy chairs and fireplaces and a soothing color of paint on the walls. It was like a completely different place.

  “Achilles! It’s good to see you!”

  Lester saw Achilles before Achilles had seen him. His mind had been all over the place lately. He wished all that had been going on with Veronica could just be resolved already so he could get back to himself again.

  “Hey there, Lester. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m starting to feel much better, Achilles, thank you. And how are things with you? Have you made any progress?”

  Achilles smiled at the old man, hoping the tiredness in his features wouldn’t let Lester in on just how exhausting everything had been for him lately. “We have, thanks to you and a few other things. But I’m still a bit confused…”

  He glanced around the room, uncertain if it was safe to talk. There was no sign of the Kaw, and there were certainly no Kila around. And as far as the nursing staff went, he didn’t hear anybody nearby.

  “Don’t worry, Achilles. They only come in here if I have the light on. Otherwise, it’s very quiet. I am one of the only ones on the ward, and the other person here is very independent and nearly ready to go home, so they don’t pay us much attention.”

  “Okay, that’s good to know,” Achilles said, finally feeling as though he could let himself relax. At least enough to talk honestly with Lester. “Well, we figured out what the key might be. But we still aren’t sure how to use it. I and my team went to your place, I hope you don’t mind. We took everything that we could find and brought it to the vault on our base. We couldn’t risk anyone else coming after you for information or having what you still had taken and mistreated by another enemy. You understand the weight of the issue at hand.”

  Lester nodded solemnly, and then smiled brightly at Achilles. “I think I have something that you might want.”

  Achilles tilted his head in curiosity, and Lester laughed. “A wolf shifter indeed, with that look.” Achilles didn’t get the joke, but Lester had already moved on. He was in a wheelchair and was moving steadily toward a small cabinet. He opened it, then opened a drawer within it, and pulled out a key that was on a long, silk ribbon. He offered it to Achilles.


  Achilles examined the key, frowning. “What is this?”

  “They didn’t find a single thing that was worth a damn,” Lester said. “Everything of value, I keep locked away in the cellar. It’s all hidden. Every last thing.”

  “What?!” Achilles gaped down at the key, then looked back to Lester in shock. “What about the papers you burnt?”

  “Oh, those were just the notes I had on the walls. I didn’t want them to be able to decipher any of my meanings from them. But as a rule, I only have one or two things of value up in my living space at a time. And that’s only if I’m studying them because I feel like I might be on the verge of a breakthrough.”

  “Wait… so there are more relics. More things from the serpent mound… In your cellar?”

  Lester beamed and nodded. “And of course, I don’t mind you guys safeguarding my treasures. In fact, if you think anyth
ing in the cellar might be useful to you, I’m not an idiot. I know they don’t rightfully belong to me. As long as you give me an update on what you learn about those things, I will be able to die a happy man. I have so many questions! And I think you and your friends are the only ones on Earth who may be able to answer them.”

  Achilles smiled at Lester and gave him a nod of respect.

  “I think you’re a hero, Lester. And my friends and I will give you the honor you deserve one day, properly. When the time is right.”

  Lester’s eyes grew misty and he looked away. “Oh, stop it, you’re going to embarrass me.”

  Achilles grinned and gave the old man’s back a soft slap. “You’re a good guy. Where is the door to the cellar?”

  “It’s behind my bookshelves,” Lester said. “Good luck, Achilles. I know you will do the right thing.”

  Achilles smiled and tucked the key in his pocket, feeling uplifted for the first time in weeks. He said goodbye to the old man and left, eager to tell his colleagues the good news.


  Veronica had set the record for wallowing in her misery that week, and quickly realized it one day when Harley left a smiley face note on her desk. If she was grumpy and bitter enough that her co-worker was noticing and trying to cheer her up, that was too much.

  And so, she decided to try and pick herself up out of bed and do something she had never done before. Yoga.

  Veronica had heard all kinds of things about the benefits of yoga. It could supposedly relax you and help you find a space of inner calm within yourself. And those were things she could really, really use.

  There was a small studio that had been opened by one of the locals not very long ago. She had always been curious, but because she was trying so hard to fit in with the guys, she had dismissed it as nothing but a bunch of silly stretching. Now, though, she was drawn to it. Almost as if by a force greater than herself.

  She had simply woken up the morning after Harley had left her the note and realized she wanted to try yoga. And so what if she wanted people to think she was tough? It was more important to be honest with herself and pursue the things she might find some pleasure in.

  Unless those things involved Achilles, of course.

  But she wasn’t going to let that situation sour her mood for the day. She was going to put that behind her, at least for the morning, and do the thing she had been neglecting for so long. Focus on herself.

  She had no idea what she should wear to a yoga studio, so when she woke up, she rummaged through her drawers and closet hoping to find the most comfortable clothing she owned that didn’t make her look like she had just returned from bootcamp. It was tough to find the style she was going for, but she managed. She settled on a pair of blue sweatpants and a crisp white shirt. It wasn’t the most feminine attire, but it would do. Maybe she could go clothes shopping later that day.

  She tried to ignore the fact that she probably would never have even considered the feminine attire if it weren’t for Achilles. He was at the top of her shit list, and she planned on taking a trip out to check on Lester and let him know exactly what she had seen when she was done with her session at the yoga studio.

  She didn’t have her own yoga mat but hoped that it would turn out okay regardless. Veronica gave her cat a brief pet in parting before heading to her car with nervous butterflies in her stomach. The yoga studio was about a 15-minute drive from her house, and when she parked, she let out a deep breath and checked her phone. What was she even checking it for? A sign of Achilles? The time? Neither of those things mattered. It was her day off and she never wanted to see Achilles again in her life. There was no use being on edge or checking messages right now. If it was important, Harley knew how to page her.

  When Veronica entered the studio, she was shocked to find the face of the woman she had spoken with when she had been on the hunt for Achilles at the bed and breakfast. Quinn seemed to recognize her immediately and offered her a big smile and waved her over.

  The two women had seen each other in passing a few times. They were about the same age and had been a few grades apart in school with very little to no interaction. But Veronica found herself nervous anyway, as if maybe she would sleuth out the fact that their entire conversation had been a ruse. She felt dishonest. And she hated how wanting to spend time with Achilles had turned into such a dark secret. What if he had actually been ashamed to be seen with her? What if his motives had been to keep his friends from making fun of him for liking the weird tomboy who called herself the sheriff?

  She wouldn’t have blamed him for it. That was the way most of the guys in town had felt about her. It wouldn’t have been the first time she was rejected for being a little rough around the edges. Why did she try fooling herself into thinking men could be more than what they were programmed to be?

  But what was it they were actually programmed to be? She couldn’t honestly say, and the thoughts were shoved out of her mind as Quinn approached, offering her hand.

  “Hello again,” she said, clearly beside herself with joy at the arrival of a new client. “I didn’t expect to see you again. At least, not at my studio.”

  Veronica couldn’t help but be disarmed by the genuinely friendly face. It was something she had missed out on growing up. Having friends who were women and who would embrace her just as she was with this kind of warmth.

  But no, this was a stranger who merely liked the fact that her business was getting attention. She shouldn’t read too much into it.

  “I honestly never really expected to come to the studio,” Veronica said, laughing softly. “I guess I just woke up and decided that I needed a change.”

  Quinn nodded. “We’re pretty quiet out here. Except for when those guys were coming around trying to harass us last year.”

  Ah, Veronica did remember those reports. But she had tasked Harley with the resolution of that case. It had been a busy time for her. And not long after that, the Warner murders had occurred.

  “Well, it’s a really cozy space,” Veronica said. She was genuinely comfortable there. It had a very peaceful aura, and Veronica could actually see herself relaxing here, which seemed kind of strange. It was hard for her to relax anywhere. Especially lately.

  “I’m glad you like it!” Quinn beamed again. “I have a few regulars who come today, so if you want to go ahead and grab a mat, you can find a space on the floor to set up and we will begin in about five minutes.”


  Veronica crossed the room to the wall where Quinn had motioned to a stack of yoga mats and foam blocks and rollers. It was a far cry from the police academy, that was for sure.

  But she liked it anyway. There was no point in comparing herself now to the person she was trying to be then. Now, she just was.

  The session began and Veronica did her best to follow along with Quinn’s instructions. She found herself truly enjoying the comforting movements and the slight challenge that her body and its muscles were enduring. At the end, when Quinn instructed them all to go into something that she translated to mean the “corpse pose”, Veronica found herself sinking into a relaxation unlike any she had experienced since before she had met Achilles and gotten herself tangled up in the mess of worrying about the safety of the universe with a guy who was more interested in playing with her feelings and ripping off a helpless old man.

  She almost let her disgust rise to the surface again but bit it back and managed to maintain her calm. She was in control. She was going to be able to take care of Greenrock and she would find a way to deal with Achilles and the outsiders, even if it meant she had to rally everyone in town with pitchforks and torches to drive them out for good. She would do whatever it took.

  When she sat up, she noticed Quinn looking at her, a somewhat troubled expression in her eyes. She motioned Veronica over as the other clients filed out, carrying their own yoga mats with them as they left. Veronica rolled hers up and sat it back against the wall before going over to meet Quinn.

  “Hi,” Veronica said. “Your class was nice. It was exactly what I needed.”

  “I’m really glad to hear that,” Quinn said, smiling kindly once again. But the troubled expression on her face still remained. “Look, I know it isn’t my place to say so, and you don’t have to talk to me or anything, but you seemed a little upset during the end. Is everything okay?”

  Veronica sucked in a deep breath and measured Quinn up, wondering if she was the kind of person who was trustworthy. Everything about her space and career said she was a kind person, an individual who marched to the beat of her own drum. Someone who saw things and understood them in a way many people didn’t. It was soothing. And for some reason, Veronica found herself battling away the urge to be able to call Quinn a friend. But that was probably all a part of her job. Appeal to people on an emotional level to get them to stay in her studio.

  Still, the expression on Quinn’s face was sincere. Veronica sometimes was able to get a read on people and there were times it was scarily accurate. Maybe Quinn was one of those people.

  Then again, she had thought the same thing about Achilles, and look where that had led her. She might as well have been at square one. Her brow furrowed in anger, and Quinn looked at her in surprise.

  “Did I do something to upset you? I’m sorry. You really don’t have to say more than you need or want to. I’m just reaching out. I know what it’s like to feel alone.”

  Veronica sighed, suddenly realizing that Quinn had touched on the thing that had been making her the most agitated. She hadn’t even noticed it herself or had the vocabulary to define it. Ronnie had spent her life trying to fit in and working hard to obtain her father’s acceptance. She wanted to be loved and cared for and appreciated, and she sometimes put on a mask in order to get that.


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