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The Castle of Water and Woe (Briarwood Reverse Harem Book 3)

Page 23

by Steffanie Holmes

  “You don’t get to have a lot of fun.”

  “I’m not here to have fun.” Liah stood up. “Take me to this gateway.”

  Reluctantly I shut my curry container, and led her through the wood to the edge of the field where the three sidhe stood. I scanned the horizon, unable to see any of the other witches nearby. It wouldn’t do to have them find us here. “Come on,” I pulled her out of the forest.

  “This is a fucking tragedy,” Liah whispered. “Can you not see death everywhere?”

  “Well, we did kill a few of Daigh’s fae over the gateway.” I pointed to one of the burned patches. “That’s the scar of a fire witch.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” She swept her arm around. “All of this used to be a living, breathing, thriving forest. Herds of deer came to this very spot to drink from a crystal clear pool. But along came the humans with their fires and axes and blades of iron, and now the forest lives on only as a shade of what once was, haunting the earth from which it was so unfairly torn. And why, so they could erect monstrosities like that?” She jabbed a finger at a tall metal tower on the horizon. “What in Oberon’s name is that?”

  “A mobile phone tower. I don’t know what that means. Corbin said they were a monument to this god called Samsung, who fought off some other deity of apples.” I shrugged. “I can’t remember, actually. Corbin is really boring.”

  “I want to go back,” Liah repeated, her eyes burning into mine. “Now that I’ve seen this, I cannot support you.”

  Great. Now I felt like total shit. I was just trying to save a friend. How was I supposed to know that fae could see the ghosts of long-dead forests? That wasn’t exactly something Daigh confided in me. “Look, I can’t do that right now. But if you can just lay low here in the wood, I’ll find a way for us both to get what we want.”

  “That’s not true and you know it. You’re going to try and destroy the fae, all of them. That’s why you really brought me here, isn’t it? Because you knew I was going to die with the rest of them and you felt bad. But I’m glad you did, because now I see that the world needs the fae more than ever, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that in the great battle that’s coming, the tree spirits and the embers of the true earth have their own part to play.”

  Liah stormed off toward the woods, her twin plaits swinging behind her.

  Phew. Okay then.

  I’d forgotten how intense Liah used to be, which was ridiculous because it was the defining characteristic of our friendship. I’d do something and she’d lecture me for hours about how stupid it was. I wondered if her and Corbin would get along.

  I circled the sidhe, calling up my spirit magic and using it to reveal the wards. They were still in place, although much weakened. I estimated it would hold only for another day. And we were no closer to figuring out how to create permanent wards. And now Liah was ready to join forces with Daigh to “save” the world from humans.

  We were fucked.


  Jane didn’t say another word on the drive back to Briarwood. As soon as we got inside, the phone rang. It was Sheryl. I talked to her while Jane got Connor out of his gown.

  “I’m so sorry about what happened today, dearie. I know the village is full of frightful gossips, but I never expected that kind of a show. But don’t you fret – I’ve had a chat with the Vicar over in Crooks Worthy. He says they might have an opening, but Jane would have to come meet him today. I can swing by and pick her up?”

  “Sure, that sounds perfect. Thank you so much.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Jane’s had a tough life. If she wants to set Connor on the right track, I’m here to support her.“ Sheryl paused. “It might help her case with the vicar, dearie, if you—”

  “—didn’t come with her? I got it. Thanks Sheryl.”

  That was fine. After seeing what she’d done to help Jane, even against her own congregation, I felt as though I could trust Sheryl alone with Jane. And besides, I had something I had to do, and I needed some privacy, or I might back out.

  On the way home, in between fuming over what that crowd had done and worrying about Connor’s safety, I had a bit of a realisation. My parents had lived and died by their own code of ethics and morals, inspired by their faith but not beholden to it. They decided for themselves what constituted Christian actions. Because of them, I got to have a normal childhood and to know love and understanding. We didn’t always get on, but I always knew that whatever I did they would support me.

  The numbness I’d felt when they first died had broken open, and I missed them so much it hurt – a deep pain in my chest that never faded. Maybe it never would. I wondered what they would say if I went to them with the truth – that I was born of a witch and a fae, and that my powers were activated and strengthened through premarital sex. I imagined my Dad’s hand on my knee, calm and reassuring. I rubbed the spot where his fingers would’ve touched, blinking back tears of my own. Why did they have to feel so close to me when they were so far away?

  Coming to Briarwood was a choice born of desperation and grief. Now I had another choice ahead of me. I was ready to follow my parents’ example. I would not choose the easy thing, the known thing. I would follow my heart and my own code, even if it meant doing something completely and utterly insane.

  My heart pounded against my chest as I waved at Jane. She waved back, then returned to fitting Connor’s car seat into Sheryl’s car. I watched until they drove away. My breath hitched.

  It was now or never.

  “I want to see everyone in the library in five minutes,” I yelled down the hall.

  “I’m on the loo,” Flynn yelled back.

  “Well, hurry up. I’ve got something to tell you all,” I called back. “Trust me, you’re going to want to hear this.”

  Corbin, of course, was already in the library, his head bent over the same book Blake had been poring over last night. I thought about telling him what Blake had told me, but decided against it. I didn’t want this to turn into another discussion about the fae.

  Footsteps clattered down the staircase. Flynn appeared at the doorway first, that cheeky grin plastered across his face. Rowan was next, the front of his shirt dusted with flour. “Arthur and Blake were out in the garden,” he said. “I told them to come inside.”

  “What, together?”

  Rowan smiled. “I don’t think so. Arthur was swinging his sword around. Blake came from the back of the garden, but I don’t know what he was doing. He ordered enough curry to feed an army and he took a couple of boxes outside with him.”

  Blake appeared next, his black hair tousled and wet leaves stuck to his sleeve. He carried a bowl of curry fresh from the microwave. As he shot me that scintillating grin of his, I remembered what he’d said to me last night. A shiver of power raced along my spine.

  Finally, Arthur’s bulk appeared in the doorway. He wore one his black metal t-shirts with the incephiperable band logo across the front. Sweat dripped from his body as he strode across the room and went to stand by the window.

  “Have a seat, Arthur. Or don’t, if you don’t want to. Standing is fine. “ I babbled.

  “You’re nervous,” Corbin said. “Maeve, is something wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. Finally, something is actually right. Or, at least it could be right. I’m wondering… I don’t know…” Heat flared into my cheeks. I took a deep breath and started again. “You’re right, I’m nervous. I want to say something to all of you, and it’s a bit unconventional, and I don’t know how you’re going to take it.”

  “You’ve decided to give up the space programme to become goalie of the Shamrock Rovers?” Flynn asked, flicking a red curl out of his eye.

  ”Shut up for a minute and let her talk,” Arthur said.

  “Corbin explained to me that as the High Priestess, I draw my power from sexual encounters.” My cheeks flared with heat. How the hell was I going to get through this without dying? It wasn’t so hard bei
ng with the guys, but talking about it … yeesh. “We’ve seen this happen in practice, how I gained more power after each, um … encounter with one or more of you.” The heat spread down the back of my neck. I must look like a tomato. The guys exchanged looks – Flynn and Corbin and Blake smug, Rowan intense, Arthur furious.

  “I know you all had an agreement that you’d try not to compete for me, that you’d sit back and let me choose which one of you would become my magistor, whom I would use to draw down my power. I know that I have complete autonomy here – that I can choose any of you, or someone outside of this coven, or no one at all.”

  I took a deep breath. “I’ve decided that I don’t want to choose.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut. There. I’d said it. I given voice to the darkest perversion – to the thought that had occupied my mind ever since I’d seen that drawing of an orgy in our coven’s grimoire, ever since I’d thumbed through the pages of Sacred Polyamory and discovered that this thing inside me had a long and complex history.


  Why isn’t anyone saying anything? I didn’t dare open my eyes, half expecting them all to have fled after my announcement. But no, I could still feel the weight of them in the room, their silence saying everything as loudly as it could.

  A lump rose in my throat. Tears pressed at the corners of my eyes. I read this all wrong. They think I’m a freak. I should have known they’d never go for it.

  After an eternity, Corbin cleared his throat. “Just to be clear, you want…”

  “All of you,” I choked out. “Together, or individually. I don’t care which.”

  “You mean…” Flynn’s voice lifted. I still couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes.

  “She means she wants us to shag all her holes at once,” Blake said.

  “Well, fiddle-de -dee.” Flynn sounded stunned.

  I opened one eye, than the other. All my guys were still there, looking from one to the other like they were just meeting for the first time. Corbin glared at Blake, who loudly chewed a mouthful of butter chicken. “Do you have to be so crass?”

  Blake shoved another spoonful into his mouth. “My curry was getting cold waiting for you all to say what you’re thinking. As the resident expert on this, I thought I’d fill you in.”

  I glanced at him. ‘You’ve … done this before?”

  “Fae don’t exactly have any hang ups about monogamy,” Blake tore off a triangle of garlic naan and dipped it into his bowl. “One of the only good things about being banished to an alternative reality is that we missed all those centuries of English sexual repression. So, as soon as I finished this curry, what’s say we bend you over that desk and—”

  “Fuck!” Arthur growled.

  I whipped around just in time to see an orange flame leap from the door. Flynn raised his hand, firing a jet of water straight across the room. The flame sizzled out, leaving a large black stain on the door jamb.

  “So …” my mouth had gone completely dry. “What are you guys thinking?”

  “I’m in,” Corbin said immediately.

  My stomach flipped.

  “Me too,” Rowan added in his quiet voice. He glanced up from the floor, and gave me a shy smile that melted away a fraction of my nerves.

  “As long as none of you English bastards touches my junk, I’m keen,” Flynn added.

  “Oh, Princess,” Blake said. “I’ll give it to you any way you want it.”

  I glanced at the window. “Arthur?”

  Please, please, it won’t be the same without my warrior prince—

  Arthur’s face twisted into a scowl. “No.”

  “Jesus, mate.” Flynn’s eyes opened wide. “Are you mad? An offer like this doesn’t come along every day.”

  “Maybe not for you,” Blake said, slurping the last of his curry.

  “I said, no.” Arthur spun on his heel, and stormed off down the hall, slamming the library door behind him.

  My heart plummeted. He looked really upset. I knew after that conversation we’d had the other day, that he was having trouble with the way things were in the house. But I thought once we had everything out in the open, and he saw that the other guys were okay with everything, that he’d come around.

  No. That’s not fair. I couldn’t push Arthur or expect him to comply. I was asking something pretty extreme. I had to respect his decision, as much as my stomach plummeted to think he wouldn’t be part of this.

  I have the other four, but it doesn’t feel right without Arthur. It doesn’t...

  The four guys stared at me, their faces burning with desire.

  Okay, maybe it felt right enough. For now.

  “Forget him,” Blake wiped his mouth on his sleeve. “When do you want to begin?”

  “Um …”

  Before I could even think, Blake flew across the room, his lips on mine. He tasted like curry and hot, unbridled lust.

  I forgot about Arthur. I forgot about everything except Blake’s lips on mine, the heat of his tongue, the way his hands seemed to be everywhere at once – tangled in my hair, stroking my cheeks, wrapped around my ass, cupping my breasts.

  Corbin came up behind me, pressing his strong chest against my back. He kissed along the edge of my neck, dragging his teeth over my collarbone.

  “Make room.” Flynn pushed Blake over a little. He leaned in and fiddled with the buttons on my shirt. Another hand snaked around my stomach. Rowan, of course, his touch tender and searching.

  Enlivened by their touch, my body buzzed and tingled. My power rose up from my toes, humming against the inside of my skin.

  “Let’s get her on the couch,” Corbin said.

  Hands lifted me, carrying me across the room. Faces and bookshelves and carved ceiling details swam in front of my eyes. The boys laid me down, unzipped my skirt, slid it down over my hips and taking my underwear with it. Flynn tossed my clothes and underwear at the globe bar..

  “No fair,” I moaned as their hands explored my body, causing the ache and the power inside me to writhe and surge. “None of you are naked.”

  Four pairs of hands removed themselves from my skin, leaving me wet and wanting as they scrambled to remove their clothing. I cried out with relief when Corbin was the first to kick off his jeans and boxers and bent over me, his chest pressing against mine as he took my mouth in his. His eyes burned with need, and I longed to give him everything he desired and deserved.

  “I want the first taste of her,” Blake said, tossing his grey shirt over the bar globe. His head dived between my legs. I moaned as his tongue found my clit, lapping at me with an insatiable hunger, My fingers curled around the sofa cushions as he dived his tongue deep inside me, fluttering it like a butterfly until I writhed and arched my hips towards him.

  Princess, Blake’s voice boomed inside my skull. If you can hear this, clench that delicious arse of yours.

  Too turned on to be afraid, I did as he commanded.

  Good. Okay, I have an idea, and if we stop to discuss it with the others, Corbin will get all school teacher on us, and this hot thing we’ve got going on won’t happen. So I’m not going to do that. We’ll just roll with it. Clench again – once for yes, twice for no.

  I clenched once. Corbin’s mouth met mine, his lips devouring me.

  All five of us in this room is going to raise up some serious power, especially with the two of us. Even without the fire witch, I think you and I might be aroused enough to seriously strengthen the wards around the gateway. All we have to do is wait until the right time, just before we all blow, and then channel that power. Clench once if you agree.

  I clenched again. Blake’s fingers dug into my skin, his tongue pounding at my clit.

  That’s my girl. I can’t wait to see you ride all four of us. Leave everything else to me. You just focus on calling up your power.

  That was easy. With mouths and hands trailed all over my body, my power bubbled to the surface, pressing against the inside of my skin. Flynn’s mouth closed around one nipple,
and Rowan took the other. Corbin cupped the back of my head, mashing my mouth against his, stealing my panting breaths with kisses that begged to claim every part of me.

  My muffled moans filled the library. Four tongues and eight hands licked and stroked every part of me, drawing up a deep ache within me, that bayed and pawed at my skin, desperate for release. Beneath my skin, my power bubbled, hot and confident and poised for its own release.

  We’re really doing this. I’m really having all four guys at once. This is what it feels like to be worshipped. This is what it was to channel the heathen gods and embrace my true heritage.

  I lived my life on the straight and narrow, working hard, feeding on the triumphs of science and the curiosity of the human condition, trying to be grateful for the second chance I’d been given in America. But I never fit in there. I’d never been able to make myself believe in what I had to believe to be part of that world. And trying to mould myself to please it got me nothing … got me dead parents who didn’t deserve their fate and my one chance at a happy life stripped away.


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