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Sapphire Flame: A Paranormal Romance (The Flame Series Book 7)

Page 12

by Caris Roane

  ~ ~ ~

  Natalie swiped at her tears then dropped to her knees beside Neil. Grant joined her.

  She felt for a pulse which she found strong and steady. “He’s alive. What’s wrong with him?”

  “It’s the transition process. He’s becoming a wizard. It appears to be a difficult, painful process.”

  “What should we do?”

  “I’ll get Agnes to get someone to take him back to his house. I know she has a van.”


  He stood up and pulled his phone from the pocket of his leathers.

  As Grant walked up the aisle and talked things over with Agnes, Natalie took Neil’s hand in her own and spoke quietly to him.

  It wasn’t long before Neil’s eyelids began to shift about. His face twisted into a serious grimace and it seemed to her that his muscles began seizing, especially his arms and legs. It reminded her of what it had been like to become an alter as if the process of transitioning to wizard was similar. The thought that anyone in Five Bridges would have to repeat the experience made her cringe.

  When Neil’s eyes finally opened, he pulled his hand from hers. At first, she thought it was because of Grant. But she soon realized her attempt to comfort him had added to his suffering.

  Grant approached and kept his voice low as he dropped to one knee and addressed Neil. “Agnes is on her way. She’s got a stretcher and intends to get you home. She’s got a warlock driver who will see you safely into Elegance. A wolf, too, so you can cross through Savage without harm.” Revel, being directly across from Elegance, didn’t share a bridge with this territory. The van would have to cross two bridges and clear two separate checkpoints before Neil would be home free.

  Neil only nodded. “This will pass.”

  “I know.” Grant’s lips quirked. “Thank you for helping out tonight.”

  The doors opened, and Agnes came in on a run with her staff behind her. Natalie moved back with Grant and let them work. Agnes had a fat syringe with her and to Neil’s protests, she uttered a sharp, “Shut up, spell-boy. You’re getting the juice. It’s my own concoction, though you’ll probably fall asleep within five minutes.”

  Natalie liked Agnes a lot.

  Agnes didn’t bother with an alcohol disinfectant. Alter species didn’t need protection from germs. Instead, she jabbed his arm and unloaded the contents.

  Within seconds, his whole body relaxed. Neil was soon smiling and said, “Agnes, I think I should marry you.”

  At that she laughed. She directed her men and had him loaded onto the stretcher. She walked beside him up the aisle and asked for his address and any pertinent security info her men would need to get inside his island domicile.

  They moved swiftly to the doors, then passed through. Another staff member closed the chapel doors behind them.

  The room was quiet once more. All that bustle, now nothing.

  Except her own thoughts.

  Natalie moved to the front pew, turned and dropped into the cushion. She planted her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands. She hardly knew which aspect of the past fifteen minutes to take up first.

  Grant remained where he was and for that she was grateful. She needed time to think. Maybe he did as well.

  There were a couple of hours before dawn, so there was no rush to head home. As it was, her house was only a few minutes’ flight from Agnes’s compound. She was grateful for levitation.

  Besides, she wasn’t tired at all. Full of dread, maybe. Certainly, a growing rage. But not fatigue.

  So, Kryder had taken the lives of her husband and her baby because he wanted the use of her fae powers at some fixed yet unknown point in the future. He’d pumped the strawberry pie full of fae alter serum. She couldn’t imagine the kind of mind that would plan six years in advance. Clearly, he’d seen something in the future where she could prove useful to him.

  She glanced up at Grant. “Kryder must be working with an alter fae who in turn keeps tabs on me in the future.”

  “That would make sense.”

  Grant sighed heavily as he joined her on the pew bench. He didn’t try to take her hand or in any way connect with her physically. She was glad. Again, too much to think about.

  “So now you know the truth.”

  “Now I know,” she murmured. She leaned against the cushioned back and once more looked at the wood carving of the water. “Now I have reason to despise Kryder as much as you do.”

  “To say the least.”

  She narrowed her gaze, letting it fall to the candles. “He must be an arrogant man.”

  “That would be just the beginning of a long list of flaws.”

  “I don’t know how to process all of this.”

  “Take your time.”

  Heat radiated off his body. She realized he was angry. No doubt the discovery that Kryder was the invisible presence stalking her was bringing up his own set of memories.

  She did, however, take his advice. She knew what she needed to do because it sat just beyond her confusion. Only, she didn’t want to explore her grief again. But there it was in the waters off Cape Town, with the penguins Grace would never get to see.

  With her gaze fixed to the wood carving of water, she let the sensations of terrible loss roll through her and have their way once more. It was the only way to dispel them. She knew from experience that the tighter she held herself to avoid whatever feelings were troubling her, the worse she felt.

  The only way to get over something was to go through it. She lived by that admonition.

  She recalled being in the parking lot at El Pedregal in north Phoenix. The sun had already set. She remembered the joy of buying something her husband loved. She wanted Aaron to have his pie. She wanted to hear him make his peculiar grunt of enjoyment when he was savoring something he loved. He’d sometimes made that sound when he made love to her.

  Then she’d felt a presence in the parking lot but had dismissed it. She’d looked around carefully. The pie had been in a taped box, so it couldn’t have been tampered with in the parking lot.

  She recalled now that one of the servers behind the counter had slipped while taking care of her pie. It had been left exposed to the air. So, that’s when Kryder had infected her pie.

  The grief she felt began to dissipate quickly. Another emotion, much more powerful began to surface. She already knew what Kryder had done to Renee and what he’d intended for Talya. Grant had also shared the nature of Kryder’s evil dominance rapes of his own pack members, feigning desire with seduction then ending with a brutal violation.

  She couldn’t imagine what this felt like to wolves who relied on their alphas for leadership, for justice, and for community. How would anyone ever feel safe?

  She thought about her own bizarre, iridescent wolf-sign, about Grant and about his pack. She knew with a clarity she rarely felt how she wanted to move forward, what she needed to do to make things right for herself. “I want to help you bring Kryder down.”


  She shifted in her seat, enough so that she could look at him in the face. “Your alpha took the most precious things in the world from both of us. I can’t even imagine the countless others he’s either killed or injured both physically and psychologically. He needs to go.”

  “I appreciate the sentiment because unseating him has been my primary objective from the time Renee died. But exactly what do you have in mind?”

  She huffed a sigh. “I’m not a warrior. Not even close. But I do have unusually strong futurist skills. I could be of use. Apparently, Kryder can attest to that. However, there’s something more. In fact, it was the reason I contacted you in the first place this evening and it has nothing to do with invisible alters.”

  “Right, I saw your wolf-sign.”

  “It started earlier and shocked the hell out of me. I don’t know what it is or what it can do. It makes no sense to me. Still, it is wolf, isn’t it? I mean you saw it.”

  “It’s definitely wolf. I respond
ed to the sign with instant recognition. But taking Kryder on won’t be simple. He’s cunning and he’s patient. He’s already proved both qualities in his actions toward you.”

  “I know. I’ve been here six years and in all that time he’s never approached me.”

  She looked away from Grant. Did she really want to do this? She had never been a vengeful person. Just the opposite.

  Yet here she was talking about assassination. There was, however, an alternative. “At the very least, he should be tried and convicted then sent to Death Valley.”

  “Yes, at the very least.” Grant overlaid her arm with his hand.

  Sudden, unexpected tears stung her eyes. “I don’t know what’s happening to me. Am I turning into a wolf? And why is my wolf iridescent and so colorful?”

  He chuckled. “How long have you had these manifestations?”

  “They first appeared at my home just a little while ago after I’d finished my studio work.”

  The warmth of his hand still pressing on her arm soothed her yet excited her at the same time.

  As she focused on his touch, she turned inward and sought the part of her that was wolf. With Grant so close, it seemed the most natural thing in the world to bring it forward. She could feel the lines of her cheeks grow warm, both wrists and a V-line down her chest.

  “Your wolf is beautiful.”

  She lifted her gaze to Grant. His eyes had lightened, and the beginnings of gold rings rimmed his irises.

  The moment caught and held as though their wolves together had the ability to slow-time. He took her hand then rose to his feet, drawing her with him.

  He leaned toward her, his head angled.

  The wolf sensations deepened and spread. She knew he was going to kiss her and right now, with time stopped, she wanted nothing more.

  As his lips touched hers, she swore she could hear her wolf howling in response. His arm slid around her back and he drew her close.

  His lips pushed at hers, encouraging her to open for him. She parted her lips and he groaned as his tongue penetrated her mouth.

  Again, her wolf howled. She forgot about the world and focused instead on the miracle of a man kissing her and how much, for the first time in six long years, she was enjoying being kissed. His lips were warm, and his tongue was making all kinds of erotic promises.

  She’d just committed herself to helping bring down a powerful alpha wolf of Savage Territory. She’d aligned herself with Grant. Maybe she could justify the connection because of Kryder, but she couldn’t pretend she didn’t understand exactly where this was going.

  When he drew back, his hand slid possessively to the back of her neck.

  “I want you.” He was breathing hard. “If we work together…” He didn’t finish the sentence. He didn’t need to.

  She responded by sliding her arms around his neck and kissing him hard in return.

  He groaned once more. She was about to suggest they go somewhere private, when suddenly she felt movement near her. She drew back and saw a flow of iridescence streak by.

  Grant saw it as well. “What was that?”

  She gasped softly. “My wolf. I can’t believe it.” As it began to slow, there, in sparkling color, was the most beautiful glowing wolf she could ever have imagined.

  “My wolf,” she repeated softly. “I’m part wolf. A new aberration.”

  Grant glanced at her. “We’re all aberrations. But your wolf is exquisite.”

  She drew in a ragged breath. The wolf sat on her haunches, tongue lolling, waiting. Her wolf.

  On instinct, she reached a hand toward the wolf and with a drawing back movement, whispered, “Come to me.”

  The wolf disintegrated like sparkling snow. A rush of energy arrived, thumped her chest, then sped through her body as though a warm wave of water passed through her.

  She breathed, deeply aware that even her eyesight was different as though she and her wolf looked out at the world together.

  Grant’s cut-lumber scent had grown strong or maybe her ability to smell him had increased. Gold rimmed his eyes and fur lined his cheeks.

  “My wolf wants to run,” she said. “Grant, would you take me to Savage, to your pine forest? I want my wolf to race through the trees.”

  He smiled. “Let’s do it.”

  After saying good-by to Agnes, Natalie left the compound with Grant then rose swiftly into the air. She’d met her wolf and accepted her. They were one.

  Grant’s voice entered her head. I’ll need to shift. Would you like to ride on my back?

  For a moment, she thought he meant for her to climb on his back midair which would have been awkward and strange. Then she realized he was asking if she wanted to ride him like a horse through the forest when he was in wolf-form. I’m not too big for you? She was a tall woman and no lightweight.

  He chuckled aloud and took her hand as they flew. Not at all. He then drew her against his side. I want you close right now as we cross into Savage.

  She had no problem pressing up against him, though it took some doing to coordinate their flight styles. Natalie had always loved that she had this ability. Levitated flight rocked.

  It only took a couple of minutes to reach the forest in the middle of Savage Territory. Once on solid ground and just off the main running path, she stood back as Grant shifted. She watched him carefully, she and her inner wolf. He stood upright but didn’t remove his clothes or anything else he had on him. Even a wallet or a small weapon would be absorbed in his wolf transformation.

  He winked at her then smiled. She could feel his shifting energy rise. Her wolf howled within her and sudden desire sent shivers over her skin. Her sex tightened. Her breaths came faster. The air streamed quickly around him as fur began to replace Grant all at once.

  The transformation took mere seconds then he was before her, pacing and stretching, feeling his wolf.

  He was a beauty of dark brown fur with a buff streak from his snout, over his head and down his back to his tail.

  He was massive and at least twice the size of a normal wolf. No wonder he had chuckled when she expressed her concern about carrying her weight.

  He drew up next to her and turned his head in her direction to meet her gaze. Hop on.

  Another sharp intake of air. Was she really doing this? Hell, yeah! Maybe because she had her own wolf, but she knew what to do as she leaped on his back easily, grabbed the thick scruff at the neck and responded, Hit it, Wolf.

  With a thought and a swell of her chest, she let her wolf loose. The iridescence was easy to track as it flashed by in quick streaks.

  She forced herself to connect with her wolf and that was when the fun began. She saw what her wolf saw, and she could feel each loping stride.

  Faster, she urged Grant.

  Even though they were deep in the forest and the path was narrower, Grant sped up. My pleasure, pierced her mind in his lowest timbre.

  The next few minutes were spent racing throws the woods. Her mind spun, and her heart pounded in her chest. She felt lighter than air.

  Grant only started to slow when they reached the edge of the forest. He finally stopped within sight of the path. Her wolf joined him, pacing and panting.

  She dismounted, and Grant transformed back into his human shape. He glanced at her wolf as well, then at her.

  All she could smell was the pine of the woods and a tall stack of fresh-cut lumber.

  He’d retained some of his fur and it was like a magnet. She drew close and glided her fingers along his cheekbones, savoring the texture of his fur. It was soft but had strength, nothing silky. He was breathing hard and his eyes were fully gold this time.

  He surrounded her with his arms. A hand traveled swiftly to her bottom and pressed. He arched his hips, so she could feel his arousal.

  “This is what I want, what I need from you, Natalie, right now.”

  “I’m all in, Grant. Don’t doubt it for a second.”

  His lips crashed down on hers and his tongue slid dee
p into her mouth. She held him fiercely.

  His hips ground into her. Every part of her body needed him.

  I want my clothes off. Oh, God, Grant, take me somewhere. Anywhere. Please.

  Suddenly, her wolf barked only not with pleasure. A growl followed

  She drew back.

  Something’s wrong. Grant said.

  I know.

  She pulled away from him and on instinct connected strongly with her wolf. Through her wolf’s eyes, she could see the shape of a man outlined in shimmery blue.

  She directed her thoughts to Grant. Someone’s here. A man. My wolf can see him.

  Re-focusing her vision to her fae eyes, she could now see the blue aura as well. She recognized the thick, heavy features and massive muscles.

  Kryder. He’s here.

  So, she really had been spied on all this time and Kryder was the man who’d forced her alter transformation and destroyed her family. Anger rose in a burning hot stream. She shouted, “Get out of here, asshole! I’m onto you.”

  With that, he disappeared through the trees.

  ~ ~ ~

  Grant looked around but saw no one. “Kryder was here? Just now?”


  “And you actually said those words to him?” He was unsettled by the sudden intrusion, yet at the same time, his lips curved.

  “Guess I did.”

  He stared at Natalie. Maybe it was her words. Maybe her attitude. Or maybe that her wolf was visible to him and had emerged as her protector.

  Whatever the reason, Grant believed he was seeing Natalie for the first time. She was a woman of courage. She’d already proven as much. But that she would stand up to Kryder by provoking him head-on, brought even more fur lining his cheeks and the backs of his hands.

  His desire for her sharpened once more, a strong need to put this woman on her back and make her his. Now.

  He almost reached for her, but she whipped around to face him. “Did you see Kryder or the blue aura?”

  “No.” Her questions and the fire in her eyes, brought him back to his senses and to the reality of the moment at hand.


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