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Sapphire Flame: A Paranormal Romance (The Flame Series Book 7)

Page 35

by Caris Roane

  Grant chuckled. I want a big celebration after the day’s sleep. Pull out all the stops. Whatever you need to purchase from Phoenix, I will personally pay for everything. We’re coming home.

  But as Grant ended the connection, a streak of doubt shot through him.

  Natalie squeezed his waist. “I felt that. What’s troubling you?”

  He took charge of the dreamglide and swung it south. He set a slower speed than before. “I want my pack to love you and accept you, but I don’t know how that’s going to work.”

  “I’ve wondered the same thing. Did you tell Ryan we were bonded?”

  “I did.”

  “What was his reaction?”

  “He about shredded my mind up with his telepathic shouting.”

  “So, he likes the idea.”

  “Yes, but he’s my go-to guy, my best support.”

  “Does the pack respect him?”


  “Then I say we’re gold.”

  He chuckled, grateful all over again that Natalie had come into his life.

  ~ ~ ~

  Natalie might have spoken with confidence, but she was far from feeling it. Wolves had set ways of doing things and pack order was a huge part of life in Savage. So much so that even Kryder’s depredations wouldn’t allow the pack to get rid of him or to disobey him without consequence. So, would they really accept her as Grant’s mate?

  She supposed ultimately it didn’t matter whether they did or not. She was bonded to Grant and nothing, except death, could undo that bond.

  She kept her head pinned to his shoulder as the dreamglide sped quickly over the terrain of the Pacific coast. It was daylight now and she smiled with happiness and wonder that they could travel in all this light but not be affected by it.

  Gratitude flooded her, of being with Grant, of the sudden, powerful changes in her life, of all that had come to her over the past several days. She was overwhelmed.

  “I love you, Grant.”

  “Same here, Sweetheart.”

  Sweetheart. Now there was a word she never thought to hear again as long as she lived. She sighed, her heart full.

  “So, are we returning to Agnes’s compound?”

  “If it’s all right with you, I’ll have a human service pick up your things and bring them to the compound. That should serve you until tonight. But I need to be with my pack. Later, we can make a trip to your canal home. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds perfect, as long as I’m with you.”



  “I just realized how many things we’ll have to settle. Your canal home for one.”

  The reality that she’d bonded herself to a wolf suddenly had new ramifications. “I love my home, Grant.” The thought of giving it up for good did not feel right.

  “Hey. I don’t want you to think for one moment that I expect you to give up your house or your life in Revel just because we’re together. You’re more than just my woman. As much as I’d love to wrap you up and keep you locked in my bedroom—” He paused to kiss the top of her head, “I value all that you are. We’ll take this one step at a time.”

  She looked up at him. “I get it now.”

  “What?” He glanced down at her then back at the horizon to keep the dreamglide on track.

  “Why I fell in love with you. Why Renee loved you like she did.”

  His brows rose. She could see he was surprised. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about. Care to be more specific?”

  “You respect women. I mean you really do. You see us and not just how we might fit into your life.”

  He frowned slightly. “I suppose I do, but I got that from my dad. He adored my mother and he always let her know how much he appreciated her. He often spoke about how so much of the burden of the world is put on the backs of women.” He chuckled softly. “I remember reading once about the Old West and how it was a cruel place until women started arriving. Women brought civilization. It was the same thing for me until you arrived. You’ve changed everything. The Meldorin Pack will no longer be savage. We’ll be able to do some good and that’s all about you.”

  Natalie had never felt so honored. “It’s more about us, than about me, don’t you think? It’s us. What we are together that we could never be alone.”

  At that, he drew the dreamglide to a stop so that they were hovering in the air somewhere above California. He took her in his arms and kissed her.

  Natalie leaned into him and embraced as much of him as she could. Her heart was so full. She loved, and she was loved.

  You mean the world to me, Natalie. Everything.

  Tears stung her eyes. She remained holding him for a long time and he didn’t let go. There were so many different ways to bond. Physical connection in the form of a hug was definitely one of them.

  When at last she drew back, she was surprised to find tears in his eyes. He chuckled and wiped them away with the heels of his palms. “I’m not usually like this but I’m overwhelmed with your presence in my life. I thought it would be years before I could challenge Kryder. Make no mistake, I’d sent a few prayers heavenward asking for help.”

  She smiled and caressed his cheek. “Then Renee came.”

  “She did, didn’t she?”

  “If she hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been in the Graveyard to fire off that critical shot with my Glock.”

  A smile replaced his tears. “You are so my kind of woman.”

  “And you’re my kind of man.” She gestured with a sweep of her hand southeast. “We’d better get going or Ryan will start to worry.”

  “You’ve figured him out,” he said, setting the dreamglide once more in motion, “Because that’s exactly what he’ll do. He’s been the best right-hand man a wolf could ask for.”

  His choice of words made her smile.

  As the dreamglide flew over the Colorado River, she asked, “So will you continue as a Border Patrol officer?”

  He shook his head. “No. I’ve already resigned. It wasn’t a problem. My boss was happy to hear I’d finally taken over the pack. He wished us well. He knew what Kryder was and will be even happier to know he’s gone for good. Pack business will become my main focus, though I think I’ll want to expand beyond the pack as well.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve been thinking for some time that I want to work with Fergus and Mary. A good portion of their time and energy is being spent trying to acquire land in the White Mountains for the wolves. We need space to run and miles of forest would be exactly what we need. But we’ve got to have Federal support to get the job done.”

  “The thought of land to run has my own wolf jumping.”

  He squeezed her waist. “I love your wolf.”

  She smiled as he pitched the dreamglide to the east. The Sonoran Desert was stretched about before them.

  Her thoughts drifted toward her former life, her clients, her canal home. She really didn’t want to give up her house, but she was less certain about her futurist business. She had an extremely well-paying clientele. “Grant, there’s something I think you should know as we move forward.”

  He glanced down at her. “Now I’m worried because you’re frowning.”

  “Well, the truth is, we don’t know each other very well and I guess I’m not sure how you’ll take this, but my annual income is over a million a year.”

  “Holy fuck. I had no idea.”

  “I’m pretty accurate with the information I acquire on behalf of my clients and they pay well for it. I also do a lot of research beforehand to make sure I cover enough future events to support my findings.

  “The thing is, a good part of my income supports both Kiara’s refuge and Agnes’s compound. I believe in what each of them has been doing for as many years as they’ve been here. They are both selfless people.”

  “Just like you.”

  “Funny. I don’t think of myself as selfless. Just look at my home.”

nbsp; “It’s beautiful and I don’t want you to give it up. Or your profession. It sounds like your help has done more for Revel and for Savage wolves than just about anything else I’ve heard of. Please know that I will support whatever you want to do, whatever you feel is best for you and for your territory.”

  “I guess what I need to know is what you’ll expect of me where your pack is concerned. Will I be the alpha female?”

  “That depends on how the pack views you and right now I can’t predict what that will be like. We’ll know very soon, however.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Tonight, at the celebration, how the wolves defer to you, whether they incline their heads in submission, will tell us both what their views will be. I’m hoping they will take the submissive stance. If the pack doesn’t, things could become strained.”

  “Now you’re frightening me. Yet, I can’t stand the thought of anyone ‘submitting’ to me.”

  “I’ll bet your wolf understands.”

  “Right. My wolf. I keep forgetting she’s part of me.” She took a moment to release her wolf and just like that, she understood the necessity of the hierarchy. “Oh, I see.”

  He shifted to look at her. “Ah. You’ve brought your wolf forward.”

  “Seemed sensible.”

  As the dreamglide traveled above Interstate 10, Natalie fell silent. She felt apprehensive about greeting the Meldorin Pack again. Fortunately, she wouldn’t have to worry about it until this evening.

  Soon, she recognized the White Tanks, a mountain range west of Phoenix. They’d be home soon.

  But as Grant angled the dreamglide toward north Phoenix and began his descent, Natalie realized she was more than ready for bed. Getting rid of Kryder had taken a toll and she wanted to sleep the entire day away if she possibly could.

  The pine tree forest of Savage appeared and Grant slowed the dreamglide. The Meldorin Compound came into view. He didn’t appear to hesitate but took the dreamglide through the walls with ease.

  Natalie had to close her eyes. Yes, they were on a separate plane, but those walls were made of hard stuff. It was one thing to pilot the dreamglide up and over most landmarks. Quite another, to breeze through walls because they existed in a different reality.

  She saw at once that her plans for sleep would have to wait. She switched to telepathy, since if either of them spoke they could be heard. Grant, what is this? What’s going on? It looks like the entire pack is assembled.

  The dreamglide hovered inside the oversized foyer though no one could see them.

  Let me contact Ryan.

  After a moment, as proof contact had been made, Ryan directed the pack to move back and create a circle in the center of the foyer.

  Once the people had created an open, central area, Grant lowered the dreamglide to the floor. He let go of her, but only enough to take her hand. I’m going to release us now.

  I’m ready.

  The dreamglide simply vanished and they stood, perfectly materialized, in the center of the circle. A series of exclamations erupted at their sudden appearance, then a cheer that rocked the roof if not the heavens. It was deafening.

  Ryan stepped forward and first the men smiled at each other, then a hearty bro-hug followed. Each of the men laughed. Ryan had tears running down his cheeks. As the crowd continued to cheer, Natalie heard Ryan say, “I wasn’t sure I’d see you again.”

  Grant reached for Natalie, slid an arm around her waist then drew her close. “You can thank Natalie. This was her plan.”

  Ryan turned to Natalie. Her wolf rose up to hover in the air right next to her face, something she’d never done before. She wasn’t sure if Ryan could see her wolf or not. If he could, he kept his gaze pinned to Natalie then slowly inclined his head in a submissive bow.

  He waited until the crowd quieted before he said, “I welcome you to the Meldorin Pack, Natalie, bonded mate to our Alpha and Alpha in your own right.”

  Natalie was stunned. She wanted to ask, ‘Are you sure?’ Instead, her wolf gave her a quick nudge. “Thank you for such a warm greeting. I’m honored to be here and to have Alpha Grant as my mate.”

  Ryan lifted his head and smiled. He spoke telepathically. Well done.

  He then turned to the pack. “Will you join me in welcoming our new alpha female to the Meldorin Pack?”

  What followed stunned her even more as a new, thunderous cheer once more shook every beam in the roof above.

  Shortly afterward, the pack began to form a line, a very long, two-hundred-person line. Grant’s voice broke into her mind, They will want to show their acceptance and submission now. All you have to do is take or touch each hand, whatever feels right to you. Can you do that, Natalie? Or is it too much?

  She turned toward Grant and because her wolf once more nudged her, she lifted her lips to him and kissed him. It’s not too much at all.

  When she drew back, his eyes had turned to a gorgeous gold and fur once again lined his cheeks. Her own wolf stayed very close to her, levitating beside her.

  Once more, the wolves cheered, a good sign she was being accepted.

  As she moved down the line, she was overwhelmed at the inclining of heads and often a hand was placed over the heart at the same time. She heard more ‘thank you’s’ than she ever thought possible from both males and females. Her acceptance was universal. No one balked or did anything but graciously acknowledge her relationship to Grant.

  She touched shoulders, hands and occasionally was embraced by the wolves especially those who had been on the sandpit net-team. Her heart grew full to bursting with so much emotion and pure gratitude.

  The experience humbled her but at the same time helped her to feel she truly belonged.

  Grant moved along the line behind her. For him, there was a lot more chatter and laughter. He loved his pack and they loved him. For herself, she stayed focused on each person, on making eye-contact and waiting for that odd vibration which she quickly came to understand was her own bond with the pack.

  By the time she greeted the last person, instead of feeling tired, a tremendous sense of exhilaration had taken possession of her mind and her body.

  But the night had been long and most of the wolves needed to head to bed. The wolves soon began taking off one by one.

  She stayed with Grant until the last of the pack had left the foyer. He took her hand and led her down the two flights of stairs to his bedroom. As they entered the hall that led to his rooms, she was surprised to find one of the female kitchen-staff pushing a cart toward Grant’s door.

  The woman called out, “Chef thought you might like a meal before the day’s sleep.”

  “We would. Thanks.”

  “Of course. Good night.” She bowed respectfully then headed back up the hall.

  Grant opened the door for Natalie, but she slipped under his arm and pushed the tray inside.

  “Hey, I would have done that,” he called after her, but she heard the laughter in his voice.

  “I’ll make you work for it later. For now, I’ve got two hands and two feet. I can push a cart.”

  He chuckled.

  She navigated the cart over to the living area then, lifting a silver dome, discovered the most delectable pasta with chicken, mushrooms and wine sauce. “I’ve just died and gone to heaven.”

  He lifted the other domed cover and there was his favorite, a T-bone, blood rare. He made an odd gurgling-growling sound, both human and wolf.

  Neither was polite. She grabbed her plate and sat cross-legged in a chair scooping the pasta into her mouth. Getting rid of bad guys was intensely hard work. She was famished.

  Grant, no less so. He put his plate on the coffee table, picked up the steak with both hands and leaned over enough to keep the juices from hitting the floor.

  Her wolf loved it and jumped all around Grant as he ate.

  She kept laughing. He smiled as well when his peripheral would catch an iridescent flash here and there.

  A bath in his huge tub cam
e next something they shared together. It was long, luxurious and ended with most of the water getting sloshed onto the tile floor as they made love.

  Finally, in bed for the day, she still wasn’t ready for sleep. Grant spooned her but kept sighing.

  “Can’t sleep?” she asked.

  “Not yet.” His voice was a deep resonance against her ear. “How about we check out the Eiffel Tower.”

  She rolled onto her back to look up at him. “We could even go naked.”

  He nodded and smiled. She could feel the spell surround her as he said, “Begin.”

  He then built the dreamglide and within seconds they’d left Phoenix and were hurtling toward Paris. They weren’t physically in the dreamglide this time. Instead, they went the old-fashioned way so that their corporeal bodies were still in bed.

  He made love to her back in their new bedroom.

  But in the dreamglide, they were soon making a turn around the Eiffel Tower. Paris was the most romantic city in the world and she was here with her wolf.

  It was early evening in Paris. The sun was just setting while it was mid-morning in Phoenix. He held her close and kissed her often as the dreamglide flew in a slow circle around the tower.

  “You’re making love to me. It’s wonderful to experience both things, seeing so much beauty here while having you inside me on the bed.”

  He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. We can go back now if you want.”

  He smiled and at the same time dissolved the dreamglide so that she was now back on the bed with his body moving over hers.

  He was hard inside her and began to push faster. “You feel so damn good.”

  He drove them both to ecstasy, a quick ride full of the bond that now held them together as a couple. She cried out when pleasure came, and he howled a satisfied sound that would remain in her memories forever.

  Afterward, as Grant drifted off to sleep, she rose from the bed. She could sense something was yet unfinished.

  On instinct, she went to the closet and found one of Grant’s robes. Though it was oversized and dragged on the floor, she put it on.

  The end of the running track. She heard Renee’s voice and immediately left the bedroom and went to the far end of the track where she could see three misty forms waiting for her.


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