Lotus Flower Bomb: The Mogul Series Book Two
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Glaring while griping both women’s proffered fingers with hers, Flower hissed, “You guys act like I don’t keep my word. I’ve already said that I would definitely come out with you again.”
“We know you keep your word, luv, but we also know that once you are safely ensconced in your tiny little hovel of an apartment, it will be hell dragging you out again,” Bridget tutted and bussed her cheek to soften her words. “You like people, but you’re so wary now…”
“Not without cause,” Evangelina was quick to add.
“No, not without cause. At the same time, we see our daring extrovert bestie turning into a hermit.” Bridget shrugged helplessly.
“I know. I promise to do better. I came over here to be with you guys and take some time for myself, and we have barely seen each other since I’ve been here.”
“That’s not all on you though,” Evangelina chimed in.
“Nope, you’re not the only one to blame either. This tech gig is crazy, the CEOs of this company are very demanding. Eva and I have been super busy working on this product launch.” Bridget hugged her by way of apologizing, “We promise to do better as well.”
“Bet,” Evangelina added and joined their hug. Flower knew how much the whole Tokyo adventure meant to her friends and their burgeoning IT engineering careers.
“Excuse me, ladies.” Looking up, Flower pulled away from her friends to see a man dressed in a black suit holding a chauffeur’s hat tucked under his arm bowing slightly before them, “My employer would like a word with you.”
“Told you one of you had a secret admirer.” Flower smirked, patting both girls on their shoulders. “And he’s probably a million years old,” She turned her head to the side of them so the driver couldn’t hear.
“Well, where is he?” Bridget sighed, being the most likely candidate. She was long, sexy, and cool. Men flocked to her to her dismay. She never understood what they saw in her, but Flower saw the appeal her friend held the moment they met in freshman English. There were very few men not attracted to her beautiful friend. Flower knew her friend would be polite and turn the person down gently. Her two friends were way too busy with their tech project for one of Tokyo’s biggest firms to allow any distractions. For TekMoto to pick their startup over some of the biggest firms with millions of dollars invested was a huge get, and they would allow nothing to impede their success. Flower was so proud to have the two trailblazers for her best friends. They wanted her to join their firm when they started, but she’d already been tasked with launching her brothers’ global brand at the time so she had to turn them down. They’d assured her that when she was ready, she had a place with BITE, their IT firm. Flower still had other plans though—she had a dream of creating movies about women of color, believing true representation mattered. She had the resources and could secure the backing and financing on her name alone. She would conquer the industry as soon as she finished helping her brothers launch their IPO.
“I beg your pardon, madam, but it is not you he wishes to see but your friend.”
Flower smiled over to Evangelina, whom she saw staring at her.
“What? Don’t keep the man waiting, Eva, you have to get some rest before work Monday, and you will need all day tomorrow to sleep.” Flower laughed in her friend’s face.
“He’s talking to you, dummy.” Eyes round as saucers, Evangelina looked back at Flower and blinked expectantly.
“I told you that dress was a dangerous.” Bridget laughed.
Flower felt heat race beneath her skin. She could not believe this. No one had ever bought her a drink just to meet her. There must be an angle. She would just go, be polite, and pretend to entertain whatever scheme they thought to get her brothers to invest in.
“Okay, show me the way.” She plastered a smile on her face as the driver led her to the car several feet away.
“We’ll be waiting right here for you, sweetie,” Evangelina called.
“Yeah, tell granddaddy, we said hi!” Bridget teased before both traitors burst into giggles.
Walking and wishing that her dress didn’t edge up any higher, Flower followed the driver to the car. Hopefully, this wouldn’t take too long. She would thank the person, decline any offers, and be in and out in less than five minutes—ten, tops. The car was a sleek black Rolls Royce, very elegant, a statement, but none of the ostentation that screamed nouveau riche. It was understated, giving the impression that it was a car to be used as intended. Having been around wealth most of her life, Flower knew how people with old money lived. No, the person who owned this vehicle had nothing to prove. He had it. He didn’t need to flaunt it.
As they reached the idling car, the driver moved smoothly in front of her and opened the door. She smiled her thanks as he offered her his hand to help her in. She was grateful he didn’t fully close the door, leaving it partially open and stood sentinel in front. She turned into the plush confines of the car, smoothing down the edges of her dress. Keeping her smile in place, she looked into the darkness of the car, and her breath caught.
The man sitting there was not an octogenarian— nowhere near it. He was a revelation. Flower couldn’t speak even if she had the words. A slight panic gripped her. She wasn’t prepared for this. On any level. This man was beautiful, way beyond handsome, and he had wanted to see her. She immediately concluded that this had to be about her brothers. That was the only thing that made sense.
“It pleases me you agreed to meet me.” The beautiful man bowed his head slightly, giving a view of his hair tied back in an intricate knot. His features were regal and held a certain hauteur. His energy was intense and rolled off him in waves. Everything about him was immaculate, from the way he sat to the way his arm lay over his crossed leg. He dominated the space. Flower was sure he commanded every room he entered.
“You’re welcome.” Flower wanted to kick herself for sounding like a breathier Marilyn Monroe. What was wrong with her? She was totally losing it. Clearing her throat, she tried again. “How may I help you?” She pushed as much steel into her voice as she could, going right back into her no-nonsense business mode as she did when managing her brothers’ business. This was where she was most comfortable. Being efficient, handling things, and woe to this dude no matter how gorgeous if he tried to pull a fast one regarding her brothers.
He quirked an eyebrow and leaned back. His eyes glittered at the challenge. His jaw flexed as if to say, “Accepted.” His black shirt pulled back tightly against his lean frame. Lean and long from what she could tell from her silent perusal. Oh my goodness, he was everything sexy wrapped up in a very delicious bow. Oh, how she would enjoy him…
“I asked to meet you because I would like to see you again,” His voice rumbled deep, causing all kinds of tingly Bombay Sapphire–laden sensations to pulse in her body and settling hot and deep at the apex of her thighs. Can a voice make you come? His could.
“Come again, now?” Flower walled in the giggle that threatened, tilting her head at the guy. Surely he didn’t just ask to see her and not one of her friends? This was one for the record books. Evangelina and Bridget would be out of their minds with jealousy and “I told you so” after this.
“Is that so hard to believe? I want to see you again, unless you’d rather come home with me now.” And just like that, Flower realized that this had nothing to do with FADE or Ghadi, her super famous brothers. This man probably didn’t even know who they were.
This was all about her. She was in uncharted territory. He was fine as hell, yes, but this was not what she came here to do. She’d come to see what she wanted to do with the rest of her life and find her own way without the influence of her powerful family easing the way. She was also taking time for herself and not others for the first time in like, forever. He could also be a serial killer, she reminded herself, glancing at the door in a way she hoped would not be too obvious.
“I’m very flattered, but I’m sorry, I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Flower hedged as she edged toward the door. “I don�
��t know you, and despite what you may be used to with other Americans, this is not how I get down.”
“So you are afraid.” Derision dripping from his every word stopped her cold.
“No, I’m not afraid of you.” She spared him a wrathful glance.
“Really? Your voice quivers as you speak. Is that from fear, little girl or desire?” He had cruel lips, Flower thought, watching him smile. Plush, kissable, sinful lips that promised nothing but wickedness.
“Neither, it’s from rage.” She looked him with what she hoped was her meanest glare. She’d seen recording executives cower under her gaze many times.
“Prove it,” came his bored, unaffected reply. “Come here.”
“And do what?” Flower challenged, “I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s Akchiro Takeda, and you will be screaming it soon. Come here, my little Flower.” He leaned back, giving her no doubt exactly where he wanted her to sit. Shock rocked through her as she took in his words and his long body sprawled back. This was a man who knew what he wanted. Took what he wanted. He commanded, and damn if she wasn’t considering acquiescing.
“How do you know my name?” There was that breathlessness again.
“The moment I saw you, I made it my mission to know you. Your name is only the beginning, Flower. Flower, what a beautiful name. We say Hana here.” The promise of his words made her want to squirm for many reasons. She loved the way he called her Hana. To say he intrigued her was putting it mildly. The emotion went far beyond what she felt. Tempted more than she had ever been in her life. He had charisma, yes, but there was more that drew her to him. The intensity of his desire was incandescent.
“Why me?” If she dared, this could be her chance to truly experience something just for herself, the small voice in her mind whispered. It had never been strong enough to move her before, but the longer she sat in the presence of this man, the louder it seemed to get. This would be like eating her favorite German chocolate cake she’d sneak from time to time—a decadent pleasure.
“You called to me, and I could not take my eyes off you from the moment I saw you. And though you sit here torn between fleeing and what you really desire, you feel the same.”
So matter-of-fact, his words rung true to her and he exuded patience as if he would give her all the time she needed because he was assured the outcome. Sexy and dangerous. A combination that challenged and excited her. This was not what Flower was used to, yet there was a part of her that had longed for this. The same part that chafed at the mundanity her life had become. What happened to the fun girl? Apparently, she was still in there demanding to be set free. To live.
Flower moved closer to him. The moment she was within reach, he plucked her up and onto his lap.
“Now, this is where you should be.” Akchiro smiled, but his gaze was hot. He tugged at one of the ponytails she’d plaited her hair into just before exciting the club. “What is this? I would like your hair down, please.”
Asking herself why she was following his orders, Flower slipped her fingers into her thick tresses and begin loosening her hair from its braid. She couldn’t believe it. She was undoing her hair for a man she’s just met. Unheard of! Flower “Don’t Touch My Hair” Carrington had completely lost her dang mind. But then he touched her hair. And it was a touch of devotion. Though she’d blown it straight for the night, it had long since started to curl, yet pull or snag her hair he did not. His caress was bliss. First, he lifted the mass off her neck, running his hands over the wavy plaits, further loosening them. Then he gently massaged her nape, making her moan in the pleasure of his touch. Flower realized belatedly he knew what to do because his hair was long; he knew how heavy it could get.
“You’re beautiful but you don’t it know yet,” he whispered, his eyes dark with passion. “Let me show you just how beautiful you are to me and give you pleasure. Will you let me do that for you while you’re here in Tokyo, Flower? Will you blossom for me like a lotus?” He placed sweet little kisses on the neck he’d bared, trailing down to the hollow, where he licked then sucked the indentation, causing pleasure to pool and throb in her pussy. Flower clenched against the sensation as his other hand molded her breast, massaging, drawing out her hardened nipple.
Lifting his head, Akchiro swooped down and took her lips in a searing kiss. Flower gasped then moaned against the crush of his soft yet firm lips. God! He tasted so good. His tongue was just as wicked as she wanted it to be. He delved into her mouth, offering himself to her, and she took him. She slid her tongue alongside his as they swept, tangled, and dueled. She yielded to him on a whimper when he gripped her nape and made her suck on the tip, teasing then rewarding her with a prelude of what was to come.
She didn’t know how she came to be astride him. She felt the hot heaviness of his erection throbbing against her mons. She couldn’t help but grind against him. He urged her on with his hands, grabbing the soft flesh of her ass. They fit together perfectly. Her breasts rubbed against his shirt, causing little sparks of friction that shot straight down to where their heated bodies joined. If he felt this good and he wasn’t even inside her, what would sex be like? She wondered as he pulled away and leaned down to flick her exposed nipple with his tongue. The sensations were overwhelming. Flower clutched him to her. “Oh, my…” She was so close to him; he was giving her everything she needed in that moment.
Then in a moment, she felt her world shift and her body literally lift as Akchiro moved her off his lap and sat her beside him. She whimpered in protest against the soft kiss he placed on her lips. She only realized she still clung to him when he pulled her hands away and quickly adjusted her dress. She raised her hands to her lips. They were swollen from his kisses. She closed her eyes in embarrassment and felt rage simmering beneath the surface. Angry at herself for even stepping inside the car and falling under his spell. “Oh my god, I can’t believe that just happened,” she mumbled, peeking through her fingers.
“Believe it.” His words were cold, and the muscle ticked in his jaw like he was grinding glass in his molars. Good. At least she wasn’t the only one affected by what they had done and what they hadn’t. Fucker. Flower was glad he was suffering, because at the moment her vagina was an inferno. Asshole.
“Now you see how it will be between us.” His confidence was sexy. Everything about him exuded dominance, and he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, and yet that would not be enough to sway her. She grew up around two brothers who had dominated everything from her earliest memories and had made themselves powerhouses in the music industry. Though not immune to his obvious magnetism, she was going to take a hard pass on any further involvement. She had moved a world away from her family to get away from overwhelming masculinity, and still she seemed to draw it to her. Smiling, she shook her head and tilted it to the side. “As much as I enjoyed our little interlude, I must decline, Mr. Takeda.”
The silence was like a bomb in the car. He didn’t look surprised at her words. She could almost hear him scoff, “Americans,” in his mind. His regard was unwavering. She almost wanted to squirm, as if she were a child being caught doing something naughty. In this case he was the one with whom the naughtiness occurred, so his look shouldn’t bother her, but it did on so many levels. It was almost as if in these short moments alone with him, he’d imprinted on her in such a way that what he thought mattered.
Finally, he reached into his pocket and presented her his card in the traditional Japanese fashion with both hands open. Receiving it with a bow, she looked down to see his name on one side and could feel the embossed numbers on the other, but rather than look down, she kept eye contact as not to seem rude. “If you are not afraid, my beautiful Flower, and wish to spend the rest of your time here in Tokyo as my companion, call that number and everything shall be arranged.”
“I don’t think so.” She made her voice strong as she clutched the card. She said it was to not throw it back in his face. Another voice whisp
ered, “Lie.”
“You will, if you want to still come like you had to bite your lip a moment ago to keep from begging me to let you.” He leaned over and took her lips, this kiss ruthless. He ravaged her mouth, and she let him. He took and took, and she let him. She sucked his tongue into her mouth and smiled when he groaned. It took all her strength to push him away. One more quick peck then, “Bao.” The door swept open and there the giant was, along with Evangelina and Bridget. Looking back at him, Flower bowed again, “Goodbye, Mr. Takeda.” He bowed, but his eyes never left her as she scrambled from the back seat of the limo with as much grace as possible, cringing as she heard Bridget demand, “What happened to your hair?”
* * *
Akchiro watched Flower leave. He felt helpless to do anything other than watch her because that was exactly what he had done all night. Watch her. And he didn’t like that. It was as if she’d cast a spell on him. She had captivated him from the moment he saw her body moving and her hair swaying as she danced alongside her taller friends. Watching her flit around them like a beautiful butterfly. In none of his thirty years had he ever been so captivated by a woman. He had only paid mild attention to his brothers and their business associates. Which had brought subtle glances from the two men who knew him best and knew that like a shark, very few things caught his attention when prey was in sight and that was what business was for Akchiro—prey.
Until he’d seen a far more delectable sight. He knew then he had to have her. Nothing would get in his way. He’d assumed wrongly that she would be impressed by his covering their tab and even his car. Where other Westerners had often fallen over themselves to get to him the moment they saw how wealthy he was, Flower remained unaffected to the end. Either she did not care, or she was attempting to play for higher stakes. Which she would be disappointed. He wanted her without fail, but once she called, and he knew she would, he could deal with whatever this was between them and leave it behind. He liked being in control, and she threatened that with her wit and willfulness, so he’d done what he had also done when presented with anything that challenged him—he sought to conquer it. After meeting her, touching her, almost making love to her in his car, he wasn’t so sure.