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LuckyBastard: A Cocky Hero World Novel

Page 16

by Ryan, Kaylee

“I gotta take care of this.” He drops a kiss to my forehead and slowly disentangles his body from mine.

  I immediately miss the connection. Grabbing for the blanket, I pull it up over my naked body to ward off the cold. It’s a poor excuse for a replacement but will have to do. Closing my eyes, I replay what we just shared, trying to catalog every movement to my memory.

  “Hey.” Landon’s soft voice has me opening my eyes. “Let’s shower.” He pulls the covers back, stands, and lifts me into his arms.

  “What is it with you carrying me around all the time?”

  “I like you in my arms, freckles.”

  When he says it like that, I can’t be annoyed he’s packing me around like a caveman would, and the nickname, well that’s growing on me too. When we enter the bathroom, it’s already steamed up from the hot water. Landon steps inside, taking full advantage of the open walk-in space with me still in his arms.

  “How are you going to shower holding me?”

  He chuckles, a deep sound that vibrates through his chest. “You think I can play football holding you?” he asks, kissing the tip of my nose.

  “Nope. I think the team and your coach might have something to say about that.”

  “But everything is better, life is better when you’re in my arms.”

  Who needs hot water? I melt from his words. “Sweet talker.” I pinch his side and he wiggles, finally relenting and setting me on my feet.

  “Not fair.” He pouts, and I have to admit it’s adorable. He reaches for me, but I step back before he can make contact.

  “Shower,” I remind him. “We’re never getting out of here if you don’t keep your hands to yourself.”

  “Is that such a bad thing?”

  “Yes.” I laugh, dodging his advances again. “I have to work tomorrow and you have practice.”

  “Let’s call in sick.”

  “Are you even allowed to do that?” I ask, reaching for the body wash.

  “Sure it happens, but not very often. Most of us play through it.”

  “We’re not calling in sick. We’re going to shower, and then go to bed.”

  “So bossy,” he taunts. I turn to rinse and he smacks my ass.

  “Hey.” I whip around to stare at him over my shoulder. He doesn’t look the least bit apologetic. “You better watch your back, Barker,” I tease.

  “Bring it, baby.” He quirks his brow at me in challenge.

  Turning back to face the wall, I finish rinsing off before stepping out of the shower. I managed to not get my hair wet. Not that it really matters as it’s still mostly wet from my earlier shower. After quickly drying off, I make my way back to the bedroom and find his T-shirt on the floor. Sliding it over my head, I slip under the covers. It’s hard to believe tonight was our first time together. He feels so familiar, like we’ve been intimate with one another for years.

  “You good?” he asks from the doorway of the bathroom.


  He turns off the lights and, in a few long strides, is standing on what is now his side of the bed. He reaches for the lamp, clicking the knob, bathing the room in darkness. The covers rustle, the bed dips, and I’m being pulled into his embrace. His arms wrap around me and I let my body relax into his. “Night, baby,” he says softly.

  “Night.” As soon as I close my eyes, I feel sleep start to take over. I’ve never felt more content than I do when I’m in his arms.

  * * *

  This week has been magical and exciting and too damn fast. My days have been filled with fielding phone calls, taking care of the animals, and making sure we have everything we need for Saturday’s adoption event. My nights, they’ve been with Landon. We’ve stayed at my place twice, and at his the rest of the week. Our lives are so different, yet we’ve still managed to intertwine them. At least for now. It’s only been a week.

  “Are you ready for tomorrow?” he asks me.

  We’re at his place. I’m perched on the island watching him put toppings on our homemade pizza he just whipped up. He’s gorgeous, kind, loving, sexy, has a good career, and he cooks. I hit the boyfriend jackpot.

  “Yeah, I think so. We’re hoping it’s a huge success.”

  “What happens if all the animals are adopted?”

  “That gives us room for more. We get calls daily that we have to turn away because we’re out of room.”

  “I don’t know why that surprises me. I guess out of sight, out of mind. I never really gave much thought to so many animals needing homes.”

  “Few people do. But, Landon, with one simple Tweet, you’ve brought the awareness to an entirely different level. Then Chance tweeted, and your teammates. I’m a little worried we’re not going to be able to handle the crowds.”

  “Nah, it’s going to be great. There’s something I want to talk to you about though.”

  “Uh-oh, that doesn’t sound good. We’ve barely started this boyfriend-girlfriend thing.”

  “No.” He reaches for a dish towel and wipes off his hands, then places them on my thighs. “It’s nothing like that. You’re stuck with me. But it does involve us. You see, I’m sure the press is going to be there with all of this publicity. They’ve been calling the main office asking for quotes all week. They’re going to ask me why the sudden interest, and I want to be honest with them.”

  “Okay. That doesn’t seem so bad.”

  “They’re going to know who you are, Em. You’re no longer going to be the ‘rumored’ new girl seen sliding into my SUV. They’re going to know where you work, your name, and that you’re my girlfriend. With that comes the tabloids, some are good, most are not. They like to start shit, spread rumors, anything to sell a paper. I don’t want to lose you over this.”

  “What? That’s crazy. You’re not going to lose me over some stupid tabloid.”

  “They can be ruthless, Emma. Trust me, I’ve lived it. I don’t want that to touch you, but at the same time, I want to shout to the fucking world that you’re my girl. I need you to do something for me.”


  “Come to me. If you read or hear something, come to me and ask. I’ll always be honest with you, and 99 percent of the time, it’s going to be a lie you read or hear about. Just… give me the chance to tell you what really happened. They like to throw a spin on the most innocent of acts and make them seem scandalous.”

  “I can do that.”

  “I mean it, Emma. I wanted more time with you.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I wanted more time to show you I’m a good man, one you can count on, one who will be faithful to you. I wanted time to prove that to you before they came barging into our lives, but I would rather them hear it from me.”

  “Okay, then we wait.”

  “You see, that’s just it. I can’t be near you and not show how much you mean to me. I can’t avoid you all day. I won’t. I refuse to. So, it’s now. I just have mixed emotions. I want it out there… that I’m off the market. That this beautiful green-eyed girl has captured my attention, but I want to keep you safe. Safe from the rumors, just… safe from the vultures that are the media.”

  “You’ve never given me a reason not to trust you. I don’t think you’re asking too much. If I hear something, I’ll come to you. In fact, I like that you’re being open and we’re talking about things. I want us to be about more than just sex.” Not that the sex isn’t fantastic. This has been a really, really good week.

  “We are more, Em. We’re so much more, baby.” He leans in for a kiss.

  “Now,” I say, our mouths barely a breath apart. “Feed me.”

  He chuckles, presses his lips to my forehead, and backs away. “As you wish, my lady.” He adds the final layer of cheese on our pizza and pops it in the oven. “Practice ends at noon, so I’ll be there right after.”

  “That’s perfect. The event starts at one so you won’t miss much. You sure you don’t mind hanging around? You can just make an appearance and jet. Isn’t that what most of you big-time celebrities d

  “Maybe, but I’m not just some big-time celebrity. I’m your boyfriend before anything else, and a supportive boyfriend stays to help.”

  “Yeah, but most boyfriends aren’t the starting quarterback for the Hermosa Beach Trojans.”

  “Right? You’re lucky.”

  “Oh, you think so?”

  He leans in close. “I know so.” His lips hover over mine but never connect when there’s a knock at the door.

  “Expecting company?” I ask.

  “Nope. Be right back.” He pushes off the counter and disappears into the living room to answer the door.

  Deciding to make myself useful, I hop off the counter and begin cleaning up, putting the extra toppings away and washing the few dishes he used to make the dough. I hear voices, but don’t pay too much attention until Landon is standing in the doorway of the kitchen wearing a grin.


  “Landon,” I mock him.

  “There’s a couple of people I’d like you to meet.” He takes a step forward, and then another and my eyes stray from him to the doorway. Landon reaches me and slides his arm around my waist. “Emma Deaton, these are my parents, Carly and Bryan Barker. Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend, Emma.”

  “It’s so nice to finally meet you. Landon has told us so much about you.” His mom, Carly, steps forward and wraps her arms around both of us, hugging us tightly.

  “Let the girl breathe, honey,” his dad, Bryan, says. When his mom steps back, he comes in for a hug as well, just not as tight or nearly as long as his wife’s. “Nice to meet you.” He steps back and turns his attention to his son. He gives him a subtle nod. Had I not been watching I might have missed it.

  “What brings you two to town?” Landon asks. He’s all calm and cool standing with his arm around my waist, while I’m freaking out. My hair is piled on my head in a knot, I’m still wearing my work clothes, and I probably smell like wet dog. It was bath day today as we got the animals ready for tomorrow’s event. Not exactly the best way to meet the parents.

  “Can we not just drop in on our only son?” his mom asks, smiling.

  “You can, but you rarely do,” Landon counters.

  “Well, you’re all over the news and social media talking about this adoption event at the shelter. We wanted to come by and support the cause. Turns out we’re killing two birds with one stone and catching your game on Sunday.”

  “That’s so nice of you, thank you,” I speak up, and then realize maybe I shouldn’t have.

  “Well, you made quite the impression on our son, although we didn’t know that you two were official. Congratulations,” Carly says, then she leans in and whispers, “He left that part out.” Her whisper is more of a quiet voice so that Landon can hear her.

  “It’s new, and between work and spending time with Em and getting the shelter ready for tomorrow, we’ve been pretty busy.”

  “I forgive you,” she teases. “So, what are you two doing for dinner?”

  “Pizza. You’re welcome to stay,” Landon offers.

  “Oh, no.” His mom waves him off. “We have a room and want to take a stroll on the beach. Tonight is the perfect night to do that.”

  “Why did you get a room when I have all this space?” Landon waves his hand around his condo.

  “We don’t want to intrude,” his dad speaks up.

  “You’re not intruding. How many times have we gone over this?” Landon asks, exasperated.

  “Well, now that you’ve settled down….” His dad winks at me and Landon groans.

  “Damn it, Dad, how many times do I have to tell you not to believe everything you read?”

  His dad throws his head back and laughs. “You’re too easy, son. We know those trash mags are just trying to sell papers. But in all seriousness, we didn’t want to cramp your style.”

  Landon looks down at me and playfully rolls his eyes. “See what I have to deal with?”

  “Stop.” I push my elbow into his side, causing him to act like I actually hurt him. His body is made of steel; I doubt he even felt it.

  “You kids have a good night. We’ll see you tomorrow at the shelter. Emma,” his mom addresses me, “if you need any additional volunteers, we’re happy to help.”

  “That’s so sweet of you. Thank you. I hope we have it covered, but at this point, I’m not sure. Landon has really made a media frenzy and we’re not sure what to expect.”

  “Well, count us in. We’re going to go to the hotel and change, then take a walk on the beach. Love you.” She leans in for another hug, and with a wave, they’re gone as fast as they came.

  “I cannot believe I just met your parents for the first time looking like this. I’m a mess.”

  “What? No, you’re not. You’re perfect.”

  “We said honesty,” I remind him.

  “Well, if I’m being honest, you’re beautiful.” I roll my eyes playfully. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you your eyes will get stuck like that?” he teases.

  “She did and I chose not to believe her.” I stick my tongue out, making him laugh. The buzzer sounds on the oven and he gets to work slicing up our pizza. “What do you want to drink?”

  “Just water for me. I got some of that bottled root beer that you like. It’s on the top shelf.”

  “You know, you keep spoiling me like this, I might not ever go home. Making me dinner, bringing me lunch and breakfast, picking me up from work, whispered confessions of beauty, and now my favorite root beer. A girl could get used to this,” I say, grabbing some napkins and following him into the living room. Setting our drinks on the table in front of us, I take the plate that Landon offers me.


  “I don’t know. I haven’t tried it yet.”

  “No, I meant good that you could get used to this. If that’s all it takes for you to be here all the time, challenge accepted. I’m going to be stepping up my game.”

  “I was kidding.”

  “I’m not. I like you here. This place feels like home when you’re here.”

  “This is your home and I’ve only been here consistently for a week.”

  “Don’t care. Everything feels different, better when I’m with you.”

  “You don’t have to sweet talk me to get lucky, Lucky. I’m a sure thing.”

  “Aubrey and her nicknames.” He’s grinning as he shakes his head.

  “What? It fits. Chance was Cocky, you’re Lucky.”

  “How you figure?”

  “You got me, didn’t you?” I have to bite down on my bottom lip to keep from laughing.

  “You know what, you’re right. I’m one lucky bastard.”

  Chapter 18


  We finished with the film early, so I rush through my shower and head to the shelter. Case and some of the guys are stopping to eat before joining us. I called ahead and had pizza delivered to the shelter. I know there will be popcorn and things like that served, but a man’s gotta eat and see his woman, so delivery was the best option. Anything that gets me to Emma faster is always the way to go.

  It’s just a little past eleven when I get here and already the news stations are set up. I don’t see much in the way of guests, maybe a few lingering around. Most of the people I see are wearing South Bay Animal Shelter shirts, so I know they’re volunteers.

  Pulling my SUV around back, like Emma told me to this morning, I lock it up and head inside using the back door. From the sounds of their voices, Emma and Aubrey are in their office.

  “So, how are things?” Aubrey asks.


  “Good. All I get is good? Come on now, I want the dirt.”

  “We’ve got work to do. Not to mention, there are people lingering everywhere. That’s the last thing Landon and I need is our sex life plastered all over the papers.”

  “Oooh, so there is a sex life. Tell me more,” Aubrey quips, and I hear them both chuckle.

  “Yes, and it’s amazing and he’s… I don’t know. He�
�s everything I never knew I wanted. I’m just trying to go with the flow and not worry about the what-ifs.”

  “Pfft, there are no what-ifs. I’m telling you, that man’s in love with you.”

  She’s not wrong. I should feel guilty for eavesdropping, but I remain where I am just outside their office door.

  “He is not.”

  “Keep telling yourself that,” Aubrey tells her. “Tell me this. If he were to tell you that he loves you, what would you say?”

  “Honestly? I’m not sure. I would be in shock. But if that day ever comes, I’d tell him I love him too.”

  “I knew it!” Aubrey cheers, and if she says anything else, I miss it.

  My feet carry me into their office and take me straight to Emma. She’s standing with her hands on a box of flyers, but she drops them and turns to face me. I take her face in the palm of my hands and hold her stare. Her green eyes are filled with worry when they should only ever be filled with love.

  “Let’s try it,” I say, keeping my voice low. It doesn’t matter. I know that Aubrey is hanging on every word.

  “Try what?” she asks softly.

  “Oh, Em.” I smile down at her. “I’m in love with you.” Her green eyes widen and grow wet with tears. She opens her mouth, then closes it.

  “This is the shock,” Aubrey says, helpful as ever.

  “I love you,” I say again, and this time, a lone tear trickles down her cheek.

  “I-I love you too. But it’s soon. We’re crazy, right?”

  “No,” Aubrey and I say at the same time.

  “When you know, you know,” Aubrey adds. “Trust me on this. Cocky and I fell in love on a road trip with Pixy, and we were complete strangers. It happens when you least expect it. Embrace it. Enjoy it. Live it. You never know when that chance might be taken away from you. In my case, it was my Chance, but I got him back and you can bet your ass I’m holding on tight.”

  “What do you say, Em? You want to hold on tight?” I ask her.

  “Only with you.”

  “There’s my girl.” I lean in and kiss her, swiping at her bottom lip with my tongue, begging her to open for me.


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