LuckyBastard: A Cocky Hero World Novel

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LuckyBastard: A Cocky Hero World Novel Page 19

by Ryan, Kaylee

  He shakes his head. “Let’s keep the wall climbing to a minimum the rest of the season, huh?” He says the words, but there is no heat or reprimand in them. In fact, he looks amused and something else I can’t quite put my finger on. As long as it’s not his anger, I don’t care. Not that it would stop me. My contract is solid for the next four years. Besides, this is Emma we’re talking about. If she needs me, well, I’m going to be there. Climbing a wall or not.

  “I’m not making any promises.”

  He shakes his head smiling but instead of replying, he takes a long pull of the glass of amber liquid he’s drinking. Alcohol is off-limits to the players, but I guess if you own the team and it’s not your ass getting tossed around out on the field, you can afford that luxury.

  The rest of the night passes in a blur. Food, laughter, jokes, and the entire time I’m always thinking about her. When we’re finally free to go, Trent and I bust ass back to our rooms, both of us already with our phones to our ears.

  “Hey, you,” Emma answers.

  “I miss you.”

  Her soft laugh washes over me. “I miss you too. How was the team dinner?”

  “Good. The owner, Joseph Stamper, stopped to talk to me. I thought for sure I was going to get an ass ripping, but he seemed more amused than anything about my wall climb.”

  “The local news did a piece tonight. They’re questioning if I’m going to be at the away game, and if I am, if you’ll be climbing every wall at every stadium to get to me.”

  “I would.”

  “I know you would, but you can’t afford all of those fines.”

  “I can actually.”

  “I assumed you were paid well being a professional athlete and all, but that’s insane. Do you realize how much money that is? Ten thousand dollars per game?”

  “Em, I know we don’t talk about money, and that’s one of the things I love most about you. You’re not with me because of my bank account balance, but, babe, do you know how much my last contract was for?”


  “Google it.”

  “Can’t you just tell me? I don’t like to google you. I’d rather you tell me anything and everything that you want me to know.”

  “I love you. I want you to know that.”

  Her voice softens. “I love you too.”

  “I signed a five-year deal, last year with the Trojans.”


  “For one hundred and sixty million.”

  “Dollars?” she asks, choking on her words.

  Her shock has a sense of pride washing over me. Not because of the bank balance, or that I’ve managed to shock her, but because she is shocked. I finally found a woman who’s interested in me, Landon Barker, not the quarterback, not the one-hundred-and-sixty-million-dollar contract. Just me.

  “Dollars,” I confirm.

  “Wow. Okay then.”

  “You’re amazing. Have I ever told you that?”

  “A few times.”

  “Well, I’m saying it again.”

  “Thank you,” she says over a yawn.

  “I’ll let you go. I know you have to work tomorrow.”

  “What about you? What’s your day look like?”

  “We’ll do a short practice, some walk-through drills, and some game tape.”

  “Exciting.” She yawns again.

  “It beats a nine to five.”

  “Don’t downplay it. You love it and you know it.”

  “I do. Get some sleep.”

  “Night, Lucky.”

  I chuckle at her use of the nickname she and Aubrey cooked up. “Night, freckles.”

  Chapter 21


  It’s week three of the regular football season and Aubrey and I are traveling to our first away game. The bonus is it’s in Georgia, and my mom is coming with us. Landon insisted he get her a ticket as well. We’re actually in a private Trojans box. It’s the first time we’ve sat in one, but Landon was adamant that he didn’t need some crazy fan spouting anything off while my mom was with me. He’s worried about making a good impression. For the record, he has nothing to worry about. He makes me happy; that’s all Mom cares about. Besides, if he flashes her those dimples and blinks those baby blues, no way can she not like him. I’m so excited to see her and for her to meet Landon.

  “There she is.” I point out my mom to Aubrey and take off running toward her. She’s ready for my hug when I reach her. “I missed you so much.”

  “It’s good to have you home.” She steps back and rakes her eyes over me. It’s been six months since I’ve seen her. Far too long, but life tends to get in the way and it’s a long-ass drive, and flights are not cheap enough to visit more often.

  “Aubrey,” Mom says fondly. “How are you?” She releases me and pulls Aubrey into a hug just as fierce as the one she gave me.

  “Good. I love your hair.”

  “Me too,” I tell her. “I love the highlights.”

  “I thought it was time for something different. You don’t think it’s too much?”

  “No,” Aubrey and I say at the same time.

  “Come on. Let’s get you ladies home.”

  “Thank you for letting me stay with you,” Aubrey says.

  “How did you convince Chance?”

  “Cocky Bastard convinced me to have another baby.”

  “What?” I stop and look at her. “You didn’t tell me that?”

  She shrugs. “We’ve been tossing around the idea, and that was his concession. I can stay with you and Caroline instead of at the team hotel, but we start trying.”

  “That’s amazing.”

  “It is.” She wags her eyebrows and we all laugh.

  “What about Landon?” Mom asks once we’re in the car and headed toward her place. “When do I get to meet him?”

  “This afternoon they’re having a team dinner that immediate family gets to attend at the hotel. We have to be there at three. It’s early to bed for the boys tonight, for game day tomorrow.”

  “Boys,” Mom scoffs. “Have you seen them? I can only imagine they’re even larger in person.”

  “They are some big boys,” Aubrey agrees.

  We spend the rest of the ride catching up. Aubrey tells Mom stories of CJ and Pixy, and I fill her in on how things are going with Landon. I leave out the more intimate details. Mom and I are close, but not that close.

  “Home sweet home,” Mom says, pulling into the driveway of her small ranch home. “You girls get settled in. Grab a nap. Whatever you need. We have about three hours before we need to head to the hotel. It’s about thirty minutes from here.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I’m going to freshen up, then I’ll be back down. I never get to see you. I’m not going to nap away the time we do have.”

  Her eyes glisten with unshed tears. “I’d like that.”

  Lugging my bag down the hall, I point Aubrey in the direction of her room, and then disappear into mine. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I text Landon.

  Me: Hey, just made it to Mom’s. We still on for this afternoon?

  Landon: Yes!

  Me: Good. See you soon.

  Landon: I miss you.

  His message is followed by an image of him pouting. He’s pretending to be sad, but the happiness in his blue eyes gives him away.

  Me: Miss you too.

  Tossing my phone on the bed, I grab some clothes to change into and head to the bathroom to freshen up before making my way downstairs to spend some time with Mom. Walking past Aubrey’s door, I hear her on the phone with CJ. He’s staying with Chance’s sister, Adele, this weekend and he’s rambling on about all the fun stuff they’ve been doing. Aubrey and Chance are great parents and I can’t wait to watch their family grow.

  * * *

  My palms are sweating as we walk into the hotel. I don’t know why I’m suddenly so nervous for Landon and my mom to meet. Maybe it’s because it was high school the last time I’ve introduced her to anyone. Maybe it’s because I’
m afraid he’ll see the house I grew up in and it hits him that I’m just some common girl, and that our lives are too different. Maybe it’s because I love him with my entire being and I’m afraid that letting him into my past, developing a connection with my mom, that the pain is going to be even more striking if this ends.

  “Em!” I hear him call out for me. My eyes scan the crowd until I see him. Suddenly all my worries fade away. His cerulean blue eyes are shining and his dimples are on full display when he reaches us. He doesn’t care who’s around. He pulls me into his arms and buries his face in my neck. “Missed you,” he murmurs.

  Lifting his head, but keeping me in his arms, I embrace him and cuddle into his chest. “Landon Barker. So nice to meet you, Caroline.” He takes the initiative and introduces himself to my mother.

  “Nice to meet you as well. I’d ask if you’re taking good care of her, but I think I have my answer.” Mom’s smile is broad as she takes in the two of us cuddled together.

  I know I should pull away from him, but I can’t seem to make myself do it. Not to mention, I don’t think he would let me if I tried.

  “I’ve got us a table. Aubrey, Chance is with us as well. He’s talking with Coach Neil and the team owner. He’ll join us in a few.” He looks down at me and kisses my forehead. “Let’s get seated.” He finally drops his arms, links his fingers through mine, and guides us through the masses. Players and their families linger everywhere in the large room. “This is us.” He pulls the chair out for me, and then tries to for my mom, but she and Aubrey are already sitting.

  The four of us make small talk over the appetizers, and by the time the salads are served, it feels like we’ve all been friends for years. There’s no awkward silence or lull in conversation. Landon is at ease, as is my mother. Her smile tells me she really likes him. Aubrey has met my mom a few times since I’ve known her, so she fits into the conversation just as smoothly. Chance joins us and Mom tells him she loves his accent, and he lays on the charm, hamming it up for her. Aubrey just smiles and rolls her eyes.

  “This was amazing,” Mom says, pushing her plate back. “Landon, thank you for inviting me. I know this is a family event, but it was nice to get to meet you and see the two of you together.”

  “And me,” Chance chimes in, making us all laugh.

  “It was my pleasure, besides,” he turns and looks at me, his eyes softening, “we’re family now.” The look in his eyes tells me he means what he says and by the audible “Awes” coming from Mom and Aubrey, they know it too.

  “Bugger had to steal my thunder,” Chance says, but it’s his exaggerated thunda that has us all laughing again. I swear he forces his accent to be thicker, more pronounced just for Mom.

  “Sounds like this is the table to be at,” a man, probably in his early fifties, says, stopping to stand next to our table. There’s a woman on his arm, and although she’s beautiful, her resting bitch face takes away from her natural beauty.

  “Mr. Stamper, this is my wife, Aubrey,” Chance introduces.

  “And this is my girlfriend, Emma, and her mother, Caroline. Ladies, this is the team owner, Joseph Stamper.”

  Joseph’s smile seems to falter as he looks at me and then my mom. I hope he’s not angry that we’re here. His eyes float to Aubrey. “Nice to meet you, Aubrey. Welcome to the Trojans family,” he says politely before his gaze turns back to me. “Emma.” His voice is softer, almost reverent. “You seem to be getting our team some positive PR.” He gives me a kind smile.

  “Oh no, that’s all Landon,” I say with a nervous laugh. “There’s no controlling him.”

  “Not when it comes to you,” Landon says, not caring who hears him.

  “Caroline was it?” Mr. Stamper says, glancing at my mom. His eyes are locked on her. “It’s good to see you… here supporting Landon. You all enjoy your dinner,” he says, walking away.

  “His wife is an odd one,” Aubrey says, and I nod my agreement.

  “Goodness, I’m worn out. I didn’t sleep well last night, too excited for your visit. I think I’m going to call a cab.” Mom reaches into her purse to hand me her keys. “You two keep the car and come home when you’re ready.”

  Concern has me dipping my brows. She’s edgy. “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “Oh, yes I’m fine. Just tired, and you kids need some time without your momma hanging around. Landon, thank you for inviting me. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

  “I’ll have the team car drive you. We have one for emergency purposes.” Mom tries to stop him, but he has his phone out and arrangements made, not bothering to listen to her protests.

  Landon and I walk Mom outside and wave goodbye as the car pulls away. “You think she was acting funny?”

  “I don’t know her well enough to tell. It’s a plausible story. I wouldn’t sleep well either knowing I was getting to see you after six long months.”

  “Six months is way too long.”

  “Agreed. Has your mom ever thought about moving to California?”

  “Nah, she loves it in Georgia. I’ve tried to convince her to move a few times, but she always says she has a life in Georgia. I get it, but I miss her. Sometimes I wonder if I should move back home to be closer to her.”

  “We need to start working on her. I can’t lose you to Georgia. I’d never get to see you during the season, and that is not something I could live with.”

  “I’m not moving.”

  “I know. She is. We’re going to convince her. How about we fly her out for the holidays and have a couple of places for her to look at? Maybe sell the luxury of Hermosa Beach, and the idea of seeing you more? Think that will work?”

  “She’s visited before, Landon.”

  “Yeah, but the stakes are higher this time around. You’re in a committed relationship and soon there will be grandkids involved and she’s not going to want to miss that. We need to play that angle.”

  “Grandkids?” I ask. We’re standing outside the hotel at the back private entrance having this conversation. Anyone could be lurking and hear us, but he doesn’t seem to care.

  “We both want kids, right? We talked about this.”

  I nod slowly. “I do and we did, but you’re thinking about us having kids?”

  “That’s part of the progression of two people who love each other.”

  Again, I nod. “It is. I guess I’m just surprised.”

  “Em.” He bends his knees so we’re eye to eye. “I love you. Not just for today or the present. I love you for the yesterdays, the todays, and the tomorrows. All of them—past, present, and future. That’s not going to change.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Come on. Let’s go back inside and mingle. I want you to meet more of the team.”

  Hand in hand, we make our way back into the hotel and spend the next two hours laughing and talking with his teammates. Luna and I talked for a long time, and she reminded me about her baby shower. It’s in a few weeks when the guys have a bye week. I can’t imagine having to work your life around a professional football team, but then again, that’s exactly what I’m doing. In my mind, Landon and I have two very different lives, but the reality is that we’ve made it work. Because we want it to work. It’s an enlightening revelation, and it makes our earlier talk hit home even more so. I want that with him. The future, house, kids. All of it. I’ve been afraid to voice it, but the want is deep-rooted in my soul.

  “I guess we should get going.” I look across the room to where Aubrey and Chance are talking to Thomas.

  “I was planning on sneaking you up to my room.”

  “You sound like a teenager.” I chuckle.

  “Not that they’d actually check,” he says with a smile.

  “No, you need your rest and we’re not doing that to Trent.”

  “Fine,” he grumbles good-naturedly. “Thanks for being here, Em. Thanks for letting me meet your mom.”

  “No place I’d rather be.”

  “I can think of one place,” he
whispers huskily as his lips press to mine.

  “Barker, keep it PG,” the deep voice from earlier says from behind us.

  I can feel my face heat with embarrassment. “No promises,” Landon replies, cocky as ever.

  “Landon.” I scold him under my breath.

  “Emma, it was nice to meet you.”

  “You too, Mr. Stamper.”

  “Please.” He swallows hard. “Call me Joseph.”

  I nod. “Landon, walk me out?”

  “If I have to.” He sighs dramatically and I can’t hide my smile.

  “Come on, Number Eighteen, you need your beauty sleep.”

  “Hey!” He pretends to be offended. We both know he doesn’t need beauty sleep. He was gifted with damn good genes, and he’s nowhere near offended.

  “I was just coming to find you,” Aubrey says as we approach. “I’m going to stay here tonight.” She snuggles into Chance’s chest.

  “Shoulda been a fucking coach,” Landon grumbles and we all laugh.

  “Come on, you big baby. Walk me to the car. Aubs, if you need a ride tomorrow, just call me.”

  “The team car will bring her home,” Chance replies confidently.

  After a round of hugs and goodbyes, we head outside to Mom’s car. “You going to be okay driving back on your own?”

  “I grew up here,” I remind him. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Lock your doors, and text me. No… call me as soon as you make it back to your mom’s.”

  “Landon, I’ll be fine.”

  “Humor me, freckles.”

  “Yes, I will call you when I get to Mom’s.”

  “Good.” He nods, liking that he got his way. It’s a small concession really, and we talk every night before bed that we don’t spend together, so I would have called him anyway, or him me.

  We reach Mom’s car and he wraps his arms around me, holding me close. “I love you, Em. Drive safe.”

  “Love you too,” I mumble against his chest. “I’m kinda sad I won’t be in the stands cheering you on at the game. It feels like I’m going to miss all the action.”


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