LuckyBastard: A Cocky Hero World Novel

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LuckyBastard: A Cocky Hero World Novel Page 20

by Ryan, Kaylee

  “Nah, you’ll have the best seats in the house. We have several booths, so I’m not sure who’s going to be in the booth with you, but they’re all Trojans so the three of you will be in good company.”

  “We’ll be fine.”

  “I know you will.” One more kiss that curls my toes and he pulls back to open the car door for me. “Drive safe.” He waits until I’m buckled in before closing the door and taking a step back. I force myself to start the car and pull away.

  I’ve never wanted to be near someone like I do Landon. It’s as if his soul calls to mine; it’s unlike anything I’ve ever known. As I drive back to Mom’s, I think about what our future might look like, and excitement bubbles in my chest. Landon and I, we’ve got this. Our future is what we make it, and I see great things headed our way.

  Chapter 22


  Practice ended two hours ago. The rest of the guys rushed to get out of there, but I stuck around and ran a few more routes with Kaden. The season is halfway through and we’re undefeated. The team is tight. We’re connecting and meshing, and it shows on and off the field.

  “You headed home?” Kaden asks as we enter the locker room.

  “I have to run up to the office before I go. Apparently, there was some fan mail, a little boy who’s in the hospital. I’m going to sign some things to send to him, then pay him a visit as soon as I get the chance.”

  “Careful, your good guy is showing,” he jokes.

  “Must be Em,” I reply.

  He chuckles. “Lucky Bastard, I still don’t know how you got her. You and Trent both hit the significant-other lottery.”

  “What’s up? You getting the urge to settle down?”

  “Nah, but if I happen to stumble upon an Emma or a Luna, then I don’t plan on letting them go.”

  “Wise decision.”

  “All right, I’ll see you at practice tomorrow.” He waves and then it’s just me. I take my time with my shower, and getting dressed. I have nowhere to be. Em is at work, and my house feels empty without her there. Shoving my practice clothes into my bag, making sure I have my keys, wallet, and phone, I make my way up to the offices.

  “Hey, Landon,” Sally, the receptionist, says. “I have everything laid out for you in the small conference room. There’s some extra stuff just so we have it on hand. Head on back.”

  “Thanks, Sally.” I head back the long hallway and see the framed pictures of past players, and coaches. It never ceases to hit home with me when I walk down this hallway that I’m one of the lucky ones. My talent and hard work have me living my dream. I get to play the game I love for a hell of a lot of money, and I get to do things like sign jerseys for sick kids. I get to bring smiles to their faces, just for being me. It’s humbling.

  Tossing my bag on the floor in the corner, I grab one of the many Sharpies that Sally has laid out for me and get to work. I sign ten or so jerseys and at least double that in T-shirts before I sign a few balls. I’m just getting ready to start signing the stack of posters, at least a hundred if not more, when the door opens. I’m surprised to see Mrs. Stamper, the team owner’s wife, standing in the doorway.

  “Landon,” she greets, gliding into the room like her shit doesn’t stink.

  I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile, not a truly genuine smile, not like the ones I get from Emma. “Mrs. Stamper.”

  “A word?” she asks, closing the door.

  This is the smaller conference room so there are no windows and I’m suddenly on edge. Bridgett Stamper is not the kind of woman who likes to be told no. “What can I do for you?” I ask her.

  “I’m going to cut right to the chase. You need to end things with your girl toy.”

  What. The. Fuck? “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. End it.”

  “No.” I drop the Sharpie and cross my arms over my chest. “You can’t control what I do in my personal life.”

  “Oh, but I can. You see. I don’t like her. I don’t want her around. I can make your life hell, even trade you.”

  “Bullshit. You don’t run this team, Joseph does.” I stay rooted in my seat, even though I want to get the fuck out of this room with her. This is so out of left field, I never could have seen this coming.

  “Are you willing to risk your career for some piece of ass?” she sneers.

  “That piece of ass is the love of my life. You can threaten me with whatever the fuck you want. I don’t give a flying fuck.”

  “Oh, but you should. You see, my husband, he likes to make me happy.” Her index finger, with a nail that seems even longer and painted blood red, draws a line on the table as she inches closer. I’m out of my seat and moving to the other side of the room before she reaches me. I don’t want to be anywhere near her.

  “You don’t even know Emma. How could you possibly hate her?” Hell, how could anyone? She’s the kindest person and most real I’ve ever met.

  “I don’t like the way she looks at my husband.”

  “Enlighten me. How exactly does she look at him?” I was with Em when she met Joseph and Bridgett, and most of that time she was looking at me.

  “Like she can take him away from me.” Something passes in her eyes, but I can’t explain it.

  “That’s crazy.”

  “I know what I saw. You have until the end of the weekend to end it and announce it publicly or you’ll regret it.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Her eyes rake over my body, making me feel filthy and ready for another shower. “We could arrange that too. I could show you what being with a real woman is like.” She licks her lips and I want to puke.

  “Not a chance in hell.”

  “Pity, we’d be good together. Regardless, you know my terms. Make it happen or you will be traded. As for your little girlfriend, I’ll make sure she wants nothing to do with you.”

  “Fuck. You,” I say again, because who in the fuck does this woman think she is?

  She cackles, a sound so high pitched it feels as though it could make your ears bleed. “I’ve bent over backward to be where I am and I’m not letting you and that little mouse of yours ruin it for me. Do it or else. You have until Saturday night at midnight.” She turns and walks out the door. She’s gone just as quickly as she arrived and I’m left standing here with my mouth hanging open at her audacity, with anger coursing through me. I don’t give a fuck what she says. I’m not losing Emma. Not for her, not for her husband, not for the team, or football. Emma comes first.

  It’s a startling revelation for me. I knew I loved her, but the depth of my feelings has never really struck until this moment. I love Emma more than I love the game of football. I meant it when I said I don’t give a fuck what she does to me or my career. Emma is the one thing in my life I won’t give up. Ever.

  Taking a few minutes to calm the hell down, I go back to the stack of posters and quickly work my way through scribbling my name and number on each of them. When the last poster is signed, I grab my bag and storm out of the room. Sally is still at her desk and waves at me, but she doesn’t say anything. I’m sure the expression on my face says it all.

  As soon as I’m in my SUV, I call Emma. “Hey, how was practice?” she greets me.

  Closing my eyes, I let my head rest back against the headrest in my SUV, letting her voice wash over me. “It was good. Stayed back and ran a few routes with Kaden. I had to sign a few things for some fan mail after that.” I’m going to tell her about Bridgett’s little visit, just not over the phone. I need her in my arms when I tell her so she knows, so she can feel that I’m not worried. I need her to see that as long as I have her, my life with be complete.

  “You sound tired,” she comments.

  “A long day. How’s work?”

  “It’s going. Buckwheat is sick so we’re waiting on the vet to get here to take a look at him. I might not get out of here on time tonight. CJ is sick so I told Aubrey that I would stay.”

  “Is CJ okay?”

  “Yeah, ju
st a cold, but he wants his momma. I’ll just come by your place when I’m done if that’s okay.”

  “You staying with me?” I fly out in the morning to Ohio for an away game. I need her in my arms tonight. I feel like a caged animal after my conversation with Bridgett, and as bad as I hate to, I need to tell Emma. I don’t want to keep anything from her.

  “Yeah. I’ll just have to stop by my place and get some clothes.”

  “You don’t have what you need here?”

  “Not for work.”

  “Send me a message of what you need. I’ll stop by and get your key, and go pick it up.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Em, it gets you in my arms that much faster. I’ll be by in about half an hour. Need anything? You got lunch?”

  “No, I’m good. Thanks, babe.”

  I smile at the endearment. She doesn’t use it often, but when she does, it makes my heart race.

  “Love you,” I say, ending the call. It’s amazing how just hearing her voice and knowing that I’m on my way to see her can brighten the shittiest day.

  * * *

  I’m sitting on the couch waiting on Emma to get here. My house smells like the baked spaghetti that’s in the oven staying warm, and my mind is racing. The more I think about that little scene with Bridgett today, I get even more pissed off. Who does she think she is? Tell me who I can and can’t date. I abide by the terms of my contract. I’m a damn good football player. She doesn’t have the right to tell me what I can and can’t do in my personal life.

  My phone rings and I see Case’s smiling mug on my screen. “Hey, man,” I answer.

  “You want to grab a beer?”

  “Nah, thanks though. Em should be getting here soon. She had to work late. They have a sick horse at the shelter.”

  “Sucks. What’s up with you? Missing your girl?”

  “Always, but that’s not what’s wrong.”

  “Care to fill me in?”

  I release everything about this morning on him, including my rant about how she has no right. By the time I’m finished, I’m breathing heavy, and my fists are clenched at my sides.

  “Fuck her,” Case seethes. “She can’t do that. You need to go to Coach Neil and tell him what’s up. You don’t want this shit backfiring on you.”

  “I know. I need to tell Emma too.”

  “Fuck, maybe go straight to Stamper himself. Wait, maybe take Coach with you as back-up. I can’t believe her. That bitch is shady as fuck. You can see it in her eyes. Stamper seems like a solid dude. I haven’t spent much time with him, but they don’t seem anything alike.”

  “I agree. I haven’t really thought much past telling Emma.”

  “She’s going to freak on you, isn’t she? Try to push you away and shit to save your career. She’s that kind of woman, putting those she loves first.”

  “You think she will?”

  “Yes.” There is no hesitation in his answer.

  “Fuck, now I really don’t want to tell her. I know she’ll be worried about my position, she’ll be angry for me, but I never once considered she would end this, end us over this.”

  “She’s one of the good ones, Barker. Kind, selfless. I don’t really know her well, and I can see that in her. I’m not saying it would be forever, or even that she would be successful, but I know she would try.”

  “Fuck me. I’m telling you right now, Case, if I lose Emma over this, fucking heads are going to roll.”

  “Calm down, Incredible Hulk. Talk to Coach.” As he says it, I hear the front door open.

  “Hey, Em just got home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Talk to Coach,” he says before hanging up.

  “Hey, how’s Buckwheat?” I ask, meeting Emma in the hall. She looks exhausted. Taking her hand, I lead her into the dining room and pull out a chair for her.

  “He has equine protozoal myeloencephalitis.”

  “Dumb that down for me, freckles.” She laughs, which is what I was hoping for.

  “It’s also called opossums disease. It’s where horses come in contact with opossum feces and it affects their neurological system.”

  “Sounds serious.”

  “It is. If caught early enough most horses recover, or so the vet tells us. However, Buckwheat is old. He’s twenty, so that will play a factor in it as well.”

  “When will you know if he’s out of the woods?”

  She sighs heavily. “Hopefully, we will see an improvement in the morning. The vet is coming back out for another injection.”

  “Anything I can do?”

  “No, but I appreciate your willingness to help. What smells so good?”

  “I made baked spaghetti.”

  “I’m starving.”

  “Perfect. You sit tight and I’ll make you a plate.”

  “I can do it,” she says as her phone rings. She pulls it out of her pocket. “It’s Aubrey.”

  “Take it. I’ll be right back.” I kiss the corner of her mouth and make my way to the kitchen to grab us both a plate. After setting a plate for her and one for me on the table, I head back to the kitchen. I grab a bottle of water for me and pour Emma a glass of her favorite wine. When I make it back to the dining room, she’s still on the phone, but she’s eating her spaghetti. She mouths “Thank you” when I set her wine in front of her.

  “Yeah, the vet said it’s a fifty-fifty chance of recovery at this point. We caught it soon, which is good. It’s just a wait and see kind of thing,” she explains to Aubrey. “Oh, and before I forget, he wanted me to tell you he’d be back next week for the other animals' checkups and that if you want to bring Pixy, plan on Thursday.”

  I still can’t believe that Aubrey and Chance have a pet goat in their house. A fainting goat apparently from the stories I’ve heard. It’s odd, but to each their own. Hell, if Emma wanted a pet goat, I’d move heaven and earth to get her one. I can only imagine that was Chance’s exact reasoning when it came to Aubrey. There’s not much a man won’t do for the woman he loves.

  Including giving up his career. I hope that it doesn’t come to that. I don’t think that Bridgett has that kind of pull. Case is right, talking to Coach is the right step. I’m going to hold on mentioning it to Emma until I talk to him. I don’t want to worry her, and frankly, I want to have more information on what she can and can’t do. I don’t want to give her a chance to push me away.

  “Okay. Give CJ a hug from Aunt Emma. See you in the morning.” She lays her phone on the table and reaches for her glass of wine. “Thank you for this.” She holds it up before taking a drink. “Sorry about that. She wanted an update on Buckwheat.”

  “I get it. I hope he’s okay.”

  There is sadness in her eyes. “Me too. If this doesn’t work, if he doesn’t respond to treatments, we’ll have to have him put down.” Her voice cracks.

  “Think positive.”

  She nods. “This is amazing by the way.”

  “Good. Eat up. We have plans after dinner.”

  “Landon, I really just want to chill.” Her shoulders slump as if she’s disappointed she has something else added to her plans tonight.

  “Good. That’s exactly what we’re doing. So, eat up.”

  A slow smile tilts her lips. “I love you.” Her words are soft, but the meaning no less powerful.

  Leaning over the table, I kiss her. “I love you too.”

  Chapter 23


  “Go relax on the couch while I clean up.”

  “I can help.” I stand from the table to gather my plate, but his hand over mine stops me.

  “I’ve got this, Em. Now, go sit.”

  I do as he says because I’m mentally exhausted and I know Landon. He’s not going to let me help. Wasting time arguing about it is not going to do either of us any good. A few minutes later, he’s holding out his hand for me.

  “The leftovers are in the fridge. You’re staying here while I’m gone, right?”

  “Yeah, unless
you don’t want me to?”

  “I want you here.” His voice is firm, his decision final. Not that I expected anything different.

  “Good. You can have them while I’m gone. I made a small bowl for you to take in your lunch tomorrow.”

  “Landon Barker, if your fans could see you now. Being all domesticated, making my lunch.”

  “Yeah? You think that would help my image?”

  “I don’t think you need any help in that department, Number Eighteen.”

  “Hey, you did dub me the lucky bastard after all,” he taunts.

  “Well, aren’t you? You are here with me right now,” I tease.

  “Damn right I am,” he agrees. He pushes open his bedroom door and doesn’t stop until we’re in the bathroom. “Strip, baby.” His voice is soft yet husky. He reaches down into the huge clawfoot tub and turns on the water.

  “You’re running me a bath?” I ask, my heart melting into a puddle at my feet.

  “I’m running us a bath,” he corrects, pulling his T-shirt over his head and letting it fall to the floor.

  Before I know it, we’re both stripped naked and Landon steps into the tub, holding his hand out for me. I step in after him. He settles himself, resting against the back of the tub. “Sit,” he says, opening his legs for me to join him. I waste no time sitting down and leaning against his chest. The hot water lulls over us, and his arms wrap around me.

  “How did you know this is what I needed?”

  “A bath?”

  “No. You.”

  “Because I need this time with you too. I hate leaving you when we have away games.”

  “I know, but the season is halfway over. We’ve almost made it.”

  “Yeah, can you get time off work? Maybe we can take a trip once the season is over? Somewhere tropical where I get to see you in tiny scraps of material all day long.”

  “I don’t really do that out in public.”

  “Hell no, I’m talking private beach. No way am I letting another man ogle you. Hell, to be honest, we don’t even need swimwear. Let’s just lie naked in bed all day.”


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