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Her Dominant Billionaire

Page 18

by Lily Harlem

  Imogen whimpered, the filthy promise almost too much to think about.

  He pulled out and her hole clasped shut. But not for long because then the hard, cool point of the butt plug was there.

  “This is no more than my fingers,” he said, pressing his left hand against her trapped wrists and holding them over the rope. “Just relax and I’ll make it so damn good for you.”

  She blinked—moisture had collected in the corner of her eyes. She wanted this, she did, but it was so much. Kane was so much. He was pushing her, taking her to new places she never thought she’d visit.

  The plug was eased into her body, stretching and filling, Kane drove it on and on.

  She gasped, then held her breath. Studied his naked form and his heavy erection and the sight of herself, ass up, being invaded back there.

  “That’s it, nearly in…” he said.

  Imogen didn’t think she could take any more. The flare of the base was so much, too much. It hurt, it nipped… “Oww…”

  “You’ve done it,” he said.

  A sudden easing of her sphincter told her the plug was fully inserted. She tensed her pelvic muscles. She felt full, dense, the plug pressing on nerves that seemed to be attached to her pussy.

  She groaned and closed her eyes. She wanted to come, she wanted release.

  “Hey.” Kane was in front of her. He kissed the tip of her nose. “Do you need to say anything?”

  She opened her eyes. He was frowning and he looked worried.

  “Say it if you need to,” he said. “I don’t want to push you too far.”

  “I do… need to say… something.”

  A fleeting glimpse of sadness crossed his face. “Say it,” he whispered.

  She swallowed and sucked in a deep breath. “Fuck me. Fuck me now… Sir.”

  He tilted his chin, his lips tightened. He nodded. “With pleasure.”

  In three fast paces he was behind her. He gripped her hips, lined up his cock with her pussy, and forged in.

  Imogen was bumped up the table. His balls crushed up to her labia and her clit rubbed against the leather.

  She cried out in pleasure and shock. With her ass already full, distended, his cock felt bigger than ever inside her.

  “You like that?” he asked, withdrawing, then thrusting back in.

  “Yes… yes, Sir…”

  She set her blurry focus on their reflection in the mirror. They looked animalistic, primal. Fucking, bound, grunting and groaning.

  Kane’s lips were pulled back, his teeth bared. He held her tight, his belly slamming onto the base of the butt plug on each ride to full depth.

  Imogen surrendered to it all. A climax was racing her way but she had no control over it. Kane would wring it out of her.

  She panted and struggled to catch her breath. The orgasm had arrived. Her legs shook, her breasts dragged on the bench, and the collar dug into her neck as she strained against all her binds. She’d never felt so wild and free, yet she couldn’t move at all.

  “Come, come, sub…” he shouted, delivering a sudden hard slap to her right buttock.

  Imogen tipped over the edge. The pressure that had built within her burst free, dragging her with it on a rollercoaster of ecstasy. Her skin was on fire, her limbs trembled, and her pussy overflowed with bliss.

  “Yes, oh God, yes, squeeze me with your cunt like that…” Kane tilted his head to the ceiling; his chest heaved and his abdominal muscles turned to a stack of bricks.

  As he emptied his pleasure into her, Imogen was in awe of his beauty. He was the epitome of a man, not afraid to admit to his needs and take what he wanted.

  A sob burst up from her as another orgasmic spasm ravaged her pussy and her clit rammed solidly on the bench.

  He withdrew, shoved back in, his cock coated in juice and cum.

  “Oh, my God…” he said. “I’m not usually a man to pray…” He gave another slower ride in and out. “But thank you, God, for delivering Imogen to me.”

  Imogen gasped for breath. The ropes were tight now that she was so breathless. “Kane… I…” She couldn’t finish.

  He withdrew and lifted her upright. She dragged in air. Her breasts felt like they might burst, so did her lungs.

  “Are you okay?” He ran his hands down her back, his fingers tapping over the knots.

  She was too breathless to speak. Suddenly the ropes loosened around her chest. Her lungs expanded fully and her breasts were freed.

  Kane stepped behind her, the rope slackened more, and within another few seconds were in a heap at her feet.

  “Talk to me,” he said, holding her by the shoulders. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes…” She pressed a hand over her aching chest. “Yes…”


  “Yes, it was just so…” God, the plug, it was still there. “So much, and tipped over and bound it felt like I couldn’t catch my breath.”

  “But you could.” He hugged her close. “And you can now.”

  “I know.” She slipped her hands around his waist and rested her cheek over the three stars.

  He kissed the top of her head. “That was amazing. You’re amazing, we’re so good together.”

  His softening cock pressed on her belly. “Yes. I think so too.” She paused. “The plug…?”

  “I want you to keep it in. I want you to use it, most days for a while, and then, soon, you’ll be ready for me to claim that final bit of you to make you mine.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kane helped Imogen into the bed and after tucking the sheets around her, he went to the window and flung open the black curtains.

  From this room, the Empire State Building stole the view and was still illuminated bright red.

  “I thought you might like to go to sleep looking at that,” he said.

  “Yes,” Imogen murmured, her body heavy and weary.

  He slid in beside her, spooning her so they could both look at the skyline.

  He was so warm and solid, his embrace so comforting. Imogen couldn’t remember ever feeling so content. They weren’t just a fling or a casual couple, they were going to give it a go, as a relationship. They’d decided that, together. The last thing she saw as she shut her eyes was the tip of the building that glowed red, just for her.

  A drifting sensation came over her, and her thoughts mellowed and softened, as did her breathing. Somewhere between sleep and awake she was vaguely aware of Kane kissing her, just behind her ear.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  Imogen was too lost in the world of slumber to reply and wasn’t even sure if it was real. Dreams were sneaking up on her, a floating sensation carrying her into the night. She let herself fall, surrendered to exhaustion and blissed-out contentment.

  Kane loved her?

  * * *

  She woke; it was sometime later, she knew that because there was a faint lilac glow behind the Empire State Building, signifying dawn.

  Kane was still wrapped around her, his breathing steady and deep and his chest pressing against her back. She shifted slightly and became aware of the plug.

  Carefully, she slipped from Kane’s embrace. He mumbled and turned but didn’t wake. She stood and tiptoed back to her room, needing to use the bathroom.

  Once inside, she removed the plug, washed it in hot soapy water, and placed it in a spare cosmetic bag. She felt tender, not just her ass but her pussy and her breasts too. She used the toilet, then splashed water on her face. Brushed her teeth, and set about removing the pins from her hair.

  She had a glow to her cheeks and her eyes sparkled the way Kane’s had during their scene the evening before. Was that what love looked like? Was that what she looked like in love? It had been so long, she’d only told one man before that she loved him and he’d left her—it hadn’t been a confession she’d been in a hurry to make again.

  But Kane… did she love him? Yes. She knew she did. And she could still hear him quietly saying those words in her ear. It hadn’t been a
dream, she was sure of it now.

  Once her hair was loose and flowing around her shoulders, she ran her fingers over the collar. It was still an alien concept to wear it all the time—what would her colleagues say? They’d think she’d agreed to become someone’s pet. But of course, she knew what it meant, what it signified. She decided to leave it on. Perhaps when they woke naked and warm and sleepy, they’d make love again and she’d call him Sir so that he got that dreamy look on his face as she fulfilled his fantasy.

  Smiling, she padded naked back to bed. She carefully slotted herself next to Kane and wound her arm over his belly, her head resting by his upper arm. “I love you too,” she whispered, then kissed the ball of his shoulder.

  * * *

  When she woke the bed was empty, but she could hear Kane’s deep voice and guessed he was on the phone.

  She turned and faced the window. The red lights had gone from the Empire State Building and the sun shone bright from a clear blue sky.

  Kane was dressed in a suit and tie, his mobile pressed to his ear, and he was pacing backward and forward from one side of the window to the other.

  “Yes, I know, it’s hardly ideal.” Pause. “Well, what did Ryland say?” Pause. “I can’t believe this, it was as good as in the bag. It’s a total fuck-up.” He shoved his hand through his hair, stopped and stared at the floor.

  Imogen propped herself onto her elbow. He didn’t sound happy at all.

  “Well, I understand that, it’s just damn inconvenient, it’s hardly around the corner, is it?” He sighed. “But I suppose I have no choice, not if he’s insisting on seeing me before signing. It’s too important to not be there.” He looked at Imogen and frowned. “Yes, I’m still in New York, but I’ll be in San Francisco by the end of the day. Set up an evening meeting with him and make sure he brings his lawyer because I’ll have mine.” He clicked his phone shut and jabbed it into his inner jacket pocket.

  “Problems?” Imogen said.

  He’s going to San Francisco?

  “No more than usual.” He shook his head and tutted. “This company has put up barriers every step of the way to merging with one of my communication enterprises, but at the end of the day I’m saving them from bankruptcy. I don’t know why they’re being so stubborn or so demanding.”

  “That’s kind of you, to help them out.”

  “Not kind, it’s in my best interest to have their assets. Kind doesn’t come into the business world.” He walked over to the bed and dropped a kiss on her cheek. “How are you?”

  “Fine.” She smiled up at him. He smelled heavenly. “You?”

  “Very well.” He straightened. “I’ve called for breakfast, but before it arrives, get up and dressed, we have to go soon.”

  “Go where?”

  “To the airport. We’ll be flying to San Francisco in a few hours.” He reached for his phone again. Whoever he called answered immediately. “Jenson, it’s me, we’re heading to the West Coast, San Fran, as soon as possible. Text me the takeoff slot.” He looked at Imogen. “Two passengers.” He ended the call and again shoved the phone away.

  “I can’t go to San Francisco,” she said.

  “Yes, you can.”

  “No, I can’t. I thought the plan was for us to fly back to London tomorrow, I’m due back at work the day after.”

  “So take the day off.” He shoved his hands into his trouser pockets and shrugged. “In fact, take the week off.”

  Imogen stared at him. He didn’t seem in the least bit concerned about her concerns. “I can’t take the week off,” she said. “I have meetings and conference calls and deadlines that must be met by this Friday. I also have some quarterly reviews to get done for my team, it’s important.”

  “We can fix that. Bob Thornton is still on the board at Coutts, isn’t he?”

  “Well, yes, but…”

  “We’ve done business before. I’ll call him, explain that you won’t be in this week, that you’re with me.”

  “You can’t do that.” She stared at him wide-eyed. “You can’t.”

  “Of course I can.” He pulled his phone out again.


  “What’s the problem?” He frowned and appeared to notice her agitation for the first time.

  “What’s the problem?” She sat on the edge of the bed, allowing the sheet to slip from around her bare body. “The problem is it’s my job. I have to be there, they can’t just put someone else in in my place, I’m not that replaceable, or at least I hope not.”

  “I’m sure it will be very difficult to replace you, but the bottom line is you don’t have to do anything about it. I’ll personally offer to cover the cost of an agency worker to fill your shoes this week so you don’t have a ton of work to cope with if you eventually want go back to the office.”

  “What…?” She stood. “Bloody hell, Kane. You can’t do that, and of course it’s what I want to do.”

  “We’ll talk about that later.” He smiled and touched her cheek with the back of his thumb. “And this week is not a problem. What’s the point in having money if I can’t use it to get what I want… and I want you. I want you with me in San Francisco.”

  Imogen opened her mouth but no words came out. He thought she was pissed about him spending money on her replacement, when in fact, she was furious that he thought he could tell her what to do and thought she might not go back to her office.

  “One phone call,” he said, scrolling through his contacts. “That’s all it will take.”

  “No.” She grabbed the phone from him and held it aloft.

  “What the”—he gave her a steely look—“hell are you doing?”

  “If you call Bob Thornton, I swear I’ll walk out of here and you’ll never see me again.”

  “Imogen.” He scowled. “Remember who you are speaking to and also remember to address me as Sir.” He retrieved his phone and set it on the table that still held the long black ropes and the squat brown bag.

  “Sir? Sir? No, I’m not addressing you as bloody Sir, we’re having a conversation about me getting back to work.”

  He rubbed his hand over his temple as if he was weary and stared at her. “There is no conversation to be had. You’re coming with me to the West Coast and I will let your superiors know.” He sighed, stepped close, and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Now don’t concern yourself with this another minute. I’ll have it taken care of by the time you’re out of the shower. There is nothing for you to worry about.” He rubbed his finger over the collar she still wore. “Now go and get ready like I told you to.”

  “You can’t tell me… to do… anything…” She was still wearing the collar and as she’d spoken, she realized why he was being the way he was.

  “You keep forgetting to address me as Sir.” He frowned. “And speaking to me like this will get you a spanking.”

  Imogen stepped away from him. She reached behind her neck and undid the tiny buckle. The collar was the reason why he was speaking to her this way and insisting she do as she was told without question. It was because he was seeing her as his submissive, yet she wasn’t, not now, not when they were discussing matters that were so important to her—which her career most certainly was.

  She slid the collar from her neck and held it out to him. “Here, this is yours.”

  He didn’t take it. “No, it’s yours and I want you to wear it.”

  “We discussed this already. I said I’d wear it when we were, when you are…”

  “In the bedroom was one of the words you used.”


  “And we’re in a bedroom now.” He pointed at the bed.

  “Don’t twist it, you know what I meant.” Her nakedness suddenly felt acute and uncomfortable. She stepped past him and plucked a black toweling robe from a hook, shrugged into it.

  He watched as she tightened the belt around her waist. “Imogen, don’t be like this. I want to be with you, I thought you wanted to be with me? We agreed to that last night.�

  “I do want to be with you.” Oh, she did, desperately so. He’d become the gravitational force that all her thoughts and hopes and dreams of the future were spinning around.

  “So come with me.” His voice softened. “Today. Stay with me.”

  “I’d love to, but…”

  “There are no buts, not if you don’t want there to be.” He stepped closer and touched the knot she’d just secured at her waist. “I thought we’d decided to give it a go, be a couple. I thought you understood that would mean you giving up work and accompanying me.”

  “Accompanying you?” How could they have misunderstood each other so drastically? “Give up work?”

  “Yes. You know my business takes me around the globe on a continual business trip. Yes, I have apartments in several cities plus a villa in the Caribbean and a yacht in St. Tropez, but I live out of hotels, that’s my home.”

  “That’s not a good way to be.” She shook her head.

  “It’s the way it is. I have to keep my finger on the pulse of so many organizations.”

  “Can’t you delegate?”

  “I delegate plenty, but some occasions, like today, only my presence will do.”

  “But… I can’t come with you around the globe.” She paused as a tightening in her chest warned that a sob and tears could possibly burst free. “I have a home, a job. I have a best friend, my mother, and a life in London. You don’t really expect me to give all that up after a few days with you?”

  “It’s not a few days, it’s been a long time coming. We’re right for each other.” He slid his hand up to her face and cupped her cheek. “And it’s time for us to be together, permanently.”

  Imogen swallowed, her mouth was dry and her throat thick. She shook her head. “I want you in my life permanently, Kane, but I can’t give up mine to live in yours.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I still have things I want to achieve, I have goals.” She rested her hand over his. “I’m self-sufficient, I have been for a long time. I can’t just let a man look after me, no matter how many millions you have in the bank.”


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