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Luck of the Irish

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by Ronin Black

  Luck of the Irish

  A Short MM Erotic Fantasy

  Ronin Black

  Ronin Black Publishing

  Copyright © 2020 Ronin Black

  All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  Cover design by: Ronin Black

  Before my alarm even went off I got a text message. The familiar moan of Jake’s message alert filled the air. Jake and I were dating. Two months now. I’d recorded that moan while I was pressing my hard cock into his tight ass when we first got together. I delighted in recording lewd sounds from all my boyfriends and setting them as text alerts.

  I rolled over, patting the night stand until I found the blasted phone and pulled it over to me. 7:21 was what the clock read. I swiped the phone open and went to see what Jake had sent me. It was a pretty long message. I blinked several times to get my eyes to focus before I could read it properly.

  Hey, Aaron. It’s taken me several days to write this so here goes. I can’t do this anymore. You’re great in bed, but I feel like we’re not really compatible. Everything is always about you. The other day when I needed to study for my exams, you were pretty insistent that I pay attention to you. I nearly failed the test because you wouldn’t let me study. Law school is very important to me and I can’t let anyone ruin this for me. So, I’m taking a break from dating completely. You were already asleep when I came by, but I grabbed all my stuff. Left the key on the kitchen island.

  I sighed and tossed my phone onto the other side of the bed. ‘You’re great in bed, but… Everything is always about you…’ Well, it figured. Two months was quite a long relationship for me lately. Things had been going well with Jake. Or at least, I thought they were. I should have seen this coming a mile away.

  Well, it looked like I was single. Maybe that bartender at The Clover would hook up with me now. As I considered how I might make my move on him, I heard a crash from the basement. I sat up quickly and grabbed my shirt, pulling it on and running down the hall.

  I swung open the door and my bare feet padded down the cold stone steps that led into the half-finished basement. The light switch was halfway down the stairs and I slapped at it without stopping. The dim, yellow light bulb in the center of the room buzzed as it was forced to life by the electrical current.

  “Hello?” I called out angrily. My hand wrapped around the rake as soon as I got to the flat, stone floor and I wielded it like a pitchfork. I wasn’t sure what I’d do if I actually met a hostile intruder. Maybe I’d scratch him to death with it.

  “Bloody hell!” I heard a cry and another crash as a tin can filled with nails fell to the ground and then rolled towards me out of the darkened corner.

  I followed the path of the can and could tell that my metal shelves had been turned over and something, well, someone, was trapped beneath.

  “Well don’t just stand there gawkin’! Get me the hell outta here!” The lump beneath the shelves moved and shouted at me with an angry Irish accent that moved my feet to action before I had fully acknowledged the command.

  I tossed the rake to the side and rushed over to lift one shelf off, setting it back upright, but perpendicular to the wall. I didn’t fully comprehend the reason I hadn’t put the shelf right back where it was until I moved the other shelf off of him.

  There was a small wooden door, about half the size of a normal door that sat ajar in front of a doorway that looked more cavernous than man-made. And inside, there was a warm, welcoming light coming from somewhere beyond what I could see.

  I was quite sure that door hadn’t been there when I first put the shelves there and made this corner a workshop. And I was even more sure it wasn’t there when I came down here just three days ago to work on my last project.

  I blinked at the door. Then, I looked over at the figure as it stood, grumbling at me.

  “About bloody time.”

  I stared. He was upright, but he couldn’t be more than three feet tall. Little people weren’t common around here, but that wasn’t why I was so confused. This one seemed to have come straight out of a door that hadn’t been there before.

  As he dusted himself off, I noticed he was wearing black buckled loafers, green tights and matching green pants that came just below his knee. His shirt was a lighter shade of green, covered by his black and gold vest. Over that he wore a green dress coat with long tails, well, long for him, that matched his pants. To top it all off, he wore a black, three-cornered hat, beneath which dark, beady eyes glared at me beneath a severe, bushy brow.

  “Ummm… hello?” I was a master of words. A little person magically appears in my basement through a door that shouldn’t exist and all I could say was ‘hello’. He didn’t seem impressed.

  “Well, let’s get it over with then. What will ya be havin’?” He said, crossing his arms.

  I stared as he moved. He was really real. When his words finally reached my stunned brain, I blinked. “Wait, what?”

  “What’ll ya be havin’? I haven’t got all day!” His hands moved to his waist impatiently and his round belly stuck out a bit more.

  “I don’t understand. How did you get in here? Hell, why did you get in here? Are you on your way to some sort of costume party?” I asked, making a vague gesture towards him with my hand, obviously commenting on his clothes.

  “Decidedly not! Bloody door brought me here,” he said, making a motion to the strange, wooden door now attached to my wall.

  Then, he snapped his fingers and the door, no, the doorway seemed to all be sucked into itself until the door, the doorway, even the opening had just disappeared. I stared, wide-eyed at the wall. It looked just like it used to, as if there had never been an opening or a door there at all.

  “Ya really have no idea what I am, do ya?” He asked after studying me for a moment.

  I turned my head to look at him, still staring. I shook my head, not sure if I should try to form words in my mouth, which seemed to be hanging agape.

  He sighed and pulled a hand over his face. I watched it stretch a little as he pulled. Then he tugged on his narrow, fiery red goatee that curled a bit at the end.

  “Fine! I’ll explain for the millionth time. Me?” He pointed a thumb at himself. “I’m a leprechaun, I am. I use that door to get around. You, or rather, your trap, caught me.”

  “Wait,” I wanted to make sure I was understanding this. “You’re a real life leprechaun? Like, the gold at the end of the rainbow and stuff like that?”

  He waved his hand in the air, elaborately but dismissively. “The gold thing is a myth.”

  “You’re a myth,” I reminded him.

  He glared up at me as if to burn a hole through my head. I swallowed. “Alright, you’re obviously real, or someone slipped me some acid.”

  “Riight…” He seemed annoyed with me. “Anywho! You caught me, so you get three wishes. Thing is, I don’t have time for you ta keep babbling about my existence, so if you don’t mind, I’d like ta get on with it.”

  “Oh, right. But what’s your name?” I asked him.

  “What?” He snapped, not in anger, but in surprise. The question caught him completely off guard.

  “Your name. What do I call you?”

  He blinked, taken aback. “Well, no one’s ever asked me that one before. Alright, as your first wish, I shall tell you my name.” He straightened and smiled, proud of himself.

  “Wait, that wa
sn’t a wish.”

  “Do you wish to know my name?” He asked without skipping a beat.

  “Yes but, it’s just--”

  “Then it’s a wish!” He confidently decided.

  I sighed. “No, it’s just courtesy. My name is Aaron O’Rorke.” I bowed, then motioned to him with a hand like a proper prince. “And you are?”

  He blinked. “Irritated.”

  I sighed heavily, my whole body slumping in defeat.

  “Alright, I’ll play along. My name,” he gave me an extravagant bow as he spoke, his hand spiralling as it swooped backwards. One foot going back behind the other as if he’d been taught etiquette by nobles of the 17th century. “Is Denis Crowe.”

  I smiled as he looked up at me. “Pleased to meet you.”

  He smiled back and stood back upright slowly. “Now for your second wish.”

  “Wait, what?” I said. I was amazed that he had so smoothly tricked me into that.

  “Aye. Second wish. You wished to know my name for the first wish. What else do you desire?” Denis said.

  He leapt from the floor to the top of my workshop table. Any clutter or dirt whisked itself away before he ever touched it. I say ‘leapt’ though it was more like he teleported. As he started to jump, his body seemed to transform into something that was more light than solid form. In half-a-second, he was solid again, sitting on the table with one leg crossed over the other.

  My mouth fell open as I watched, and when he looked up at me, he frowned. “You’ll catch flies like that, m’boy,” he warned with a cackle.

  I tried to shake off this incredible sight. By now, I was sure I was hallucinating. This little person, dressed like a generic leprechaun, was offering me wishes. I still wasn’t sure that he could actually grant anything of significance though. He claimed the first wish was his name after all.

  “So, what do I wish for? You can grant anything I ask?” I prodded for information. If he could grant anything, I’d win out. If this was all just a drug-induced hallucination, I wasn’t losing anything, right?

  “That’s right. Anything you ask. I have little control over how it comes to happen, but it will happen.”

  Denis watched me as my mind was racing through all the possibilities. I could have my dream car. My dream house even! I could wish for my own private island and jet. I could wish to be a millionaire so I could buy all of this on my own.

  I must have looked like a kid in a candy store for the first time, because Denis spoke up after a moment. “However, I will warn you. Magic is a very tricksy thing. Be careful what you wish for an’ how you wish it, for you ne’r know how it will be interpreted.”

  I looked at him, letting his warning soak in. I nodded. “Alright, I think I--” I stopped dead in my tracks. I thought I knew what I wanted, but then thoughts of Jake came to me, and then all the other boyfriends that had ever broken up with me.

  My face dropped and my eyes looked into the distance sadly. I didn’t see Denis raise a brow in recognition and interest, but I did hear his words. “So, it’s love you truly desire.”

  Love, I thought to myself. It was a scary concept, but I was tired of being alone. I was tired of being left over and over again. How did I ask for this though? I couldn’t just ask for love. That was ridiculous. I had to be more specific.

  Denis waited patiently for me as I tried to make up my mind. When I glanced over, he seemed way too eager to grant my wish now and it was unnerving.

  “Alright. I wish for someone, a boyfriend, who will love me more than anyone has ever loved me and is smoking hot,” I said.

  True, I didn’t need to add that last bit in, but if I was going to be specific about a boyfriend, I was going to make sure he was nice to look at.

  Denis raised his brows, impressed at the way I handled the wish. “Very well. Enjoy.”

  He snapped his fingers and his body started to disintegrate right before my very eyes. As he became particles in the air the flowed away, then swirled as if caught in some magical wind. Soon enough none of Denis remained and I was left with a swirling vortex of colored particles right in front of me.

  My hair was caught in the wind, jerking up and out as I watched this tornado swirl and grow upwards. After a moment, the particles came back together, but this time there was a tall, handsome man in front of me. He wore absolutely nothing except a small vest that looked very similar to Denis’.

  His jaw was chiseled and my eyes made their way down his body and back up. His legs were sturdy. On my way up his body, I noticed that he was well endowed, even flaccid, and I licked my lips.

  His arms were athletic, but not too bulky. His torso looked like he’d stolen it from Adonis himself. Every one of his abdominal muscles was defined. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. His chest was well formed. He didn’t look like he’d been working out too much, but those pecks were very distinguished all on their own.

  My eyes continued to move up his body. Above that chiseled jaw was a strong, handsome face. His cheekbones stuck out, but his cheeks were not gaunt. His nose hooked at just the right angle and wasn’t too pointy. And then, those eyes, green and fiery as he stared into my soul beneath thick red brows and short red hair.

  He took my breath away and I couldn’t find the words to speak. He smirked as he decided to go first, “Well, this definitely wasn’t what I had in mind.” His sultry voice was deep and inviting. I could feel myself being drawn to him with every word.

  “Are… Are you Denis?” I asked as I just stared at him.

  His smile grew and he nodded. “Aye. That’s me.”

  Now I was really confused. “And you’re a leprechaun?”

  He nodded, his head bobbing side-to-side.

  “And you’re… a hot, ginger demi-god?” I asked, looking him over.

  He laughed, deep and loud. “Well, I doubt I’d go that far.”

  I looked at him skeptically. That beautiful body splayed out before me was too good to be true.

  “Well, I can’t be a li’l person all the time can I?” Denis told me.

  Then he stepped towards me. I couldn’t move. My eyes were wide as he came close, our chests nearly touching. I just stared into his eyes in awe. If I looked straight ahead, his nose was in my direct line of sight. It was rare I had to look up to see anyone.

  As we looked into each other’s eyes, his hand grasped my chin gently and he leaned in to kiss my lips. After a moment, I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss. My hands reaching out to caress his sides. Then I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close. The kiss deepened and I wasn’t really sure which of us was in control of it.

  I pressed against him, groaning into the kiss as it got more passionate. He let go of my chin to use both hands to pull up my shirt. Since I’d just gotten out of bed, all I had on besides the shirt was a pair of plaid boxers. After tossing my shirt to the side, his hand reached down and cupped my growing bulge, squeezing gently. My cock throbbed in his hand, aching to be let out of the thin cotton fabric.

  I caressed his chest as I looked into his eyes. With his hand on my crotch, we were connected. He looked deep into my soul.

  “Want this?” He asked, a hand taking one of mine and sliding it slowly down his body until my fingers brushed his hardening shaft. I groaned softly, my fingers wrapping around his cock as I started to stroke. He moaned softly, massaging my cock in return.

  Then, he stepped back. My hand reluctantly let go of him and I watched him go to his knees, fingers pulling the band of my boxers down along the way. My throbbing cock popped out and bounced right in front of his face.

  He kissed the head, then swirled his tongue around it, looking up at me with the sexiest smirk I’d ever seen. I moaned as he teased me. If this was a dream, I hoped it would never end. It wasn’t uncommon for my boyfriends to not really know what to do when sucking cock. It seemed Denis, here, was experienced at the task.

  When his lips wrapped around the head of my member to start sucking harder, my head tilted back. I mo
aned loudly, gripping his hair tightly. He kept my hips at a distance though, slowly working his way down my cock, back up to the tip, then down a bit further. He took his time and completely enraptured me in his attention.

  His lips eventually met the base of my cock. I could feel him swallowing around the length that was down his throat. Denis had no gag reflex at all. It was heavenly. My legs shook beneath me, threatening to buckle as my whole body gave into the pleasure.

  Denis grabbed my ass, moving his head so that my cock fucked his throat quickly. His hands helped to keep me upright while he worked.

  With a loud gasp, he pulled off of me and licked his lips. My cock glistened with his saliva as it stood tall and straight and proud. I was panting as I looked down at him.

  “You taste amazing, my love,” his dark, deep voice shook the very fiber of my being.

  His tongue stretched out and flicked at my tip, gathering up some pre-cum. I gasped as my cock twitched in response.

  Then he stood, taking my hands and leading me over to the stairs and right up to my bedroom. I barely had to direct him. My home wasn’t too large.

  He pushed me down on the bed. Grabbing my legs, he pulled me back to him.

  “Roll over, pet,” He ordered, though it sounded more like a sweet request.

  I did what was asked of me, rolling onto my back and spreading my legs eagerly for him. Denis’ hands slid down my calves to my thighs, pressing them open further. His thick hard rod began to prod at my entrance. I looked up at him and licked my lips. My hands moving to hold my legs apart as wide as they could comfortably go.

  “Take me, Denis,” I purred for him. “Fuck me hard.”

  He guided his cock right inside of me. The head popped in with some effort. My body instinctively seemed to open up for him and I moaned loudly as he started to work his way in deeper.

  In and out. In and out. His hips pistoned like a train picking up speed. Denis leaned over me as he sank into the hilt and just stayed there. I groaned deeply.


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