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Page 19

by Lynda Behling

  Julius nodded. "This section here is for the dungeon." He showed her seven or eight keys on the ring with black paint on the handles.

  Both of her eyebrows shot up into her hair. "We have a dungeon?" She squeaked.

  He frowned as he straightened up, continuing to flip through the keys. "Of course." He answered. "It's usually empty. Do you want to see it?" He asked absently, glancing down at the chair. She was gone. He turned to the door.

  "Is there anyone locked up down there now?" She asked excitedly, opening the door.

  A corner of Julius' mouth twitched. "No, it hasn't been used in years, which you would know if you would listen to me." He told her, walking over. She waited for him out in the hall. She bounced lightly on her feet, having trouble containing her excitement.

  As he closed the door, she grabbed his hand with both of hers. "Where is it? The basement?" She asked him.

  "It's one level below the basement." He told her. "This way." He led her down the hall.

  *** Claire wrinkled her nose in disapproval. "It's too clean." She said, frowning deeply at the white linoleum and the light gray plaster walls.

  Julius shrugged. "Is it?" He looked down at her, raising an eyebrow. "Were you expecting bare stone walls and a pile of moldy straw in the corner?"

  "Yes!" Claire exclaimed. She walked past the barred cubicles, looking into each one. Inside each was a neat cot bolted to one wall. Two sets of shiny steel manacles hung from the wall opposite the bars. She stopped in front of one barred door, peering inside. "I guess it will have to do." She sighed.

  Julius chuckled in amusement. "Do I dare ask for what?" He walked over to her. He pulled out the key ring and unlocked the door. He slid it open. He bowed and gestured inside. "After you."

  Claire stepped inside, looking around. "It's much too nice." She stated. "If I was locked in here, I would hardly feel terrified."

  Julius was having a hard time not laughing. He raised one dark eyebrow. "Is that so?" "It is." Claire said. She walked over to the manacles and frowned at them. "Do these things even work?" She lifted the cuff. The chain went up the wall and disappeared into a hole.

  "Certainly." Julius assured her. He walked up to her, taking her small hand in his. He snapped the manacle over her wrist, adjusting it deftly to her size. He had put it on her so swiftly that she hadn't had time to pull away, or even to react. "See?"

  Claire pulled on the manacle, it held firmly, the thick chain rattled. She gave him a dry look. "Okay, let me out now. Please." She held her wrist out to him.

  Julius pulled the keyring from his pocket again. He scrutinized it closely. "Hmm, which key was it again..." He said to himself.

  "That's not funny." Claire said warningly. She reached out her other hand for the keys.

  Julius stepped back. "No, I am sure it's one of these." He reassured her, flipping through the keys. "At least, I am mostly sure..."

  "Julius!" Claire exclaimed, her voice getting high with panic. She stepped forward, but was stopped by the manacle, which rattled heavily.

  He arched an eyebrow at her. "You're not... scared, are you?" He asked in disbelief. There was nothing taunting about his tone, but she could tell he was making fun of her

  Claire composed herself. "Of course not." She said, looking away from him. "But... if we keep playing around like this, we'll be late for the ballet."

  "Oh, very well." Julius replied. He walked back over to her, kneeling in front of her. His dark eyes had a pleased look in them. "Though, I don't know... you do make a cute prisoner. I could get used to seeing you like this." He joked. “You can't cause nearly as much trouble as you do down here.”

  Claire flushed. She held her chained wrist out to him firmly. “You know I don't cause you trouble.”

  Julius sighed dramatically, as if he might think differently. "As you wish." He said, unlocking the manacle.

  Claire rubbed her wrist, though it was unharmed. "If you have a dungeon," She began. She looked up at him. "does that make you some kind of... evil prince?"

  The pleased look in his eyes intensified. He put a hand to the back of her head and kissed her forehead lightly. "Be careful with your compliments." he advised her softly. "A man might get the wrong idea." He rose to his feet, holding one gloved hand out to her.

  She took his hand, blushing brightly. He led her her out of the cell and back up to the main part of the Manor.

  *** Claire was waiting for Julius in his sitting room again, a few weeks later. He had been gone for those weeks. He had come home that afternoon, and then gone out again without seeing her. She had run down the stairs, but had only caught a glimpse of him as he left. He had turned to her briefly, saying he would return by morning. She had stood in the Main Hall feeling bereft, and decided to wait up for him. That way, she would get to see him as soon as he came home. Even if it wasn't until morning.

  Julius didn't come in until late, and he wasn't alone. There were two women with him. Claire opened her eyes sleepily when she heard them. A sharp scent reached her from where she was sitting on the armchair. The women were all over Julius, the one behind him was blonde and the other in front of him was a brunette. He had his hands on the waist of the brunette. He kissed her deeply.

  "Julius?" Julius looked over at her. She was lying in his armchair, her feet pulled up under her. Her expression was one of intense dislike. "Who are they?" She asked, glaring at the two women.

  The blonde giggled, leaning her head on Julius' shoulder. "Someone's up past their bedtime."

  Julius pulled away from the two women. He walked over to Claire, holding out his hand. "Come on, back to your rooms." He told her firmly. “It's very late.”

  Reluctantly, she took his hand, rising out of the armchair. She wore a long white nightgown. Her red hair was mussed and her eyes were sleepy. She was frowning, her blue eyes narrowed. Julius led her out of his quarters and walked with her down the hall, holding her hand. "You look upset." He commented.

  "I am." She answered grumpily.

  He looked down at her as they walked. "What's the matter?"

  Claire looked to the side, away from Julius. "Why were they touching you like that?" She asked.

  Julius narrowed his dark eyes. "Is there something wrong with that?" He asked her.

  Claire's small hand tightened around his. "I don't like it." She said firmly.

  "You don't have to. This is something that concerns me." He said simply. "There are times when I crave female company, and you don't have a say in that."

  Claire stopped walking. Julius took a step ahead of her, his hand tugged on hers and he paused, turning. She glared up at him. "I'm not enough?" She asked hotly, hurt and frustration filling her tiny body. "You don't want to spend time with me?"

  Julius blinked in surprise. What was she talking about. He realized then that she was jealous. "Of course I want to spend time with you." He assured her. "But, this is different. You're too young to understand." He pulled lightly on her hand, but she just stood there stubbornly. Her blue eyes were getting more heavy and tired, but she still managed a pretty effective glare.

  He wasn't going to stand there all night. He lifted her up off the ground, carrying her down the hall. One arm was under her knees and the other was behind her back.

  Claire gazed at the side of his face. She wanted to hold onto her frustration, but she was tired. She felt her anger slipping away.

  She leaned her head against his shoulder. His scent was absolutely wonderful. It calmed her immediately. There was something different about it too. It was intoxicating, and she recognized it, but she was too exhausted to think from where.

  Julius felt her reach her arm up, around his neck and lean her face into his neck, inhaling deeply. He was so startled he nearly dropped her. She kissed his cheek softly. "I don't want you to be with any girls other than me." She said quietly.

  He set her back on her feet immediately. He knelt in front of her and tilted her head back. She made no protest. Her eyes had a heavy, drugged quali
ty to them. He lifted his lapel to his face, breathing in. The scent was still strong.

  He swore under his breath, picking her up again. He walked quickly to her quarters. He pulled out his key ring and unlocked her door. He carried her through the Sitting Room and to her bedroom door, which he also unlocked, holding it open with his foot while he pocketed his keyring.

  He laid her on her bed and covered her with her blanket. She lay on her back, staring up at him through heavy-lidded eyes. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his gold cigarette case. He opened it and took out something small and oval shaped. He held it under her nose. “Breathe deeply.” He told her.

  She complied without hesitation. The scent was flowery and calming. Her eyelids suddenly felt like iron shutters. It was so hard to keep them open...

  “You'll feel more normal when you wake up.” She heard Julius voice from what seem like miles away.

  She placed a hand on his cheek. There was something she had been planning to say to him, for a while now. She had been so hesitant before. That was silly though, what was there to be nervous about? Maybe it was because she wasn't feeling normal right now. But, if she was normal in the morning, then she wouldn't say it, she would be nervous again.

  He stared down at her, waiting for her eyes to close. Her blue eyes looked up at him with such a soft expression. She was fighting to keep them open. "I love you, Julius." She told him sleepily. Her hand dropped as unconsciousness overcame her.

  Julius stepped away from the bed. His brows were furrowed in a deep frown. Strange feelings churned in his stomach, making him uneasy. She loved him? What kind of nonsense was that?

  Movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. He turned to it. The window was wide open, the breeze stirred the curtains. He walked over to it, shutting it firmly and locking it.

  He stared at the window. Had it been open when he came in?

  He didn't remember it being open, but it could have been open just a crack and the breeze pushed it the rest of the way. Perhaps the catch was faulty.

  His eyes scanned the room, feeling uneasy. Nothing moved.

  He was getting too worked up. Almost believing Miss Martin's crazy tales about ghosts. Even if his mother was a ghost, she wouldn't haunt up here, she would be downstairs... He shook his head, clearing those useless and ridiculous thought from them. He glanced over at the bed one last time and exited the room.

  Claire turned over at the sound of the door closing. She wrapped her arm around Beast's thin waist, snuggling close to him. She sighed heavily, sinking back into unconsciousness. Beast did not glance down at her. His yellow eyes were fixed steadily on the door.

  *** Julius exited his bedroom, closing the door and leaning his back on it. He frowned at the ceiling.

  Why did he bother anymore? He always got so bored of them.

  The pursuit was all that had interested him, for quite a while now. He saw women as something to be hunted. But the game was too easy now. They were drawn to his wealth and power like so many moths to a flame. There was no fun for him when his prey came willingly.

  And he did not have time to hunt for something more interesting. He enjoyed his work, yes. Being Regent gave him an overwhelming sense of power. But it consumed most of his life. Once his physical demands became too insistent, he would give in and take what was offered to him, not having the time to go on a lengthy hunt.

  But when he was done, his interest always waned, leaving him feeling oddly... empty.

  He had to get out of this room. It wasn't like him to be so melodramatic.

  He walked out into the hallway. He was tired, but he couldn't sleep in his bed if it was occupied. He would have Jacqueline get rid of the women, he didn't even want to see them again.

  He pulled out his phone, dialing her number. "Jacqueline, can you come up to my room?"

  His secretary answered him nervously. "S-sir, it's one AM..."

  "Oh, you are home then?" He asked, a little unsettled. He hadn't expected her to be home. He couldn't remember the last time she had been anywhere but near him.

  "N-no Sir, I'm downstairs. I haven't left yet." She answered.

  He brightened. "Oh good, come up here then, please."

  There was a small sigh on the other line. "Yes, Sir..." She said miserably. He hung up the phone, pocketing it.

  Jacqueline was such a comfort to him. He had discovered her before he had become Regent, after he had taken his father's businesses out of Augustus' less capable hands. She used to work for a rival company of his. They hadn't wanted to relinquish her at first, but after three mysterious disappearances and one unexplained car bombing, they relented.

  She was an excellent resource to him. She could type one hundred and fifty words per minute, read two hundred pages an hour, and get any single person in the city on the phone, at any time. She also had a degree in psychology, and was a licensed chiropractor.

  A minute later, Jacqueline turned into the hallway, clutching her ever-present plastic clipboard and silver ion pen. "Jacqueline... what is your opinion of me?" He asked her suddenly.

  Her cheeks flushed. She ducked her head nervously, making her glasses fall forward. "Y-you are a powerful, handsome, and evil man." She said promptly.

  He smiled faintly, pleased. "I know that already." He looked at her sharply. "Have we ever slept together?" He asked her.

  "N-no sir, I am sure I would remember that." She shook her head, walking up to him. "B-besides, you tire of women easily after sleeping with them. Because of that, you do not sleep with your employees."

  "This is true." Oh how he knew that to be true. He sighed heavily, staring at the ceiling.

  "Y-you seem troubled, Sir." She said to him, pushing a wisp of hair out of her eyes.

  "I don't know if troubled is the right word." He answered. “I'm bored.”

  “A d-dangerous emotion, Sir. Many terrible things have been wrought out of boredom.”

  Julius chuckled softly. “My patience with women in general is wearing thin, Jacqueline. They all seem the same to me.”

  “Perhaps you need to look somewhere new.” She answered. She was working on her clipboard while they talked. He was suspicious that he didn't really have the greater part of her attention. But could he really fault her efficiency?

  He shrugged. “Where else is there to look?”

  “M-maybe you shouldn't look, then. Perhaps the right woman will come to you.”

  He laughed loudly then. Jacqueline looked at him quizzically. “The 'right' woman?” He asked her through his mirth. “Do you mean some pretty young thing who will spend my money for me and spawn little demons with my eyes?” He howled in laughter.

  Jacqueline frowned slightly. “E-everyone thinks of starting a family one day.” She said, looking back down at her clipboard.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Even you?” He teased her. She shook her head. “M-my place is here with you, Sir. I-I meant everyone but me.”

  “Then maybe I will make you my wife someday. You can keep all the hellspawn in line.” He grinned at her.

  “N-no thank you, Sir. Th-that idea frightens me to my very core.” She said dryly as she worked.

  Julius' eyebrow twitched. No? Was she really telling him no to something? Did it matter that he was joking with her? No, he decided, he didn't like hearing her say no to him.

  “Is that so?” He said, his voice lowering. The teasing tone was still there, but growing darker. “Money and power don't interest you?”

  “O-of course not, Sir.” Jacqueline answered promptly. “I live for my work.” She was still bent over that work, not realizing the dangerous turn the conversation had taken.

  He plucked the clipboard from her hands. She didn't reach out for it. Her arms just dropped to her sides, one hand still holding her ion pen. She looked up at him. Her face was calm, but her eyes were nervous under her glasses.

  Her employer had been acting very strange ever since Miss Claire had moved in. He had never teased her like this before
. She didn't know if it was a good or bad thing for him. Her boss was an evil man, and playful evil can be just as bad as serious evil. Sometimes it could be worse. She would have to weather it and see what happened.

  “Is that really it?” He asked. He leaned close to her, his dark eyes taunting. “Perhaps you're not interested in me?” He purred softly. “Am I not good looking enough?”

  He wasn't touching her, but he could feel her tremble at his words. Her cheeks flushed. He was pleasantly surprised. Had his secretary been harboring an attraction to him all these years? Poor Jacqueline tried to hold her ground as firmly as she could. Her face was set, but she couldn't stop the shaking. She ignored the burning in her cheeks, hoping it would go away. “I m-meant no offense, Sir.”

  “No, of course not.” Julius said softly. He studied her face, his eyes fell on her mouth. Her lips were slightly chapped and she wore no makeup, but they did look soft.

  She was resisting him, however feebly, and his body was reacting to that resistance. The two women in his bedroom hadn't resisted at all. He wasn't satisfied with them. He leaned closer to her, bending his head down to hers.

  Jacqueline stepped back, closer to the wall. He blinked in surprise. This was certainly new. She obeyed his every command and here she was acting downright defiant. He felt his pulse quicken as he assessed this new challenge. Pure instinct was taking over, shoving rational thought to the back of his mind. “Would you sleep with me, if I told you to?” He asked her, his voice still soft. His dark eyes smoldered.

  She stared at him, feeling caught, like a rabbit staring down a snake. With some effort, she shook her head. “N-no, Sir.” She backed up again and her back hit the wall.

  She glanced quickly to the side, and started to sidestep, but he placed one hand on the wall next to her. It was a casual move, but panic jump-started her heart. It beat against her ribs like a frightened bird trying to escape it's cage.

  “Again with that word.” He whispered to her, bending close again. She could feel his breath on her neck. “Stop saying no, it's exciting me.”

  “I-I won't sleep with you, Sir.” Jacqueline told him, as firmly as she could manage. “Th-there is nothing you can say that would make me.”


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