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Page 21

by Angie Wilder

The heat of his palms soaked through her thin blouse and the tenderness of the moment electrified.

  “I need this.” Evan brushed his kiss over her.

  She sighed against him as heartache eased, the passion deepened, and the poignant confession of love flushed with desire.

  His mouth brushed over her, trailing down her neck, nipping, before reclaiming her lips. “I love you,” he murmured again and again, matching her word for word. He groaned as his fingertips skimmed under her skirt, finding lace.

  Emma adjusted her position, easing ever so slightly away. Crazy in love, and with a hint of shyness, she peered through her eyelashes at Evan as she slipped free a button on her blouse.

  “Emma,” he growled, “we are on the side of the road.”

  “So you want to stop?” It was completely reckless, but she’d never needed him more.

  “Hell, no.” Evan reclined the chair back, and his dimple deepened.


  “Em, I can’t believe we did that.” Evan grinned at the woman he loved seated next to him. How had he gotten so lucky? When he’d gone to rescue Emma, he’d had no idea their talk would turn intimate. When her body had settled over him, nothing had ever felt so good, so right. Evan’s only regret? She wasn’t cuddled up to him in bed. “Thirty-two years old and I’m doing it in dad’s truck. Some place to show you what love looks like.”

  Emma buffed her fingernails against her winter coat, pretending to be cool about the passionate encounter, but the giggle gave her away. She straightened and reached for his hand. “All I have to do is see your face to know what love looks like.”

  Evan chuckled, adoring every tiny bit of that sappy statement. “Why don’t you come over here and I’ll show you again,” he said, enjoying the flush of color in her cheeks.

  “The space is a tad tight.” She grinned and shifted over. They had dropped off the tow truck and changed to his vehicle, and the cab of his pickup truck was noticeably smaller. “I’ll resume this position. Not the other.” She sat across his lap. Her hands smoothed over his chest to rest on his shoulders.

  He enjoyed the other, but being parked outside the folks’ house was a definite deterrent. Still, he craved more. To trust without a doubt that she was his. Forever.

  “Evan, before we go inside… the trip from Minneapolis gave me time to think. Since I’m returning home to stay, I’d like to use the money reserved for the Beverly Hills partnership toward the clinic.”

  “Em, you don’t need to buy into the practice. It’s yours.”

  She nodded. “Thank you. Daddy said likewise before…”

  Evan noticed the hesitation in her voice. “Em?”

  “I want to expand. Add a wellness center. Like Beverly Hills.” Her words tumbled out. Emma sucked in a breath and continued, “Hillcrest pet owners seem open to the chiropractic aspect of animal care. Imagine what we could offer the tourist. The clinic could network with local resorts. If we renovate the property—”

  “Add an addition?”

  “Exactly! Then we can offer wellness services like therapeutic massage—”

  “Like a spa?” Evan tried not to grin as he imagined hairless Harry blissed-out wearing a tiny towel and cucumber slices covering his eyeballs.

  “Stop smirking. Injured and older pets can benefit; boost their circulation and skin elasticity.”

  “Right.” So the cucumbers were probably out.

  “I’m serious. I want it all. You, family, and my specialized veterinary career. What do you think?” There was a light in her eyes and a smile on her face.

  He was crazy about that grin. He’d fallen hard for this amazing woman. “Sounds perfect.”

  “You mean it?”

  “Yes. It concerned me, Em, that you’d give up your big Beverly Hills dream.”

  “Who cares about California. This is our home, our family practice. Plus, I can spend my days with a hockey-hottie.”

  Relief washed over him. By the happiness radiating off Emma, he was all in on this new dream. “So it’s hockey-hottie again?”

  “I’m sorry. After what you said about the hockey bunnies, the star chasers, I should be more careful with my words. I don’t mean it like that. It’s just… Evan, you are HOT, and I love you with all my heart.”

  He chuckled. “And my heart is yours. You’ve never been a bunny. Sorry I made you feel that way because of your celebrity practice. That was wrong. I love the nickname and that you blush when you say it. Now call me that again and kiss me like you mean it.”

  “All right, hockey-hottie,” Emma drawled in a deep sexy tone followed by the sweetest kiss, and then another.

  Evan wasn’t sure how long they were caught up in this tender spell, but the windows had fogged. When Em shifted her head to his shoulder, to wrap her arms around him for a hug that marked his soul, he breathed in the moment and remembered what else it was that he wanted. “Em, earlier, before we got carried away, I had intended to give you something.”

  Emma sat up and watched him fumble in his coat pocket. “You have a gift for me? But my Christmas present for you is in the house.”

  “Em, all I want for Christmas is you.”

  She made this little sound that could have been agony based on the shimmer of tears in her eyes, but the curve of her lips said otherwise. “Like the song?” Emma’s gaze searched his.

  He knew she was thinking of their texting game. The fun they’d had. The selfie she’d sent. So was he. “Our song.” Evan turned to the steamed-up window, placed a fingertip to the fog, and drew a big heart.

  “Are you going to add an E + E in the middle?”

  “Something better,” Evan said and wrote…

  Marry Me?

  Before he could add the punctuation, Em said his name with a tremble in her voice. He met her gaze and presented a small velvet box.

  Emma fell quiet, watching him lift out the diamond ring.

  Once he’d seen it in the store, he’d had to have it for Em. The piece of jewelry that explained better than words how he felt. And the heart necklace too. Those diamonds were for later, in front of the Christmas tree. The ring was for them, alone. Evan’s heart hammered over the magnitude of the moment. He wanted her forever. “Your hand?”

  Emma put her fingers against his palm.

  In the evening light, surrounded by the fluffy falling snow, the diamond sparkled as Evan slid the engagement ring into place. The generous emerald cut, circled by several smaller stones, was a modern take on an old-fashioned style. It reminded him of Emma with her small-town upbringing and high-fashion heels. Plus, Kaley claimed the ring was excellent.

  Em’s breaths were coming out as little pants when she lifted her gaze to his. She nodded, giving him a tearful smile.


  She turned to the window and wrote,


  “Yes, Evan Heartley, with everything I am, yes.” Emma’s lips crashed over his.

  He broke the kiss, hugging her to him. “Em, I’m so deliriously happy that my ears are ringing.”

  She laughed. “Mine are too, but it sounds more like cheering.” Evan powered down the steamed-up window to see the family gathered in the driveway, grinning like fools. “Oh, my. Maybe I should scoot off your lap?”

  “Right here is where you belong.” Evan touched Emma’s face, bringing her near, and kissed her for their whole world to see.

  In the Heartley kitchen, plating a cookie platter and uncorking a bottle of Champagne, Emma’s face hurt from smiling. Evan had kissed her and kissed her while she sat on his lap with snowflakes drifting in through the window. Evan’s love was hers, and there was nothing she’d wanted more. Except for one more kiss. There was plenty of love to go around this Christmas. “Let me see,” Emma ordered Kaley.

  “Again.” She grinned and put her hand next to Emma’s. They watched their diamonds sparkle from their ring fingers. Apparently, Ben had been holding on to his feelings for Kaley for quite some time. The families recovered from their shock and
were in full celebration mode. Her daddy’s eyes teared up, and he hugged her hard when she accepted her dream partnership, joining him and Evan at the clinic. After dinner, the dads retired to the den to scope out the Cabela’s catalog for wedding-worthy shotguns. Evan followed, waving his credit card. This caused Ben to laugh so hard that the room caught the chuckles. The moms turned up the holiday music, and the party went into full swing.

  “I can’t believe how this all worked out. We will be sisters. Can you imagine how amazing next Christmas will be after two weddings and a baby?”

  “It’s a dream come true.” Kaley’s smile widened, and she moved to the pantry to make hot chocolate. “Go see if Evan wants cocoa or Champagne.”

  Emma didn’t have to be asked twice. Dopy with love, she went to find her man. The den was off the front of the house. On her way, Emma paused in the entry, under the mistletoe, grinning over memories of Evan’s kisses. She spotted the Paris ornament with the rest of her belongings gathered from the car. Maybe a girl can’t go to the city famous for romance without falling in love? She ran her finger over the silver ball. She’d never dared to dream this big.

  Strong arms wrapped around her from behind. Evan’s voice was low, his lips next to her ear, “What about that no-man bet?”

  “Best bet I ever lost.” Emma shifted in his hold, hugging him back. “You’re worth it.”

  “We are worth it.” Evan glanced at the ceiling, and his dimple popped out. “You know what else? I’d bet your girlfriends also regret that Paris bet.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You said they’re smart, beautiful women.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “They’d be foolish to give up on this.” He brought her in for a kiss.

  “You’re right.” Emma looped her arms over his shoulders. “They are totally going to lose.” Done with worrying over her future, she closed her eyes and embraced it.


  After a long, eventful night, the morning was nothing but good stuff. Evan pulled Emma in for a quick kiss. “You taste delicious.” He stole another while they waited for the elevator to take them to the maternity ward.

  Em’s hands smoothed over his shoulders, hanging on while she leaned away. “Strawberry ice cream.”

  “You’ve already hit that craving, have you?”

  “I was celebrating. Besides, the warm spring weather is perfect for ice cream.”

  “It does sound good. How come I didn’t get any?” He was teasing her. They both knew he’d recently stocked the house full of Emma’s favorites.

  “It’s from my top-secret stash. Only Harry and Duffy know about it, and they promised not to tell. Besides, you were in the shower.”

  The elevator doors slid open, and Evan led her inside. “Is that code for you ate the whole carton yourself?”

  “Pint.” She rolled her eyes and grinned. “You know me well, Doctor Hottie.” Whenever she called him that, she’d follow up with a kiss to his dimple. She claimed it as her spot.

  He didn’t mind one bit. “I thought we talked about my new nickname?” he said, enjoying the soft caress of Em's lips near his mouth as the elevator doors closed.

  “Oh, I’m excited about your new title. Six more months.” She wrapped her arms around him. “I need to tell you something.” Emma looked to be bubbling over with big news, but then again, it could be the joyous occasion. They were on their way to visit the newest Heartley-Gains family member.

  “Em, do you plan to reveal a secret?”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You’re holding on to me tight. Since you look happy, it can’t be bad news, so…?”

  Emma’s smile widened. “It’s a good secret, and since I have a terrible time keeping anything from you, you’re now sworn to hold all my confidences. We’re a package deal.”

  “Yeah. I’m still getting over the one where you confessed to almost kissing me in my sleep.”

  “I had it bad, and those kittens played to your strengths.”

  “Is that right? Maybe I should confess that I kissed you last night while you slept.”

  “You did more than that, love, and I wasn’t asleep.”

  “This is true.” Since he was wrapped in her arms, he took the opportunity to steal another kiss, then said, “Now, that you’ve buttered me up, lay that secret on me.”

  “Your sister and my brother got hitched.”

  Evan’s hold on Emma tightened. “You’re kidding me? What about our double wedding?”

  “They’re doing the ceremony with us, but Ben didn’t want to wait until after the baby.”

  “Smart.” The glance they exchanged said more than words. It said two can play at that game. He brushed his lips against her neck where she had a ticklish spot and said, “Did you remember the gift?”

  “How could I forget?” She pointed to her shoulder bag. A bit of baby blue and pink polka-dot tissue paper poked free.

  Emma was clutching the present to her chest like a prize as they entered Kaley’s room. By the way his sweet Em was vibrating with excitement next to him, Evan predicted she couldn’t hold out long.

  The parents were there taking pictures while Ben held his sleeping daughter. She was a teeny squishy face bundle with red skin to match her troll-doll-like tuft of copper hair. Evan grinned and hoped he’d have one just like his fantastic new niece.

  “Oh, she’s beautiful and so are you,” Emma cooed and hugged Kaley. The package crinkled between them.

  “What are we crushing?” Kaley grinned and dug into her gift, hamming up the attention. She lifted out a tiny jersey with Ben’s number. “Ooh, I’ve got mad hockey love. Look, Ben, we are starting Emily, AKA the Flame Junior, early.”

  “Wait up, there’s more.” Evan turned his attention to Emma as she revealed a second jersey and held it to her belly. “We are starting a team.”

  “You mean?” Kaley’s eyes went wide.

  Emma nodded. Her gaze traveled the room, and her grin wobbled with emotion.

  Damn, he loved her.

  “Yes.” Kaley shot her arms up in the air, demanding a group hug. After Emma and Evan’s baby news soaked in, Sophie turned to her daughter, still smiling like she’d won the lottery and said, “I thought best friends didn’t need to do everything together?”

  “They don’t.” Emma turned her gaze to meet his. “But sometimes, if you’re lucky, following your heart points you in the same direction.” Emma slipped her hand in his and continued, “My heart has always known where it belonged. It just took coming home to remember.”


  Thank you for reading! If you want more holiday romance, keep reading for a sneak peek at the next book in the Betting on Paris series, Alana by Denise Devine.

  About the Author

  Angie Wilder has a passion for writing flirtatiously-fun stories, bouncing with romance and lip-curving adventure. She lives with her husband (star of her real-life romance) and adores her two sons and her goofy little dog. She graduated with an art degree, because the university didn’t offer one in how to channel your inner crafty goddess, and loves anything and everything creative. After years of daydreaming meet-cutes and proposals, she jumped wholeheartedly into a writing romance. She is an active member of Romance Writers of America.

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  For more fun, and to subscribe to her newsletter, please visit her at:

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  Thanks for reading Emma’s story.

  Alana is next.

  Read a sneak Peek in the Excerpt.


  Thank you to my friends and family who offered me so much love, support, and encouragement while I worked on this first novel.

  * * *

  Thank you to my romance writing friends, my critique group, the authors in this series, and my editor for all your wisdom and assistance. I am grateful to have each of you in my
life, helping to shape my story.

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  Thank you to my readers. I think of you always. It is my greatest hope that I can put a smile on your face and a swoon-worthy flutter in your heart.

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  Bless you, all.

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  Betting on Paris

  Meet all the girlfriends!

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  Josie (Beth Gildersleeve)

  Ryley (Donna Lovitz)

  Emma (Angie Wilder)

  Alana (Denise Devine)

  Annika (Rose Marie Meuwissen)


  Denise Devine

  Excerpt Copyright Information

  Prologue and Chapter One from Alana (Betting on Paris Series) by Denise Devine

  Copyright © 2019 Denise Devine



  The flowers, balloons and stuffed bears at the foot of Alana Morgan’s doorway resembled a shrine for the dead.

  With one hand on her suitcase and the other on her keys, she stared down at the colorful exhibition in dismay. The display wasn’t a memorial for someone. It was for something; a relationship with Dylan O’Rourke that should have never happened. Unfortunately, even though he’d been caught cheating, he wouldn’t let it go.

  The door of the condo next to hers cracked open a few inches. Gina Alfonsi poked her graying head into the hallway. “He’s been here every day this week. You need to either kiss and make up or get a restraining order.” Shaking her head in disgust, she stared at the items piled on the floor. “Put the poor guy out of his misery.”


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