The Deerslayer
Page 24
Chapter XXV
"But, mother, now a shade has past, Athwart my brightest visions here, A cloud of darkest gloom has wrapt, The remnant of my brief career! No song, no echo can I win, The sparkling fount has died within."
Margaret Davidson, "To my Mother," 11. 7-12.
Hist and Hetty arose with the return of light, leaving Judith stillburied in sleep. It took but a minute for the first to complete hertoilet. Her long coal-black hair was soon adjusted in a simple knot,the calico dress belted tight to her slender waist, and her little feetconcealed in their gaudily ornamented moccasins. When attired, she lefther companion employed in household affairs, and went herself onthe platform to breathe the pure air of the morning. Here she foundChingachgook studying the shores of the lake, the mountains and theheavens, with the sagacity of a man of the woods, and the gravity of anIndian.
The meeting between the two lovers was simple, but affectionate. Thechief showed a manly kindness, equally removed from boyish weakness andhaste, while the girl betrayed, in her smile and half averted looks, thebashful tenderness of her sex. Neither spoke, unless it were with theeyes, though each understood the other as fully as if a vocabulary ofwords and protestations had been poured out. Hist seldom appearedto more advantage than at that moment, for just from her rest andablutions, there was a freshness about her youthful form and face thatthe toils of the wood do not always permit to be exhibited, by even thejuvenile and pretty. Then Judith had not only imparted some of herown skill in the toilet, during their short intercourse, but she hadactually bestowed a few well selected ornaments from her own stores,that contributed not a little to set off the natural graces of theIndian maid. All this the lover saw and felt, and for a moment hiscountenance was illuminated with a look of pleasure, but it soon grewgrave again, and became saddened and anxious. The stools used theprevious night were still standing on the platform; placing two againstthe walls of the hut, he seated himself on one, making a gesture tohis companion to take the other. This done, he continued thoughtful andsilent for quite a minute, maintaining the reflecting dignity of oneborn to take his seat at the council-fire, while Hist was furtivelywatching the expression of his face, patient and submissive, as becamea woman of her people. Then the young warrior stretched his arm beforehim, as if to point out the glories of the scene at that witchinghour, when the whole panorama, as usual, was adorned by the mellowdistinctness of early morning, sweeping with his hand slowly over lake,hills and heavens. The girl followed the movement with pleased wonder,smiling as each new beauty met her gaze.
"Hugh!" exclaimed the chief, in admiration of a scene so unusual evento him, for this was the first lake he had ever beheld. "This is thecountry of the Manitou! It is too good for Mingos, Hist; but the curs ofthat tribe are howling in packs through the woods. They think that theDelawares are asleep, over the mountains."
"All but one of them is, Chingachgook. There is one here; and he is ofthe blood of Uncas!"
"What is one warrior against a tribe? The path to our villages isvery long and crooked, and we shall travel it under a cloudy sky. I amafraid, too, Honeysuckle of the Hills, that we shall travel it alone!"
Hist understood the allusion, and it made her sad; though it soundedsweet to her ears to be compared, by the warrior she so loved, to themost fragrant and the pleasantest of all the wild flowers of her nativewoods. Still she continued silent, as became her when the allusion wasto a grave interest that men could best control, though it exceeded thepower of education to conceal the smile that gratified feeling broughtto her pretty mouth.
"When the sun is thus," continued the Delaware, pointing to the zenith,by simply casting upward a hand and finger, by a play of the wrist, "thegreat hunter of our tribe will go back to the Hurons to be treated likea bear, that they roast and skin even on full stomachs."
"The Great Spirit may soften their hearts, and not suffer them to be sobloody minded. I have lived among the Hurons, and know them. They havehearts, and will not forget their own children, should they fall intothe hands of the Delawares."
"A wolf is forever howling; a hog will always eat. They have lostwarriors; even their women will call out for vengeance. The pale-facehas the eyes of an eagle, and can see into a Mingo's heart; he looks forno mercy. There is a cloud over his spirit, though it is not before hisface."
A long, thoughtful pause succeeded, during which Hist stealthily tookthe hand of the chief, as if seeking his support, though she scarceventured to raise her eyes to a countenance that was now literallybecoming terrible, under the conflicting passions and stern resolutionthat were struggling in the breast of its owner.
"What will the Son of Uncas do?" the girl at length timidly asked. "Heis a chief, and is already celebrated in council, though so young; whatdoes his heart tell him is wisest; does the head, too, speak the samewords as the heart?"
"What does Wah-ta-Wah say, at a moment when my dearest friend is in suchdanger. The smallest birds sing the sweetest; it is always pleasant tohearken to their songs. I wish I could hear the Wren of the Woods in mydifficulty; its note would reach deeper than the ear."
Again Hist experienced the profound gratification that the language ofpraise can always awaken when uttered by those we love. The 'Honeysuckleof the Hills' was a term often applied to the girl by the young men ofthe Delawares, though it never sounded so sweet in her ears as from thelips of Chingachgook; but the latter alone had ever styled her the Wrenof the Woods. With him, however, it had got to be a familiar phrase, andit was past expression pleasant to the listener, since it conveyed toher mind the idea that her advice and sentiments were as acceptable toher future husband, as the tones of her voice and modes of conveyingthem were agreeable; uniting the two things most prized by an Indiangirl, as coming from her betrothed, admiration for a valued physicaladvantage, with respect for her opinion. She pressed the hand she heldbetween both her own, and answered--
"Wah-ta-Wah says that neither she nor the Great Serpent could everlaugh again, or ever sleep without dreaming of the Hurons, should theDeerslayer die under a Mingo tomahawk, and they do nothing to save him.She would rather go back, and start on her long path alone, than letsuch a dark cloud pass before her happiness."
"Good! The husband and the wife will have but one heart; they will seewith the same eyes, and feel with the same feelings."
What further was said need not be related here. That the conversationwas of Deerslayer, and his hopes, has been seen already, but thedecision that was come to will better appear in the course of thenarrative. The youthful pair were yet conversing when the sun appearedabove the tops of the pines, and the light of a brilliant Americanday streamed down into the valley, bathing "in deep joy" the lake, theforests and the mountain sides. Just at this instant Deerslayer came outof the cabin of the Ark and stepped upon the platform. His first lookwas at the cloudless heavens, then his rapid glance took in the entirepanorama of land and water, when he had leisure for a friendly nod athis friends, and a cheerful smile for Hist.
"Well," he said, in his usual, composed manner, and pleasant voice, "hethat sees the sun set in the west, and wakes 'arly enough in the morningwill be sartain to find him coming back ag'in in the east, like a buckthat is hunted round his ha'nt. I dare say, now, Hist, you've beheldthis, time and ag'in, and yet it never entered into your galish mind toask the reason?"
Both Chingachgook and his betrothed looked up at the luminary, with anair that betokened sudden wonder, and then they gazed at each other,as if to seek the solution of the difficulty. Familiarity deadens thesensibilities even as connected with the gravest natural phenomena,and never before had these simple beings thought of enquiring into amovement that was of daily occurrence, however puzzling it might appearon investigation. When the subject was thus suddenly started, it struckboth alike, and at the same instant, with some such force, as any newand brilliant proposition in the natural sciences would strike thescholar. Chingachgook alone saw fit to answer.
"The pale-faces know everything,"
he said; "can they tell us why the sunhides his face, when he goes back, at night."
"Ay, that is downright red-skin l'arnin'" returned the other, laughing,though he was not altogether insensible to the pleasure of proving thesuperiority of his race by solving the difficulty, which he set aboutdoing in his own peculiar manner. "Harkee, Sarpent," he continued moregravely, though too simply for affectation; "this is easierly explainedthan an Indian brain may fancy. The sun, while he seems to keeptraveling in the heavens, never budges, but it is the 'arth that turnsround, and any one can understand, if he is placed on the side of amill-wheel, for instance, when it's in motion, that he must some timessee the heavens, while he is at other times under water. There's nogreat secret in that; but plain natur'; the difficulty being in settingthe 'arth in motion."
"How does my brother know that the earth turns round?" demanded theIndian. "Can he see it?"
"Well, that's been a puzzler, I will own, Delaware, for I've oftentried, but never could fairly make it out. Sometimes I've consaited thatI could; and then ag'in, I've been obliged to own it an onpossibility.Howsever, turn it does, as all my people say, and you ought to believe'em, since they can foretell eclipses, and other prodigies, that usedto fill the tribes with terror, according to your own traditions of suchthings."
"Good. This is true; no red man will deny it. When a wheel turns, myeyes can see it--they do not see the earth turn."
"Ay, that's what I call sense obstinacy! Seeing is believing, they say,and what they can't see, some men won't in the least give credit to.Neverthless, chief, that isn't quite as good reason as it mayat firstseem. You believe in the Great Spirit, I know, and yet, I conclude, itwould puzzle you to show where you see him!"
"Chingachgook can see Him everywhere--everywhere in good things--the EvilSpirit in bad. Here, in the lake; there, in the forest; yonder, in theclouds; in Hist, in the Son of Uncas, in Tannemund, in Deerslayer. TheEvil Spirit is in the Mingos. That I see; I do not see the earth turnround."
"I don't wonder they call you the Sarpent, Delaware; no, I don't!There's always a meaning in your words, and there's often a meaning inyour countenance, too! Notwithstanding, your answers doesn't quite meetmy idee. That God is observable in all nat'ral objects is allowable, butthen he is not perceptible in the way I mean. You know there is a GreatSpirit by his works, and the pale-faces know that the 'arth turns roundby its works. This is the reason of the matter, though how it is tobe explained is more than I can exactly tell you. This I know; all mypeople consait that fact, and what all the pale-faces consait, is verylikely to be true."
"When the sun is in the top of that pine to-morrow, where will mybrother Deerslayer be?"
The hunter started, and he looked intently, though totally withoutalarm, at his friend. Then he signed for him to follow, and led the wayinto the Ark, where he might pursue the subject unheard by those whosefeelings he feared might get the mastery over their reason. Here hestopped, and pursued the conversation in a more confidential tone.
"'Twas a little onreasonable in you Sarpent," he said, "to bring up sucha subject afore Hist, and when the young women of my own colour mightoverhear what was said. Yes, 'twas a little more onreasonable than mostthings that you do. No matter; Hist didn't comprehend, and the otherdidn't hear. Howsever, the question is easier put than answered. Nomortal can say where he will be when the sun rises to-morrow. I will askyou the same question, Sarpent, and should like to hear what answer youcan give."
"Chingachgook will be with his friend Deerslayer--if he be in the landof spirits, the Great Serpent will crawl at his side; if beneath yondersun, its warmth and light shall fall on both."
"I understand you, Delaware," returned the other, touched with thesimple self-devotion of his friend, "Such language is as plain in onetongue as in another. It comes from the heart, and goes to the heart,too. 'Tis well to think so, and it may be well to say so, for thatmatter, but it would not be well to do so, Sarpent. You are no longeralone in life, for though you have the lodges to change, and otherceremonies to go through, afore Hist becomes your lawful wife, yet areyou as good as married in all that bears on the feelin's, and joy, andmisery. No--no--Hist must not be desarted, because a cloud is passingatween you and me, a little onexpectedly and a little darker than we mayhave looked for."
"Hist is a daughter of the Mohicans. She knows how to obey her husband.Where he goes, she will follow. Both will be with the Great Hunter ofthe Delawares, when the sun shall be in the pine to-morrow."
"The Lord bless and protect you! Chief, this is downright madness. Caneither, or both of you, alter a Mingo natur'? Will your grand looks,or Hist's tears and beauty, change a wolf into a squirrel, or make acatamount as innocent as a fa'an? No--Sarpent, you will think betterof this matter, and leave me in the hands of God. A'ter all, it's by nomeans sartain that the scamps design the torments, for they may yet bepitiful, and bethink them of the wickedness of such a course--though itis but a hopeless expectation to look forward to a Mingo's turning asidefrom evil, and letting marcy get uppermost in his heart. Nevertheless,no one knows to a sartainty what will happen, and young creatur's, likeHist, a'n't to be risked on onsartainties. This marrying is altogethera different undertaking from what some young men fancy. Now, if you wassingle, or as good as single, Delaware, I should expect you to be actyveand stirring about the camp of the vagabonds, from sunrise to sunset,sarcumventing and contriving, as restless as a hound off the scent, anddoing all manner of things to help me, and to distract the inimy, buttwo are oftener feebler than one, and we must take things as they are,and not as we want 'em to be."
"Listen, Deerslayer," returned the Indian with an emphasis so decided asto show how much he was in earnest. "If Chingachgook was in the handsof the Hurons, what would my pale-face brother do? Sneak off to theDelaware villages, and say to the chiefs, and old men, and youngwarriors--'see, here is Wah-ta-Wah; she is safe, but a little tired;and here is the Son of Uncas, not as tired as the Honeysuckle, beingstronger, but just as safe.' Would he do this?"
"Well, that's oncommon ingen'ous; it's cunning enough for a Mingo,himself! The Lord only knows what put it into your head to ask such aquestion. What would I do? Why, in the first place, Hist wouldn't belikely to be in my company at all, for she would stay as near you aspossible, and therefore all that part about her couldn't be said withouttalking nonsense. As for her being tired, that would fall through too,if she didn't go, and no part of your speech would be likely to comefrom me; so, you see, Sarpent, reason is ag'in you, and you may as wellgive it up, since to hold out ag'in reason, is no way becoming a chiefof your character and repitation."
"My brother is not himself; he forgets that he is talking to one who hassat at the Council Fire of his nation," returned the other kindly. "Whenmen speak, they should say that which does not go in at one side of thehead and out at the other. Their words shouldn't be feathers, so lightthat a wind which does not ruffle the water can blow them away. Hehas not answered my question; when a chief puts a question, his friendshould not talk of other things."
"I understand you, Delaware; I understand well enough what you mean, andtruth won't allow me to say otherwise. Still it's not as easy to answeras you seem to think, for this plain reason. You wish me to say whatI would do if I had a betrothed as you have, here, on the lake, and afri'nd yonder in the Huron camp, in danger of the torments. That's it,isn't it?"
The Indian bowed his head silently, and always with unmoved gravity,though his eye twinkled at the sight of the other's embarrassment.
"Well, I never had a betrothed--never had the kind of feelin's towardany young woman that you have towards Hist, though the Lord knows myfeelin's are kind enough towards 'em all! Still my heart, as they callit in such matters, isn't touched, and therefore I can't say what Iwould do. A fri'nd pulls strong, that I know by exper'ence, Sarpent,but, by all that I've seen and heard consarning love, I'm led to thinkthat a betrothed pulls stronger."
"True; but the betrothed of Chingachgook does not pull towards thelodges of the De
lawares; she pulls towards the camp of the Hurons."
"She's a noble gal, for all her little feet, and hands that an't biggerthan a child's, and a voice that is as pleasant as a mocker's; she's anoble gal, and like the stock of her sires! Well, what is it, Sarpent;for I conclude she hasn't changed her mind, and means to give herselfup, and turn Huron wife. What is it you want?"
"Wah-ta-Wah will never live in the wigwam of an Iroquois," answeredthe Delaware drily. "She has little feet, but they can carry her to thevillages of her people; she has small hands, too, but her mind is large.My brother will see what we can do, when the time shall come, ratherthan let him die under Mingo torments."
"Attempt nothing heedlessly, Delaware," said the other earnestly; "Isuppose you must and will have your way; and, on the whole it's rightyou should, for you'd neither be happy, unless something was undertaken.But attempt nothing heedlessly--I didn't expect you'd quit the lake,while my matter remained in unsartainty, but remember, Sarpent, that notorments that Mingo ingenuity can invent, no ta'ntings and revilings;no burnings and roastings and nail-tearings, nor any other onhumancontrivances can so soon break down my spirit, as to find that you andHist have fallen into the power of the inimy in striving to do somethingfor my good."
"The Delawares are prudent. The Deerslayer will not find them runninginto a strange camp with their eyes shut."
Here the dialogue terminated. Hetty announced that the breakfast wasready, and the whole party was soon seated around the simple board, inthe usual primitive manner of borderers. Judith was the last to take herseat, pale, silent, and betraying in her countenance that she had passeda painful, if not a sleepless, night. At this meal scarce a syllable wasexchanged, all the females manifesting want of appetites, though thetwo men were unchanged in this particular. It was early when theparty arose, and there still remained several hours before it would benecessary for the prisoner to leave his friends. The knowledge of thiscircumstance, and the interest all felt in his welfare, induced thewhole to assemble on the platform again, in the desire to be near theexpected victim, to listen to his discourse, and if possible to showtheir interest in him by anticipating his wishes. Deerslayer, himself,so far as human eyes could penetrate, was wholly unmoved, conversingcheerfully and naturally, though he avoided any direct allusions to theexpected and great event of the day. If any evidence could be discoveredof his thought's reverting to that painful subject at all, it was in themanner in which he spoke of death and the last great change.
"Grieve not, Hetty," he said, for it was while consoling thissimple-minded girl for the loss of her parents that he thus betrayed hisfeelings, "since God has app'inted that all must die. Your parents, orthem you fancied your parents, which is the same thing, have gone aforeyou; this is only in the order of natur', my good gal, for the agedgo first, and the young follow. But one that had a mother like your'n,Hetty, can be at no loss to hope the best, as to how matters will turnout in another world. The Delaware, here, and Hist, believe in happyhunting grounds, and have idees befitting their notions and gifts asred-skins, but we who are of white blood hold altogether to a differentdoctrine. Still, I rather conclude our heaven is their land of spirits,and that the path which leads to it will be travelled by all coloursalike. 'Tis onpossible for the wicked to enter on it, I will allow, butfri'nds can scarce be separated, though they are not of the same raceon 'arth. Keep up your spirits, poor Hetty, and look forward to theday when you will meet your mother ag'in, and that without pain, orsorrowing."
"I do expect to see mother," returned the truth-telling and simple girl,"but what will become of father?"
"That's a non-plusser, Delaware," said the hunter, in the Indiandialect--"yes, that is a downright non-plusser! The Muskrat was nota saint on 'arth, and it's fair to guess he'll not be much of one,hereafter! Howsever, Hetty," dropping into the English by an easytransition, "howsever, Hetty, we must all hope for the best. That iswisest, and it is much the easiest to the mind, if one can only do it.I ricommend to you, trusting to God, and putting down all misgivings andfainthearted feelin's. It's wonderful, Judith, how different people havedifferent notions about the futur', some fancying one change, and somefancying another. I've known white teachers that have thought all wasspirit, hereafter, and them, ag'in, that believed the body will betransported to another world, much as the red-skins themselves imagine,and that we shall walk about in the flesh, and know each other, and talktogether, and be fri'nds there as we've been fri'nds here."
"Which of these opinions is most pleasing to you, Deerslayer?" asked thegirl, willing to indulge his melancholy mood, and far from being freefrom its influence herself. "Would it be disagreeable to think that youshould meet all who are now on this platform in another world? Or haveyou known enough of us here, to be glad to see us no more.
"The last would make death a bitter portion; yes it would. It's eightgood years since the Sarpent and I began to hunt together, and thethought that we were never to meet ag'in would be a hard thought to me.He looks forward to the time when he shall chase a sort of spirit-deer,in company, on plains where there's no thorns, or brambles, or marshes,or other hardships to overcome, whereas I can't fall into all thesenotions, seeing that they appear to be ag'in reason. Spirits can'teat, nor have they any use for clothes, and deer can only rightfully bechased to be slain, or slain, unless it be for the venison or thehides. Now, I find it hard to suppose that blessed spirits can be put tochasing game without an object, tormenting the dumb animals just for thepleasure and agreeableness of their own amusements. I never yet pulleda trigger on buck or doe, Judith, unless when food or clothes waswanting."
"The recollection of which, Deerslayer, must now be a great consolationto you."
"It is the thought of such things, my fri'nds, that enables a man tokeep his furlough. It might be done without it, I own; for the worstred-skins sometimes do their duty in this matter; but it makes thatwhich might otherwise be hard, easy, if not altogether to our liking.Nothing truly makes a bolder heart than a light conscience."
Judith turned paler than ever, but she struggled for self-command, andsucceeded in obtaining it. The conflict had been severe, however, andit left her so little disposed to speak that Hetty pursued the subject.This was done in the simple manner natural to the girl.
"It would be cruel to kill the poor deer," she said, "in this world, orany other, when you don't want their venison, or their skins. No goodwhite man, and no good red man would do it. But it's wicked for aChristian to talk about chasing anything in heaven. Such things arenot done before the face of God, and the missionary that teaches thesedoctrines can't be a true missionary. He must be a wolf in sheep'sclothing. I suppose you know what a sheep is, Deerslayer."
"That I do, gal, and a useful creatur' it is, to such as like clothsbetter than skins for winter garments. I understand the natur' of sheep,though I've had but little to do with 'em, and the natur' of wolves too,and can take the idee of a wolf in the fleece of a sheep, though I thinkit would be like to prove a hot jacket for such a beast, in the warmmonths!"
"And sin and hypocrisy are hot jackets, as they will find who put themon," returned Hetty, positively, "so the wolf would be no worse off thanthe sinner. Spirits don't hunt, nor trap, nor fish, nor do anything thatvain men undertake, since they've none of the longings of this world tofeed. Oh! Mother told me all that, years ago, and I don't wish to hearit denied."
"Well, my good Hetty, in that case you'd better not broach your doctrineto Hist, when she and you are alone, and the young Delaware maiden isinclined to talk religion. It's her fixed idee, I know, that the goodwarriors do nothing but hunt and fish in the other world, though I don'tbelieve that she fancies any of them are brought down to trapping, whichis no empl'yment for a brave. But of hunting and fishing, accordin' toher notion, they've their fill, and that, too, over the most agreeablesthunting grounds, and among game that is never out of season, and whichis just actyve and instinctyve enough to give a pleasure to death. So Iwouldn't ricommend it to you to start Hist on that idee.
"Hist can't be so wicked as to believe any such thing," returned theother, earnestly. "No Indian hunts after he is dead."
"No wicked Indian, I grant you; no wicked Indian, sartainly. He isobliged to carry the ammunition, and to look on without sharing in thesport, and to cook, and to light the fires, and to do every thing thatisn't manful. Now, mind; I don't tell you these are my idees, but theyare Hist's idees, and, therefore, for the sake of peace the less you sayto her ag'in 'em, the better."
"And what are your ideas of the fate of an Indian, in the other world?"demanded Judith, who had just found her voice.
"Ah! gal, any thing but that! I am too Christianized to expect any thingso fanciful as hunting and fishing after death, nor do I believe thereis one Manitou for the red-skin and another for a pale-face. You finddifferent colours on 'arth, as any one may see, but you don't finddifferent natur's. Different gifts, but only one natur'."
"In what is a gift different from a nature? Is not nature itself a giftfrom God?"
"Sartain; that's quick-thoughted, and creditable, Judith, though themain idee is wrong. A natur' is the creatur' itself; its wishes, wants,idees and feelin's, as all are born in him. This natur' never can bechanged, in the main, though it may undergo some increase, or lessening.Now, gifts come of sarcumstances. Thus, if you put a man in a town, hegets town gifts; in a settlement, settlement gifts; in a forest, giftsof the woods. A soldier has soldierly gifts, and a missionary preachinggifts. All these increase and strengthen, until they get to fortifynatur', as it might be, and excuse a thousand acts and idees. Stillthe creatur' is the same at the bottom; just as a man who is clad inregimentals is the same as the man that is clad in skins. The garmentsmake a change to the eye, and some change in the conduct, perhaps; butnone in the man. Herein lies the apology for gifts; seein' that youexpect different conduct from one in silks and satins, from one inhomespun; though the Lord, who didn't make the dresses, but who madethe creatur's themselves, looks only at his own work. This isn't ra'almissionary doctrine, but it's as near it as a man of white colour needbe. Ah's! me; little did I think to be talking of such matters, to-day,but it's one of our weaknesses never to know what will come to pass.Step into the Ark with me, Judith, for a minute; I wish to convarse withyou."
Judith complied with a willingness she could scarce conceal. Followingthe hunter into the cabin, she took a seat on a stool, while the youngman brought Killdeer, the rifle she had given him, out of a corner, andplaced himself on another, with the weapon laid upon his knees. Afterturning the piece round and round, and examining its lock and its breechwith a sort of affectionate assiduity, he laid it down and proceeded tothe subject which had induced him to desire the interview.
"I understand you, Judith, to say that you gave me this rifle," he said."I agreed to take it, because a young woman can have no particular usefor firearms. The we'pon has a great name, and it desarves it, andought of right to be carried by some known and sure hand, for the bestrepitation may be lost by careless and thoughtless handling."
"Can it be in better hands than those in which it is now, Deerslayer?Thomas Hutter seldom missed with it; with you it must turn out to be--"
"Sartain death!" interrupted the hunter, laughing. "I once know'd abeaver-man that had a piece he called by that very name, but 'twas allboastfulness, for I've seen Delawares that were as true with arrows,at a short range. Howsever, I'll not deny my gifts--for this is a gift,Judith, and not natur'--but, I'll not deny my gifts, and therefore allowthat the rifle couldn't well be in better hands than it is at present.But, how long will it be likely to remain there? Atween us, the truthmay be said, though I shouldn't like to have it known to the Sarpent andHist; but, to you the truth may be spoken, since your feelin's will notbe as likely to be tormented by it, as those of them that have known melonger and better. How long am I like to own this rifle or any other?That is a serious question for our thoughts to rest on, and shouldthat happen which is so likely to happen, Killdeer would be without anowner."
Judith listened with apparent composure, though the conflict withincame near overpowering her. Appreciating the singular character of hercompanion, however, she succeeded in appearing calm, though, had not hisattention been drawn exclusively to the rifle, a man of his keenness ofobservation could scarce have failed to detect the agony of mind withwhich the girl had hearkened to his words. Her great self-command,notwithstanding, enabled her to pursue the subject in a way still todeceive him.
"What would you have me do with the weapon," she asked, "should thatwhich you seem to expect take place?"
"That's just what I wanted to speak to you about, Judith; that's justit. There's Chingachgook, now, though far from being parfect sartainty,with a rifle--for few red-skins ever get to be that--though farfrom being parfect sartainty, he is respectable, and is coming on.Nevertheless, he is my fri'nd, and all the better fri'nd, perhaps,because there never can be any hard feelin's atween us, touchin' ourgifts, his'n bein' red, and mine bein' altogether white. Now, I shouldlike to leave Killdeer to the Sarpent, should any thing happen to keepme from doing credit and honor to your precious gift, Judith."
"Leave it to whom you please, Deerslayer. The rifle is your own, to dowith as you please. Chingachgook shall have it, should you never returnto claim it, if that be your wish."
"Has Hetty been consulted in this matter? Property goes from the parentto the children, and not to one child, in partic'lar!"
"If you place your right on that of the law, Deerslayer, I fear none ofus can claim to be the owner. Thomas Hutter was no more the fatherof Esther, than he was the father of Judith. Judith and Esther we aretruly, having no other name!"
"There may be law in that, but there's no great reason, gal. Accordin'to the custom of families, the goods are your'n, and there's no onehere to gainsay it. If Hetty would only say that she is willing, mymind would be quite at ease in the matter. It's true, Judith, thatyour sister has neither your beauty, nor your wit; but we should be thetenderest of the rights and welfare of the most weak-minded."
The girl made no answer but placing herself at a window, she summonedher sister to her side. When the question was put to Hetty, thatsimple-minded and affectionate creature cheerfully assented to theproposal to confer on Deerslayer a full right of ownership to themuch-coveted rifle. The latter now seemed perfectly happy, for the timebeing at least, and after again examining and re-examining his prize, heexpressed a determination to put its merits to a practical test, beforehe left the spot. No boy could have been more eager to exhibit thequalities of his trumpet, or his crossbow, than this simple forester wasto prove those of his rifle. Returning to the platform, he first tookthe Delaware aside, and informed him that this celebrated piece wasto become his property, in the event of any thing serious befallinghimself.
"This is a new reason why you should be wary, Sarpent, and not run intoany oncalculated danger," the hunter added, "for, it will be a victoryof itself to a tribe to own such a piece as this! The Mingos will turngreen with envy, and, what is more, they will not ventur' heedlesslynear a village where it is known to be kept. So, look well to it,Delaware, and remember that you've now to watch over a thing that hasall the valie of a creatur', without its failin's. Hist may be,and should be precious to you, but Killdeer will have the love andveneration of your whole people."
"One rifle like another, Deerslayer," returned the Indian, in English,the language used by the other, a little hurt at his friend's loweringhis betrothed to the level of a gun. "All kill; all wood and iron. Wifedear to heart; rifle good to shoot."
"And what is a man in the woods without something to shoot with?--amiserable trapper, or a forlorn broom and basket maker, at the best.Such a man may hoe corn, and keep soul and body together, but he cannever know the savory morsels of venison, or tell a bear's ham from ahog's. Come, my fri'nd, such another occasion may never offer ag'in,and I feel a strong craving for a trial with this celebrated piece.You shall bring out your own rifle, and I will just sight Killdeer in acareless way, in
order that we may know a few of its secret vartues."
As this proposition served to relieve the thoughts of the whole party,by giving them a new direction, while it was likely to produce nounpleasant results, every one was willing to enter into it; the girlsbringing forth the firearms with an alacrity bordering on cheerfulness.Hutter's armory was well supplied, possessing several rifles, all ofwhich were habitually kept loaded in readiness to meet any sudden demandfor their use. On the present occasion it only remained to freshen theprimings, and each piece was in a state for service. This was soon done,as all assisted in it, the females being as expert in this part of thesystem of defence as their male companions.
"Now, Sarpent, we'll begin in a humble way, using Old Tom's commonersfirst, and coming to your we'pon and Killdeer as the winding upobservations," said Deerslayer, delighted to be again, weapon in hand,ready to display his skill. "Here's birds in abundance, some in, andsome over the lake, and they keep at just a good range, hovering roundthe hut. Speak your mind, Delaware, and p'int out the creatur' you wishto alarm. Here's a diver nearest in, off to the eastward, and that's acreatur' that buries itself at the flash, and will be like enough to tryboth piece and powder."
Chingachgook was a man of few words. No sooner was the bird pointed outto him than he took his aim and fired. The duck dove at the flash, ashad been expected, and the bullet skipped harmlessly along the surfaceof the lake, first striking the water within a few inches of the spotwhere the bird had so lately swam. Deerslayer laughed, cordially andnaturally, but at the same time he threw himself into an attitudeof preparation and stood keenly watching the sheet of placid water.Presently a dark spot appeared, and then the duck arose to breathe, andshook its wings. While in this act, a bullet passed directly throughits breast, actually turning it over lifeless on its back. At the nextmoment, Deerslayer stood with the breech of his rifle on the platform,as tranquil as if nothing had happened, though laughing in his ownpeculiar manner.
"There's no great trial of the pieces in that!" he said, as if anxiousto prevent a false impression of his own merit. "No, that proof'sneither for nor ag'in the rifles, seeing it was all quickness of handand eye. I took the bird at a disadvantage, or he might have got under,again, afore the bullet reached him. But the Sarpent is too wise to mindsuch tricks, having long been used to them. Do you remember the time,chief, when you thought yourself sartain of the wild-goose, and I tookhim out of your very eyes, as it might be with a little smoke! Howsever,such things pass for nothing atween fri'nds, and young folk will havetheir fun, Judith. Ay; here's just the bird we want, for it's as goodfor the fire, as it is for the aim, and nothing should be lost that canbe turned to just account. There, further north, Delaware."
The latter looked in the required direction, and he soon saw a largeblack duck floating in stately repose on the water. At that distant day,when so few men were present to derange the harmony of the wilderness,all the smaller lakes with which the interior of New York so aboundswere places of resort for the migratory aquatic birds, and this sheetlike the others had once been much frequented by all the varieties ofthe duck, by the goose, the gull, and the loon. On the appearance ofHutter, the spot was comparatively deserted for other sheets, moreretired and remote, though some of each species continued to resortthither, as indeed they do to the present hour. At that instant, ahundred birds were visible from the castle, sleeping on the water orlaying their feathers in the limpid element, though no other offered sofavorable a mark as that Deerslayer had just pointed out to his friend.Chingachgook, as usual, spared his words, and proceeded to execution.This time his aim was more careful than before, and his success inproportion. The bird had a wing crippled, and fluttered along the waterscreaming, materially increasing its distance from its enemies.
"That bird must be put out of pain," exclaimed Deerslayer, the momentthe animal endeavored to rise on the wing, "and this is the rifle andthe eye to do it."
The duck was still floundering along, when the fatal bullet overtook it,severing the head from the neck as neatly as if it had been done withan axe. Hist had indulged in a low cry of delight at the success of theyoung Indian, but now she affected to frown and resent the greater skillof his friend. The chief, on the contrary, uttered the usual exclamationof pleasure, and his smile proved how much he admired, and how little heenvied.
"Never mind the gal, Sarpent, never mind Hist's feelin's, which willneither choke, nor drown, slay nor beautify," said Deerslayer, laughing."'Tis nat'ral for women to enter into their husband's victories anddefeats, and you are as good as man and wife, so far as prejudyce andfri'ndship go. Here is a bird over head that will put the pieces to theproof. I challenge you to an upward aim, with a flying target. That'sa ra'al proof, and one that needs sartain rifles, as well as sartaineyes."
The species of eagle that frequents the water, and lives on fish, wasalso present, and one was hovering at a considerable height above thehut, greedily watching for an opportunity to make a swoop; its hungryyoung elevating their heads from a nest that was in sight, in the nakedsummit of a dead pine. Chingachgook silently turned a new piece againstthis bird, and after carefully watching his time, fired. A wider circuitthan common denoted that the messenger had passed through the air at nogreat distance from the bird, though it missed its object. Deerslayer,whose aim was not more true than it was quick, fired as soon as it wascertain his friend had missed, and the deep swoop that followed leftit momentarily doubtful whether the eagle was hit or not. The marksmanhimself, however, proclaimed his own want of success, calling on hisfriend to seize another rifle, for he saw signs on the part of the birdof an intention to quit the spot.
"I made him wink, Sarpent, I do think his feathers were ruffled, butno blood has yet been drawn, nor is that old piece fit for so nice andquick a sight. Quick, Delaware, you've now a better rifle, and, Judith,bring out Killdeer, for this is the occasion to try his merits, if hehas 'em."
A general movement followed, each of the competitors got ready, and thegirls stood in eager expectation of the result. The eagle had made awide circuit after his low swoop, and fanning his way upward, once morehovered nearly over the hut, at a distance even greater than before.Chingachgook gazed at him, and then expressed his opinion of theimpossibility of striking a bird at that great height, and while he wasso nearly perpendicular, as to the range. But a low murmur from Histproduced a sudden impulse and he fired. The result showed how well hehad calculated, the eagle not even varying his flight, sailing round andround in his airy circle, and looking down, as if in contempt, at hisfoes.
"Now, Judith," cried Deerslayer, laughing, with glistening and delightedeyes, "we'll see if Killdeer isn't Killeagle, too! Give me roomSarpent, and watch the reason of the aim, for by reason any thing may bel'arned."
A careful sight followed, and was repeated again and again, the birdcontinuing to rise higher and higher. Then followed the flash and thereport. The swift messenger sped upward, and, at the next instant, thebird turned on its side, and came swooping down, now struggling withone wing and then with the other, sometimes whirling in a circuit,next fanning desperately as if conscious of its injury, until, havingdescribed several complete circles around the spot, it fell heavily intothe end of the Ark. On examining the body, it was found that thebullet had pierced it about half way between one of its wings and thebreast-bone.