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Defy Your Limits

Page 13

by Sean McNamara

  In each telekinesis session, I remind myself that whatever part of me it is which reaches across space, it has no gender, no shape or color, no age, no religion and no nationality. I remember that we all have an aspect of ourselves which is like that. Some call it consciousness, others call it the soul. We can see that our true essence is beyond all those temporary appearances and identifications we use to determine friend and foe.

  Telekinesis training is a type of meditation. The basic difference is where the practitioners place their attention. Commonly known meditation techniques instruct practitioners to place their attention on the breath, in the belly, upon a chakra, a mantra, or a visualization. Telekinesis differs simply by having practitioners place their attention on something out there.

  Because it is something that can be learned through reading books like this or through sheer experimentation, you don’t need the blessing of an external authority, like a guru or master. You are sacred already, and there’s no need for you to surrender your personal power to anyone else.

  These are some of the benefits of exploration through telekinesis. We will discuss these spiritual and scientific connections more in the following chapters.

  28. Healing, Prayer, Blessing, and ADC

  For Energy Healers

  Several years after I left my telecommunications career, I decided to become a massage therapist. After a full year of training in a 1,000-hour program, I spent seven years as a full-time therapist in private practice.

  Because I was already a meditation practitioner, it was easy for me to relax my mind and body during a session. It was only natural then that over time and with certain clients, I developed an ability to send and receive particular sensations through my hands and with my intention, all for the purpose of healing. This was largely accidental since I didn’t advertise myself as an energy worker, only as a physically based massage therapist who employed neuro-muscular therapy.

  Much of my clientele was composed of athletes and people who used their bodies a lot at work. They usually came to me with problems caused by overtraining, overuse, and repetitive motion. I also saw clients who wanted to simply relax because they were stressed out or emotionally overwhelmed. Some talked a lot, others were silent, and some would have a good healthy cry.

  No matter why they came, one thing was true for all of them: the body and mind affect each other directly. The mind could be used to help the body, and vice versa. After an hour of lying down and just talking to me about their issues, I could physically feel the release occurring in their bodies. This is the healing capacity of feeling heard, of being paid attention to in an open and non-judgmental manner.

  Working the connection in reverse, I could locate a specific point of tension, such as the back of the neck or the lower back, and by massaging that area bring about a mental and emotional release. By paying attention to where their tension was held in the body, the client became aware of hidden thoughts and emotions. This awareness led to release, which benefitted their whole being.

  Both examples above were simply the application of A&I, just like in telekinesis training, but toward another person instead of an object.

  I share the following experience for people interested in becoming energy workers in case it’s beneficial to them in their healing development.

  At one point, I naturally began to feel energy not only in my body, but my clients’ bodies. I had gradually become more sensitive to bio-energy through repetition and quiet, open attention. Sometimes the energy felt like heat, sometimes it had a velvety feeling. It could also have a sense of movement, ease and flow to it, or it could feel hard, stuck, or frozen. These words can only approximate what the real experience was like.

  I learned to communicate with that other person’s energy not only at the point of injury but also with their overall field. Sometimes I would just listen to it the way I would listen to the person talk. Other times, when it seemed appropriate, I would intend it to soften, flow, let go, or otherwise shift. I instinctually knew to root my intention in the spirit of compassion, openness, and patience.

  You probably already know how important it is to set one’s ego aside and to not demand results with this type of work. We might not know whether a patient’s life path is meant to include an illness or not. Sometimes the client could feel the effect, and sometimes they couldn’t. An energy worker must remain open to either possibility.

  These telekinesis exercises are an excellent way for you to develop your A&I, your attention and intention. By seeing its effect on an external object you’ll have far more confidence that your work with the human (or animal) body is real.

  Fortunately, your healing energy and your client’s energy, regardless of being in a state of health or dis-ease, is all non-physical. Affecting non-physical things like another’s energy is far easier to do than moving a physical object.

  In the chapter Working with the Eyes, I explained how to take guidance from the subconscious mind. I use the word “subconscious” here to mean something other than your ordinary thinking, analytical mind. That lesson can also be applied to healing work. It teaches you how to engage in deep listening with your mind. It’s a way of gaining information about a patient on the non-physical level.

  I had the opportunity to translate telekinesis into a healing modality several months after my initial success moving an object. I had injured my psoas muscle in a section just below one side of my waist. The pain had been keeping me awake one night, when I decided to experiment with healing myself. Even though it had been years since I had worked as a massage therapist, I was surprised that I hadn’t thought of doing this sooner.

  I gently pressed the pads of my fingers into the area of pain and simultaneously began listening to the muscle tissue. I sent my attention below my fingers into the area where the pain was emanating, and paid close attention to both the physical and energetic sensations there. After some time, I knew that I had entrained with that part of my body, that my mind was intimately connected to it.

  At that point, I sent my intention into that area for the muscle to relax, for the pain to subside, and for it to receive the rest of the body’s natural healing effort. I did this for about a half hour, and once the pain had subsided enough I was able to fall asleep. The next day I awoke in a significantly improved state.

  Since then, I’ve successfully applied those same basic steps above when my wife and others close to me have invited me to experiment with them in times of pain or illness. Their positive reports can only be regarded as anecdotes, of course, so I won’t go into detail here. I’ll only add that practicing this technique serves to improve one’s healing ability. For readers who progress all the way to Level Four, this information gives enough guidance for them to do their own experiments with healing.

  I hope that healers benefit from this material because although moving a piece of tinfoil or paper from a few feet away doesn’t really serve a productive purpose, using the same skills for healing people and animals is extremely worthwhile.


  I have a childhood memory of accompanying my mom as she did the Stations of the Cross. This is a series of prayers done at various stations in a church which mark significant moments in the day when Jesus was crucified. I saw her and others in the group spending long moments with eyes closed in quiet contemplation after reciting a liturgy. This type of prayer was very different from the brisk meal-time prayer we recited at home and out of habit more than anything else.

  I know that it was a powerful thing for my mom to do because of the way she cried during her contemplation. She was having an experience that I can’t pretend to know. Children tend to remember powerful and sometimes awkward moments for the rest of their lives. This was one of those moments for me. When I think about the transformative power of prayer, I remember that day.

  When I was in third grade, I had to miss a week of school because of an emergency appendectomy. The day I returned, I was surprised and embarrassed to learn that my mom
had visited my classroom while I was in the hospital. She had asked my classmates to pray for me.

  How much attention and intention would a room full of third graders be capable of? I don’t know, but I trust that it could only have helped. Prayer circles across the world gather regularly to try to positively affect people’s lives. Just like a telekinesis practitioner affects an object from a distance, prayer circles do the same for people.

  Prayer is simply applying one’s A&I in a particular manner. If you’re interested in prayer, I suggest telekinesis as a way for you to empower yourself. It can be a tool to regulate your noisy thinking mind and to enhance your quiet, intentional awareness.

  All you have to do is use your mind during prayer the same way you do during a telekinesis training session. You’ll reach the potent state of prayer when your relaxation, breathing, attention and intention are gracefully synchronized.

  If you want to make a wireless phone call to God, a deity, spirit, or to the greater unified consciousness of the universe, wouldn’t you like the transmission to be as crisp and clear as possible? Telekinesis training can help.


  In 2006, Masaru Emoto first published his book, The Hidden Messages in Water. Highly acclaimed and immensely popular, his work revealed the effect that our thoughts and feelings could have on water molecules. The effects were obtained by exposing water to words, prayers, and music. Water samples were then frozen, and the resultant crystals photographed.

  Uplifting, loving, and inspired words and music caused the water to produce beautiful and harmonious crystals. Hateful and otherwise negative messages produced equally unattractive crystals.

  Emoto’s work is a beautiful example of how interconnected our world is. It illustrates the power of a blessing - a positive intention directed to someone or something to induce a positive effect. As the majority of the body is composed of water, it’s important to consider how our attitudes and opinions can impact it, as well as those of others, directly.

  Does the blessing effect end with water? I don’t think so. People pray or otherwise use their intention to bless events, locations, and even the ecosystem. As we know, it is a common practice across cultures to bless one’s food before eating.

  Just like prayer, the act of blessing can be performed briskly as a symbolic ritual, or it can be done in a way that causes real, beneficial change. In helping you develop the strength of your A&I, telekinesis training can aid your ability to bless.

  After-Death Communication

  Have you ever heard about someone who has died and then sent a loved one a sign that they’re still around and watching over them? If you’ve seen the movie Ghost[*] with Patrick Swayze or Dragonfly with Kevin Costner, then you already have. In Ghost, Swayze’s character, a disembodied spirit, works at moving physical objects in order to communicate with the living. In Dragonfly, Costner’s character’s wife has passed over, and she sends messages to her husband through the children in the hospital where he works.

  Because those are Hollywood movies, a person might assume that these kinds of things don’t actually happen. But they do. The Hand on The Mirror by Janis Heaphy Dunham is a true account of Dunham’s experiences after the death of her husband Max Besler in 2004. It begins with a mysterious hand print on a mirror, and follows with other meaningful, yet strange, signs that could only have been sent by him.

  A particularly inspiring true life account of After Death Communication is Testimony of Light, by Helen Greaves. Greaves and her close friend Frances Banks spent considerable time learning to communicate telepathically

  with each other while they were both alive. Sometime after Banks’ passing, the communication between them began anew, made possible at least in part by the development they had done together in the physical.

  Do you ever think about what it will be like after you die? I certainly do, and accounts like those of Dunham and Greeves inspire me to consider new possibilities. If I were to die before my wife does, I would certainly want to send her a sign somehow. I know that she would do the same for me. Now, after having learned telekinesis, I think I have a way.

  My theory is that the deceased have to use their A&I the same way we do while in our bodies. Assuming the involvement of subtle energy, the amount available to a living practitioner is limited because so much energy is required to be inside a body to keep it going. The dead[* ]don’t have this problem. Might they have more capacity then, to affect the physical world and send a sign?[**]

  If so, is telekinesis something they would still need to learn on the other side? If so, I wonder if a spirit might ever wish that he or she had begun their training while on this side, the land of the physical.

  Would you like to leave a penny or a feather for your child or spouse to discover after you’ve crossed over? How about subtly directing them to notice an unopened envelope, some words of love that you wanted them to find? Actions like these can help immensely with the grieving process.

  What a gift it could be.

  29. For fans of The Secret, The Law of Attraction, and the use of Vision Boards

  Do you use a vision board? A vision board is a place to attach picture and phrases that represent your personal goals. Practitioners of the power of intention are instructed to look at their board every day and contemplate it. Doing so is said to affect their subconscious awareness and help them achieve their goals. They are also taught that this exercise can invoke changes in the external world to bring them the opportunities necessary to realize their dreams.

  I would not be surprised if some people have experienced unquestionable results with their vision board while others haven’t. I suspect it has to do with not only how they apply their intention during the exercise, but how it affects their consciousness.

  In the section Time Blurring and Sleep Visions, I shared my early experiences of seeing the object turning in my mind’s eye as I went to sleep.

  As I mentioned, I suspect that this spontaneous image arose because a change was happening in my consciousness after doing so much training. That change may have been a prerequisite to manifesting the idea of telekinesis in physical reality.

  How could this information help someone with their vision board? The process is similar to the telekinesis instructions. Let’s pretend that your goal is to complete a marathon next year. The photograph on your vision board is of a runner crossing the finish line at the Boston Marathon. How could you combine your telekinesis training with the way you relate to the photograph?

  You could begin with a brief telekinesis session, using it as a tool to clarify and relax your mind and to warm up your attention and intention. Once the you’ve spent a few minutes moving the object, you’ll know that you’re ready for the next step.

  You would then glance at the photograph to shift to the next stage in the process. Before, you wanted to move an object at a distance, and now your goal is to finish a race. You could let the photograph stimulate the feelings of joy, celebration, and achievement you know you’ll feel when you cross the finish line. You’ll feel the celebration as well as the strength and endurance of that “future you” right now in this moment. You can then fold your A&I into the exercise, and direct your subtle energy into the experience itself.

  The energy will infuse the whole experience and stimulate your consciousness to change so that it more resembles that of a successful runner. On the most practical level, doing this before every practice run will keep you inspired enough to overcome the urge to skip or procrastinate.

  Running a marathon is similar to telekinesis training in that to reach your goal, all you have to do is not give up.

  30. Meditation and the Internal Arts

  As I shared in the beginning of the book, I’ve applied the skills I learned from meditation to telekinesis. Many of the meditation techniques I learned employed the directing of one’s attention toward specific physical and energetic areas of the body.

  Today, the words aura, chakra, chi, dan tien, shushumna, and
prana[*] are almost common parlance among modern spiritual seekers. If you’ve learned any of those words in the course of your own meditation training, then you’ve been exposed to one of many different meditative traditions around the world.

  The mind and body are intimately connected, and certain types of meditation use both ends of that connection to benefit the other, just like in massage therapy. The state of the subtle energy in the body has a direct impact not only on the physical body, but on the mind, and vice versa.

  The difficulty for new meditators is that it can be difficult in the beginning to stabilize one’s attention and intention sufficiently to affect one’s own subtle energy. Until now, the most common advice given to them has been to “just keep practicing,” which I still believe is good advice. Meditation, like any other skill, improves with steady practice and the passage of time.


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