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Hawk: Tempest Elite MC: Tempest Elite MC Book # 5

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by Reagan Phillips


  Tempest Elite MC Book # 7

  Reagan Phillips


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  Note From The Author

  Books By Reagan



  The joint is hopping. It’s a Saturday night and with the high school football season in full swing, Hawk’s Pizzeria is packed. We’re short a waitress, but I don’t mind. More tips for me.

  And the harder I work, the less I think about the text I received yesterday.

  I don’t have to listen to the game on the radio to know our home team won tonight. The bar area and tables are not only packed to a standing room only capacity, but the crowd is rowdy and mostly drunk. I don’t blame them. For the first time in almost a decade, the Bruins are on a winning streak and everyone from teenagers to senior citizens is enjoying the momentum of the season.

  Everyone but me. I’m keeping my head down, my feet moving, and my hands raking in the tips. That’s part of what I like about working for Hawk. No one would dare stiff one of his waitresses. The second thing that drew me to this job? He’s walking in the door.

  I can tell by how stiffly Hawk is holding his shoulders that something is up. He always has a fair temperament when dealing with his staff, but I’ve seen the man explode on customers who didn’t follow his rules. Hawk could take down an army single-handedly. I’m sure of it. That’s the safety I need in my life. That’s why I, and most of the other girls, like working here.

  Once, a drunk out-of-towner grabbed one of the waitress’s ass while Hawk happened to be on the floor. There are still rumors circulating about where the body is buried.

  Hawk takes the most direct route to his office in the back behind the bar, and I follow his trail with my eyes. I have eight tables I’m working, all in need of a refill or an extra sauce, but my attention is on him. I need to speak to him, and what I have to ask would go down a lot easier if he were in a good mood.

  Doesn’t look like that is going to happen tonight.

  “Hey, Lo.” Camila calls my name before she bumps into me on the floor. “I need five. Cover my tables?”

  I nod. What is eight more overly excited groups of customers when my brain is already swirling with ideas of how to talk to Hawk tonight?

  Camila is also my roommate. When I moved to town and didn’t have living arrangements worked out, Hawk set me up in a three-bedroom apartment with Camila and Jonus, one of the bartenders.

  That was almost six months ago, and it’s worked out great, even if Camila does take advantage of my niceness.

  I regret my decision to cover her the second I see Camila disappear behind the bar. She’s going to ask Hawk for more time off to spend with her boyfriend and that’s going to wreck my chances of catching him in a decent mood.

  “Fuck,” I mutter under my breath. I really need his help.

  Six months ago, when I came to town looking for a fresh start, I left behind the biggest mistake of my life. I thought I’d found love, but Prince Charming turned out to be just another jerk looking for someone to control. When he couldn’t get that from me, he turned to my mother. A perpetual free spirit, she fell for his act and chose him over me despite my protests.

  It’s not the first time a man has come between us, but I promised myself it would be the last.

  “Lo.” My nickname is screamed across the bar.

  I turn from cleaning a recently vacated table to find Hawk standing at his office door, arms over his chest, scowl across his face. Camila is on her way back to me. She’s near tears. Hawk never lets a girl leave his office in that condition.

  I can’t imagine why he wants to see me until I remember the text I sent him around midnight asking to talk in the morning. It’s well after ten in the evening now. I pass Camila and hand her my tray.

  “Everything okay?” I ask.

  “Fine,” she says, visibly holding back tears. “He’s not in a good mood, Lo.”

  “Great.” I pat her shoulder. “We’ll get ice cream on the way home and chat, okay?”

  She perks up enough to smile and nods.

  I’ve saved her from spending the night sulking about whatever just happened behind Hawk’s office door, but who is going to save me? I bite my lower lip and entertain the idea of telling him my text was a mistake. A drunk dial or butt call. But he won’t fall for it. And I need his help too badly to walk away without asking.

  I suck in a deep breath, put on my best smile, and walk toward his office. The worst he can do is fire me.


  I notice her the second I walk into the restaurant. I tell myself I use the front door to check on the customers and the service, but it’s a lie. I come in from the front to see Lotus.

  Six months ago, she showed up looking for work. I didn’t have an opening but, judging by the bag she was carrying and the tiredness in her eyes, I figured Hawk’s was the final stop on her desperation tour. I couldn’t say no. Though I should have.

  Lotus is my wildest temptation. She’s tall, almost as tall as me, and she’s thick. The good kind of curvaceous in all the right places. I like something to get my hands on and she has it. She’s also a blonde. I’m a sucker for those. But what draws me to Lo the most has nothing to do with the way she looks and everything to do with how she makes me feel.

  That’s why I avoid her at all costs, even if I do keep an eye on her often. She’s a temptation I don’t have the time for, or the strength to fight.

  The club has been in turmoil over the last several months. A turf war that morphed into a personal vendetta that ended last week with two dead men. Not my men, but once the media got ahold of the story, our prez had to do some pretty fancy talking to keep us off the public’s bad side. Tempest Elite is already low on the town’s appeal rating just for being bikers. Even if we do spend most of our time keeping the area safe.

  Fuck it. I can’t deal with any more bad news today. That’s why I stopped by the restaurant. Jonus said the numbers from last night and today would put a smile on my face, and he’s right. Football season is my busiest time and this year, coupled with a few wins, business is booming.

  But there’s another reason I stopped by. A text from Lo asking to talk.

  I gave her my personal cell number when it was clear she knew no one in town, but she’s never used it. Not until last night when I was too busy to notice her text.

  Fuck. She better not be quitting. I know I’m not the easiest to work with, and I push her away the most. I have to. I could lose myself in her soft curves and velvet voice. Even now, when I close my eyes, I see her on her knees before me. Those wide, deep brown eyes staring up at me as if she’s in agony and I have what it takes to end her suffering.

  Shit. I’m hard. And I need a drink. I can’t put her off any longer, and I’m already getting up to call for her when someone knocks on my door. I assume it’s her. When Camila saunters in, I almost lose my shit. She’s dating a prospect for the Devils and I should drop her ass off my payroll for it, but I’d rather keep her under my watchful eye. As long as she’s in my restaurant, I know she’s not out stirring up shit with our enemy.

  She wants next Friday night off of work to hang out with her ol’man. When I tell her no, she bursts into tears. Fridays are my busy night, but I know Lo would have it handled without Camila. Actually, I lean back in my desk chair and close my eyes. Lo would have things handled ev
en better if I took the distraction of Camila’s constant complaining out of the mix entirely.

  After last week, the Devils will be looking for any way possible to hurt us. Knowing Camila works for me is enough of a reason to make her a target, so for the foreseeable future she’ll be working every night I can give her.

  With that out of my way, I’m forced to deal with Lo. Fired up from Camila, I walk to the office door she left open and call Lo’s name. Camila is already telling her I’m in a mood, I’m sure. Good. The warning will keep Lo on her toes, which is even better for me.

  When Lo steps into my office, and I move out of the doorway just enough for her to enter. She’s wearing one of my restaurant t-shirts tightly over her ample tits and a pair of jean shorts that cut just under the curve of her ass. She always smells of strawberries and today is no different. As soon as I catch a whiff, my dick pulses.

  I should have poured that drink before I called her into my office. I need a release after last night's Church meeting, but I’m in no mood to be gentle. Lo takes the chair opposite my desk. She slides a stack of paperwork over so that she has room to sit.

  I’m a bit behind on filing. As the tactical team lead with the club, my nights have been spent making plans with Bear, the prez, and Gunner, the sergeant at arms. For the last few weeks, I’ve also been on guard duty from the threat of an attack.

  “You wanted to ask me a question,” I say when Lo doesn’t talk.

  I don’t like the expression on her face. She’s afraid of something. Maybe me? I slouch down in my chair, hoping to come off as less pissed than I am.

  “If now’s a bad time, I can wait,” she says.

  Lo is not a timid person. Her straightforwardness is one of the reasons I had no issues with hiring her, even though I didn’t have an opening. She takes no shit but comes off as sweet and caring to my customers.

  But right now, I really need her to be straight with me. I need her to tell me what the hell is going on, so I can get her out of my office and out of my head.

  “Lo. What is it? You texted me at midnight. That doesn't sound like something that can wait.”

  I have her full attention now.

  She squirms in her chair. Something is definitely up with Lo. She’s never timid or shy. She says what she’s thinking with no filter, even if it sometimes gets her in hot water with the customers.

  “I,” she starts, then shoves her hands under each thigh to sit on them. “I know Camila asked for next Friday off and I need the hours. I was hoping you’d let me cover her shift after I finish mine.”

  I run my hand over my short beard and study Lo carefully. “You texted me at midnight to ask me about covering Camila’s shift?” I’m not buying the excuse. Besides the fact she is already working the lunch crowd next Friday, it’s her only night off the entire week.

  “It was on my mind and I didn’t want to forget to ask. I texted before I looked at the time.”

  I’m still not buying her story, but I get no thrill out of watching Lo sidestep my questions, so I give in and let her off the hook.

  “No,” I answer.

  “Why?” Lo perks up. Her cheeks are turning pink and her breathing is more labored. This is the Lotus I know best. The one that fights for what she wants.

  “Because I told Camila no, and that’s my final answer. You’re already working doubles most of the week. I can’t have my best waitress burn out on me during football season.”

  “I won’t burn out, Hawk.” She has her hands free now and is using them to express herself. “The only thing I have is work and sleep.”

  When I don’t change my mind, she tries again.

  “I promise I will tell you if it gets to be too much.”

  “I don’t think you will,” I shoot back.

  She’s still eyeing me hard and her skin is turning redder by the second.

  I don’t care for employees who question my authority. But when Lo does it—fuck, it turns me on. That’s why I have to be harsher with her than the other girls. I can deal with being annoyed, but I can’t deal with walking around all day aching to know what taking Lotus would feel like.

  “Maybe it’s time you found a social life in town.”

  Lo slides to the edge of her chair. “I need money more than I need to be entertained by losers.”

  Her cheeks are hard and round like she’s gritting her teeth to hold back on me. She wants to cuss me out, but that’s not how Lo rolls. She’s sweet and even tempered, even if it kills her.

  I can’t argue with the loser statement either. Most of the single guys around town are pricks, and I have a hard and fast rule when it comes to my brothers dating my staff. Lo and the rest are off limits with the exception of India, who is practically married to Scout.

  “The answer is still no.” It’s damn impossible to watch her steam across from me. I want her to blow her lid. She can scream at me at the top of her lungs. Tell me how unfair I am and call me an asshole. Anything, but give me those determined eyes and that soft little pout that make me want to lean across my desk and kiss her lips until they turn red and swollen from the assault.

  But Lo disappoints me. Instead of doing any of those things, she sighs and then stands, thanks me for my time, and walks out my office door as her ass sways with each step.

  I’m so fucking hard that I can’t stand up from my desk to see her out. Besides, I know where she’s off to next without watching. She’ll find Camila and they’ll both talk about how unfair I’m being. They’ll hate me for a few days, as women do. And Lo will keep her distance, making my life that much easier.

  Right now, my focus has to be on the brotherhood and sorting out the shitshow that happened last week. Lo on my brain will only cloud my judgement.

  Chapter 2



  Camila bumps into my side at the bar and drops her empty tray next to mine. I’ve been avoiding her for the last half hour. Really, I’ve been avoiding everyone.

  “Well, what?” Jonus asks as he fills me up with full beer mugs from the tap. “What’s the big secret?”

  “There isn’t one,” I bark back.

  I love Jonus and Camila to pieces, but they are both horrible gossipers. Not knowing how I feel about what just happened between me and Hawk, I really don’t want them talking about it to everyone.

  “Come on, Lo. You went in his office after me and you came out all quiet. He’s in a pissy mood. Why’d you do it?”

  I turn to Camila. She’s smacking her gum and staring at me through eyeshadow so dark it makes her look like she’s got two black eyes.

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

  “Ohhhh,” Jonus chimes in. He’s done filling my tray, but Camila has me blocked in. I don’t like feeling confined. It makes me anxious and I tend to say and do things I regret later. “Are you two doing things in there you shouldn’t be?”

  I cut a look at Jonus that could slice his balls off, if he had any.

  “No.” My answer should be plain enough, but it’s not for these two.

  I try to push past Camila, but she doesn't budge.

  “I have drink orders to get out.”

  “And we have secrets to uncover,” Camila says.

  I’m never going to win with these two. They are like children, even though I’m the youngest of the group. It’s a Friday night, we're all dragging on our feet from the crowd, and in another hour we’ll be home and hopefully passed out in bed. That’s what I keep my focus on.

  I stare at them both until Camila finally gives in and lets me pass. She doesn't try to talk to me again the rest of the night, even though Jonus keeps giving me crazy looks when I hit the bar for a reload of my tray.

  Normally I wouldn’t care that they are drilling me information. But since meeting with Hawk, I can’t seem to find my balance and it’s throwing me off my game.

  I knew confessing to Hawk about my problem was going to be hard. I’ve seen him overreact when something happ
ens to one of his employees. But I’m out of my depth with Darren, and I know I need Hawk’s help. I’d resigned myself to telling Hawk everything but at the last second, when he looked at me with concern in his eyes, I couldn’t make the words leave my mouth.

  Darren isn’t his issue, and from what I’ve heard around the restaurant this week, Hawk has much bigger issues to deal with. A few of the Tempest Elite ol’ladies stopped in to pick up pizzas for the guys at the clubhouse, and I overheard them talk about a fight and a police report. Those two things never go well with Hawk and his crew.

  His standoffish attitude coming into the restaurant only proved he had more going on than he could handle. Biting Camila’s head off over asking for time off was one thing. Telling my boss I could be bringing a dangerous man into his business and putting his employees at risk... I think I’d be better off taking my chances with Darren than upsetting Hawk.

  I keep busy for the last hour of my shift. It isn’t hard to lose track of time with tables turning over and the constant runs back and forth to the bar for refills. By the time we give the last of the customers their bills, I’ve almost pushed my worry for tonight out of my head, until a hand lands on my shoulder and I jump.

  “Sorry,” Camila says. “Boy you’re acting strange tonight. Is everything okay with you?”

  I nod. There’s a new lump in my throat, making it almost impossible to speak.

  “Jonus and I were thinking about stopping off for a drink before heading home. I know we talked about ice cream, but I’m feeling better and Jonus is promising to pay.”

  I smile. It’s forced, but I don’t think Camila knows the difference. “Sounds fun.”

  “So you’ll come with us?” She’s grinning hard and I know what that means. They are still hoping I will fill them in on what happened between Hawk and me in his office.


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