Gunner: Tempest Elite MC Book #3

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Gunner: Tempest Elite MC Book #3 Page 6

by Reagan Phillips

  "She's still a bit on edge after the attack."

  "I don't blame her." After returning to the club for protection, her ex almost got away with kidnapping her. I've sensed her distrust in the club since, and I'd do anything to make her feel safer.

  "Maybe she and Everly and Lexa could spend some time together. We could send a prospect out to watch them, incognito, of course."

  Doc laughs. "You really think you could pull that over on Everly?"

  "No. But growing up in the club, she understands the situation we're in. She knows how important it is for us to have eyes on our families right now."

  "True," Doc answers. A group of patched members passes, shaking hands and bumping elbows. Bear's called in all active citizens, the independents in the area, and even the few nomads we have in the area who align with us when needed.

  Church is full when the doors finally shut, and Bear takes the front of the room.

  Doc glances down at his phone as Bear runs over the usual meeting openers. "Fuck. I hope this doesn't take long. I promised Meredith we'd go out tonight to celebrate our six month anniversary."

  "Really?" I snort a laugh. "She's got you wrapped so hard you're counting the months now."

  Doc cuts his gaze to me. "You wouldn't be laughing if you had what I had, brother."

  "Probably not." Even though I do know what he has, and I know how hard I'm missing it.

  Bear's voice gets louder, and I'm drawn back to the meeting. He talks about the recent attack in detail and fields angry questions from members. Most want to see revenge enacted. Some are calling for a vote to take action.

  Bear shuts them all down, reminding everyone of Meredith's recent attack, and I feel Doc tensing up behind me.

  If we want to keep our families safe, we have to play a smarter game than the Devils. We need numbers, and we need to attack while they can't retaliate on the ones we love. Bear has everything thought out, and in his plan, I hear many of the tactics we used when ambushing small villages on the outskirts of major terrorist areas.

  "We'll bring as many families as we can into the club and post guards around the building. Doc has agreed to also let us use his warehouse for overflow. It won't be home, but we'll make it as comfortable for our loved ones as possible. Since this fight is on our turf, we're responsible for guarding our people, but the Darks Angels have offered their prospects for backup while their citizens will join in the main event."

  "And if they bring this fight to our door? What's your plan for keeping people safe if the club itself is under attack?"

  "Wouldn't our people be better off outside our zone? Why not send them all away for a few days?

  The questions roll in, and although Bear looks ready to tackle them all, I'm worried this meeting will turn into an all-nighter.

  "How you handle your own is up to you. The offer stands to house anyone you feel is at risk. Besides that, we are going to need everyone on-site and ready. No one gets to sit this one out and keep their patch. We either show the Devils we're not to be fucked with or forfeit our lands to the Dark Angels."

  Bear has everyone's attention. He begins to pull out papers with his plans, and a collective sigh breaks over the room. I take out my phone and shoot Everly a text while I glance over to Kyle and see he's doing the same.

  Everly will understand. She's grown up with club business coming before all else. It's not going to sit well with Lexa that I'm not picking her up tonight, but Tempest Elite family always comes first.

  Even if, for the first time since Everly was born, I have a very good reason to disobey the rules.

  Chapter 8


  "It's really not a big deal. I'm just going to shower and head to bed early anyway."

  Everly is sitting in the driver's seat of her car, apologizing to me for at least the fifth time about Gunner not picking me up from the clinic.

  "This is sometimes how it is with the club. I'm sure if dad had known he'd be held up earlier, he would have called me before closing time."

  I don't know how to make her stop. Sure, I sat alone in the clinic for over an hour, waiting for Gunner to pick me up. I used the time to familiarize myself with the rest of the clients for the week and caught up on the social media I'm behind on since the move.

  That's how I saw my ex had posted pictures with his new girl at our favorite restaurant. The asshole. She can have him.

  "Ever. It's fine. Really. You don't have to vouch for your father. I've been around long enough now to understand whatever the club wants, the club gets."

  She tilts her head at me, just like Gunner does. It sends a ping of frustration down to my core. "See. You're mad. It's still early. We could go out for pizza and--"

  "And you're not supposed to even be driving, much less out eating pizza." I laugh so she'll relax. "And I'm not even mad." Not that mad anyway. "I've been dying to soak in a bathtub since I got here, and with Gunner out of the house, I have the perfect chance."

  She watches me, waiting for a reaction to slip. But it's not going to happen because, after this afternoon, I'm not going to let anything ruin my good mood. All I need is a glass of wine, some soothing music from my phone, and enough bubbles in a bathtub to cover my aching muscles.

  "If you're sure?"

  There's something in her tone that pulls on me. Something that makes me turn and take a good look at Everly. She's her usual happy self. Hair pulled up in a messy bun and only a smear of gloss on her lips to make her look fresh and beautiful.

  She has that effortless way about her that makes me want to hate her sometimes. But there's something missing tonight. I can't put my finger on it, but as I reach for the car door, I realize I'm not the only girl who's evening plans are locked up in the clubhouse.

  I lean back in my seat and glance at Everly sideways. "On the other hand, you made pizza and a glass of wine sound too good to miss. There will be time for a soak later."

  Everly perks up and turns the car key, starting the engine. "You bet there will be. I'll have you home long before the boys are done." She's back out of the drive and already heading down the road when she turns to me. "I really appreciate this, Lexa. One of the things I was looking forward to the most when you agreed to move here was having girl time again."

  I hide my smile from her. "I've missed it too."

  Everly's pizza place is like so many others I've been to. Red and white checkered tablecloths, old wooden booth, cheesy Italian music with candlelight, and the scent of burning cheese.

  She tells me to let her order, and I'm happy when she calls out for a large white pizza with extra tomato and a glass of the house red for me.

  "Just like the college days," she says, sliding into one side of the only empty booth.

  "This is either the only pizza place in town, or it's got some killer food," I say, surveying the couples and families filling up almost every available table. There's a small room of video games in the back that's full of young teenagers, and a bar top on one side that's humming with activity.

  "It's owned by one of the members," she says while taking our drink order from the freckle-faced teen waiter. He calls her Ms. Everly before he gives me a sheepish smile and wanders off. "The locals know there won't be any trouble here."


  She leans over the table so she can whisper. "Anything that happens in this place gets shut down quickly, and anyone involved gets a visit from the club."

  I'm intrigued. I'm picturing Gunner with some jackasses' throat locked in his fist for harassing women. "What kind of visit do they get?"

  Everly narrows her gaze on mine. "That's not something talked about outside of Church, but I can tell you it isn't pretty. Once, when another club came in and started trouble, Tempest Elite stripped them of all of their clothes and stole most of their bikes, so they had to ride back to their lands naked with two to a bike."

  I giggle over my drink. "I would have loved to see that."

  "It was amazing. But, sometimes, the boys get
carried away and take things too far. If they do it with the wrong clubs, all hell can break loose."

  "What do they do?" I ask over my first sip of wine. It's bold and fragrant. I'll have to ask Everly to find out the name of it from the owner.

  "Oh." Everly stalls until a group of older teens pass our table. "Just cause trouble for the locals. They try to turn the town against the club. Their lands are small, and they'd love to add part of our town into their borders."

  The pizza comes quickly. The same kid plops the hot tray on a rack in the middle of the table before handing us plates. The pie is steaming and smells so rich my stomach growls. I pull one large, gooey slice free before placing a second on Everly's plate.

  "You weren't kidding about this place" I already have my slice rolled up and in my mouth, and it's one of the best bites of food I've ever eaten.

  Everly grins over her slice. "I told you. Best food in town if you're in the mood for something unhealthy."

  We chat over slices and drinks, but I let Everly do most of the talking. I'm stuffing my face too fast to make any real conversation. Three pieces and a second glass of wine later, I push back from the table only to notice Everly is on her third slice also and we still have a fourth of a pizza to go.

  "You have to finish those two, Lexa. It's your duty as my friend to not let me become as big as a house while pregnant.

  I laugh and drop a hand over my food baby. "I will burst."

  "Fine," she scoffs. "I guess we can take these pieces for Kyle unless you think Gunner would want them?"

  I've never heard her refer to her father by his name before, and it takes me by surprise. I stall, then stumble over my words. "'d know better than me what he likes."

  Everly makes tsk sound in the back of her throat. "It's only pizza, Lexa."

  She studies me hard, almost like she knows I'm keeping something from her. A secret. A lie that will destroy our friendship and possibly her relationship with her father. I feel my cheeks flush and my heart begins to flutter so fast, I feel like I'm losing my breath.

  I'm stuck for what to say next as Everly piles the two slices into a takeout box. She isn't talking, and the silence is deafening.

  "When do you think they'll be done with the meeting?" I hedge.

  "Not until late. I'll take you home unless you'd like to hang out with me for a while?"

  There's joy in her voice at the idea, but I'm drowning already. Any more time with Everly than necessary, and I might confess under the pressure of hating to lie.

  I'm about to answer when the restaurant's front doors open, and the whole place falls silent. I have my back to the door, but Everly is looking over my shoulders, and her eyes are large, and her jaw sets into a hard line.

  "What is it?" I whisper, the quiet too eerie to break.

  Everly ducks her head down closer to me. "The Devils. Three of them."

  She doesn't say anything else and keeps her head low. Somehow I know to do the same.

  Footsteps follow before the screeching of a half dozen chairs, then the front door squeaking open repeatedly.

  The noise is getting closer.

  "Ever," a male voice growls. "Your father not around tonight?"

  He's standing right over me. His hot breath blows across the top of my head, blowing my hair and making me shake.

  "No, Cobra. He's not."

  "Shame," he says before pulling out the chair beside me and sitting.

  He's about the same size and build as Gunner, but years younger with tattoos covering his bald head and a set of silver hoops hanging from both ears. He smells so strong of stale beer and pot I have to breathe through my mouth to keep from gagging.

  "Well, who the hell are you?" He runs his fingers over my hair.

  I swat him away, but he catches my wrist in his grasp and squeezes until I think my bones will shatter.

  "I wouldn't," Everly dares. Her jaw is set, and her eyes fixed hard on Cobra's. "She belongs to Gunner. You'll have hell to pay if you put a mark on her."

  "Fuck Gunner." He says but lets my hand go.

  I scoot as far away from him as I can but realize too late that puts me next to another heavily tattooed and stench covered man in all leather.

  "I'll be sure to tell him you said so." Everly never breaks eye contact with Cobra.

  "It's not Gunner I came here about," he says, scooting closer to Everly.

  I ball my fists in my lap. If I need to, I'm ready to strike out. I can land a shot to the crotch of the man by my side and still have time to make a jab at Cobra before he reaches Everly. At least in my head, it works this way.

  "What do you want, Cobra?" Everly's voice is flat and emotionless, like hard steel.

  Cobra cocks his head to the side and studies Everly as he flicks his tongue out over his lips. "You need to convince Bear to back off his alliance with the Angels. This isn't your fight."

  "And if they don't?"

  Cobra's mouth forms a smile that makes my stomach flip. He scoots his chair over until he's next to me and with one arm, pulls me into his lap. "Then I fuck his bitch so hard she'll be begging me to put a baby in her."

  I jerk my shoulders and kick my legs out, but I can't move. He's like a vice around my arms and chest. I want to spit in his face, stomp on his foot, kick him so hard in the balls his grandkids feel it. But, I can't even move my hands enough to push away from him.

  Everly begins to stand, but when I glare at her, she stops. If they see her belly, I'm afraid of what they might do.

  “You'd like that too, wouldn't you, baby? Me showing you what a real man is."

  I bite down on my tongue so hard to keep from screaming I can taste the blood pooling in my mouth.

  "I'll tell Bear. Now, let her go."

  Cobra releases me, but I'm still held to his lap by the edge of the table. "I'm only playing around with her. Isn't that what sweetbutts are for?"

  As soon as I see my chance, I push off the table and stand. My legs are weak, and my knees almost buckle, but I stand as straight as I can and move beside Everly's seat. If they come at her, I'm ready.

  "Go, Cobra," she says with a coolness that makes my back tingle.

  Cobra finally stands and pushes his chair in as if he were the perfect gentleman. "I didn't come here to cause any trouble tonight. Only to deliver that message." He steps back, so he's even with his two partners. "You remember to tell Bear that too. Next time…" he licks his lips and winks at me.

  I don't move or breathe until they are all out of the front door. The few patrons that stayed are watching us. Everly doesn't even speak, and I'm worried she's going into shock.

  She looks up at me, and I expect to see wide eyes, but I don't. She's as focused and collected as if she's just delivered a lecture of rotator cuff misalignment. "Are you okay?" she asks.

  "I'm fine. I'm more worried about you." She starts to stand, and I reach out for her. I'm shaking so hard I'm not sure I'm much help.

  "I'm Fine. Cobra doesn't scare me. He's afraid of Gunner and would never lay a finger on me...or you now."

  I nod my head. "You told him I was Gunner's."

  "It's the only way to protect you from Cobra. He wouldn't dream of damaging my father's property."

  "Oh." Heat rushes into my cheeks again, along with the same buzz of embarrassment in my belly.

  "If he was brave enough to come in here and make a threat, they are definitely up to something big. I hope you don't mind if we head back to the club before I take you home?"

  "No," I answer. "Of course, I don't."

  Besides, I'm shaking so hard on our way out the door, I don't think I could stand being alone.

  And I want Gunner. I want his arms wrapped around me, his warmth soaking into my skin. I want to hear from his lips that I'm not in danger.


  Kyle flashes his phone screen up for me to read. His face is turning red, and he's pissed. I" m sure it has something to do with an issue at his bike shop until the words come into focus.

  Everly's message is short. She only says she's seen Cobra and she's on her way to the club.

  "No," I spit out loud enough to stop the conversations going on around us. I lower my voice and ask Kyle for the phone. Then I type out a message telling Everly to take Lexa back to my place and wait there.

  "They'd be safer here," Kyle interjects while I'm typing.

  Bear's already crossing the room in our direction, so I type faster with the location of the Glock I keep in my nightstand and the box of ammunition in the closet.

  "Everly knows how to handle herself. Besides, bringing Lexa to the club where tensions are already high would only scare her more." I'm on my feet before Bear can ask what's wrong.

  Kyle fills him in, but I'm already heading for the door. I need to get to Lexa. She's my responsibility, and I need to make sure she's all right.

  "Kyle's right, Gunner. Tell them to come here," Bear says. "We'll bring in all the ol'ladies and sweetbutts and anyone else in need of protection. We have more manpower within the club walls."

  I'm already out the door. I don't want Lexa messed up in the club business. I want her safe, and if that includes keeping her away from the clubhouse, then that is what must happen.

  I'm in my truck before my phone vibrates with a text. Everly texts me that Kyle wants her at the club, but if I say home, that's where she's going.

  I don't want to come between her and Kyle, but as far as club business goes, I have the upper hand. The road home is longer than it's ever taken before, and my foot pushes the gas pedal to the floorboards.

  I pull in behind Everly's car, stalk up the front steps, call Everly's name, and identify myself before I enter. "Ever," I call.


  After shutting and locking the door, I search downstairs, calling for Everly and Lexa back and forth and hearing nothing in return.


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