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Loving Her Scars (Loving Her Scars Series Book 1)

Page 3

by B M Griffin

  “Tell me, Shayla. What did they say?” Adam felt his own anxiety rising. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the anger he felt simmering just beneath the surface.

  “They said something about smelling someone’s scent all over me. They didn’t say any names, just his scent.”

  Adam released his grip on Shayla’s arm, taking a step back. He could feel the rage boiling inside of him, his inner wolf clawing, needing to come out. This was something he could never let happen around Shayla. He now understood how Shayla managed to land this client without Megan. Shayla was a genius, but in front of strangers, she turned into a bumbling mess. She landed the job because Kevin Hall smelled his scent on her. Kevin, the leader of a rival wolf-pack, had been trying to buy his way into the alpha position of Adam’s pack. No one in Adam’s pack was interested in Kevin, or anything he was trying to offer. Kevin was not trustworthy and was definitely a bully.

  “You can’t go,” Adam blurted out desperately at Shayla.

  Shayla turned to look at him, her eyebrows drawn together, like he was crazy. “What the hell do you mean, I can’t go? This is work, Adam. I have to go. If I don’t, West End loses this deal and I’ll be out of work, my reputation will be ruined.” An animalistic growl escaped from Adam’s throat. He hadn’t meant to. It just happened. “Did you just growl at me? Seriously, Adam. What the hell?”

  Shayla’s hands were on her hips and Adam knew he was on thin ice. He didn’t want her to be mad, but he couldn’t let her walk into danger. “Fine. Go,” he said, “but I’m going with you.”

  “I don’t know, Adam. I didn’t even think to ask if I could bring a guest along.”

  “If you’re going, I’m going,” Adam stated, vehemently.

  She rolled her eyes at him but said, “Fine,” with exasperation.

  “Good,” Adam responded triumphantly. He headed to leave her room to get dressed.

  Shayla grabbed him by the arm as he walked past. “You need to wear something that will at least pass for business casual.” He rolled his eyes at her. “I’m serious, Adam. This is my career.”

  “Okay, I think I’ve got something.” A playful smile crossed his lips.

  He started to walk away but she stopped him once again. “Thank you.”

  He smiled back at her, lifted her hand which was still wrapped around his arm, and gave it a kiss. “Anything for you, babe.”

  Adam hurriedly went to dress and alert his pack about the situation he was preparing to jump into. He had a feeling his alpha wasn’t going to be happy about this situation. Kevin Hall cannot get away with going after Shayla. He might be trying to disguise it with business, but knowing what Shayla overheard, told Adam that his true intentions were not genuine.

  He grabbed his cell sending a text to his pack’s beta, Jared.

  Adam: Going with Shayla to Kevin Hall’s house tonight. He’s a new client of hers. No way for me to stop her without revealing I’m a wolf, and no way she’s going there alone.

  He was avoiding his alpha, Mike, because he didn't want to risk being ordered not to go with Shayla. There was no way in hell he was letting her go into Hall’s house alone. Adam worried that Mike, his alpha, would give an order he wouldn’t be able to refuse.

  Jared didn’t text him back. Instead, Adam’s phone began ringing in his hand seconds after he’d hit the send button. He didn’t even have to say hello, before Jared laid into him on the other end of the line. “Are you fucking crazy? You know what Hall will do to you if you enter his territory.”

  “Maybe he won’t with Shayla there.”

  “Don’t be stupid, Adam. We both know he would have smelled your scent. He’s using her to get to you. To get to our pack.”

  Adam ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “You think I don’t know that? But it doesn’t matter, Jared. I am going with Shayla. I won’t let him hurt her. You know what she means to me. Don’t ask me not to do this.”

  The silence on the other end was deafening, while Adam waited for Jared’s response. “I don’t like this, but I understand. We all know how much you care for her. Seriously man, if you’re willing to risk your life and our pack for her, the least you could do is finally tell her how you feel. Just saying.”

  “I know. You’re probably right. I’ll think about it if I survive the night,” he said half-jokingly.

  “Alright, Adam. Please, at least try to be careful. I can’t send anyone to have your back without involving the whole pack, and we both know if Mike hears about this, he’ll issue a command to put a stop to it.”

  “I know. Thanks, Jared.”

  Adam hung up the phone quickly, grabbed his best button-down shirt, and the only pair of black slacks he owned. He was fastening the last button, when Shayla busted into his room. “What the hell, Adam! We’re going to be late. What’s taking you so long?”

  “Sorry, I hadn’t planned on a fancy outing tonight. It took me a minute to find something you might allow me to wear.” He held his arms out to the side for inspection. She squinted her eyes looking at him, like it made him easier to see, or maybe it was to help her pinpoint any unacceptable wrinkles or stains on his clothing.

  “Actually, you look pretty good, but what shoes are you going to wear? I’ve never seen you in a pair of dress shoes. Do you even own any?”

  “Nope. Never have. I’m wearing these.” Adam pulled his pant leg up to reveal his black biker boots. Shayla crossed her arms, preparing to unleash a lecture so Adam cut her off before she could waste any energy criticizing his boots. “These are my best-looking shoes, and they’re black, so they match my pants. It’s as good as it’s getting, Shay. Sorry.”

  “Uh, it’s fine. Let’s just go before we’re late and I get fired for running off our biggest client.”

  The drive to Kevin’s house wasn’t long, and Adam and Shayla were both pretty quiet. Adam drove; Shayla knew he could get them there faster. She’d never been comfortable driving too much over the speed limit, but that wasn’t a concern for Adam. He’d noticed her chewing on her bottom lip a few times; he knew she was nervous.

  He knew they had arrived at their destination before he saw the house number. Just like Hall, the place was huge and overly lavish. The asshole was rich as hell and he loved to flaunt it. When they pulled around to the driveway, Adam had to pull up to a speaker at the gate and call up to the house for them to be allowed entrance. The long drive was surrounded, on both sides, by a professionally landscaped lawn. The smell from the gardenia and rose bushes could not mask the gamey smell of Kevin’s pack.

  Adam parked the car and walked around to open the door for Shayla. He took her hand as they headed up the steps to the front door. The scent of the other pack was overwhelming to Adam. The door opened as soon as they hit the top of the steps.

  “Shayla,” Jim said wryly, as he stepped to the side to allow them entrance. “I wasn’t aware you’d be bringing a, uh, a guest with you.”

  Adam shot a glare at Kevin’s beta. The guy was an even bigger asshole than Kevin. Adam flexed his free hand. He was itching to put him in his place.

  “Hi to you too, Jim,” Shayla interjected, unaware of the building tension. “This is my friend, Adam Huff. Adam, this is Jim Edwards. He works with Kevin.”

  Adam extended his hand. He didn’t want to shake Jim’s hand, but he needed to try for Shayla’s sake. If things went wild, it would be because Kevin or his pack stepped out of line, not because of Adam. Jim tightly gripped his hand; Adam knew the wolf was attempting to assert his dominance with his unnecessarily increasingly tight grip. Adam just smiled, and squeezed until Jim noticeably whimpered in pain.

  “Shayla, I thought I heard your voice.” A low growl escaped Adam’s throat, when Kevin Hall came around the corner and pulled Shayla’s hand from his so he could kiss it.

  “Oh, uh, hello Kevin.” Shayla pulled her hand back from Kevin and laid it on Adam’s upper arm. “This is my friend, Adam Huff. I hope it’s okay I brought him.”

  “Of co
urse, of course.” Kevin made a big deal out of shaking Adam’s hand over-enthusiastically, with a big fake smile spread across his face. Adam had to give him credit. Whatever he was planning, he intended to impress Shayla. Adam didn’t miss the way Kevin’s wolf flashed a warning through his eyes. Yeah, he knew exactly who Adam was. “It’s nice to meet you, Adam.”

  “Yeah,” was all Adam could manage in return. When Kevin turned to walk in the other direction, Shayla elbowed Adam in his side to chastise him for his rudeness. Adam just looked at her and shrugged. If she expected him to be polite to these assholes, it was going to be a long night of disappointments. He’d do his best not to start any fights, but he wasn’t going to show these guys undeserved respect. He wished, more than anything, he could tell Shayla who he truly was and who Kevin Hall truly was.

  They followed Kevin into a dining room, which appeared to have been decorated for a medieval king. The massive ornate dining table could seat fifty people. The table settings were clearly made of pure gold. Adam was sure the diamonds that decorated the flower vase centerpiece were genuine. The crown molding appeared to be made of gold. Yup. If he hadn’t already known Kevin Hall was a douche before tonight, there would be no denying the fact now.

  “Shayla, Mr. Hall saved you a seat next to him at the head of the table,” Jim said. “I’m afraid there isn’t room there for your … friend. He’ll have to take an empty seat at the end.” Jim motioned toward the far end of the table. Adam ensured Jim saw his wolf flash through his eyes. Was it a requirement for anyone in Kevin’s pack to be a total dick?

  “Jim,” Kevin interrupted before Adam could say anything, “stop being so rude. Shayla’s friend can take your seat You will take an empty seat at the end.”

  Jim stood there, just staring like his world was crumbling around him and he had forgotten how to speak, or even breathe.

  “Is there a problem, Jim?” Kevin asked. Without waiting for a response, he stated, “You will sit at the end, right.”

  Adam could feel the force behind the order as it was issued by Kevin. Shayla froze, Adam was sure she had felt a ripple from Kevin releasing his alpha power. Adam now understood why Shayla had been uncomfortable with Kevin during their meeting. Apparently, Kevin had been utilizing alpha power on Jim all day. It was surprising, however, to know Shayla seemed to sense Kevin’s force; Adam had never heard of a human sensing a command in any way.

  Adam reached for Shayla’s hand; she didn’t hesitate to accept and lace her fingers through his. Adam smiled and pulled out the designated chair for her. As he took the seat next to her, he couldn’t help but look back for Jim. The beta was glaring at him, so Adam did the only thing he could. He smiled and winked at the asshole. Jim pulled his lips back over his teeth and growled. Shayla might not have been able to hear Jim growl, but she’d turned her head and witnessed him with his teeth barred like a raging wolf.

  “Oh my god,” she whispered in Adam’s ear. “Is he growling at you? Like a dog?”

  Adam laughed. If there was one thing all werewolves hated, it was being called a dog. Looking around the table, he knew that everyone heard what Shayla incorrectly assumed was inaudible to the rest of the group. Hearing everything was one of the advantages of being a wolf. Sometimes, Adam thought of this as a curse; some things you just don’t want or need to hear.

  “I think he might be rabid,” Adam said. “They should probably put him down now. You know, before it’s too late.”

  Shayla smacked his arm and he pulled back rubbing at the area, pretending she’d hurt him.

  In the next few minutes, a parade of housemaids came into the dining room in a single file line. Each one carrying an ornate silver serving dish and prepared to serve all the guests around the table. They were efficient, Adam would give them that, even if being served at the table inside someone’s home was more than a bit over the top for his tastes.

  After everyone had been served and the maids in their matching black and white uniforms filed out of the room silently, the party began eating. “This is wonderful, Kevin. Thank you for inviting us to dine in your home. It is truly beautiful.”

  Adam let the hand with his fork in it fall to the table next to his plate and he looked at Shayla incredulously; had she lost her mind? Was she seriously kissing this douche’s ass right now? God, he was going to lose the little bit of food he’d eaten so far.

  Kevin gave her a smile that Adam imagined the guy used whenever he was attempting to get laid. “Thank you, Shayla. Honestly, it’s nothing to thank me for. I’m just glad you’re enjoying yourself. How about you, Adam? Are you enjoying yourself? How’s your meal?”

  Adam took a deep steadying breath and reminded himself he wasn’t supposed to start any fights. He was on his own, behind enemy lines, and if he wasn’t careful he might put Shayla in exponentially more danger.

  “The food is good,” he said. He decided it was best to keep it short and simple. Giving the guy compliments, even trivial ones, made Adam gag. “I thought you guys had some business to discuss?” He motioned between Kevin and Shayla. “Or, was this just some attempt to get Shayla alone.”

  Shayla’s head jerked in his direction. “Adam!”

  “What? I thought you said he wanted to discuss your work with his company. So far, everyone is pigging out and I haven’t heard business mentioned once. I’m just looking out for you.” Adam allowed his words to drip with sarcasm.

  Shayla started to argue, but stopped as Kevin laid his hand over her arm distracting her. Adam’s eyes focused on Kevin’s hand. All Adam could see was red.

  “It’s alright, Shayla,” Kevin said smugly. “Adam has a point. I have called you out here on personal time; I don’t want to keep you out too late. I am certain you have an early day planned for tomorrow.”

  Shayla glared at Adam, before giving her attention back to Kevin. Adam noticed, but he didn’t respond. He was focused on fighting to hold his wolf back. Seeing Kevin touch her, had the wolf scrambling to come to the surface. All Adam wanted to do was rip Kevin limb from limb. Adam was so focused on this, he missed the rest of Shayla and Kevin’s discussion. At some point, Kevin stood and was seemingly talking to him.

  “What?” he asked, pulling himself from his daze. He hadn’t been paying attention.

  “I was hoping the two of us could talk for a moment,” Kevin said. Adam just stared at him like he was insane. “In private, please.”

  Adam opened his mouth with a sarcastic retort at the ready, but Shayla grabbed his shoulder and gave him a pleading look, which he couldn’t ignore. He stood up from the table. “Fine.” He didn’t like leaving Shayla alone in a room full of potentially untrustworthy wolves; there was no way he could explain that to her. He followed Kevin to an office just off the dining room. At least he was close enough to hear her if something happened. No sooner than Kevin shut the door, did Adam turn aggressively backing Kevin against the wall. “What the fuck do you want with her?”

  Kevin’s responding smile was so sinister, it would have made a dead man’s skin crawl. Luckily for Adam, his irrational sense of bravado didn’t allow Kevin to affect him.

  “What do I want from all women? I want to fuck her.”

  Adam didn’t remember wrapping his hand around Kevin’s throat, he had Kevin slammed up against the wall, holding him by his neck, about a foot off the ground. “You will keep your fucking hands off her, mutt!”

  The phony smile finally faded from Kevin’s face when Adam called him a mutt. The anger flashed brightly in his dark eyes. “You will watch your mouth when you speak to me,” Kevin growled. Adam felt Kevin attempting to assert his dominance, utilizing his alpha power.

  “You can’t command me, you idiot. You’re not my alpha,” Adam laughed.

  “Maybe not, but I will be working very closely with Shayla for the next few months. If you don’t want her to join my pack, I suggest you remember your place.”

  Adam got right in Kevin’s face. “If you touch her, you’re dead! I’ll make sure eve
ry member of your pack faces the same fate. I may not be a pack leader, but I think you are perfectly aware of my reputation. You know I don’t make idle threats.”

  “Oh, yes. I’m aware of your reputation, Premagati. I don’t think there is a werewolf in North America who hasn’t heard of you. However, my pack is very large; you may not survive long enough to get to me.

  Adam hated to admit it; Kevin was right. It would be one thing if he had the support of his own pack but he knew Mike would not agree to start a werewolf war over Kevin working with Shayla.

  “How about you put me down before my pack members get worried and decide to take it out on your girl out there. Honestly, I can’t believe you left her alone with them. The way Jim has been glaring at the two of you all night. If I hadn’t already forbidden it, I’m sure he would have ripped out her throat the minute my office door shut. You’re welcome for that, by the way.” Kevin smiled with all his teeth; light dancing menacingly in his eyes.

  “I’m not thanking you. If you like him as your beta, you might want to tighten your leash on him. I may just have to rip his head off if he doesn’t stop looking at Shayla. You need to stay away from her.”

  Kevin laughed. “The minute I smelled your scent on her, it wouldn’t have mattered if her pitch was shit, she was getting the job.”

  “I figured as much. Now, tell me what you want with her, or with me. I’m tired of this little song and dance of ours already.”

  “You’re going to do some work for me.”

  “Not gonna happen, dick.”

  Kevin laughed, “See, that’s where you’re confused, Adam. You don’t have a choice. Either you do what I ask, or I will have your girl out there for myself.”

  Just as Adam bent his knees to lunge at Kevin the office door opened and Shayla stood there staring at him. “Is everything okay?”


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