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Tamer- King of Dinosaurs Book 6

Page 22

by Michael-Scott Earle

  The setting sun to the west punched through the jungle behind them like rays of fire. It was just enough light to see their white predator eyes glow as they shot me smouldering looks.

  It was also enough light for me to see every taut muscle and curve of their bodies when they began to take their clothes off.

  “Wow,” I gasped after they both shimmied out of their tight black pants and pulled their white blouses off. Their bodies were slender, with just the right amount of curves at their hips, butt, and breasts. Other than the green scaly skin, green hair, gems on her face, and white eyes, Emerald could have easily been one of the highest paid swimsuit supermodels back on Earth, and every part of her body seemed absolutely perfect.

  And there were two of them.

  One knelt down to kiss my lips again, and the other began to work at my belt. I had no idea which one was the original and which one was the clone, but it probably didn’t matter anymore. They were both amazing and they were both mine.

  I lifted my hips so that Emerald could slide my pants and underwear down to my knees, but she didn’t bother to take my boots off. As soon as my cock was free, I felt her hand wrap around the base and something warm and wet encircle the tip.

  I moaned into the other Emerald’s mouth, and her nails lightly traced along my collarbone and neck. Her kisses soon grew frantic and intense, and I gasped as the other Emerald began to lick and suck the tip of my penis. I couldn’t really see what she was doing because I was kissing the other Emerald, but waves of pleasure were rolling through my hips and legs.

  After a minute, the Emerald kissing me pulled her mouth away from mine, and I saw the other Emerald staring up at my face as she ran her mouth and tongue over my shaft. Her eyes burned with the light of the setting sun, and where I once saw a predatory gaze, I now saw adoration and passion.

  Then the Emerald who had been kissing me swung her leg over my face and knelt so that I could lick her pussy. She was dripping wet, and her juices tasted a bit like tea sweetened with honey, so I let out a groan of pleasure as I grabbed her hips and made long licks with the flat of my tongue.

  I felt the Emerald working on my cock pull her mouth from me, and then her fingers tightened around my base. I couldn’t see anything, but I felt her weight shift through her fingers, and then I had to stop licking one Emerald’s clit so that I could let out a groan when I felt the other Emerald angle my tip into something that felt much warmer than her mouth.

  Then she settled her hips down on top of mine, and my groan turned into a growl when my entire length slid into her tight wet tunnel.

  I was actually surprised Emerald was able to fit me inside of her with one movement. Her walls seemed to grab me with an almost vise-like strength, and I would have thought that it would have taken a few attempts to get her used to my width. Once she started wiggling her hips, I realized that she was practically gushing, and the only reason I’d been able to fit in her all at once was because she was just so well lubricated.

  I continued licking one Emerald’s pussy while the other one rode me. They both seemed to settle into a similar groove, where they each wiggled front and back without really lifting their hips up any. It made it easier to lick the Emerald that was riding my tongue, and it felt great on my cock, since my shaft and tip just scraped against her velvety walls from all different angles.

  I lost track of time while the three of us made love in this position, but the experience was equal parts wonderful and strange. It took me a few minutes to figure out what was different, besides making love to a pair of identical clone women who would share memories, but then I realized what was missing: The only noise was the wet sound of my tongue licking one Emerald’s clit and my cock sliding in and out of the other Emerald’s vagina. Neither one of them moaned, sighed, or gasped with pleasure.

  I never realized how much I relished the sound of my lovers’ enjoyment until that moment, but making love to the silent Emeralds wasn’t lackluster. If anything, I was able to focus more on the way their bodies moved while I fucked them and the feeling of them around me. I still didn’t want the pleasure to end, but soon both women’s movements began to quicken, and I sensed they were climbing toward their peak.

  The Emerald I was pleasuring with my tongue came first, and she pushed herself down on my mouth as her body began to shake. Her movement seemed to cause the other Emerald to climax as well, and she slammed her hips down onto mine as her tunnel clenched around me like someone using one of those hand strength grippers. Each of them twisted and gyrated around me for almost half a minute, and it took every ounce of willpower not to give into the sensation of her pussy milking my shaft.

  Finally, they both relaxed, and the Emerald sitting on my face swung her leg away so that I could see the golden sky and the faint shadows of the twin moons rising.

  The other Emerald was still impaled on my cock, and she gave me a grateful smile. I was about to tell her how great she was, but then she reached down to squeeze my balls gently and then patted her lean tummy.

  “You sure?” I asked.

  She nodded and then pointed to the other Emerald that I had just licked.

  “I can try to come in both of you,” I said, “but like I’ve told everyone, I don’t think that you can get pregnant from--”

  Emerald waved her hand to cut me off, and then she tapped her tummy again before she wrapped her arms around her shoulders as if she was hugging herself.

  “Okay,” I said as I glanced over at the Emerald I had just licked. “You lay on the ground on your back.”

  That Emerald quickly followed my instructions, and her eyes stared over at me as she slowly ran her fingers over the lips of her entrance.

  “You get on top of her so that your chests touch,” I said to the Emerald that was still impaled on me.

  She nodded, and her face twisted into a look of pure agony when my wet cock slid out of her. A second later she had done as I asked, and I got up on my knees, adjusted each of their legs, and then kneeled so that the tip of my penis was just a few inches from each of their dripping wet vaginas.

  I hadn’t penetrated the Emerald on the bottom yet, so I angled myself downward and pushed inside of her first. My movement made her body tense, and I ran my hands over the back of the Emerald on top while I began to thrust into the other one.

  Now that I could see one of the Emerald’s faces, I realized that her purple gem was faintly glowing. Since she couldn’t talk, I guessed this was her way of moaning, and I noticed that it seemed to pulse a bit brighter each time I pushed my full length into her.

  I gave the Emerald on the bottom twenty slow thrusts, and then I pulled out of her, angled up, and slid into the other Emerald that was laying on top. She was in more of a doggy-style position, and it was interesting to feel the different angle her vaginal walls pushed against the tip of my cock.

  The Emeralds began to kiss each other as I thrusted, and I counted twenty before I switched again to the Emerald laying on her back. This time I reached up to the other Emerald and rubbed her pussy while I fucked the other one, and both of their bodies began to wiggle against each other.

  Time seemed to slow, or at least, I felt like I wasn’t in any sort of hurry. My quest to find a new home was forgotten, the oncoming fight was forgotten, my dinosaurs were forgotten. The only thing that mattered was making love to both of these women and filling them with my seed so that they bore my children.

  And became my queens.

  Suddenly, I blinked and realized that both moons were out, and the sun seemed to have set. The twin Emeralds were still thrashing against my fingers or my cock, but my balls were pleading for release.

  “I’m going to come,” I hissed. “I’m going to fill you, Emerald. Are you ready?”

  Both of them broke the make-out session they were having, and the one on the bottom nodded. My words caused them to start spasming, so I pulled out of the one at the bottom, buried myself inside of the woman on the top, and let myself go as she clenched ar
ound me.

  My ejaculation was hot fire coursing through my groin, and I let out a growl that probably would have made Grumpy proud. It felt like a gallon of my sperm poured into the top Emerald with my first ejaculation, but I gave myself two more pulses before I pulled out of her, angled down, and then slid into the Emerald at the bottom. My movement hadn’t been quite quick enough, so a bit of my seed sprayed over both of their labias, but I didn’t think they cared, and the second Emerald’s tunnel grasped me just as tightly when I began to fill her with my seed.

  And I gave her just as much as the first Emerald.

  The stars and moons began to spin with the discombobulation that only an amazing orgasm could bring, and I leaned my hips against both of them to steady myself when the last of my cum sprayed into the bottom Emerald. Then the three of us collapsed on the soft grass, and the only sound was my heart hammering in my chest and my breath filling my lungs.

  “Wow,” I whispered loud enough for them to hear, and then one Emerald kissed my lips while the other gently bit my earlobe.

  We broke our kiss, their purple gems let out a small pulse of light toward each other, and then they both laid flat on their backs and lifted their legs up in the air like some sort of strange yoga pose. For half a moment I glanced at both of them with confusion, but then I realized what they were doing and let out a chuckle.

  “Trel told you to do that to make sure none of my sperm leaks out?”

  Both of them nodded and smiled at me.

  “So you really want to get pregnant?” I asked.

  We both needed to get inseminated in case one of us dies in the upcoming fight.

  The feminine voice entered my mind suddenly, but it sounded like a faint echo.

  “I… what?” I asked as a shiver ran down my spine, but then I realized that one of the Emeralds had gestured to the edge of the cliff, then to the other one, and then patted her still slick labia.

  The other Emerald pointed at me as her legs were still up in the air, and then she tapped on her stomach, clenched her fist, and then brought it down into the ground.

  I want your child. You are my Mate. We will crush all who stand in our way.

  The voice seemed to whisper in my ear, or maybe in my mind. It almost sounded like a ghost-type sound, and it was definitely a woman’s, but I couldn’t seem to get a directional feel from it.

  “Did… you… just say something?” I asked as I looked at both of them.

  The women stared at me, and the light of the moons reflected both silver and red in their predatory eyes.

  The Emerald to my right touched her lips and then pointed at me.

  What did you think we said?

  “Holy shit!” I gasped. “I heard that! You just asked ‘what did you think we said!’”


  One of the Emeralds signed by touching her chin briefly.

  Maybe the insemination has strengthened our bond?

  The other Emerald asked as she ran her fingers along her slit, pointed at me, and then clenched her fist.

  “Yes, I heard all that,” I whispered. “How does that work? We had sex and now you both can speak to me?”

  Both of them still had their legs in the air, but they glanced at each other, slowly lowered their feet until they were sitting, and then stared at me for a few moments.

  Then they each began frantically gesturing with their hands.

  “Woah!” I groaned as their voices began to fill my head. “I can’t understand when you both do it that fast.”

  They nodded, but then they both began to gesture again. It was a bit slower, but still too fast, and I could only “hear” one sentence or so out of three.

  Does your seed contain this kind of power?

  You should have inseminated me sooner.

  I thought you could only Tame the dinosaurs. Is this a new ability?

  We will be able to plan our battle strategies more effectively now.

  Our children will be powerful. I have picked my Mate wisely.

  All will fall before us. Crushed beneath the power of your dinosaurs and this new ability to read minds.

  “Wait,” I said after her last sentence. “This isn’t your power? I mean, it’s your voice I hear in my head. Errr, both of your voices that is.”

  Both Emeralds shook their heads.

  “Okay, soooo back up.” I cleared my throat and then rubbed my temples with my fingers. “Firstly, this is awesome. I’m really happy I can understand you better now.”

  They both smiled at me, and one of them clapped her hands together.

  “But secondly. I think this is coming from you. How can I hear your voice in my head if it isn’t coming from you?”

  How would it come from me? It is not a power I possess.

  One of the Emeralds touched her chest and then shook her head.

  “It’s almost instant though,” I replied. “As soon as you start moving your hands, I can hear your voices.”

  What if I do not move my hands?

  The other Emerald gestured with her hands, shook her head, and then dropped them to her sides.

  They both stared at me for a few moments.

  “If you are talking right now, I can’t hear anything.” I shrugged.

  They both turned to each other, frowned, and then faced me.

  It has something to do with the movement of our hands.

  One of them motioned with her hands and then nodded at me as the other smiled.

  “It doesn’t have anything to do with us, uhhh, having sex?” I asked. “I know you have the ability to clone yourself, but maybe you can link minds or something with your lovers, or--”


  It is impossible. Besides. You are our first lover. You are my Mate.

  “Wait, I’m your first lover?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow. “You were pretty amazing, and you seemed to know what--”

  I understood the basics of the insemination process, but Trel gave us a lecture on the exact way to milk the most sperm from you. She taught all the women while you were sleeping. Her lessons were satisfactory, and now my wombs are filled to the brim with your seed.

  The other Emerald nodded while the first motioned with her hands, but then she took over.

  The males on my planet are imbeciles. Perhaps my brother was the only one with suitable attributes, but incest would result in a poor bloodline. Also, he betrayed our family, and I wanted to rip his intestines out of his body and devour them while he screamed. You are my Mate. You are an excellent choice, and we will conquer this Dinosaurland together, eradicate all who stand in our way, and rule with an iron fist.

  “Okay,” I said after I took a deep breath. “I feel like eradication and ruling with an iron fist are like step two-thousand seven-hundred and eighty-three, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around step number two of how I can hear you in my mind now that we’ve had sex. Can we focus on that?”

  It is possible that you have gained an ability to understand me better now that you have inseminated me. It seems to only work when I use my hands to attempt to communicate with you. This is your power though, not mine.

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t make sense,” I said. “I tame dinosaurs. I don’t read minds.”

  No one else in your harem understands me as well as you do. Nor do they understand your dinosaurs as well as you do. This is an evolution of your ability.

  “Huh,” I said. “Let me check my Eye-Q and see what it says.”

  I blinked open the display on my eyes, but the only menu that was flashing was the Women one. I moved my eyes to open it and saw that Emerald was now displayed at the bottom under Liahpa. I went back to my abilities, but nothing was different from the last time I checked.

  One Emerald gestured to her temple and then pointed at her eye.

  Does it confirm my guess?

  “Not really,” I answered. “Maybe you are correct about it being a part of my Tame ability. Maybe it’s a nuanced evolution that isn’t being tracked on th
e menus.”

  Perhaps our captors have limited ways to track our potential?

  “I guess anything is possible,” I said. “We still don’t know anything about why they brought us here or what our purpose is.”

  They brought us here because it is what we wanted.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  Both Emeralds held up their hands, but then they paused for half a moment and looked at each other. Some bit of understanding passed between the clone women, and then one of them began to gesture.

  My people were dying. Not because of a lack of resources, but because of our endless wars for dominance. I told you before that I had no suitable mates, and I was at war with my brother. If I won, I would have been forced to breed with a lesser male. It would have resulted in a diluted bloodline. If my brother won, then he would have been in the same situation. We came to that place because our forefathers and foremothers killed all their competition.

  “Sounds like a great example of the whole ‘Make Love, Not War’ slogan,” I said as I grimaced at them.

  The strong should conquer the weak. Otherwise, what is the point? The issue is that we had a lack of unique DNA to selectively breed with.

  The other Emerald picked up.

  Now I am on this Dinosaurland. I have the strongest Mate I could ever hope for. My womb is filled with his seed, and I will soon bear him children that will have a unique and powerful genetic makeup untainted by inbreeding. We have the beginnings of an army of powerful women who serve my Mate loyally and will provide more offspring with unique and powerful genetic makeup. This world is unspoiled and ripe for conquest, and we will soon crush all who oppose us. I could not have dreamed of a better life.

  “Okayyyyyy.” I cleared my throat and ran my fingers through my hair. I was a bit astounded by her answer, but then again, all the people in my tribe who I have talked to about Dinosaurland have admitted that they are happier here than they were on their homeworlds.

  Maybe Emerald was right, and the Overlords who kidnapped us were actually doing us a favor.

  You seem upset with my words. Have I made a mistake and caused you displeasure?


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