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Tamer- King of Dinosaurs Book 6

Page 28

by Michael-Scott Earle

  The star-skinned man backed up enough so that the troodons finally landed on the ground, and then they each circled to his right just outside of his time-stop range while they made growly-hooting sounds.

  “Stop!” Aytron called again to his crew, but his voice lacked any real conviction, and his eyes still stared at Fred and Daphne.

  He must have known that he’d lost this round, but I didn’t want to press my luck and leave him any time to figure why the two troodons seemed to know exactly how large of a diameter his invisible time-stop globe had, so I told them to tear the throat out of Farkar just to make sure he was dead, run north into the jungle, and then wrap around east past the shit-tree and then out onto the beach.

  I crawled away from the edge of the camp with Scoob, Shag, and Velma, and then moved as quietly as I could through the trees until I was sure that I was out of hearing range of Aytron. Then I jogged through the thick underbrush in the direction of Butt-Head while I tried to split my vision with Bruce.

  My pteranodon showed me that Aytron was staring north into the jungle where Fred and Daphne had just disappeared, but then Bruce turned his head back to the beach, and I saw the other four men chasing after Butt-Head and Emerald.

  My plan was working as intended, and even though I hadn’t killed Aytron, I’d managed to take out Zibum, Farkar, and separated the leader from the rest of his tribe.

  Now the easy part would be riding down these assholes and exterminating them.

  I tripped a bit over a jungle vine and then focused my vision back in my own body so I could focus on running. Scoob had moved ahead of me about ten yards, and I sensed him hit the open beach just about the same time as I heard Bevis trample through the trees behind me. We all emerged into the open night sky a few moments after Scoob, and then I leapt onto Bevis’ back without missing a beat.

  “Let’s do some damage,” I growled to my crew as I pulled the Cricket Bat of Doom from my back, and my troodons all hooted as we tore ass across the sandy beach.

  The last man in the group was the floppy-eared bastard. I hadn’t learned his name, but it didn’t really matter. The asshole didn’t even notice us close the quarter mile gap until I was right on top of him, and he turned his head in my direction just as I was bringing the Cricket Bat of Doom around in a one-handed swing.

  My brutal weapon took most of his face off, and his neck snapped around as his running body was thrown off balance. I guessed that I’d killed him, but I still ordered Fred and Velma to make sure he was dead as soon as they caught up to our trail.

  Next up was Serrn, and the bald-man with the neck tattoos was actually chanting “Fuck ‘er! Fuck ‘er! Fuck ‘er!” with every other running step he took.

  I wound back my right arm, leaned down low on the right side of Bevis, and then swung out with my weapon. The cutting edge hit Serrn right in the back of the knees, and he let out a scream of agony as his body broke, crashed, and tumbled into the sand like a race car wrecking at two-hundred miles per hour.

  He wasn’t dead, but Velma and Shag were right behind me, and they jumped on his failing body and began to rip into him like a group of kids ripping into their Christmas presents.

  Crumble was next, but I didn’t know if I’d actually be able to hurt him with my Cricket Bat of Doom, so I gave him a bit of a space as I rode past him and angled for the Brad-Pitt looking angel-man instead. He was only twenty or so yards away from where Emerald and Butt-Head had slowed down near the waves of the ocean, but I wasn’t going to let him get anywhere near my woman.

  We rode up behind him, and Bevis pushed his neck out a bit before we swerved to the right so that my pachy could slam his tough noggin into the blond-man’s skull. I didn’t hear a crack from the impact, but the blond-man still flew to the side, and then Scoob cut out his hamstrings before tearing into his neck.

  Then I pulled up next to Emerald and tipped my imaginary hat to her.

  “Hello, my lady. Fancy meeting you hear. Nice night for a ride, ain’t it?”

  “My woman!” Crumble shouted as he charged at me, but I had expected it, and Bevis sidestepped his clumsy rush, twisted around, and then smacked the quartz-man in the ass with an oversized tail.

  There was no way the attack would kill the man, but it did send him sprawling into the waves of the ocean, and into Grumpy’s waiting maw.

  If there was anything that could pierce Crumble’s tough skin, it was Grumpy’s teeth, and the big man screamed as the massive purussaurus’s jaws ground into him.

  Then Grumpy did his deathroll in the waves, and they both disappeared under the water.

  Then I didn’t hear Crumble scream again.

  You are incredibly clever and powerful, my Mate. All who oppose you will be destroyed, and their bodies will be consumed by your loyal minions.

  Emerald’s hands gestured to the distant camp, me, the troodons, and then the water where Grumpy had taken Crumble.

  “Thanks,” I sighed, “but I didn’t get all of those fuckers. The leader who stops time is still alive.”

  I sensed Nicole approaching from the west, so I checked Bruce’s eyes to see where Aytron was. The star-skinned man was still in his camp, but he looked south into the darkness of the night with his arms crossed and a sour expression on his sharp face. We were about three quarters of a mile away down the coast, and Nicole had already passed his southern position, so I doubted he could see her or do anything about us.

  “I don’t know how to kill him,” I explained to both Emeralds as soon as Nicole pulled up to our position. “He can stop time from a distance but also stop time around his body at the same time. It takes a lot out of him to do both, but it doesn’t seem to be that way when he just controls the time around his body. If I attack him with my dinos, they will just get frozen in time, and he’ll kill them.”

  But you still have a plan? You do not seem that disappointed.

  The Emerald on top of Nicole gestured.

  “Yeah,” I said as I slid off Bevis and moved to mount Nicole. “I’ll talk about it while we ride.”

  Both Emeralds nodded, and then the one on Butt-Head got off and climbed onto Nicole’s back. As soon as the three of us were up, Grumpy emerged from the water and let out a groan of annoyance that we were moving so soon after he ate.

  “I just want to get some space between us and that powerful fucker,” I explained to the purussaurus. “He’s strong enough to kill all of us, so we are going to need some backup. Scoob and the Gang, you all ready?”

  The troodons all let out a pleased hoot, and then they shook their blood covered feathers.

  “Alright,” I said. “Let’s roll.”

  I set Nicole into a trot toward the east, and the rest of my dinos followed after her.

  “I hate to leave an enemy at our backs,” I explained to the Emeralds after we had ridden for half a minute, “but we are going to need Nomi to cancel out his powers.”

  Could we attack him from multiple angles?

  “Maybe.” I shrugged. “But he can move inside of his globe. All he has to do is freeze us, stab us with a spear or a knife or something, and then move on to the next person. He’s probably the most powerful survivor we’ve come across so far. I don’t even know if Kacerie’s Lance will work on him. We just have to kick the can until we come back here.”

  Kick the can?

  “Oh, it means, uhhh take care of it at a later time.”

  Perhaps another survivor or dinosaur will have killed him by then.

  “We can hope, but I doubt it. Even the larger predators won’t be able to do anything to him, since they would just get frozen as soon as they entered his sphere. When we return to this area, we are going to need to be extra cautious and have Nomi ready. I really hate the idea that he might be able to ambush us or something, but there really just isn’t any other way.”

  What if, when we return, we cannot find and kill him?

  “Yep,” I sighed. “That’s an issue, but at least we’ve killed all of his men. Also, Bru
ce will be able to see him out in the open, so we’ll just be careful to stay out of any thick jungle. I think the range of his ability is only fifty feet or so.”

  There were ten powerful men in his tribe, but you killed all but him. You will destroy him when we meet next. I am not concerned.

  “Thanks,” I laughed, and then we continued eastward on the beach for another minute or so before I saw a dark shadow of movement up ahead. I sighed and prepared for another battle, but then the shadow started to come a bit closer, and at a crazy fast rate that almost looked like a weird film cut and edit, and I realized it was the woman with muscular legs that Bruce had spotted earlier in the night.

  “You-killed-all-of-them-with-your-creatures!” Her words once again firehosed out, and my brain could only process the words after I had slowed Nicole down to a stop.

  “Uhhh, yeah,” I chuckled. “Well, the leader is still alive, but--”


  “Woooah,” I interrupted as I raised my hands. “Can you slow down a bit?”

  “Oh, sorry,” she apologized as she blinked her big mint-green eyes at me. They were bright even in the darkness of the night, and the stars seemed to bounce off them. “I told you not to fight them, but you did, and you won. I am surprised.”

  “Except their leader is still alive,” I repeated. “So it still isn’t safe to go over there. He has the ability to freeze time in a twenty foot diameter globe around himself. Then nothing can move, but he can.”


  “Too fast,” I reminded her.

  “Ohhh.” She nodded and then lifted one of her legs so she could tap the ball of her foot on the ground as if her leg had fallen asleep.

  Her body is excellent. Loaded with muscle but also sleek and lithe at her waist.

  One of the Emeralds gestured from her seat on Nicole next to me.

  She will create excellent offspring with you. If she comes close, my bodies can hold her down while you pour your seed into her fertile womb.

  The other Emerald gestured as she patted her own stomach.

  “What is Emerald saying?” the thick-legged woman asked as she took a small step away. “I don’t like the way she looks at me.”

  “Uhhh, she uhhh, wants you to join our tribe.” I cleared my throat and shot the beautiful green skinned women a look that I hoped she would understand meant: “we don’t rape our friends.”

  “There are two of her now?” the woman asked, and she reached up to touch her own long brown hair nervously.

  “That’s her power,” I admitted. “She can make a second body of herself. What do you think about joining us?”

  “I am fine on my own,” the woman replied. “Your offer is… nice though. I watched you fight the evil men. Like I said a few moments ago, you are strong. If I was less fast, I would consider joining you, but I am fast, and I can live on my own.”

  “My entire tribe is strong,” I replied. “Look, you don’t have to join us, but if you want, you can follow us home and then check out our camp from a distance. Or you can patrol around in this area, and we’ll be coming back in the next few days. Then you can observe us work and live together. We are good people, and we take care of each other.”

  “I will go now,” the woman began to say as she took another step back.

  “Wait!” I said as she turned her wide hips. “What is your name? We told you ours.”

  The woman blinked her big eyes at me a few times, and then she looked at both of the Emeralds sitting next to me. The silence lasted a few seconds but finally she gave a slight nod and began to run her hands through her thick hair.

  “Bexcee,” she said at last.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said as I smiled at her. “If you hadn’t warned us about those ten men, Emerald and I would probably be dead right now, so even if you don’t join us, I’m still in your debt. Feel free to come to me for help any time you need it.”

  “Okay,” she said and blinked her eyes. “Goodbye, Victor.”

  Then the sand around Bexcee puffed up like a mini tornado, and she blinked out of existence like she had teleported. I stared at the spot she had just stood in, and then a second later a gust of wind surged past my back as it rushed to fill the empty space she had stood in some forty feet from us.

  “Holy shit she is fast,” I said to the Emeralds.

  She is attracted to you.

  She recognizes your power, as she should.

  She craves to breed with you.

  “Meehhh.” I winced. “I don’t think that’s true. Women just don’t fall in love with me when they first meet me.”

  I said nothing of love. Women are drawn to powerful men that will protect them and fill their wombs with their seed to create better offspring. Some females are confused and try to deny what their bodies were made to do.

  “You sound a lot like Trel,” I laughed as I ordered the dinos to start moving again. “Bexcee seems just fine without me.”

  She will follow us to our camp. She will approach you again. It is just a matter of time before the urges of her body override her pride. As we said a moment ago, we can hold her down while you inseminate her. She might pretend she doesn’t like it at first, but you are incredibly skilled with your body. She will quickly come to accept and then crave your penetration and the seed you fill her with. Trust us. You are my Mate, and I am committed to your dominance of this world and the females that will bear you powerful offspring.

  “Dear Penthouse,” I muttered under my breath as I pinched the bridge of my nose. Then I let out a long breath and glanced up at the twin moons. “Let’s just get as much distance as we can from that time-freezing asshole tonight. Then we can talk about my ‘domination’ and stuff like that… uhhh… later.”

  You are tired. We should rest soon. The control of your dinosaurs has--

  “I’m cool,” I interrupted, even though she was right, and my eyelids felt like they weighed a hundred pounds each. “We’ll go as far as we can tonight, and then we’ll rest when I feel like we’ve gotten enough distance.”

  When we finally do stop, I will reward you for your efforts, my Mate. Both of my bodies are here for your pleasure and to create your powerful offspring.

  “Well, shit,” I chuckled. “That’s a compelling reason to stop.”

  But you still won’t.

  Both Emeralds smiled.

  “Naw,” I laughed. “You know me, work first, then work some more, and then play.”

  Chapter 17

  “...aaaayyyyy,” I heard a distant voice cry out, and I blinked my eyes open with the same amount of effort that it would have taken me to deadlift twice my own bodyweight.

  “Helloooooooo!” I heard the distant shout again, and I realized that I had closed my eyes and almost immediately fell back asleep.

  My body felt heavy, but then I realized that one Emerald was laying completely on top of me while the other laid on my side with her ass pressed against my left hip. Both of the women were naked, and the flashback of yesterday’s events quickly replayed in my memory.

  I’d killed all but the leader in the enemy camp, and then we’d fled the scene of the crime, trotted across the beach, up the steep grassy hills and valleys, and then began to push through the narrow trails that led past the malachite cliffs up to the iron ore cave where we had killed the giant centipede. Clouds had rolled in during our rush and obscured most of our star and moonlight, so the Emeralds had taken turns lighting the path up the narrow trail with their forehead gems.

  They journey had taken a toll on all three of us, and I sensed my dinos were all exhausted as well, so when we reached the cave, I had us all but Grumpy enter in front of Nicole, and the big trike rested her body at the mouth while the rest of us took shelter inside, and the big croc laid on the long trail in front of her. I was fearful of another giant centipede attacking us while we slept, but when the Emeralds and I check
ed deeper into the cave, we found the large corpse right where we left it, so I figured that it was the only creature living inside here, or the body would have been devoured. It was only a small amount of reassurance, but it was enough for me to figure that we could all sleep safely in here.

  But even though the Emeralds were both tired, neither one of them wanted to sleep, and they each took turns riding me until I had climaxed deep in each of their velvety tunnels. The second time had been almost a marathon, and while I had enjoyed it a bunch, I now realize that we both must have passed out right afterward, since she was still on top of me, and my cock was still erect inside of her.

  Fuck, maybe we’d only been asleep for a few moments? My body felt like I was fighting off the flu, and every muscle in my back screamed for rest.

  “Victorrrr!” I heard the distant voice shout, and I realized that it hadn’t been a dream.

  Someone really was trying to get my attention, and it sounded a lot like the woman with the incredibly muscular legs and lean body.

  “Bexcee?” I groaned as I gently rolled the Emerald on top of me to my right as gently as I could, and then our bodies made a slick sound as I slid my cock out of her.

  “Hello! Wake up!” The voice cried again, and I took three steps toward Nicole’s sleeping body before I remembered that I was naked, so I threw on my underwear, slid on my pants, and then shimmied out the narrow space Nicole’s body left between the cave wall.

  The sun looked like it was moving down into the western horizon, and the light that fell down through the trees in the canyon was a golden chicken-soup color. A flicker of movement to my left caught my attention, and I turned to see Bexcee some fifty yards away from the tip of Grumpy’s tail standing on the narrow ledge where we had traveled yesterday.

  “He’s coming!” the leggy woman called out as she gestured to her left.

  “Who?” I shouted back, but as soon as the words left my mouth I immediately knew who she was talking about, and my stomach flip-flopped.

  “The leader of the--”


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