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The Butcher of the Bay: Part II

Page 13

by J Bree

  As we step into the clubhouse I think to myself, not for the first time, that Harbin should just leave the Unseen or, fuck, kill the Boar and take it over. The only time I ever see him truly on edge is when we’re around the other bikers, anyone with an Unseen patch who isn’t Roxas.

  I know what the Boar did to him.

  The old asshole deserves to burn for it.

  But now isn’t the time to be thinking of old betrayals, I need to keep my head. I need this asshole to sign off on extra men and I’m willing to bleed a little for it.

  I’m also willing to bleed some fucker out for it. More than willing, my fingers have started to itch for blood. It’s been too long since I rescued Odie and got to let my demons out to play.

  As we walk through the clubhouse there’s a whole lotta eyeballs on me, none of the men here happy to see the Butcher strolling through during their busy Thursday night.

  Fuck them.

  Harbin nods at one of the guys that’s hanging out behind the bar and he takes off down the hall without a word between them. Roxas stalks over for one of the couches, a sour look on his face that isn’t usually there. Whatever the hell has been happening here tonight isn’t good.

  I stand in silence. I have no fucking appetite for their personal brands of bullshit tonight. Not at all. The men around us seem to be talking a little quieter, like they’re trying to eavesdrop on whatever it is I’m here for and it makes my fucking skin crawl. How the fuck do Harbin and Roxas deal with this every goddamn day?

  It takes five long minutes, but finally the door to church opens and out steps the Boar, only taking a half-step out of the room. He’s taking up the whole door frame, the way he’s holding himself a little too tense so I know instantly there’s something in that room he doesn’t want me getting an eyeful of.

  We stare at each other for a second, then he frowns and shuts the door, scratching at his beard. “I don’t really have time for this shit. My niece is here and I have boys from the Coldstone charter coming to pick her up. I don’t need that little girl seeing the likes of the Butcher and freaking the fuck out.”

  The Boar has family? First I’ve fucking heard of it. “We can do this out here. It’s not a secret, everyone knows I want Alcatron’s head.”

  The Boar grunts and nods at the bartender, a glass of Johnnie slides across the bar to him. They don’t offer me anything but I’m not welcome here at all. They want me out of this place and off into some other dark hole in the Bay.

  “I can get him taken out but I want a favor in return.”

  Fuck no. Not only is that the exact fucking opposite of what I want but there’s no fucking way I’m owing this asshole anything. “I’m not a fucking member of your little Club. I don’t give out diamonds so name a real price or I’ll look up someone else, and I’ll fucking remember this.”

  The Boar shrugs and adjusts himself so he’s standing at full height again, the glass already half empty in his hand. “You gonna kill me, Butcher? You gonna add my life to your little collection of Twelve members you’ve killed?”

  The club quietens down at his words, as if the entire MC is waiting for my answer. Half of them look ready to throw down for their Prez… but the other half look fucking pissed that he’s starting shit with me. Yeah, my name is well known around here and even bikers think twice about starting shit with me. If only the fucking cartel knew it too.

  “I’m telling you that I’m willing to exchange a job for a job, no bullshit favors hanging over my head. I don’t live my life like that, that’s your bullshit. So gimme a fucking job and I’ll do it. In exchange, I want ten of your men for the night. It’ll be an easy night's work for them. I’d pay but we both know my skills are worth more than any amount you could ask for.”

  He rubs his chin and relaxes a little. Finally, he jerks his head at the bartender and there’s a glass of Johnnie for me now too.

  About fucking time.

  “There is something I need that might be more up your alley. Fuck, follow me. Don’t wake the little girl, I don’t need her having nightmares of your ugly mug. She’s got enough on her fucking plate.”

  I follow him back into the meeting room and sure enough there’s a bundle of blankets and skinny little limbs sprawled out on the couch behind his seat. She doesn’t wake at us sitting down and when I raise an eyebrow at the Boar he shrugs.

  “She’s grown up in this life, she won’t wake unless you forget your damn head and start yelling.”

  I nod. I’m not going to do that shit, especially if he’s going to finally start playing ball. “I didn’t know you have family.”

  He shrugs. “I don’t. My nephew dropped her off, something big came up. You tell anyone about her and you’ll be skinned alive.”

  Like he could fucking kill me, let alone manage to kill me like that. No fucking way. “I don’t care about some kid. Tell me what the job is.”

  He shifts around and pulls a folded, discolored piece of paper out of the back pocket of his jeans. I take it and open it up, only to find a newspaper cutout with dozens of faces on it. The headline reads ‘No Leads on the Lily Heart Killer’.

  Fuck. I squint at the faces for a second longer until I find the woman I’d stumbled on weeks ago, her chest cracked open and the flower planted in the cavity, dirt and roots where her organs should have been.

  What the fuck would the fucking Boar want with this?

  He lights up a hand rolled cigarette and takes a deep sip from his glass. “Two more have been found but this time they were here in the Bay. The inner city morgue has files on their autopsies. I want them. I know you have an in with the medical examiner.”

  I shrug, not at all worried about being casual around this asshole. “So what? This isn’t the kind of job that you need me for. Plenty of guys in the Bay with an in.”

  He leans back in his seat, sucking on his cigarette like it’s keeping him alive, not slowly shaving minutes from the clock. “This is something I don’t want my guys knowing about. This isn’t something for the club. I have skin in the game.”

  I light up my own cigarette, glancing at the kid but the blankets haven’t moved an inch. “Right. So I get those reports and you give me the men. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  He blows out a thick stream of smoke and nods. “I need them before Sunday so this is a priority. The FBI is heading in to take over and then you’ll lose your chance. None of us need to be dealing with Feds.”

  Fuck no. I nod and empty the last of the Johnnie from my glass. I slide the newspaper clipping back to him and he takes it.

  “Whoever is doing it isn’t from around here. The handiwork isn’t something local.”

  The Boar’s eyes narrow. “What would you know about the handiwork?”

  I stub out my cigarette and stand up, the chair scraping softly against the wood flooring. “I’ve seen one up close, a few weeks back. What does a biker Prez care about a fucking serial killer, anyway?”

  The Boar shrugs. “That’s none of your concern. All you need to worry about is getting me that file.”

  Fuck. Morgues are a nightmare to get in and out of. Not impossible, just a fuck load more security than I like to deal with even when you have an in. My side of the Bay doesn’t bother with that kind of shit. Nah, out here you have to watch out for the eyes of street kids and the homeless. Easy enough to pay off.

  Looks like I have to call that dickhead the Coyote again.

  I get to the door before the Boar calls out to stop me.


  I turn and look back at him. He looks fucking old sitting there, like every year of being the Boar and the President adds fucking twenty to his soul.

  “What are your plans with the Wolf?”

  I swear, the second he says her codename all the calm melts off of me and is replaced with rage. “My plans are to keep her alive and out of Mounts Bay. If you value your life you’ll plan the same fucking thing. If I find out you’re giving her bad jobs or threatening her… I’ll be
doing the skinning, Boar. You keep the fuck away from her.”

  At the rising of my voice I see a little arm in the pile move, as if the little girl is covering her ears, but I can’t feel guilt right now.

  I’m too fucking angry.

  The Boar nods slowly and sips his drink like I haven’t just threatened him.

  Fuck him.

  I’ll make good on my word if he tries anything.

  Harbin and Roxas both meet me at the Dive for a drink afterwards.

  I call the Coyote on the way there and cut him a deal for his work on the security cams in the morgue. He charges fucking ridiculous prices but I’m flush and there’s no price I wouldn’t pay. Now I don’t have a mansion to pay for I can splash out a little more on the important things… like revenge killings and blood for my girl.

  I buy both of my friends’ drinks and take up in our usual booth, nodding at a few of the guys I know and like that are sitting around.

  Harbin comes in like he’s hunting and Roxas ducks behind the bar to grab an entire bottle of Jack. Fuck. It’s going to be one of those sorts of nights.

  “King’s crew just fucking arrived. The whole place is full of Unseen that are ready to kiss the Boar’s asshole.” Roxas says, and Harbin shoots him a look.

  “King is decent. Fuck knows why he puts up with the Boar, even from lock up. You need to keep that shit locked down, man. Last thing we need is the Boar slitting our throats while we fucking sleep for treason.”

  Slitting throats. Why the fuck was the Boar asking about the kid? She only left for her swanky school a few weeks ago, I don’t need him or any other member of the Twelve going looking. It’s bad enough D’Ardo won’t fucking let her go… the traitorous fuck.

  I need another drink.

  I tell them both what the Boar had said about the kid, and they share a look.

  “He doesn’t ever talk about the other members but… at the last meeting he kept a close eye on her. I hadn’t noticed it before but I wasn’t looking before. He’s interested. Fuck knows why.” Harbin says, knocking back his glass and handing it over for Roxas to refill.

  His dumbass friend, and mine, runs his fat mouth. “What the fuck is it about the kid? She’s fucking tiny, no tits or ass, and she’s what, eleven? Can’t even pass for legal, why are all these grown men panting after her?”

  The sentiment is right but fuck do I hate him for talking about her like that. He sees my clenched fists and shrugs. “Even you’re under her spell, man. You might not want her but you want to protect her. She’s really fucking something.”

  Harbin shrugs. “You’re just pissed she beat you. The kid is fucking good at what she does. It kinda has me watching kids a little closer now. You never fucking know when one of them is secretly a trained assassin.”

  Fucking true.

  “So what payment did he want?” Roxas says, his eyes on the crowd as a whole new crowd of guys walk in. All of them are patched in with the Unseen and he doesn’t look happy to see them.

  I keep my voice low. “He has a private job, files from the morgue. I’m not sure why he’d want them but it’ll be a hour job to get what I want so who gives a fuck?”

  Harbin shrugs. “The serial killer? He thinks he’s slick about it but we all know he’s obsessed with it.”

  I pour another glass for myself, last one because my girl doesn’t like me stinking of this shit, and I shrug. “Probably knew one of the fucks who were taken out. Did you two know he has a fucking niece?”

  Harbin grunts. “Not until tonight. He gets a phone call and freaks the fuck out. Won’t let anyone see her either. I think she’s deformed or some shit the way he was acting. Either that or she’s hot as fuck. Did you get an eyeful?”

  I down the glass. “She was a kid. Younger than the Wolf by a few years at least. I didn’t get much of a look but unless your club is full of fucking pedophiles I don’t think he’s worried about them trying to fuck her.”

  Roxas huffs. “Fuck. I was hoping I could piss him off by banging one of his kids. It would serve the old fuck right if we did.”

  I don’t miss the we, not even a little.

  I stand and shuffle out of the booth, jerking my head at one of the old drunks at the bar who calls out to me. I know him well enough and he’s made some good coin from my fights down at the Dive.

  “I’ve got a good woman to get back to so I’m done for the night. I’ll call you both when I’ve finished the job and we can get our shit together for our friends.”

  Harbin nods and downs his own glass but he doesn’t move to get up. Nah, they’re both in here for the long haul tonight. Fuck, they’re probably going to end up getting into one hell of a bar fight once I’m gone.

  I’m almost sorry to miss it.

  I’m about to leave when the door of the bar opens again and a whole stream of bikers walk in, all of them wearing Unseen patches but none of them local.

  “Where the fuck is Coldstone?”

  Harbin grunts and stares out at them all like he’s searching their faces. “Mississippi. They’ve been having all sorts of trouble with the Demons and the Serpents since their Prez was sent to prison.”


  Not something most Mounties have to worry about, the cops in the Bay are so fucking corrupt that no one ever really does time for the crimes they commit. There’s still a higher than average incarceration rate but everyone sent away is doing it for someone else. Big money to spend five to ten in prison for a crime lord and their lackeys. Big money.

  Roxas scoffs and finishes off his glass. “He didn’t fucking do it. He was set up by Grimm motherfucking Graves to try to weaken our hold in Mississippi. They do big imports for us, a whole lotta money and King went down quiet so his club wouldn’t get fucking raided.”

  I nod, seems like the type of bullshit MCs deal with but nothing I want to get involved with. As soon as you claim turf there’s always going to be some asshole trying to take it from you.

  I stand up and finish my glass, leaving a pile of green to cover my tab and heading out.

  Better to stay out of that shit.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I wake up early, my bladder close to bursting. When I climb back into bed, mon Monstre rolls over in the bed to scoop me into his arms. At first I think he’s awake, the hard length of him rubbing against my ass, but when I moan and push back he rumbles and murmurs in his sleep. His hips still roll against my ass, the rhythm of it like a drug to my system.

  I need him.

  I turn in his arms, my pussy so wet I’m dripping down my thighs as I slide down his body until I can grasp his pierced cock, the heat of it like a burning brand as I swallow him whole, the barbell dragging along my tongue.

  His hips start to roll again and I know the moment he wakes up, his hand fisting in my hair and tugging me up and down, feeding me every inch of his dick while I gladly take it all.

  “Fuck, baby girl, you treat your man so fucking good. You gonna swallow my come, baby? You gonna take what your man gives you?”

  I moan deep in my chest. I want nothing more than to taste his come. I want it dripping down my chin while he pumps into the wet heat of my mouth, over and over again.

  With every moan I watch as his eyelids get lower, the fire there stoking hotter and hotter until I think I’m going to combust, my pussy drenching through my panties until there’s a wet spot on his leg. My hips keep jerking and grinding down, my clit dragging along his leg until I think I might be able to come just from the friction.

  “Don’t come, baby. You’re not allowed to come before I’m inside you. I want you clenching around my dick when you do.”

  I whimper around him, the tears in my eyes from my gag reflex feeling all the more desperate.

  He pumps into my throat two, three, four more times and then holds my head steady as he comes down my throat. I choke as I swallow it down, a little dribbling out from my lips where they’re stretched wide around his girth.

n he lets me go I collapse next to him, my face buried in the plush comforter for a second before he pulls me back into his arms.

  “I want a taste of that pussy but you’re not allowed to come. Do you think you can do that, baby girl? Do you think you can hold on?”

  My legs are already shaking. There’s no way I can stop myself from orgasming the second he touches my most sensitive flesh. I don’t want to disappoint him so I shake my head, ducking my eyes down to stare at his cock, still hard and flushed laying against his belly.

  I want him inside me so badly my pussy is weeping.

  “Okay, baby girl. I’ve got you.”

  His fingers dip down into my pussy, careful not to touch my clit, and he wets them all, one after the other. Then I watch as he uses my juices to jerk off, his cock never really getting the chance to soften. I’m mesmerized by the sight, the smells of our arousals heavy in the air, and I groan as I bite my lip. I’m desperate to taste him again, to taste myself on him.

  “Fucking perfect, baby girl. Get up here and ride me, squeeze that perfect pussy around me tight.”

  He pauses long enough to slide on a condom, then he lifts me as though I weight nothing and helps me to straddle his hips. I’m not a small woman, curved from head to toe, but he makes me feel tiny and delicate. My skin flushes with pleasure as I guide his cock to my pussy, sliding him inside in one smooth stroke. He groans like he’s taken a hit and I grin, loving every second of his hands on my body and the power I have over him in this position.

  My hips begin to move and I’m too far gone to last long, my legs shaking as I come and a gasp rips out of my chest as he grips my hips in both hands, holding me in place as he pumps into me.

  As soon as my eyes flutter open again he grunts at me, “Touch yourself. Lemme watch you get off on my cock.”

  I feel a little lightheaded, as though the low tone of his voice is lulling my mind into a dream, but my hand obeys him without me really thinking about it, rubbing and pinching at my clit until I’m screaming out his name and cursing violently in French, words I’ve never let past my lips before.


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