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Morally Decadent (Morally Questionable Book 3)

Page 35

by Veronica Lancet

  I probably would have stopped at that too, since I hadn't planned on actually fucking her. That little savage though, I should have known she'd never back down without a fight — especially since she thinks I've betrayed her.

  The moment she'd bit down on my cock... God, even now the pain makes me shudder. It's like I lost it. One moment I'd been level-headed, then the next I wanted to fuck her bloody.

  Fucking hell!

  I lost my goddamn mind, and I went too far. And now she probably hates me even more.

  My fists clench in frustration as I realize just how much I screwed it up.

  I'd rehearsed so many times the things I'd say to her when she woke up, ranging from profuse apologies to professions of eternal love. All of them had involved me getting on my knees in front of her and asking for her forgiveness, and what did I do? I made her get on her knees for me.

  I'm a fucking idiot.

  I think it's safe to say I let my other head do the thinking for a good minute.

  Seeing the extreme lengths she'd gone to in order to get her revenge, it's clear that one measly apology won't cut it, no matter how much time I spend on my knees. No, I'll just have to give her revenge, and hope that maybe, she'll have it in her heart to spare me.

  At this point... doubtful.

  With the cleaners busy at their job, Chiara finally makes her way down the stairs, looking as disheveled as ever.

  "What happened?" She narrows her eyes at the men carrying her mother.

  I shrug, not in the mood to deal with her theatrics. Going by the way she reacted to Martin's death; I don't want another session of hystericals on my hand.

  "You might want to check," I cock my head towards the body. "It seems your mother took the masked ball to another level," I say before brushing past her to go upstairs. She focuses her eyes at me, but doesn't comment as she goes down.

  I'm almost at the top of the stairs when the screaming starts. Shaking my head, I go to Luca's room, taking him in my arms and finally letting the feelings of joy spread through me.

  "Soon, your mamma will be back." I whisper in his hair, knowing fully well that when she does, I'm going to have to grovel my way to her good graces.

  Alas, good things come for those who work hard.

  And I'll spare no effort in making sure my little tigress gets her much deserved happily ever after. Even if that means helping her drive a dagger through my heart.

  "I'VE GOT HER, LIA, don't worry." I tell her and hang up.

  I park my car just outside Leonardo's condo. My entire board is made up of screens showing all angles of his house.

  I said I'd give her revenge, and that's exactly what I'm doing.

  I've been in constant contact with Lia, following Allegra's every step and keeping up with her plotting. Soon enough it became very clear what she wants to do — make her parents feel exactly what she did when she was on the verge of death.

  Her mother had met her death without her face, and now her father will die being stuck inside his body, unable to move but still conscious enough of what's happening around him.

  While I would do anything for my little tigress, I also worry about the repercussions of her actions on her soul.

  I was born into this world, so I was never a stranger to the violent side of it. While Allegra had grown up in total neglect, she'd never really seen the ugly side of the world until... me. Her drastic actions and sudden bloodthirst are understandable, but what happens when it's all said and done?

  She won't be any happier.

  I'm a hypocrite for saying this, since I've been on the same, rather more long-winded path of revenge for years now. But the difference between us is that I can carry this burden with me. After all, I've already murdered both my father and my mother.


  She's never killed a soul before. So how is she rationalizing killing her blood relatives?

  My little tigress, for all her bravado and sharp claws, is nothing but a pure soul — one that's been backed into a corner with no escape. I can understand her stance, but I also worry she won't be the same.

  My head jerks as I see a taxi stop in front of the building, Allegra getting out of the car. She's dressed like Chiara, her dress a little too short; her heels a little too high, and she has a hard time walking in them as she makes her way across the sidewalk and into the building.

  Unbeknownst to her, I'd chosen the date, place, and provided her with the ammunition to fulfill her kill.

  Now I just have to watch — ready to intervene if things get out of hand. Although from what I'd heard about Cristina's death, I'd say my girl has everything figured out.

  It shouldn't make me so pleased to see my little tigress out for blood — so ready to end a life — but fuck if it's not hot. I groan out loud at the thought, images of her being stained with her enemies' blood and me fucking her, our bodily fluids merging into a sublime mix of lust and savagery.

  Fuck! I'm already hard.

  I need to get myself under control since I'm not taking any risks with my girl.

  Turning back to the monitors, I watch as Allegra carefully steps inside her father's home.

  I've been keeping tabs on Leonardo and Cristina ever since they made their appearance in New York, convinced I would die and ready to take ownership of the empire.

  And that conviction had ensured that they had torn into their resources with lightning speed. They hadn't even settled in nicely before the spending began.

  Leonardo with his high class escorts, booze and poker games, and Cristina with her haute couture and overpriced jewelry.

  A few months and already millions down the drain.

  Leonardo welcomes her into his living room, putting aside his half-empty glass of alcohol. They start talking, so I increase the volume.

  "You didn't say you were coming," he plops himself on the couch, a bored expression on his face.

  Allegra will soon realize that her father is a little too gone, and I doubt what she has in mind will be as effective as she's imagining. After all, Leo is used to being in a drunken stupor at all times.

  "We should be there for each other, papa," she says, imitating Chiara's higher pitch tone perfectly. "Mamma just died and you're here feeling sorry for yourself," she continues, taking two bottles of alcohol from the table in front of them and depositing them in a drawer.

  "I know you're hurting," she starts, but Leo just laughs.

  "Hurting? Me? I'm glad that bitch is gone. Good god, I never thought I'd get rid of her... and so easy. Whoever killed her has my thanks," he replies smugly, sourcing another bottle of rum from behind the sofa.

  "Papa," Allegra exclaims in feigned shock, "how can you say that?"

  "That bitch was out to get me." He shakes his head, reaching for the bottle's neck and tipping it down for a long swig, "she knew our secret."

  Allegra frowns, and so do I. What secret?

  "What do you mean?" She asks, adding, "how?" to mask the fact that she has no idea what he's talking about.

  Smart little tigress.

  "I got too drunk," he shrugs, taking yet another swig, " and I ended up telling her I took your virginity on your fourteenth birthday." He releases a long sigh, but Allegra is just looking at him in horror, her mask slipping for a good second.

  "You did?" She tries to play it off, laughing nervously.

  What the actual fuck?

  I'd always known Leonardo was a reprobate of the worst order, but this... I almost feel sorry for Chiara. But then I remember what she's been doing for the past few years, and I shake my head. She's just as bad as he is.

  "I tried to explain to her that I was drunk," he continues, and I roll my eyes at his explanation, "and that you came to sleep with me one night and things happened... We both know I didn't force you." His eyes land on her, seeking her approval.

  "Of course," she replies immediately. "It just happened," her expression is still shocked, even though she tries to hang on to Chiara's personality, the way her eye
s widen just a little, or how her mouth curls slightly around the corner give her away.

  To me at least.

  "Exactly, but then she had to go and ruin my evening, nagging and nagging, asking if it happened more than once and all that jazz. Frankly, I'm so relieved to be rid of her fucking mouth. It's still giving me nightmares," he adds with a fake shudder.

  "And what did you tell her," Allegra probes, putting some distance between them.

  "The truth. That it only happened a few more times, but only when we were both drunk. I mean let's face it, you're not very discerning when it comes to who you fuck and neither am I." He shakes his head, as if it's that simple.

  "She didn't understand."

  "No! She started saying how wrong it was and that if I wanted I could have fucked Allegra. But then I reminded her that we still needed her intact for her marriage."

  My fists are already clenching in fury as I hear Leonardo taking so blatantly about fucking his own daughter. For fuck's sake, what's wrong with this family?

  "Would you have?" Allegra speaks after a pause, her face slightly scrunched up in disgust. I want nothing more than barge in there and hold her to my chest and assure her that no one's ever going to touch her again.

  "Nah," Leo waves his hand, the corners of his mouth pulling down. "She's too much of a cold fish. You on the other hand," his gaze travels up her body in a way that has the hairs on my arm stand up.

  Don't you fucking dare!

  But Allegra is determined to move in for her kill, and I watch in frustration as she steps closer to him, her hand already hiding the needle. She goes in for a hug, Leo's hands lasciviously roaming over her back.

  It takes everything in me not run in there and take him off her, but I need to trust her.

  Her hand comes down on his neck, jabbing the needle deep into his skin and emptying the contents of the syringe in his body.

  He quickly shoves her aside, his eyes widening in shock.

  "What..." he only manages to say one word as his body starts spasming. He falls off the couch in his attempt to reach Allegra, and second after second his muscles start failing him.

  Since Allegra had wanted them to feel what she'd felt when she'd been dying, I'd suggested to Lia she use a neurotoxin with rapid effect. I'd procured the toxin for her, and now she can watch her father as he gives his last breath, knowing exactly what it feels to be trapped in his own body — just waiting for his death.

  "You're even sicker than I imagined," she moves the table aside to have better access to Leonardo's body.

  Stooping down, she says something in his ear, and his eyes widen a little — the most he can move at the moment — before standing up and emptying her bag next to him.

  Knives of all sizes and shapes fall on the floor, and I have to zoom in to see what she has planned.

  Taking an average sized blade, she pops open his shirt, flinging the material to the side.

  My little tigress is sporting an expression that I've never seen before on her face — it's like she stuck between a void and a deluge of emotion, both in a perpetual battle for full dominion.

  One seems to win as she pushes the blade in his skin, right under his clavicles. A zigzag motion and she positions the knife at the center of his chest, a straight line taking shape as she pushes it deeper into his flesh, dragging it until it reaches his belly button.

  "I should warn you," she tilts her head at him, "I'm no doctor."

  I swear I could kiss her in this moment.

  I palm myself through my pants as I watch her choose between the different knives, settling on a large butcher blade.

  Fuck me!

  I thought I couldn't get more attracted to her, but in this moment, as she hits the blade against her father's sternum, I almost come in my pants. I don't need more encouragement as I pop my buttons open, stroking myself from base to tip.

  Both her hands are wrapped around the handle of the knife, and she lifts it up over her head, gathering momentum, before smashing his ribs with as much strength as she can muster. She continues hitting, blood, skin, and bone jumping up and scattering around her.

  I don't know if her father is still alive — probably not — but she doesn't stop. She centers all her anger at the body until there's barely anything recognizable left of him.

  Wiping the mix of sweat and blood of her forehead, she sighs deeply, and I close my eyes on a moan as I grip myself tightly, the sight of her mouth parted slightly, blood on her skin, and ruthlessness on her face making me come so hard I see start seeing stars.

  Fuck. She has me by the balls.

  There's no other explanation for it. It's like my dick is her personal property because it only reacts to her. For fuck's sake, I spent the last five years jacking off to photos and videos of her.

  I grab a napkin to clean myself, my eyes still on the video feed. She's cleaning up too, shamelessly taking a shower in his apartment to get rid of the debris. As I see the water dribbling down her naked skin, I feel myself growing hard again.


  There's simply no side of her that I don't love. Not even the patricide part that we now weirdly have in common.

  When she's done, she quietly slips into a pair of clean clothes, bagging the evidence and taking it with her.

  Good girl.

  But it's not exactly necessary as I'll have someone sweep the place after she's gone.

  She exits the building with a smile on her face, and it's like seeing the old Allegra again.

  "YOU'RE SURE YOU'RE ok, cara?" I brush off the hair off my sister's face. She's huddled under the blankets in one of the guest rooms because she didn't want to disturb her daughter who's sleeping in her old room.

  "Yeah. I'm just a little disappointed he won't let me in," Lina says as she comes closer to me, allowing me to hug her.

  "It will take time. There's fucked up and then there's Marcello. I don't even know how he's remained sane until now,"

  In a weird turn of events, Marcello's brother Valentino had shot Jimenez before killing himself. And after a ten year absence from the famiglia, Marcello had decided to return as capo and had sought me out for an alliance.

  Now, knowing what the Lastras are like, particularly being aware of Marcello's reputation in the past, I'd been reluctant to give him Lina's hand in marriage. But some complications at Sacre Coeur forced my hand, and I had to make a quick decision.

  "I promised I'd wait for him," she whispers, taking in a deep breath to avoid crying again.

  According to Catalina, Marcello's not so bad. But then again, she's head over heels in love with him so I can't exactly trust her judgement.

  "Everything will be fine. If not, you always have a house here with me and Luca."

  If it wasn't enough that Marcello's past is drenched in sin, his enemies had to target Lina too. I'd been mad with worry when I'd realized she'd been kidnapped by a madman, and I'm happy we got there in time before anything happened to her.

  But imagine my surprise when Lina had told me who had orchestrated her kidnapping.

  Fucking Chiara.

  Apparently, the crazy bitch had gotten it into her head that the reason I'd always rejected her was because of Lina. Since I'm visiting Allegra weekly at Sacre Coeur, I can see why in her twisted mind she'd think I'm in love with my own sister.

  Frankly, after hearing her father's confession a lot of things are starting to make sense — like her obsession with old men. And this time, she'd gone and fucked Marcello's uncle.

  While my father had been alive, he'd had one rule for her — fuck whoever, but never a conflict of interests, like a competing famiglia.

  It seems now she's truly gone rogue. And I for one I can't wait to get rid of her once and for all.

  "Don't worry about me, Enzo. I'm fine, really. I just wish I were by his side... He's all alone... suffering," she sniffles and I tug her closer.

  "He can take care of himself. Why don't you focus on you? You're free to do whatever you want, Lina.
Don't let Marcello, or anyone limit your potential."

  "You're right... I should," she inhales deeply, her eyes closing. "Thank you," she murmurs sleepily.

  Kissing her forehead, I close the door behind me, checking in on the kids before going to my own room.

  Chiara must have realized she fucked up because she's been missing ever since.

  But I'm waiting. And soon, she'll follow her parents to the grave.

  IT'S LATE ONE NIGHT when I see her sneaking inside the house. She thinks she's being sly, but I've been waiting for her all along. I step out of my room and into the hallway, listening to her steps as she ransacks the house for any valuables. She must have ran out of money if she's so desperate to come here.

  I watch her closely as she pillages what she can, filling a bag with her.

  "Found what you're looking for?" I finally speak and she jerks back, dropping her bag with a thud. Her eyes widen in fear and she steps back.

  I walk leisurely towards her, kicking the bag aside.

  But as I see her better in the light, her face so similar to Allegra's but so different, I can't help but snap. She's afraid, and a red mist covers my eyes as I look at her pitiful form. She must have noticed the change in me because she's now cowering in the corner, trying to keep a distance between us.

  In two steps, I have her by the throat, squeezing the life out of her. It would be so easy. A little more pressure and I'd break her.

  "What have you done?" I ask her through gritted teeth. I already know the shit she's pulled, but I want to hear it from her own lips.

  "Can't... breathe..." She squeaks, and I get the urge to tighten my grip. Finally snuff the life out of her.

  "Tell me. What. Have. You. Done?" I enunciate each word, loosening my hold long enough for her to answer me.

  "She fucking deserved it," she wheezes out, and I smack her against the wall. She whimpers in pain, but her expression doesn't change. It's a mix of defiance and malice that makes me sick to my stomach.

  How could I have lived with her for so long?


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