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Kept by Seduction

Page 1

by Jaymie Holland
























  Cheyenne writing as Jaymie Holland

  Also by Cheyenne McCray


  Excerpt…Hidden Prey

  The Auction Series

  About Jaymie Holland


  Wonderland Series:


  Jaymie Holland

  WONDERLAND Series: King of Clubs - Kept by Seduction

  Copyright © 2015 Jaymie Holland

  All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be reproduced in whole or in part, scanned, photocopied, recorded, distributed in any printed or electronic form, or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without express written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Published by Pink Zebra Publishing.

  Formatting by Bella Media Management.

  Cover by Scott Carpenter at

  e-book ISBN: 978-1-939778-66-6



  The award-winning Wonderland series is back, and Kept by Seduction: King of Clubs has been expanded by the equivalent of forty pages of enhanced and new, never before published scenes!

  I have more great news for Wonderland fans! As countless readers have requested, a new fifth book will be coming soon in the series, entitled Owned by Fire.

  St. Martin’s Press published Kept by Seduction in print only, with the pseudonym Jaymie Holland. Ellora’s Cave published the series primarily in e-book, the fourth as King of Clubs under the name Cheyenne McCray.

  Kept by Seduction, as Wonderland: King of Clubs, was given amazing reviews including a 4.5 star TOP PICK from the RT Book Reviews magazine.

  I hope you enjoy Kept by Seduction and your journey to a world where not everything is as it seems.

  Cheyenne McCray

  aka Jaymie Holland


  KING TY RAKED HIS FINGERS THROUGH HIS WHITE-BLOND HAIR as he surveyed his lands from a hilltop behind the palace. Cherry blossoms bloomed in abundance, a snowy drift tumbling down the side of the mountain. The air smelled fresh and clean, of spring and sweet blossoms.

  The Kingdom of Clubs thrived despite the mental plague holding all of Tarok hostage. Ty’s subjects were in good health and good spirits, and hopeful the curse would soon be broken.

  Now that Mikaela was believed to be dead.

  Even though she had cursed them with her mind-spells, and had attempted to harm his brothers’ mates, Ty’s heart still ached for the sister he had grown up with and loved. He couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to the young woman who had once been filled with life and love—beyond the obvious pain of being excluded when their parents divided the Kingdom of Tarok between their four sons. Why the former High King and Queen had excluded Mikaela, the four brothers would never know. Their parents had died shortly after, leaving no explanations.

  Devastated, Mikaela had begun to change from the sparkling sister who had made her four brothers laugh and drove them to distraction. She seemed to age, to grow sallow, irritable, and unapproachable.

  Without warning or discussion, Mikaela had wed Balin, the King of Malachad, a smaller kingdom to the south.

  Of all the kings Mikaela could have chosen… But once they learned about Mikaela’s duplicity with Balin, they understood her choice. She could control the king.

  For the past two decades, all of Tarok had suffered the consequences of their parents’ and Mikaela’s decisions.

  Amongst all four kingdoms, there had been no births for over two decades. But Ty’s brothers—Jarronn, Darronn, and Karn—had found their mates, and for the first time in these many years, babes had been born into the Kingdoms of Hearts, Spades, and Diamonds.

  Now it was Ty’s turn to find his mate.

  His lips curved into a rogue’s smile as he sought to picture his future queen. Unlike his brothers, who were initially reluctant to take on a mate from another world, Ty relished the opportunity. He had tired of the women in his court, and if truth be told, he had enjoyed watching his brothers tame their mates…or in some cases, be somewhat tamed themselves.

  At the thought of his sister-in-joining, Alexi, Ty reflexively covered his balls with his hand. Indeed, she was not a woman to cross.

  A late spring wind stirred his hair as he watched a pregnant anlia doe nibbling at the feathered blue leaves of a ch’tok tree. The female deer ate from the ch’tok only when they carried their young, providing special nutrients to their unborn babes.

  “Majesty.” Kalina’s musical voice summoned his attention and he turned to look at the black-haired, amber-eyed sorceress. Her black robes clung to her curvaceous shape, the wind molding the material to her body. Her nipples pressed against the cloth and he could see the outline at the juncture of her thighs. Ty’s cock stirred and he imagined taking the sorceress again and again. He had often shared pleasures with Kalina over the many years he had known her.

  She gave him an alluring smile. “I am ready for you now.”

  He nodded to the loyal sorceress. “I will join you shortly.”

  “Yes, Majesty.” Kalina bowed. The club charm at her collar dangled against her throat as she rose from her bow.

  Ty watched her walk away, her bare feet silent against the soft grass as she returned to the palace. She disappeared behind the open walls that blended in with the greens of the hillside like moss on trees.

  His blood heated as he imagined what his future mate might look like and he flexed his muscles at the thought of finally choosing. He headed to the palace with a sense of purpose to his stride.

  He entered his palace, his boot steps echoing down the hallway. Sunshine spilled into the palace from countless windows, making it bright and airy, unlike his brother Karn’s dark and gloomy mansion. Although, since Annie had become the Queen of Diamonds, Diamond Hall seemed far less foreboding. Her presence had brought love, light, and joy to Karn’s life and to the lives of his subjects.

  Ty strode down the wide hallway, and when he entered Kalina’s candlelit chambers, he found the sorceress in the embrace of Kir, lord of Emerald City and of the mountain-wolf clan. Kir was Ty’s comrade, almost like a brother, and the two often shared women, including the sorceress. Kalina’s robe was open, her lush breasts exposed and Kir was tugging at the club charms dangling from her pierced nipples. He was kissing her in a long, slow kiss that Ty knew Kalina enjoyed.

  “Kir,” Ty said to the bare-chested man as he moved to the sorceress’s a’bin. “I see you have returned to sample my beauty’s treasures.”

  Kalina laughed softly and Kir gave a wolfish growl. “I hope to convince this lovely lady to join my pack when she has completed her duties with you.”

  “But I a
m a weretiger,” she said as she cupped Kir’s erection through his leather breeches. “Why would I want to join with a pack of werewolves?”

  Kir slipped one hand down her belly to her mound, and slid one finger into her folds, causing her to gasp. “You would have a home with my people, always,” he said. “You would never be passed from one man to the next like a belonging. You would have the choice to bed any man you wish to, and to mate for life if you choose.”

  A look passed across Kalina’s features, perhaps one of longing and regret, but it was quickly replaced by an expression of ecstasy as Kir began suckling one of her nipples, his tongue circling the nipple charm.

  Ty’s cock hardened at the sight of the two lovers as he held his hand high above the card on the a’bin. It was the last card of the original four that had been provided to the kings. As Ty was the youngest, and the last to take a card, only one remained. The woman on the other side of his card would be his mate—unless she was not meant to be. In that case, Ty would have no mate.

  The moment he put his hand over the card, it glowed and vibrated against the flat surface. “Kir is right, Kalina,” Ty said as he reached for the card that glittered beneath his fingertips. “When your duties here have been satisfied, you may leave.” The card jumped into his hand as he turned back to the sorceress and added, “But know you will always have a home in my kingdom.”

  “Thank you, Majesty.” Kalina’s voice was breathless as she worked at the fastenings on Kir’s breeches.

  Ty flipped the card over. A rumbling purr rose in his throat at the sight of the lovely woman who was to be his queen. She was beautiful with dark chestnut brown hair and eyes as blue as the feathery leaves of the ch’tok trees. Even though she had the bearing of a warrior woman, Ty sensed her heart was scarred and her eyes held a hint of old wounds.

  Awai, the name came to him like a whisper on the wind, and it sounded like ah-why. Yes, her name is Awai.

  The sounds of lovemaking met Ty’s ears and he turned to see Kir flat on his back, still wearing his breeches, and Kalina riding him.

  Ty felt the need to climax, so intense was his desire for his future queen. He unfastened his breeches and released his erection. He couldn’t help but imagine it was his future queen that he was thrusting into as he stroked his erection. With his other hand, he held up the card so he could see Awai’s face.

  Yes, he would more than enjoy sliding into her hot core and driving her to orgasm.

  Would she accept domination readily, like Jarronn’s Alice? With hesitance and warmth, like Annie of Diamonds? Or would she require compromise, like Darronn’s ever-fiery Alexi?

  Kalina’s body quaked with her orgasm and she gave gasping sobs of pleasure with each jolt of her body. Kir growled and thrust up hard, and Ty knew the werewolf had spilled his seed into the sorceress.

  Ty continued fisting his cock, the image of Awai growing stronger and stronger until he was almost positive it was her he was fucking. With a tiger’s roar, Ty came like he had never climaxed before.

  The face on the card never left his mind, in that moment, or the moments that followed.

  Ready, hesitant, fiery, or anything in between, Ty was prepared for his mate. He felt confident he could win her, hopeful that he could love her—and now, he felt driven to heal the pain he had seen in her eyes.

  “I am coming, my sweet,” he growled, still feeling the heat of his fantasy. “Be prepared.”


  AWAI STEELE PACED THE LENGTH OF HER CONDOMINIUM, her heels sinking into the deep, lush burgundy carpeting. She preferred not to wear a bra when she wasn’t working, and the silky material of her blouse rasped her nipples, making them taut with hunger. Her short skirt brushed her upper thighs and the falling star at her bellybutton swung against her skin.

  The condo smelled of carpet shampoo, pine cleaner, and fresh paint. It was bare of all furnishings, everything put into long-term storage.

  Because tonight they would come for her.

  Awai wrapped her fingers tighter around the handle of her leather whip and snapped the long strip of leather, the crack loud and satisfying. It was exactly a year since Annie vanished, two years for Alexi, and three years to the day since Alice had disappeared.

  Without a doubt Awai knew she was next.

  “Let them come.” She snapped her whip again. She didn’t know who had taken her nieces, but whoever they were, they would pay dearly if the girls had come to any harm.

  After Annie and her cat, Abracadabra, had vanished, Awai had spent the year preparing for today. The first thing she did was put all of Annie’s belongings into storage with Alexi’s and Alice’s possessions.

  Gradually, throughout the year, Awai sold her advertising agency along with all her shares of stock, her Mercedes, and now her condo. The closing papers had been signed and the new owners would take possession of it over the weekend. Every penny Awai owned, totaling well over ten million dollars, was in an account earmarked for a women’s shelter that aided victims of domestic violence. If Awai didn’t return within a specified amount of time, eighteen months, the funds would go to the shelter. Her estate and her nieces’ belongings would be taken out of storage and given to the same facility.

  Awai paused in her pacing and moved to the expansive window that stretched along two sides of the large common room. Her view of San Francisco was magnificent, and tonight was no exception. City lights glittered in the darkness and so did the lights along the Golden Gate Bridge. No doubt she would miss the view, wherever she was going, but she missed her nieces more.

  A constant ache had taken residence in her heart and soul, and she wouldn’t rest until she found Annie, Alice, and Alexi.

  Awai was only a few years older than her nieces, being their aunt by marriage. Long ago she had married the girls’ distant uncle, John Steele.

  The bastard had nearly killed her.

  A hard, cold knot expanded in Awai’s gut, as it did every time she thought of the son of a bitch. She had been young, innocent, and fresh out of high school when she met John. He had wooed her with his charm and expensive gifts, and had seduced her into his bed.

  Awai ran the leather strap of her whip over her palm as her thoughts turned back to that horrid time and her triumph in making a new life for herself.

  Once she escaped the bastard, she’d promised herself that no man would ever dominate her again.

  Awai raised her chin, no longer seeing the city lights, but instead seeing the light of her past. With her intelligence and drive, Awai had quickly worked her way to the top of her profession in the advertising business.

  Eventually she had started her own firm, and it wasn’t long before she was drawing in larger and larger accounts until her agency was one of the premier advertising firms in the state of California. She became known as a ball buster, the woman with brass ovaries. She didn’t take shit from any man, and her staff was populated almost exclusively with women.

  She had started an extensive training program in the domestic violence shelter. With Awai’s financial backing, the center taught women the skills necessary to enter the workforce. Frequently, Awai hired women from the shelter in positions such as receptionist or filing clerk. Gradually, as they learned the ropes, many of the women were trained in more demanding tasks and worked their way up through the advertising agency. Some of the women from the shelter were already skilled and Awai took them on in higher positions when one opened.

  Awai shifted and lightly flicked her whip, allowing it to curl like a sensuous caress around her bare legs and the leather straps from her heels that wrapped around her ankles and calves.

  There was another side to her life that no one knew about outside of her niece Annie. Almost every evening, Awai left her daily concerns and entered the world of BDSM as a Dominatrix, Mistress Awai.

  Awai treated her submissives well, making sure they enjoyed the erotic play, and always keeping the relationships safe, sane, and consensual. She had chosen to become a Domme simpl
y because she had made that promise to herself—no man would ever again be her master.

  Yet something was missing. She couldn’t place her finger on it, but she didn’t feel complete being a Domme. Awai knew what she wanted in life and went after it with a vengeance. So why was her role as a Domme not entirely satisfying? She shrugged away the feelings.

  She moved away from the window, a sense of melancholy rolling over her. She was known as a take-charge dynamo, and these feelings of confusion were pissing her off. Yet, as she thought more and more about being a Domme, and of her missing nieces, she felt angry, brooding, and regretful.

  Awai snapped her whip in the empty room, the crack of leather jarring her back into her Domme role. She would take charge and let the bastards who stole her nieces know who was boss.

  When will they get here? She stared at the front door. It was well after ten, only two hours left until midnight. The anniversary of all her nieces’ disappearances would have passed. One at a time. Every year, for the past three years.

  Awai frowned at the stately mahogany door. Could I have been wrong?

  No. She wouldn’t allow doubt to make her insecure. Everything in Awai’s gut made her believe without a doubt, that whoever had taken her nieces would be coming for her.

  Since no furniture was left in the condo, Awai moved so her back was against the wall beside the door. She slid down until she sat on the plush burgundy carpeting and she set her whip beside her. Awai’s short skirt hiked up to her waist and her panties pulled tight against her clit. It had been days since she’d had sex, and for some reason the last bout hadn’t been as fulfilling as she’d hoped.

  A wild fantasy had gone through her mind as she’d had sex with her sub. A fantasy of riding a powerful man, his cock filling her while another man slid his erection into her ass. And yet a third grabbing her by her hair and forcing her to suck his cock. She was totally at their mercy while all three men took her.

  At the memory of the fantasy, Awai couldn’t help but slide one hand between her thighs. As she visualized the scene again, she moved aside the panties and fingered her clit. With her free hand she pushed her blouse above her pert breasts, exposing her nipples to the cool air in the condo.


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