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Kept by Seduction

Page 18

by Jaymie Holland

  She looked away, her heart thudding. It was all too much, and she would have to crush his hopes.

  He drew his hand away. She looked back to him and saw his serious expression.

  “What is wrong?” The light in his eyes faded. “For days I have seen something haunting your eyes. I thought perhaps it was what happened when the bakirs attacked, but I sense it is more.”

  “Hold me,” Awai whispered, needing the comfort of his embrace. Ty wrapped his powerful arm around her shoulders and drew her to his bare chest. He smelled of sun and wind, and his own elemental scent.

  “What is it, love?” he asked as he stroked dark hair from her eyes.

  She swallowed and took a deep breath. “I don’t think I can marry you, join with you.”

  For a single moment his heart ceased to beat. “What are you saying, Awai?” He had heard her, but he didn’t understand.

  “It terrified me when the children were in danger.” She pulled away from him to meet his gaze and he saw her eyes glistening with tears. “The life of a child is so fragile, and I don’t know if I can be a mother. I know it’s important to you—you make a wonderful uncle and I know you’d be the perfect father. But as for me…I’m not sure I can do it.”

  He gave her a gentle smile. He enjoyed his nephews and nieces, and if he and Awai did not have children of their own he would always have his brothers’ children to love and shower with affection. Awai’s love and her happiness were more important to him than anything.

  “The choice will be yours.” He squeezed her tight to him.

  She gave a shuddering sigh and shook her head. “You are so wonderful with the kids. You deserve children of your own.”

  “I do not need children to feel complete.” He caught her chin in his large palm and brushed a tear from her cheek with his thumb. “You make me complete.”

  Awai searched Ty’s eyes. They held nothing but the truth of his heart and his love for her. He had never lied to her, had never held anything back from her. Always he had been truthful and had done what he thought was right.

  Her face went serious and she asked, “What about an heir for your kingdom?”

  “Lance will likely inherit the Kingdom of Hearts,” he said with a thoughtful look. “As second oldest, I think that Lexi should inherit the Kingdom of Clubs if we do not produce an heir.”

  Awai gave an impish grin. “What about Johanna? She’s destined to be a leader among men and women. Just look at the way she wields that whip.”

  Ty laughed and shook his head. “Perhaps, Awai. Perhaps.”

  “You are a wonderful man.” She hugged him tight. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

  “I am the one who is thankful to the stars for you,” he murmured as he kissed her hair. “I am the one who is blessed.”


  Puffy blue-green clouds floated across the endless aqua sky on the evening of their joining day. Awai stood at the window of their bedchamber, staring out at the sky as her nieces fussed over preparations and laughed and chattered behind her.

  A feeling of contentment settled over Awai. She had met a man who was so amazing, beyond her wildest dreams. He was a man who loved her and was willing to listen to her heart and to allow her the freedom she needed. A man who dominated her, but would never harm her in any way.

  “Come now,” Alice said, and Awai turned from the window. Alice tossed her hair over her shoulder. “It’s time you put on your wedding dress.”

  Awai smiled and let her black robe fall into a swirl of silk at her feet. She was naked, but in the two weeks since her nieces had been here, she had learned that none of them batted an eye at anyone being around them in the buff. Nakedness had never bothered her, but it did feel odd around her nieces, even if they were not blood related.

  She was surprised, however, when Alexi plucked the nipple charms off her nipples. “Since Kalina isn’t here, I guess this is up to me,” Alexi said, her aqua eyes focused on her task.

  Awai frowned but didn’t argue as her black collar was also removed from her throat.

  “And this.” Alexi unfastened the dangling shooting star charm at Awai’s bellybutton, leaving only the loop the charm had been connected to.

  Annie pushed her gold-rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose then helped Awai into the white silk robe that barely concealed her trim figure. The robe was fitted and had an off-the-shoulder cut to it that dipped down to fasten just beneath her belly button, exposing her navel. The creamy silk barely covered the sides of her breasts and her nipples.

  The robe was fastened from below Awai’s navel and down to her mound, but then flared out, exposing her thighs and her long legs. It was also cut low in the back, all the way down to the base of her spine. The sleeves were long and covered more than the rest of the robe did.

  Awai felt something roll over her feet and laughed when she saw Abra playing with Awai’s black collar, batting it around and flipping it into the air. “All right, you little imp,” she murmured as she bent to scratch the calico behind her ears. The cat had her own red collar with white diamonds glistening along the band. Awai straightened and put her hands on her hips. “Just be sure to keep your paws to yourself when it comes to my wedding robe.”

  Alice laughed and placed cherry blossoms in Awai’s hair while Annie handed her a bouquet made of the blossoms.

  “Perfect,” Alice announced. “You make the most beautiful bride.”

  Awai smiled, but her insides felt like she was going to explode with nervousness. “Will the children be at the ceremony?”

  “Are you kidding?” Alexi rolled her eyes. “Eleven children racing around? Not.”

  “The nannies are taking care of them,” Annie said. “They need to make sure the children get to bed at a decent time.”

  “Not to mention they are being heavily guarded.” Alexi’s hands were on her hips. “We are not about to take any chances with our children. The way those bakirs slipped through the guards—it was like they used magic or something.”

  “That’s exactly what they did.” Alice had a hard edge to her words. “Used magic.”

  “Mikaela is no longer under the King of Malachad’s control,” Annie said with a hopeful note to her voice. “At least we hope she can continue to fight him off so that she will remain free.”

  Awai nodded. “I hope for her sake and ours that she wins in the war for her soul.”

  When they were all ready, Awai told her nieces to go along without her. She needed a few minutes to herself, and then she would follow to the location the ceremony would be held.

  Alexi gave a small frown. “You’re not going to run off on us now, and stand up the groom?”

  Awai couldn’t help a teasing grin. “Can’t say it hasn’t crossed my mind.” But then her expression grew serious. “I just need a few moments to collect my thoughts.” And a little quiet, too.

  “All right, sugar.” Annie gave Awai a quick kiss on her cheek. “You take all the time you need.”

  When everyone had left the bedchamber, Awai clutched her bouquet in one hand as she went to the window to stare out at the beautiful world she now lived in. No San Francisco skyline, no Chinese food from her favorite dim sum restaurant, no trolley, no corporate ladders to climb. Instead she would live in an almost medieval world run by magic, in a male-dominated society. Yet the women were treated as equals here, for the most part, just not when it came to sex.

  Of course the women all seemed to love it, and Awai couldn’t argue.

  She sighed and touched her fingertips to the pane of glass. The aqua clouds grew into a deeper blue as they floated in the sky. It was growing darker and would soon be sunset.

  She would miss so much of her former home. Sourdough bread and clam chowder, lobster and crab, the hustle and bustle of the city she loved. The broad mixture of races and cultures.

  Could she do this? Could she stay in a foreign world?

  All of her family was here. Her nieces were all here. And good lord, there wer
e all those children she had grown to love as much as Annie, Alexi, and Alice.

  And Ty. She loved him more than anything.

  His warm presence suddenly surrounded her. She saw his reflection in the glass the second before his arms wrapped around her waist and his chin rested on the top of her head. “You miss your world,” he said simply.

  Awai closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again. “It scares me to think of never again experiencing life the way I’ve known it for so long.”

  Gently taking her by the shoulders he turned her around in his embrace and she tilted her head to look up at him. “If you wish to live in your world,” he said, “I would go with you.”

  “You would—” A prickling sensation at the back of Awai’s eyes started and she bit her lip to keep from crying. “You would,” she finally started again, “leave all that you know and love for me?”

  He brushed away the errant tear that slipped down her cheek. “I would do whatever would make you happy. As long as we are together, that is all that matters to me.”

  Awai became lost in his gaze as she stared up at him. “But your people, your family.”

  Ty caught her hands, crushing the bouquet of cherry blossoms between them. “I would miss them, yes. However, they would go on without me. They would continue to survive and thrive. But I could no more live without you than my world could live without the sun.” He brought his forehead to hers. “I need you, Awai. You are my other half, my heart, my soul. I will do whatever will make you happy.”

  “You big oaf.” Awai threw her arms around him, forgetting she was holding the bouquet and sending it flying across the room. “I love you so much.”

  He smiled as they parted, yet his eyes held seriousness. “What is it you desire?”

  “I want to stay here with you.” She smiled and wiped away a tear with the back of her hand. “But I would like to visit San Francisco now and again. Can we do that?”

  “If it is within my power, I will do whatever I can to grant this wish.” Ty held her chin and gave her a soft kiss. “Now come before everyone has the ceremony without us.”

  Awai laughed and Ty helped her gather the bouquet of cherry blossoms. Arm in arm, they walked through the palace to the coach waiting outside. The coach was golden with a black club upon its door. It was late evening and growing darker even as the coach pulled away from the palace.

  “Where is the ceremony to take place?” she asked as she looked out the coach window.

  Ty drew her close, keeping her from leaning out. “You will see.”

  In a matter of moments, the coach pulled up to the wharf. Awai gasped in amazement at the sight of the beautiful black yacht that was at least ten times the size of the sailboat they had made love on all those days ago. It had a golden club emblem on the side, and upon the bow Tigress was written in gold.

  “Oh, now you’re really going to make me cry,” she said with a sniff. “It’s beautiful, Ty.”

  He took her by the arm and led her down the beautiful mahogany-like landing and then led her up the gangplank to the yacht’s main deck. All of her nieces and their spouses waited for her and Ty. Alexi was beaming, Alice was crying, and Annie had Abra gripped tight to her chest.

  Awai’s heart swelled in her throat as her future mate brought her to the head of the small crowd. The crew drew up the gangplank and the anchor, and the yacht began its trek across the dark water.

  Before them the aurora borealis began to fan the sky in shimmering waves. Like starlight and rainbows blending and spilling into the water surrounding the yacht. The surface of the lake glittered and sparkled, reflecting the brilliance of the aurora. The only sounds were of the yacht making small splashing sounds as it cut through the water and night birds singing their evening song.

  A balmy breeze ruffled the hem of Awai’s robe and caressed her nearly bare breasts. Ty’s hair lifted from his shoulders and the club tattoo on his abs flexed as he turned her to face him.

  Awai lost all sense of time or place as she looked into the eyes of her man. The bouquet slipped from her fingers, blooms spilling across the deck and scattering in the gentle wind.

  “On this day I wish to join with my true mate.” Ty’s voice boomed in the evening silence as he brushed his fingers lightly across Awai’s cheek. “I join with the woman who fills my soul with her strength, my very being with her laughter and intelligence. The woman who fills my heart with love. Will you take me as your mate, my dear Awai?”

  “Yes.” Her voice rang out clearly through the night. “You are everything to me, Ty. I love you with all my heart and soul.”

  And she knew she was telling the truth, that she was finally and truly healed from the many wounds of her past. Her heart and soul were fully hers to give and she did so for the first time in her life. Every part of her belonged to Ty.

  Ty held out his palm and upon it appeared a glittering collar of diamonds with ebony clubs in the midst of the diamonds. “Will you wear my collar?”

  Awai’s voice trembled a little at the importance of the moment. “Yes.” She reached up and held her dark hair away from her neck. “I belong to you.”

  A smile touched his lips as he slid his collar around her throat and fastened it. When he backed away, Awai let her hair slide over her shoulders again. She couldn’t take her eyes off her beautiful man.

  He held out his hand again, and in it were two diamond and ebony nipple rings, along with a matching smaller charm that had a gold clip. “Will you wear my insignia, showing all that you belong to me?”

  Awai’s heart beat faster. She loved how it had felt to wear the club charms on her nipples, and these were gorgeous and, most importantly, they were significant to Ty. What was the third charm for?

  “Yes, I will,” she said.

  Ty brought up his hand and pushed aside the silk covering her left breast. Awai gasped and her nipple tightened at once. She was vaguely aware of her family and his brothers watching, but it didn’t embarrass her.

  He slid the loop over her nipple and tightened it with the diamond bead so it ached and caused tingles between her thighs. Still focused on his task, he pushed aside the silk covering her right breast. The air had cooled and her nipple grew even harder. Ty slipped the second ring over her nipple and tightened the loop. He surprised her by hooking the charm to the loop that pierced her bellybutton.

  When he finished, Ty cupped the back of Awai’s head and brought her roughly to him. Her taut nipples and charms brushed his heavily muscled chest and his erection pressed through his leather breeches against her almost bare belly.

  “I claim you as mine,” he said before crushing his mouth to hers.

  The sound of cheering broke out, but Awai was lost in the kiss, lost in knowing she had joined with her soul mate. A man she could never have dreamed of finding had found her.

  His mouth moved over hers, his tongue delving into her mouth, his taste, his masculine scent seeping into her senses.

  When he pulled away, he grasped her chin and smiled. “I love you, Awai.”

  She caught her breath at the beauty of the moment, at the beauty of her man. “Any time, any place, any world. I love you, Ty.”


  AWAI GASPED AS TY SWEPT HER UP IN HIS EMBRACE and strode away from the yacht’s bow. She flung her arms around his neck, and her gaze was only for him as they passed their family. Awai could hear her nieces sighing and sniffling and the proud rumbles of their spouses.

  Ty carried her down an ebony staircase into the depths of the yacht, down a hall lit by glowing golden orbs. He brought her into an enormous stateroom and the moment they were through the doors he used his magic to shut them behind him.

  The room was filled with vases and baskets brimming with cherry blossoms. Candles in shades of pink perched upon every surface not covered by blooms, and warm yellow candlelight flickered throughout the room. The bed was enormous and the soft coverlet was covered with the sweetly scented blossoms.

e windows faced the northern sky and through them Awai saw the fabulous aurora, its hues of pinks and purples and golds shifting and changing into reds and blues and silvers.

  Ty carefully set her down on her feet in front of the windows so she was looking out at the aurora and her back was to him. “I can hardly believe you are mine,” he murmured as he pushed away her dark hair and kissed her soft shoulder.

  She shivered and tilted her head back, baring her throat to him. It felt sensual and erotic to be standing before the aurora with her breasts naked despite her clothing, and her new nipple rings so tight that her breasts ached.

  Awai sighed. “You are more than I could have hoped for.” Her dark hair slid across his chest as he brought her tight against him. He brought his hands up to cup her breasts and squeezed each of her nipples.

  A sigh escaped her lips as she let herself feel and experience his callused hands upon her soft skin, his rigid erection pressing through the silk of her robes against her back. She reached up and slid her fingers into his long hair as he kissed her nape. His hands worked lower, moving from her breasts to the new club charm at her belly. He passed the fastening at her waist and pulled apart the front of the robe so he could reach her bare mound.

  She gasped as he slid his finger into her slit and she grew even wetter. Slowly he stroked her clit then moved his damp fingers back up over her mound, to the bare skin above her waist.

  “Taste yourself,” he murmured, bringing his fingers to her mouth.

  Awai parted her lips and tasted the wetness from between her thighs as she lightly sucked his fingers. When he slipped them from her lips she tilted her head up and back so she could see his eyes reflecting the flickering candlelight.

  Ty brought his mouth to Awai’s and slipped his tongue into her depths, tasting her lips and her woman’s flavor. Joy seared his veins and burned in his soul that this woman belonged to him, and him alone.

  He withdrew from the kiss and for a moment gazed into her beautiful eyes. Her lips were parted, swollen, and wet from his kiss.


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