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The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set

Page 42

by Erin Snihur

  Eyeing the bed just beyond the door, Sophie nods in its direction, “We don’t have a good track record around beds, Tariq. We can talk right here.”

  Smirking down at her, Tariq glanced over her shoulder, probably at a waiting Samantha before meeting her eyes with his grey shining ones, “I didn’t realize you were so into exhibitionism, allasu alsaghir.”

  Rolling her eyes at his joke, Sophie raises an eyebrow, “Aren’t I supposed to be talking with Samantha?”

  Stopping her before she can leave the hallway, Tariq leans down, brushing his nose against her cheek, “Sophie.”

  At the sound of her name on his soft lips, Sophie shudders and closes her eyes as Tariq continues, “I can help you. But only if you help yourself. Tell Samantha everything you can. And I do mean, everything.”

  Opening her eyes, Sophie stares into Tariq’s knowing ones. He briefly nods before pressing a chaste kiss on her forehead and stalks back into the main area of the plane. Nodding at Samantha, Sophie watches as Tariq disappears into the cockpit with the flight crew.

  As Sophie walks back toward Samantha who is now sitting on the leather couch Sophie had only been sitting on a few seconds ago, the plane begins to vibrate. Looking out the window, Sophie turns in bewilderment toward Samantha, who is busy buckling herself into the sofa.

  “I never told you where I was going,” Sophie murmurs.

  Smirking as she scans the screen of her tablet without looking up, Samantha says, “I think he stole your boarding pass. Or rather, Ms. Smith’s boarding pass.”

  Eyes widening, Sophie pats the pockets of her jacket, groaning when she comes up empty. Glaring in the direction of the doors to the cockpit, Tariq’s words circle through her mind.

  You’re not the only one good at stealing, allasu alsaghir. Inwardly, Sophie knew this was only the beginning. If you’re not careful, Sophie, he might steal your heart too.


  It isn’t until the plane is safely in the air that Samantha begins asking questions. Questions, Haseem in Aman had already asked her, that Sophie was certain Samantha already knew the answers to.

  “When did you first meet Karos?” Samantha asks, her tablet on her lap, probably recording their conversation.

  Tilting her head, Sophie asked, knowing it would annoy the prim woman, “When did you first sleep with Tariq?”

  Seeming startled by her question, Samantha’s cool smile morphs into a grin, and in an instant, Sophie sees another woman. A feminine version of Tariq. If that’s even possible.

  “He was my sister’s husband’s wingman the night they met. I was going through a phase, as my sister liked to call it. We only slept together a few times, but it was nothing serious. Don’t worry, I don’t think Tariq can keep his eyes off of you.”

  Scanning the empty room, Sophie snorted, “He’s not here now?”

  Motioning with her hand toward a black, bulbous half-sphere sticking out of the ceiling above them, Samantha smiles and waves her little hand at it, “He’s watching from the cockpit I’m sure. Can’t help himself. He’s been looking for you for a long time.”

  Raising her eyebrows, Sophie meets Samantha’s eyes in dumbfoundment, “You mean because everyone thought I stole those jewels?”

  Shaking her head Samantha murmurs, “No, because when we connected the dots and found out you were working for Karos, he believed you were in over your head.”

  Eyes turning to the overhead camera, Sophie shoots it a dirty look, knowing he was watching before turning back to Samantha, “I suppose anyone would be. In over their head, that is.”

  “So? When did you meet him? Karos I mean?” Samantha asks, switching topics.

  “I was fourteen when we first met. Living on the streets of St. Petersburg, Russia.” Sophie murmured, fingers fidgeting.

  “And why are we headed to Hattan?” Samantha asks.

  Tilting her head, Sophie murmured, “How did you know that?”

  Samantha glances out the window, “Hattan sits on the western border of Aman. We shifted west as soon as we hit thirty thousand feet.”

  Smiling, Sophie immediately knew she liked Samantha Monet. Smart. Just like Tariq. He must have known Sophie would grow to like Samantha’s smarts and attitude.

  At Samantha’s pointed silence, Sophie answered the prior question and pulled out the empty USB, “Karos wants this.”

  Plucking the USB from Sophie’s hands, Samantha murmurs, “What’s on it?”

  “Nothing. I was supposed to enter it into Aman Industries server and it would extract the information on it. Then deliver it to Karos’ man in Hattan. Apparently, I’ll be meeting him at a gala being thrown in the Sheik’s honor,” Sophie murmurs.

  Nodding, Samantha taps away on her tablet and Sophie leans in closer, “But you already knew that didn’t you?”

  “We’ve had our suspicions of the Sheik of Hattan’s involvement in a number of attacks on multiple targets in the last few years, but we haven’t been able to pin it on him,” Samantha murmured and then eyed Sophie, “How can I be sure you’re on our side? I mean Tariq’s word can only go so far.”

  Staring into Samantha’s eyes, Sophie murmurs, “Karos lied to me. He tricked me. When I was sixteen, I was stealing to survive on the streets. Karos appeared out of nowhere and told me he had something of mine. Something that I cared for more than anything. Something I thought I had given up for good. He told me he could give me that back and a normal life, if I only stole a few choice items from a few choice people.”

  Sophie continues, the images of those years flashing through her mind. Only a photograph of hope she held dear appeared in the forefront. That same photograph burned a hole in her bag right across from where they were sitting. Trying to keep her hands still, Sophie smiled.

  “I didn’t know that the codes I was stealing at the time were for missiles. Karos made me believe they were accounts with funds illegally obtained from the proceeds of illegal wars and human trafficking from villages too poor to stop it,” Sophie’s stomach churned, “I saw the photos of the destruction in Masarat. I would never have agreed to assist in the murder of innocents.”

  Samantha nods, “You were very young when you stole those codes?”

  “I was fifteen. I had to pretend to be a date to a general. I made a big deal on our date about never being to a military base before. He brought me and when he passed out from the drug I put in his drink, I used his keycard to enter the server room. The guards were barely paying any attention. They were all celebrating a national holiday or something. They didn’t even notice and I was able to scramble the frequency of the cameras.”

  Sophie shook her head, “I should have probed further. I took some of the jobs Karos offered because of the way he pitched them. He made it seem like we were stealing from the rich to give to the poor.”

  Samantha smiled kindly, “Like the tale of Robin Hood. He did the same thing too.”

  “But I’m sure Robin Hood didn’t have a Karos like character pulling his string,” Sophie murmurs.

  Shaking her head, Samantha purses her lips, “What exactly were you to get out of these jobs?”

  “A new life. Away from Russia and something else.”

  “Go on.”

  Sighing, Sophie stands and grabs her duffel bag. Flinging it open, she pulls the worn photo from the side pocket. Smiling down at the photo, Sophie walks back to Samantha and hands it to her.

  Samantha’s eyes squint at the photo before turning her eyes on you, “You’re too young to have a child, Sophie.”

  Scoffing, Sophie shakes her head and takes back the photo, smiling down at the plucky ten year old on the photo, smiling up at the photographer as he clutches his soccer ball tight to his chest. The worn edges of the photo shows how much she’d touched his picture. Heart aching, Sophie smiles again at Samantha.

  “That night I was going to steal Hattan’s crown jewels from Tariq’s hotel room. He told me how his sister was being forced to marry this pig. He wanted me to steal the jewels
. If they disappeared, he would have a chance to take his sister away. We… connected. I told him about Richard, my brother.”

  “Your brother? How is he connected to Karos?”

  “After our parents died, the orphanage came to take us. I ran with Richard, but it was hard, feeding a little boy on the streets. A few times, Richard was almost kidnapped from the places we slept. So, I walked into a church and with Richard and demanded the priest find my brother a good home until I could bring back enough money to rent an apartment,” Sophie scoffs then and wipes away a stray tear as she collapses into the couch beside Samantha.

  “I came back to the church that next year, but the priest was dead and no one knew what happened to Richard. He had just disappeared. Everything went downhill from there. Like I had nothing to live for. My life was meaningless. I’d betrayed my parents. I promised them I’d always look after him.”

  “And then Karos?”

  “I stole the watch off his wrist in the train station. He knew the whole time and followed me to the pawn shop where I tried to sell it. They wouldn’t take it. The inscription on the watch had his name on it. Karos is known quite well in Russia. No one wants to be caught on his bad side. When I left the shop, he was there, waiting with his thugs. I gave him back the watch and he simply smiled at me, told me I was a good thief. Told me he’d been keeping tabs on me. I guess I’d stolen from a few of his friends,” Sophie sighed, remembering the past like it was only yesterday.

  “And your brother?”

  “Karos knew a lot about me. When he produced this picture, I was floored. It looked just like Richard and Karos took me to see him, with his new family. The dead priest’s niece adopted him. They were rich and gave him a great life. Karos told me that if I wanted his life to stay that way, I needed to steal for Karos.”

  Sophie’s eyes blurred as she recalled the way Karos drove near Richard’s new family's home. He had just gotten off the school bus and ran into his new mother’s arms as she opened the front door of their home. Sophie’s heart had broken that day. Richard didn’t even seem phased by the woman’s hug. It was as if he’d forgotten everything from his past.

  “Karos trained me. He educated me. I did it all for Richard. I wanted to take him away to a new life. But, every time I would complete a mission, Karos would have another mission waiting. After Hattan, I told him I wouldn’t do anymore. He promised Aman would be the last mission and then he’d have my payment and Richard sent to be with me in Thailand. He has a safe house there.”

  Snorting, Sophie wiped away more tears, but didn’t continue. The cockpit door crashed open and Tariq emerged, his face angry.

  “Are you making her cry, Sam?”

  “Tariq…” Sophie sighs and stands as Tariq encases her in his arms as he glares at Samantha.

  “We can finish this when we land. I need to call my supervisors anyway,” Samantha smiles and takes her tablet toward the tables, closer to the cockpit.

  Tariq doesn’t even wait to ask her anything, instead, he all but drags Sophie into the bedroom at the back of the plane and closes the door. Clicking on the lights, Tariq turns his gaze on Sophie, clasping her face in his hands.

  “Did she say something to upset you?” Tariq demands.

  Grasping his wrists in her hands, Sophie shakes her head, “I was talking about Richard. This whole day just came full circle.”

  Tariq nods and then asks, “Why are we going to Hattan, Sophie?”

  Shuddering, Sophie shakes her head in his hands, “I lied to Karos and told him I have the USB. I need to get the truth out of him.”

  “But our intel tells us Karos isn’t in Hattan?” Tariq murmurs.

  “No, but his man is. Apparently, I’m supposed to meet his agent there and give him the USB. I was going to convince the agent to take me to Karos and get the truth.”

  “You could be killed! Or worse!” Tariq growls.

  “It is the only way, besides, Karos is the only one that knows where my brother is. I have to find Richard.”

  “Why? Isn’t he safe with his adoptive family?” Tariq asks as Sophie pushes away from him and begins to pace in front of the bed.

  “I don’t know! After he showed me where Richard was, they moved. I think Karos had something to do with it. I have to find him,” Sophie sputters.

  Tariq shakes his head, “I can’t let you do this, Sophie. You’re going to get hurt or worse.”

  Sputtering out a shocked and sarcastic laugh, Sophie spins to face Tariq with her hands on her hips, “You aren’t going to let me? Who the hell do you think you are?”

  Clenching his fists, Tariq slams the bedroom door closed and advances toward Sophie repeating her question in a raspy whisper, “Who the hell am I?”

  Not answering, Tariq’s devilish smirk appears, “I’m the man that’s been searching for you for the last three years. I’m the man that spent one amazing night with the woman I intend to spend all of my nights with. I’m the man that has no intention of letting you out of my sight.”

  And with that, he kissed her. Sophie only had a moment to gasp, opening her mouth to his. His mouth was rough and warm. Just as she remembered. His hands, delving into her hair, pulling it from its tight bun. Growling into her mouth, Tariq pulls away, nipping at her bottom lip as he does.

  Breathing heavily against one another, Tariq leans his forehead against hers and whispers, “Don’t you know what I’m willing to risk in order to ensure your safety?”

  Blushing brightly, Sophie’s eyes downcast, only then realizing that her fingers were gripping Tariq’s arms just as tightly as his hands were gripping her tendrils. Spanning her fingers and moving them over his chest, Sophie shuddered at the feeling of the hard plains of his chest under his shirt.

  Thinking back on her conversation with Samantha, Sophie closed her eyes, trying to steady her beating heart and shallow breathing before opening them and staring into Tariq’s sparkling grey eyes.

  “And what if, by ensuring my safety, it ruins your family in the process?”



  Tariq watched as the pilot finalized his landing procedures from the cockpit window. He’d just hoped landing on a deserted arterial would give them the element of surprise as they entered Hattan.

  The dark SUV’s waiting for them at the gated entrance were a good indication that their appearance was expected. From the emblem on the side of the SUV’s, Tariq knew they were sent by his father. The Sheik of Hattan had sent the cars and no doubt sent the extra security as well, as a precaution. Rolling his eyes at the sight of a few men carrying assault rifles, Tariq mumbled a curse under his breath and patted the pilot on the shoulder, sending him a knowing look.

  “Don’t get comfortable, Captain. I imagine Ms. Monet will wish to return to Elish as soon as possible, where it is safe.”

  “Are you sure you’ll be alright sir?” the Captain asks.

  “Yes, of course. My father wouldn’t have his only son and heir murdered. Bad publicity and all that,” Tariq chuckled good-naturedly and rose from his seat in the other chair.

  Straightening his suit, Tariq exited the cockpit and stopped at the sight of his Sophie curled up, asleep in her chair. Safely buckled into the chair, Tariq smiled softly before turning his eyes on the prim and proper woman scanning the awaiting escort through the plane’s windows.

  Samantha Monet had certainly changed in the last few years. For the better in his opinion. No longer the party crazy, one-night stand lover. Now, she preferred crushing men in a boardroom as opposed to dealing with them in a club as he so fondly remembered.

  Smirking at her snort of amusement at the spectacle awaiting them outside, Tariq murmurs, not wanting to wake Sophie, “Our welcoming committee seems to be on edge.”

  “Regardless, I think it would be best if I remain on the plane,” Samantha murmurs back and stands, “If I don’t step off, I was never really in Hattan, correct?”

  Nodding in agreement, Tariq briefly scans over Sophie, who s
till remains asleep. Her eyelashes flutter so prettily against her cheeks. As if she’s dreaming. Of him, Tariq hoped.

  “You care for her very much, don’t you?” Samantha murmurs.

  “Perhaps even more,” Tariq whispers as he softly caresses Sophie’s cheek, earning a mumble under her breath in reaction to his touch.

  Turning his gaze back on Samantha, Tariq teases, “I hope I don’t cause too much trouble with your Senator?”

  Shrugging, Samantha winks back at him, “He’ll have to accept me for me, my work and all.”

  Chuckling, Tariq nods and motions to Sophie, “I’m sure that once you land back in Elish, Teresa will have extracted every last morsel of information about Sophie and I from you?”

  Shrugging again, Samantha purses her lips, “Not everything.”

  Knowing she is referring to Sophie’s troubled past, Tariq nods in thanks, “We appreciate that, my friend.”

  Silently nodding, Samantha excuses herself to the cockpit, leaving Tariq and Sophie alone for the first time in a few hours. Tariq scans her peaceful face. After her declaration in the plane’s bedroom, Tariq’s mind had been blown away. He’d always known his father was a cruel man, at least to Tariq and Alia. But he’d never believed his father was truly as monstrous as a known criminal like Karos, the Russian Snake.

  Brushing a curl of her hair away from Sophie’s face, Tariq sighs, his mind already forming a plan for what awaited them outside the plane doors. Pressing his lips to her forehead, Tariq whispers, “Sophie, my love, we’ve arrived.”

  Stunning blue eyes meet his as they open and Sophie quickly covers her mouth to hide a yawn. Rubbing at her eyes, Sophie’s face reddens at their close proximity and she carefully pulls away to glance out the window of the plane. Eyes widening at the sight of their welcoming escorts, Sophie turns back and scans the area of the plane.


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