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Brazilian Cattle Baron (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

Page 33

by Roland Graeme

  “Provoke you? Oh, so it’s all my fault, is it? You have nothing to do with it?”

  “You are older than I am and should have more sense.”

  “I’m not that much older than you!”

  “But you are surely more experienced than I am when it comes to…certain things.”

  “I’m willing to give you the benefit of my experience.”

  “Come now, we must be serious. We can love each other, as friends love each other, as brothers do. We can kiss and embrace, there is no harm in that. We Brazilian men do that all the time, with those we are close to. But we should not…go beyond certain limits.”

  “Oh, for God’s sake,” Sebastien fumed. “Why not?”

  “It would be a sin.”

  “Oh.” The sudden introduction of the topic of sin was certainly putting a damper on the conversation. “I suppose, technically, it is, according to the Church. Personally, I don’t think it’s a sin for two men to have sex with each other, provided it’s consensual, of course, and nobody gets hurt.”

  “You don’t?” Cristiano sounded, momentarily, relieved. “Nevertheless…whatever we might do individually with other men—it would not be right for you and I to do the same things with each other.”

  “Why not? I mean, why not you and I, specifically?”

  “Because—” Cristiano suddenly seemed to be fumbling for words. “Because, ah, because you are my chefe, my boss. I work for you.”

  “But that’s absurd, Cristiano. Estevao and Uver work for me, and you seem to have no problem with me playing around with either of them. By your logic, I couldn’t have sex with anybody here on the fazenda. I’d have to go on a search of the towns and villages, past our property line, to recruit somebody.” Sebastien smiled. “All right. If you insist on harboring such scruples—you’re fired. Consider yourself a former employee, for the time being. I can fire you every time we begin to get intimate with each other, and rehire you the moment we’re done. There, that solves the problem.”

  But Cristiano wasn’t smiling. “You joke, when I am trying to be serious.”

  “I’m sorry. Anyway, if you don’t want to have sex with me, just say so. You don’t owe me an explanation.”

  “But I do want to. So much,” Cristiano blurted out. “Oh, this is terrible. This is torment. I lie awake at night, thinking of it.”

  Sebastien was disconcerted. He couldn’t figure the big guy out.

  “I don’t want to do anything that would make you unhappy, Cristiano. Maybe we should drop the subject, for now. Come on, stop looking so tragic,” he cajoled. “It’s just sex, after all.”

  “Ah, how easily you say that. ‘Just sex,’ as though the heart and the soul were not involved. But they are. They must be. I suppose, where you come from, the men take such things lightly. I suppose they use and discard one another, thinking only of their immediate satisfaction. So that is how such things are done, in the big cities you speak of.”

  “Cristiano, you almost seem angry with me, for some reason,” Sebastien said meekly. “I am so sorry if I have done anything or said anything, to make you feel—”

  “I am not angry. Not with you. I am…frustrated, that is all. Come. Let us get dressed. Look, the rain is coming.”

  It was indeed descending, in the distance, in a dense gray curtain that obscured the details of the landscape. There by the reservoir, they received some fallout, in the form of a finer drizzling mist which puckered the surface of the water and quickly wetted the grass underfoot. Sebastien and Cristiano hurriedly got dressed, their clothes dampening rapidly from the mist. Sebastien was about to put on his hat, to protect his head from the rain, when the other man spoke.

  “Sebastien,” Cristiano said, softly and plaintively.

  “Yes, Cristiano?”

  “Kiss me. So that I know you are not angry with me. As a sign that you forgive me. Will you do that?”

  “Gladly.” This time, it was a comparatively chaste kiss, with closed mouths. The two men put on their hats and swung themselves up onto their horses.

  Cristiano seemed more at ease, more his usual insouciant self. “We must make a pact, Sebastien, here and now, the two of us, that we will never be angry with each other.”

  “Well, that’s a pretty tall order, Cristiano, because even people who are close to each other can disagree, at times.”

  “Disagree, yes, but not be wrathful. And not let pride get in the way of conciliation. What is that expression—‘let not the sun set on your anger’?”

  “All right. That much, I can agree to. That I will never still be angry with you, over anything, after sunset. Or while it is raining,” Sebastien added ruefully. Rain water was already dripping from the brim of his hat. “Since it rains here so much of the time, that ought to give us an additional margin of civility.”

  “You are gracious, Sebastien.”

  “What an odd thing to say. No one has ever called me ‘gracious,’ before.”

  “Nevertheless, it is true.”

  “You are embarrassing me, Cristiano. That’s enough of all this serious talk, for now. Come on, I want to ride. Look, the horses are bored. They’re getting impatient. They want to be ridden. They want their exercise. I want to ride fast. We’re already getting wet, so we may as well get ourselves splashed, too. Is it safe to gallop in that direction?”

  “Yes, the land is quite flat over there, with no obstacles.”

  “Then let’s gallop that way. Let’s race. I may have lost our wrestling match, but I will beat you now.”

  “Oh no, you will not!” Instantly, Cristiano’s competitive instinct was once again aroused.

  “We will see.” Sebastien gently spurred his horse. Side by side on their mounts, laughing, the two men rode across the fields, the horses’ hooves sending up miniature tidal waves of splashed rain water.

  Chapter Sixteen:

  A Serenade, and a Visitor

  Two nights later, after yet another day of seemingly uninterrupted dawn-to-dusk activity, Sebastien was stifling yawns, and beginning to give serious thought to getting ready for bed. Estevao was with him in the master bedroom, tidying up, putting some of his master’s freshly laundered clothes away. As Cristiano had predicted, the valet had completed his inventory of Sebastien’s wardrobe, and drawn up a list of additional items Sebastien could use, with appalling efficiency. It was a warm, dry night, so the windows were all wide open.

  Suddenly, in the still night air, Sebastien heard the sound of a guitar being played outside. It came from a slight distance at first, but then moved closer. Attention-arresting chords, loud and rapid, were followed by an intricate pattern of notes, played more softly and delicately, and with great skill. Then a warm, deep male voice began to sing. The languid melody floated above the guitar accompaniment.

  “A noite, come sempre, vai servindo para esperar,” the unseen man sang. “É muito bonito o meu amigo de agora.”

  Sebastien translated the lyrics in his head. The night, as always, is well suited to anticipation. My new friend is a very fine man.

  “How lovely that sounds,” Sebastien commented. “But why would one of the men be wandering about this far from the bunkhouse, playing and singing to himself, at this time of night?”

  “It is no accident. Someone is serenading you, senhor Sebastien,” Estevao said, excitedly. “You have an admirer.”

  “Me? Don’t be silly. It’s probably meant for you. Your bedroom windows are next to mine, after all.”

  Nevertheless, Sebastien stepped out onto the terrace to investigate.

  He saw Uver, standing on the lawn a few yards away. He had changed from his work clothes, into a pair of loose trousers and a gauzy-fabric lightweight shirt, open down the front. His hair was slicked back, and around his neck he did indeed have slung a guitar, which he was strumming. He smiled at Sebastien and nodded, before singing a second verse of his song.

  “Formoso amigo meu, podes cantar à lua.”

  My handsome friend, we can sing
in the moonlight.

  Sebastien stood there and listened, until Uver finished his song.

  “That was beautiful, Uver,” Sebastien said. “You play well, and you have a fine voice. Who wrote that song?”

  “No one wrote it. I made it up as I went along. It is a song about one man’s admiration for another—for his friend.”

  “I’ve never been serenaded before.”

  “It might be difficult, in your home back in the great city of Novo York. Estevao tells me that, there, your windows are very high above the street.”

  “True. This layout is much more convenient. But come inside, Uver. Would you like a drink?”

  “No thank you, senhor Sebastien. I want to keep a clear head tonight.”

  “I thought we’d agreed that you would call me just plain Sebastien, when we are alone.”

  “Yes. But we are not alone.” Uver indicated Estevao’s presence in the bedroom.

  “Estevao is your friend. As you and I are friends, Uver. Surely we have no secrets from him.”

  “Very few,” Uver acknowledged, with a laugh.

  “I will leave you two alone,” Estevao said, with a sly smile.

  “No, don’t go, Estevao,” Sebastien said, on impulse. “I think I would like to have both your company tonight. We can talk, or go to the game room, or?”

  Uver had set down his guitar. “—Or perhaps we might proceed directly to the third alternative?”

  Sebastien grinned. “I suppose I’m not very good at concealing my feelings—or my desires. How about it, Estevao? Are you in the mood for a little recreation?”

  “We are here to serve you, senhor,” was the valet’s smooth reply.

  Uver was more explicit. “We are here to give you pleasure, mestre…and to take our pleasure with you, as well. If you wish.”

  “I think I would enjoy that very much. I see no reason for delay. Let’s all get naked, gentlemen,” Sebastien suggested.

  Estevao immediately stripped, and, watching his body emerge from its clothes, Sebastien felt a growing excitement as he undressed, too. Estevao’s warmly light-bronze tinted flesh gleamed in the lamplight, an enticement that only a man with more will power than Sebastien possessed would have been able to resist.

  Uver became the aggressor once he, too, was nude and had joined them. He pushed Sebastien down onto the bed and straddled Sebastien’s legs. Sebastien’s cock began to pound as he gazed up at the extraordinarily handsome dark-skinned man hovering over him. Uver smiled, obviously flattered by the raw hunger he could read in his employer’s eyes. Sebastien focused his attention on Uver’s big cock, which jutted out from the cowboy’s groin, taut and dark, with a network of swollen blue veins running through it and a thick sheath of foreskin barely containing the grossly swollen head. The sight of that meat made Sebastien’s mouth water!

  “All right, I can tell we’re all horny,” Sebastien declared, reaching out to stroke Uver’s penis. “Are we just going to let nature take its course and have ourselves a dissipaçao, a free-for-all—or do either of you men want to do something in particular to get the ball rolling?”

  “I have an idea, senhor,” Estevao said. Somehow, Sebastien wasn’t surprised. Estevao’s eyes hungrily devoured first Sebastien’s body, then Uver’s, focusing mainly on the size and obvious potency of the other two men’s exposed cocks. “It is something I have seen in the porno films. I want you both to fuck me at once!”

  Uver laughed. “You are so very greedy, my friend.”

  “Okay, I have to admit it, men…I’ve seen it done, in videos, but it’s one thing I’ve never tried, myself,” Sebastien admitted.

  “We will show you how it’s done, senhor,” Uver said. “Trust me, Estevao is agile enough to assume the necessary position—and his hot asshole can stretch wide open, far enough to take two big dicks, easily.”

  Encouraged by his friend’s praise, Estevao hurried to move in front of Uver, turning around and pressing his buttocks against the uplifted bulk of the other ranch hand’s erection.

  “You first, Uver,” Estevao instructed, as Uver put his arms around him and hugged him tightly under the chest. “Stretch my asshole wide open with your big stud prick!”

  Uver obliged. He grabbed a condom and pulled it on, then seized the tube of lubricant which Sebastien also kept handy beside the bed. Once his fuck tool was thoroughly coated with the lube, he held it down at an angle, positioned it between Estevao’s firm, round buttocks, and pushed forward. A sudden bucking of Estevao’s ass resulted in him being impaled on the first few inches of Uver’s cock. The look on his face made Sebastien envious. Another eager backward thrust of his hips, and Estevao had managed to take almost Uver’s entire length.

  “Ah! How he fills me,” Estevao exulted. “Big, hard cock!”

  “This is where it gets a little tricky, senhor Sebastien,” Uver explained, looking at him over Estevao’s shoulder. “Move in here, facing me, and fuck him from the front.”

  The kinkiness of the proposed double penetration appealed to Sebastien, who quickly put on a rubber and hurried to face Estevao, sandwiching the valet’s hard-muscled body between Uver and himself.

  Estevao was obviously an old hand at this maneuver. He raised both arms behind his head, locked his fingers together at the back of Uver’s neck, and raised his legs high into the air. He stared into Sebastien’s eyes. “Fuck me, mestre!” he begged.

  Glancing down, Sebastien could see Uver’s cock sunk deep in Estevao’s ass, the shaft splitting the young stud’s buttocks wide open. He slicked up his own cock with a palmful of the lubricant, knelt on the mattress, and pressed his cockhead against Estevao’s asshole. It was surprisingly easy to drive his dickhead through the already taut-stretched sphincter ring and inside the asshole next to Uver’s shaft. Estevao’s anal muscles put up some resistance at first, and to facilitate the insertion Sebastien reached down, grabbed the cowboy’s glutes, and pried them apart as he thrust. Slowly, his dickhead was sucked up inside. Then, abruptly, it slammed all the way in, and Sebastien could feel his cockshaft pressing snugly against Uver’s, both men’s dicks surrounded by Estevao’s hot ass flesh. The interior of Estevao’s body felt like a warm smooth fist gripping and squeezing both their cocks, compressing them tightly together!

  “Fuck!” Sebastien shouted.

  “It’s exciting, isn’t it?” Uver asked. “But here’s the secret of doing it successfully…we can’t both thrust up into him at once. If we do, one of us is likely to slip out. We have to coordinate it. You fuck into him first, senhor, as deep and as hard as you can push yourself. Then, while you’re pulling back out, I’ll shove mine up into him. And so forth. We shall work as a team.”

  Sebastien couldn’t believe how good it felt. Estevao’s legs were up over his shoulders, and Estevao’s asshole was stuffed with their cocks. Sebastien couldn’t see how his prick could move an inch inside that impossibly tight space, but he thrust upward, on Uver’s cue. He felt something give way, and sure enough Estevao took it, groaning and shuddering between the other two men. Sebastien began to fuck him, his dick rubbing against Uver’s cockshaft, against the walls of Estevao’s asshole. Uver fucked, too, his dark prick pumping in and out and grinding roughly against Sebastien’s lighter-hued tool. The latex sheathing both fuckers’ shafts squeaked as cock rubbed against cock.

  “This is incredible,” Sebastien reported. “This has got to be the hottest fuck I’ve ever had!”

  “Take him,” Uver invited, his lips drawn back from his teeth in a snarl, his body wet with sweat. “Use his ass, mestre! He loves it! He loves to get fucked! Don’t you, Estevao?”

  “Yes! Yes! I love to get fucked!”

  Neither Uver nor Estevao was exaggerating. Estevao was already ejaculating, his semen raining all over his belly and chest, stray drops of it slapping against Uver’s brawny arms and some of them even hitting Sebastien’s face. Coming like that, impaled on both men’s pricks, only seemed to inflame the young cowboy more.

Don’t stop! Fuck me!” he moaned. “Oh please, go on fucking me, both of you…don’t stop until you both come in my ass!”

  They took him at his word and continued to plow him in tandem. Uver was the first to shoot. He gasped and shuddered as he drove his dick into Estevao’s rear end with so much force that he almost dislodged Sebastien’s own rampaging cock.

  But Sebastien was right behind him in this race to the finish line. Feeling his cock suddenly pulse with a telltale urgency, Sebastien surrendered himself to orgasm. Estevao reacted to the extra activity taking place within his asshole by climaxing again, his guttural cries mingling with Sebastien and Uver’s groans of satisfaction.

  Pulling out of Estevao’s ass was almost as difficult as inserting himself into it had been. Sebastien had to wait until Uver’s cock softened slightly before he could ease himself out of the trembling hole.

  “Are you all right, Estevao?” he asked. “We didn’t hurt you, did we?”

  “Of course not,” Estevao boasted. “I am very skilled. I bet I could take three cocks, if I could figure out how to fit them all into me at once. The problem is, where to put all those pairs of legs?”

  Uver shook his head. “Shameless. Absolutely shameless.”

  “That’s what you like about me,” Estevao retorted—and neither of his partners could deny it.

  For the next hour, the two ranch hands engaged in a playful competition, vying to see which of them could arouse Sebastien more. In the end, the exhausted mestre of the fazenda declared the contest a draw. His two lovers kissed him goodnight and retired to their own beds, leaving Sebastien to fall asleep in a sweaty fog of complete sexual satisfaction, alone in his massive bed.

  Sebastien was just finishing lunch one afternoon a few days later when Joaquin called him on his cell phone.

  “There’s a telephone call for you, senhor Sebastien,” Joaquin said. “From an outside line.”

  “Oh? Who would be calling me, from outside the fazenda?”

  “It is a senhor Paolo Brescanti.”

  “Paolo? Really?”

  “I can transfer the call to the phone in your study, if you like.”


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