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The Paramedic (The Working Men Series Book 9)

Page 8

by Ramona Gray

  He bent his head and kissed the top of my pussy before pushing up my top leg. I cried out around his thick cock when his soft tongue licked down my slit and probed at my wet hole.

  His hand reached down and squeezed my breast before he pinched my nipple between his forefinger and thumb. My back arched and his warm breath tickled my pussy lips when he said, “Keep sucking, Nat.”

  I made a muffled sound of agreement and sucked on his cock as he licked and kissed my pussy. When his tongue brushed against my clit, I moaned again and pumped the base of his dick as I hollowed my cheeks and sucked hard.

  His answering moan was muffled when he buried his face between my thighs and licked my clit repeatedly. More precum filled my mouth and I swallowed it eagerly before tracing the head of his cock with the tip of my tongue.

  Matt sucked on my clit and I cried out before sucking hard and fast. I was on the verge of cumming and I thrust my mouth down over Matt’s cock until the head hit the back of my throat.

  He made a roar of pleasure and his cum shot down my throat just as my own orgasm washed over me. I ground my pussy against his face as the pleasure enveloped me in a cloud of pure ecstasy. I swallowed and swallowed again, loving the taste of Matt’s cum. I released him, falling onto my back and licking the stray drops of cum from my lips as Matt collapsed on his back as well.

  “Oh my God,” he said. “That was…”

  “Fast and furious and fucking fantastic,” I mumbled.

  He laughed and tugged on my ankle. “Come up here.”

  “Can’t. Too weak…”

  He tugged on my ankle again and I grumbled my displeasure but wiggled around on the bed until I was lying next to him with my head on his chest. He pulled the sheet and the quilt up around us and kissed my forehead. “Normally I’d apologize for cumming so fast, but…”

  “It was perfect,” I said.

  “It really was. Thank you.”

  I giggled and slung my arm around his waist. “No, no, thank you… a foot rub and an orgasm? This is the best day of my life.”

  His low chuckle rumbled out of his chest and I gave his warm skin a kiss. “Don’t judge my blow job skills by that one, okay? I was extremely distracted by your tongue in my pussy. I promise the next time I suck your dick, I’ll be more… attentive.”

  He grinned and gave me a quick squeeze. “While I’m very happy to hear the words “next time I suck your dick”, you really have nothing to worry about. It was incredible.”

  “Was it incredible because I swallowed?” I gave him a teasing grin. “I hear that nice girls always swallow.”

  “That might have bumped you from amazing to incredible,” he replied with a cute grin. The grin faded a little and he cleared his throat. “I’m clean. I don’t want you worrying or thinking that… I can show you my records.”

  I shook my head. “I trust you. I’m clean too but I’m not on the pill so condoms are a necessity. One accidental pregnancy is enough for me, thanks.”

  I rested my head on his chest again as Matt rubbed my back in slow circles. “So, Phoebe wasn’t planned?”

  “Nope. Evan didn’t want me on the pill, he said it would make me fat and moody, so we used condoms.”


  “It’s weird, right?” I sat up and wrapped the sheet around my body as Matt sat up as well. He grabbed a bottle of water from the nightstand and opened it before handing it to me. “Thanks.” I drank and handed it back.

  “Really weird.” He took a few swallows of water. “No guy I know would rather use condoms just because his girlfriend might get moody from the pill.”

  “It was more the weight gain I think,” I said. “Evan has a real thing about overweight people. They gross him out.”

  I stared at the water bottle in Matt’s hand. “Joke was on him though. The condom broke and I got pregnant and gained weight.”

  “You’re supposed to gain weight when you’re pregnant,” Matt said with a scowl.

  “Oh, I know. I gained a normal amount during my pregnancy, but Evan wouldn’t go near me as soon as I started showing. Then, after Phoebe was born, he insisted I lose the baby weight as quickly as possible. I’m lucky in that I have a pretty good metabolism, and I’ve always eaten healthy. I lost the extra weight fairly easily, but,” I glanced down at my sheet-covered tummy, “the stretch marks were still there, and my flat stomach wasn’t coming back.”

  “You’re beautiful,” Matt said, “exactly as you are.”

  “Thank you.” I reached out and squeezed his hand. “That’s a very nice thing to say.”

  “I mean it,” he said. “Can I ask what happened between you and Evan?”

  I gave him a wry look. “I’m sure you’ve heard.”

  “I’ve heard rumours.”

  “Well, the rumours are true. When Phoebe was three months old, I came home from our Mommy and Me group to find Evan in bed with one of the other accountants at his firm.

  “Asshole,” Matt said.

  “Total asshole. And such a walking cliché. Do you know he actually listed off a bunch of reasons why it was my fault he cheated? I was too busy with Phoebe, I didn’t take care of myself anymore, I didn’t care about his needs, I made it all about Phoebe…”

  I laughed a bit bitterly. “It’s like he printed off a list off the internet of reasons why men cheat and just rattled them off.”

  “I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that.”

  “No, I didn’t, but hey, at least I realized what a scumbag he was before marrying him, right?”

  Matt nodded and I grabbed the water from him and took another long drink. “Anyway, I packed up Phoebe and all of our clothes and personal stuff and came back home with my tail tucked between my legs. My parents wanted me to move to Iowa, they retired there shortly after I left with Evan, but I wanted to be here. I’d grown up here and I missed it, you know? Even though I knew it would be more difficult without my parents’ support.”

  “I get it. It’s why I never left. I love this town,” Matt said.

  “Me too,” I said. “I wish I’d never left. I also wish that I hadn’t let Evan talk me into not going to college right away.”

  “What did you want to take?”

  “Early childhood education. I’ve always loved kids and I wanted to become a child development assistant, or something like that. But Evan wanted me to work to help support him while he got his accounting degree, and then I would go to college once he started working full time. But then I got pregnant with Phoebe. They have the course here at our local college, but it was too expensive. When Phoebe goes to school and I can save on childcare costs, I’ll enroll then.”

  I smiled at him and he hesitated before saying, “Can I ask you something else?”


  “Does Evan ever see Phoebe?”

  “No, but not because I keep her from him. He never really had any interest in her, to be honest. When I moved back home, I told him I would be more than happy for him to visit her on the weekends. He said it was too far and he was too busy with work to drive here, so the first few months after I left, I drove to Welling every other Sunday so he could see her. But he started bailing on me, not showing up at the restaurant or he’d show up, hold Phoebe for five minutes and then leave. I couldn’t really afford the gas money, so I stopped doing it.”

  “Does he pay child support?”

  “He did until Phoebe was about a year old and then he left Welling and moved out of state and stopped paying.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me.” Matt’s look of immediate outrage was actually kind of adorable.

  “Nope. I tried a few times to get him to pay but he kept blowing me off and changing his number. I finally gave up. But then Maggie moved here, and she told me it was against the law for him to not pay and that she could force him to pay.”

  I handed the water back to him. “I hired Maggie – well, actually, she’s doing it pro bono for me because she won’t let me pay her even in instalments –
and she went after Evan for child support.”

  “And?” Matt stared expectantly at me.

  I grinned and drew my knees up, hugging them to my chest. “I got my first child support cheque on Wednesday. He still owes me back payments that Maggie said she’ll get from him as well, but at least it’s a start, right?”

  “That’s awesome,” Matt said.

  “It is. But, uh, the cheque is for next month which means I can’t deposit it until Monday. Are you, um, okay with Phoebe and I staying with you until then? I’ll pay the heating bill as soon as the cheque is deposited, and we’ll be out of your hair by Monday night.”

  “That’s fine,” Matt said. “You and Phoebe can stay for as long as you like.”

  I smiled at him. “That’s really nice of you, I know that Phoebe can be a bit much sometimes. Especially since she’s taken such a liking to you.”

  “I like her. She’s a good kid.”

  I nodded. “She really is. But that doesn’t mean you want to play dolls with her or have her climbing you like a little monkey every time she sees you.”

  “I don’t mind,” he said. “Honestly.”

  I studied him for a few seconds before shaking my head. “You’re not at all like I thought you would be, Matt Andrews.”

  He didn’t reply and feeling vaguely like I’d insulted him, I said, “Thank you again for everything you’ve done.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  I rubbed his hard thigh before wiggling my eyebrows at him. “Maybe I can repay you with a second, undistracted blow job…”

  Instead of the enthusiastic ‘yes’ I was expecting, Matt’s body stiffened, and he pushed my hand away from his thigh. “Are you sleeping with me as some sort of payment for helping you?”

  “What? No, that isn’t…”

  “I know I don’t have the greatest reputation in town, but I wouldn’t expect a woman to fuck me just because I was trying to help her,” he said.

  “I know that,” I said quickly. “Honestly, I do. I wasn’t… I mean I slept with you because I want you.”

  “Do you?” He asked.

  There was a weird thread of anxiety in his voice and I took his hand and squeezed it tight. “Yes. Very much. I’ve been attracted to you since the first day you strolled into that diner and started flirting with me.”

  He gave me a disbelieving look and I shrugged. “It’s true. I know I turned you down when you asked me out and ignored your flirting, but trust me, it was very difficult to pretend to be immune to your charms.”

  He didn’t reply and I squeezed his hand again. “I’m serious, Matt.”

  “Yeah, okay,” he said.

  There was a moment of awkward silence that I hurried to break. “So, I’m done work by nine tonight and Phoebe will still be with Maggie. Do you want to go to the late movie over at the Landmark Cinema? My treat.”

  “Oh, uh, I have plans tonight,” he said.

  My stomach clenched up into a tight fist, and I let go of his hand. “Right, of course.”

  “I can’t really bail on the plans. You know my best friend Jonah? He comes into the diner a lot with me.”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Anyway, it’s his girlfriend Claire’s birthday, and we made plans like two weeks ago to celebrate her birthday… I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s fine,” I said hurriedly. “You don’t have to apologize.”

  There was more awkward silence. I pasted a smile on my face and said, “If you want to wake me up when you get home for, uh, sex, I wouldn’t be mad or anything.”

  “It’ll probably be pretty late,” he said.

  It might have been awhile since I’d tried to make plans with a guy, but I knew when I was being blown off. Defeated, I pasted another smile on my face. “Okay. Well, tell your friend I said happy birthday.”

  I leaned over and grabbed my towel from the floor before sliding out of the bed. I hurriedly wrapped it around me. “I’m gonna get dressed and make a sandwich for lunch before I go to work. Can I make you one?”

  “No, thanks. I need to have a shower and then I have a few errands to run.” Matt stared at the quilt as I headed for the door.

  “All right. Um, have fun tonight. Bye.”

  “Bye, Natalia.”

  I scurried out of his room and into the guest room, shutting the door behind me before leaning against it. Stupidly, I was close to crying after being rejected by Matt, and I smacked myself on the upper thigh before whispering, “Stop it, you idiot. You did this to yourself. You asked him out on a goddamn date! What were you thinking? You told him yourself this was about sex only, so you can’t be upset with him for not wanting anything but sex from you.”

  He doesn’t even want that anymore.

  I ignored my inner voice grimly. Matt was just pissed because I’d said some really stupid shit to him. I’d apologize again tomorrow and if I was lucky, he’d be up for another round or two of sex before I went to work.

  Chapter Eight


  “Night, Nat.”

  “Night, Stanley. Have a good one, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Yep.” Stanley covered his balding head with a bright red knit cap and walked down the stairs toward his car.

  I checked the diner door one final time before trudging down the steps after him. For a minute, I was tempted to beg the brusque cook for a ride to Matt’s house. It was dark and cold, and I’d missed the nine o’clock bus which meant I had to wait another forty-five minutes for the ten o’clock one.

  I tugged my thin jacket around me a little tighter as Stanley climbed into his car and drove out of the parking lot without a second look at me.

  My right heel throbbing, I limped across the parking lot. At least the bus stop was only a couple blocks away and I didn’t have to go to Maggie’s and get Phoebe first. It was freezing and I didn’t relish the idea of dragging the poor kid to Matt’s on the bus. I’d called and talked to Phoebe on the phone during my supper break and from the sounds of it, she wasn’t missing me at all.

  I smiled a little, remembering how excited she was when she’d told me about Wyatt and Maggie taking her to our local Chuckie Cheese tonight. I was so broke that taking Phoebe out and doing fun stuff with her was a rarity, and I hated that she was missing out on stuff that other kids got to do.

  Not anymore. Now, with the child support from Evan, you’ll get to do those fun things with her.

  I bent my head against the cold wind and started down the sidewalk, thankful I had changed out of my uniform and into my jeans. They at least provided a little more warmth than the thin uniform. Headlights splashed across the road and I took a nervous step back, shifting my backpack on my shoulder, when the car stopped next to me.

  The window rolled down and Mia stuck her head out. “Natalia! I’m so sorry we’re late.”

  “Uh, late for what?” I looked past her to see Elijah sitting behind the wheel.

  “Didn’t Matt tell you? He asked me and Elijah to pick you up after work.”

  “What?” I gave her a blank look. “He did?”

  “Yep. Hop in the back, it’s freezing out.”

  I opened the back door and climbed in behind Mia. She turned in her seat and smiled at me. “Hey, have you ever actually met Elijah?”

  “Not formally. Hi, Elijah, I’m Natalia.”

  “Nice to meet you,” he said as he drove down the street.

  “You as well. So, um, why did Matt ask you to pick me up?”

  “Because your car is broken and it’s freezing out and the bus system in this town sucks,” Mia said. “But we were running a bit late because I had to stop at Nana’s first. Anyway, how are you doing?”

  “Good,” I said. “I really appreciate the ride home. Thank you.”

  “Oh, it’s no problem. It was on our way to Ren’s anyway.” Mia paused for a second before giving Elijah a look I didn’t understand. “You should come out with us. Matt told us that Phoebe was with Maggie tonight. How often do you get a
night out?”

  “Not that often,” I said. “But I don’t want to horn in on your date night.”

  Mia giggled before squeezing Elijah’s meaty arm. “We’d love it if you joined us. Right, babe?”

  Elijah nodded. “The more the merrier.”

  I hesitated. I was tired and my feet hurt, and I was still upset about Matt rejecting me, but the thought of going to his house and sitting alone made me feel even more pathetic than being the third wheel on Mia and Elijah’s date.

  “Are you sure?” I said.

  “Positive,” Mia said.

  “Then okay.”

  “Awesome!” Mia gave me a look of delight before twisting around to face the front. “We’re gonna have so much fun.”

  * * *


  “Hey, if you don’t want to be here, it’s fine.” Jonah nudged my shoulder before taking a drink of beer. “You showed up, said happy birthday and had a couple of drinks. You’ve met expectations.”

  I scowled at him. “Don’t be a dick.”

  “I’m not,” Jonah said. “I’m trying to get you out of here so you can get laid.”

  “Keep your voice down.” I glanced at the others. Jonah’s girlfriend Claire was talking animatedly to her best friend, a tiny redhead named Luna who worked at Mugs Coffee Shop on Main Street. On the other side of Luna was her boyfriend, the largest and quietest man in town, Asher Stokes.

  “Listen, I know your time with Natalia is limited, so get out of here,” Jonah said. “I told Claire all about you and your crush on Natalia, so she’ll understand if you leave.”

  “You told Claire?”

  “I tell Claire everything. I didn’t think you’d mind. Do you?”

  “No, not really,” I said. “I just feel stupid for wanting someone that I can never have.”

  Jonah took a swig of beer. “Do you know for sure you can’t have her? Have you tried sitting her down and telling her you want more?”


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