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An Invisible Chain of our Time

Page 27

by Iam Willgreen

goods have currently high prices: actually the chain of primary goods and services continues with a large chain of add-value services, high value services, high future value added services, services of goods of technological high added promissory value, and always with more and more adjectives, and goods of stratospheric value, when not galactic.

  I delved a little into the accounts of the major interest groups, in the figures of the five main world business centers (five are a few, there are many more with a pull on the money), and even setting aside two important purposely, the German and US stock markets, you cannot find there any true relationship with primary and secondary resources that actually are produced, at least numerically, in order to find some correlation with the value of real goods. Perhaps it could be explained with a sort of name like “high value stratospherically cash of services of tertiary services for future improvement of yet undiscovered goods”? And counting the volume we produce for 4,000 million (the rest consume a bit or even just not consume because they just are waiting their opportunity) is very clear that the same numbers of international organizations do not hide as each ticket in the world is being swelled.

  For every $1 million is moved, the 70% of this value does not exists in fact, never are translated into a real good, somehow the value of services are related strongly with the size of business done, there are nothing at the other side of the mirror: and within this value, the 30% is related to real services as professional work, and the rest is a fiction created to store the money in the peak of the economic chain, in the peak of the pyramid. This is a fiction that allows making quickly appearing and disappearing the cash resources.

  In other words, beginning from 100 miles square where would have lived 1000 persons, currently we must produce money to maintain the costs of 10000 miles square, where are living 1 million people with different expenditure levels. One person can live in one mile expending just $100, and others can live in 50 meters square expending easily $30000. And I have not come to the ends of the line, there are very far situations from this samples. Very probably, $1000 price for a computer that could be a powerful tool would be affordable, equitable, fair, and right. But other goods and services are not in a just point, despite to be widely presents everywhere: every illegal activity as poaching, the drugs traffic, the childhood labor slavery, but also many specialized positions that do not correspond with their real possible value. Of course, when you see an iron or copper mine, you should understand that nobody eats either copper or iron, but these metals are around us in our homes and appliances, and the task of transformation, design, research, development, distribution and selling, all this has a value, has costs, and must be paid. But in this chain of transformations, there are kinds of jobs that do not suit very well, in terms of value.

  Once more, we are each of us who participate and allow this way of emptying our jobs, works and life, day after day. And it looks that opposite lifestyles claimed may coexist at the same time, even in the same place. Those who claim a lowering of lifestyle and consumption, a smart management of resources, the control of population, and the others who claim for more marble in their homes, more noble metals, better cars and more appliances, more and more. Despite the different voices, in both positions are still desired and consumes with equal emphasis.

  Seriously, have you ever thought that the value of some things did not made sense?

  A meeting in small committee, and the whisper of streets.

  You already can know and suspect something about it, but very different is to be witness of this kind of jobs, the high-jobs: in the intimacy and remoteness of any curious ear that provide the halls of large companies, it always comes a time when executives already do not make more business, it comes a time for relax, they start… to gambling with power. This whiles, these chats about other companies, this "I've noticed there..." ... "Why we do not..." ... "This will be mine..." ... are mystic whiles, are the heaven of business, are other world, other power: and also are the power which grabs the work of parliaments, decides what will be done and what not, decides why you will have something and why not other thing. This power possesses something actually is valuable: our conformity, our unawareness, our wanting of live without understanding, but with this nice wellbeing.

  As sample, one upper club of this mystics is the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT): they know with cause what do you purchase, what do you like, what would you need in other circumstances, and what you must want, what should you covet, in order to grow and keep in the peak of power. Nothing strange, there are a lot of clubs so, an entire deck. This clubs decide what happens with the 60-75% percent of workers with your permission and fulfillment. In the section Invisible tools, are informing us, you will see who works for they and how they do: the genuine genies of persuasion.

  The greed is in our hearts, and if not is sown. It has not pointless to claim a contract and a life that we do not like too much, whereas simultaneously we are willing to improve our price, as possible, oh yes, we like. Spain has been the perfect sample: the weird who said "this will not go well, it is a folly, we are going towards a cliff,” was disdained and put aside, like a naive fool, whilst the motto in the chess, in the office, in the State, in the street, in the road, in the pubs, in the office, even in the kindergarten always was the same: "anything goes, and goes to more, take advantage, boy”. Even now they are finding the new way to rebuild the same system and the same incomes, again: ¡to live thus, it was so beautiful!

  Energy is a good that we cannot do without. As the water, it is. Costs from the new paradise of wind energy have changed a lot. Since the $0.45 - 0.35 / kWh in the beginning, the cost has lowered to $0.04 - 0.06 / kWh. And it continues being a weak business. Years ago (at least forty years) the solar panels were affordable by about $100 / watt. Currently, we are seeing other solutions, are photovoltaic panels disposable at prices below $0.40 - 0.70 / watt. Still is not profitable to run this energy, while others give more money. Once finished the WWII, the oil had a cost of $19 / barrel, but this has increased until the current price of roughly $100 - 105 / barrel. That is a business. And other energies will become like petrol, a profitable business, an expensive energy, be sure. Your children will pay all this.

  We accept proudly that we are all related, as a kind of spectacular phenomenon for talk about on meetings: but, accept we that we are a guilty part of a huge injustice? Not, we do not, we only continue our travel back home, light up the TV, we make the buys, and afterwards we go to bed with our love, like our mate makes with us. We cannot do nothing, never can do anything, no way, except something we think deserve: to live how we are living, at high speed. Everyone has always a reason to support his blindness: we have studied! We have struggled so much! We have applied so much time and effort to reach our work! So we deserve the result: but nobody say nothing about our works, what are we doing really, how is affecting the world our portion of influence: how much would cost us everything we get so cheap, if their owners could be truly their owners? Do not claim for the price that Arabs or Venezuelans or Guineans set for his oil, is their property, as yours is your land. Of course, all this supposing that a true Government sets the price.

  I am not sure whether the executives have the guilt, but I am sure they do not have remorse about anything, absolutely. Across the world, there are children like yours who also need dental care also need to sleep hot, just like at home. Simplify your economy, and you will see things change in a few years. Flee from wanting that everything changes quickly, changes take time, so go slow, but go.

  A way to compare economies in real time -or almost it seems apparently- is the real prices or hamburgers in different countries: the Big Mac. It is supposed, the hamburger is made with the same (nasty I say) components in all those places, then it allows know the exchange rate for money in different places, and thereby the overvaluation that have the things. That means Sweden or Norway have the higher prices and level (at $7.8), the Eurozone is more expensive than US (at $5), while China
or India have the lower prices $2.6 − $1.7)... It is used as reference, one more, which explains what is really running in those wonderful minds that trade stocks and bonds worldwide. That is how they see you.

  11. The question of XXI: what is that am I missing?

  Beautiful and useless stuff: let be no lack of anything!

  Is really and accurately the question that everyone would do: figure out; look for the thing that could be lacking in our closet, in our soul.

  What we lust to have? Absolutely all that might be created anytime, do not matter if necessary or not was. The other question is immediately what else is missing for selling?

  As result of a contract among workers, consumers, producers and banks, we are running a race that is going down by bad way at the moment, of course never examined closely by nobody. Is infinite the shelling of terrific goods that we do not know exactly what are used for, which end being like the air we breath. Since the sixties, the capability to enjoy with our lifestyle of doing all these beautiful things as travel, work less and less (or that is what we think), to acquire almost all what we

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