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An Invisible Chain of our Time

Page 33

by Iam Willgreen

the beach, the same sports car, looks exactly the same hours worldwide? What exactly are you choosing? You go purchase because thus you feel to be happy, sure, and that you buy all the best. What is clear is that you have not seen how are made those images you see, and how are built: it would be a surprise for you. When is not possible to sell tomatoes (those real things), it is sold an invention, imagery, illusions, the incredible products. The TV stars do not share anything ours, only are sharing audience or viewers. Development is other matter: in the onset is a baseline, which includes drink, eat, sleep, and work to live, preferably in your own country of birth: the rest is luxury.

  (7) Put on the radio, listen!

  Not ever need put on the radio or TV to learn something about, or make a decision. Quite the opposite, most often you could take your best decision without anyone of those tips. Rest, no matter, do not be afraid, you can make decisions by yourself, you not need forever to be advised, each step you take. If you listen carefully only one day the TV, read a web, you can laugh with all those silliness that are said with a complete shamelessness. It is common, a dime of dozen. Even you can learn to talk thus, saying nothing. Nobody who talks on the screen will be there near you to be responsible of anything: on the contrary with your family, friends, neighbors, important links can be established even over the long term.

  (8) The experts of the beyond.

  We find it easier to believe that an invisible soul protects us and monitors hurricanes, keep in mind that every day, without fail, the Sun rises in the East, and lies in the West. We rather believe in things than making the effort to think and analyze what someone is telling us. You can open the saltshaker, and pour it over fire, and invoke forces, and many more: you are wasting the time, and the salt. And that day the food will be flavorless. We can be experts in some degree, we can be experienced, we can be able to teach to someone something, but how many of us are able to tell clearly what we do not know? How many times we acknowledge the limits of our knowledge? Unfortunately, we do not do, despite is good and necessary.

  What follows could be a clear example of how so many people can believe or need believe something, which is completely impossible.

  One day, a friend called me asking by a tree called Yakaratiá (the Papayón), as a new kind of food possible, that her seen in a video. She believed possible to reach a food from the wood processed. And despite the habits that are in some areas in the World, that include some kind of mix of wood with fruits and millet or wheat but in little amounts (for example), it has been very hard explain to her (and three people more after her) that cellulose and lignin are not edible nor digestible for humans, in no case, as they have never been either fungi or mushrooms, despite we like its taste. The video, only was a marketing presentation as such portfolio of a company, but is not real. But it shows as many more examples (the most of them actually applied as real things) that with a well-established script, an idea and commercial advertising, the right equipment and appropriate stakeholders, absolutely any story are built. I have had in my youth an advertising study, and I remember very well how is found what people need.

  I am suspecting the true value of work still is unknown. The ancient contract offered to millions of workers since the Industrial Revolution has become in a different way, but the roots are the same: "If you want, here you have a good life, but do not mind you, do not worry, do not think about nothing, we have all things controlled". We do not notice, but our acceptance of this way of life is also our tomb. Do not compare yourself with ants, ants are wild, not machines as you are.

  Where is your ability, your knowledge, your skills, your freedom to decide if, from the first day until the last only choose between one of the things that are on the market?

  15. The Food and Organics.

  Organics: are going backward or actually move forward?

  It is pointless to go against a food safer, clean, assorted, allowable, that need a handling. In fact, the ecological food already is being handled as needs. It is reasonable, is rightful, when is thus and no another thing. Where is the right point? Have we balanced the fulcrum, what we want and how we do? That might be one of a list of questions raised about need and benefits of ecological food.

  Delve into the ground of this discussion, is finally reduced to mention the possible interest you might have one or the other method. The intensive cultivation has a definite goal, above all the other possible: achieve a big production, with only one crop, applying a standard method, with the lesser manpower and lesser expenses, in the lesser time, fulfilling the measures required by distributors, and trying increase the share on the market. This let behind some features if the required standards are right.

  The ecological farming has a fully different aim. Including also the production for own consumption, may have the same goal (the profit) but fulfilling other functions as the following: restore the health of soils where performed; provide doubly sure food (pass stricter rules than industrial food, and are proximate to original species); diversify production; decrease dependence on a crop and its price; recover the security in feeding obviously; facilitate the supply nearby; allow operating different sizes with different applications; recover depressed areas that have not found another outlet acceptable; maintain seed diversity and wildlife; facilitate and integrate the opening of special crops; allow recovery of fruit trees, secondary species and protectors; allow the production suited to towns; combine work with cattle feed; integrating waste by harnessing in the cycle; allowing use of non-fruit crops; creating a market more directly, linked to local economies; and linking together secondary products and cultivations, which alone could hardly be developed successfully.

  The food-handling industrial companies, which approaches us to our feeding distributors, offering us millions of tons of perfect tomatoes colored in Pantone 485, within the same range of width and hardness, indelible (it never dies!), without life, with prices that allow workers just live, in the range of the harder workers (on the bottom, plowing soils) till upper workers (those trading with high-added-value-quality-services, what means enrichment), can it continue being interesting? You decide. There is no other way to do this? There is a way. Always it was there. One way allows make much money to few, the other allows feed and live for more, more people. What were you thinking?

  For a while, let’s go again to mall, enter with no money or purse, to walk slowly, and observe what you are watching. The most products there, after months have not been paid to suppliers yet. Half of them were kept for months, one, two or three (barring some fresh vegetables), waiting a buyer like mummies. All foods are there in the shelves defying nature, are kept without decomposing. Naturally, it is good for us, whenever we go there the food is waiting us, but not always: many foods are valid if proteins are not lost. These proteins are not screws, nuts, springs, plastics, or soap: are biological molecules, as biological molecules change and must change and react to environ conditions, as the ripening, light, wet, pathogens, time passing, its chemical inside and more. Let’s go try to put a bit of sense into. I hope now suspected in the skin of the fruit itself, for example, where the plant is defending the fruit, should have a few important substances for it, like the inside should oxidize rapidly in contact with air. A skin bathed in chemicals may not have many defenses, and also if you cut the fruit, not rust!

  One reason given for the storage and preservation treatments is the need to get products to consumers in good condition: this can also be achieved without such treatment, producing near and what it takes, really adapting the field, production and work demand. Otherwise, would remain only the interests to a business that does not protect these values, which are also important.

  The organic foods have been present with us since our onset as well as with other animals, with all its invisible guests, and after a generalized change that has taken place in the XX century as consequence of the change of techniques (I guess on this time you already have been reflecting a bit about this bet) and only roughly fifty-thir
ty years ago, it was when some people began to regain consciously organic farming. Some regions in the World yet have never seen these changes, and others were aware where the knowledge has been higher, as can have been Canada, Germany, Sweden, Finland and others. You cannot argue that it has reached the market; you can discuss the handling to do the same.

  Plants, with its guests and visitors, their various environments, the soils where live, and all the interactions included, are systems created along millions years, being necessarily related the pieces of the system the ones to each other. Even today, barely we have learned from a few cases of interesting relationships among plants and its guests, behavior, abilities, always with implications into the chemical level: hormonal molecules are factors used sometimes as drugs or active principles, sometimes as controllers of growth, or even for the further management of fruits. The industrial interest has its roots in the production, and not more away. It would be a good idea if applied to feed Martians, but not the best to feed us.

  The leeway or the room for maneuver, is lost?

  The changes around food are not only “to have or not to

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