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An Invisible Chain of our Time

Page 40

by Iam Willgreen

and value of large extension of lands across the world. The more you need, more you will buy for it. Nobody will restore one meter of land unless having earning.

  You decide. Do you think that is possible continue this way, and could have your children some chance of basic life? Do you like this film, a second version more? Each of your acts now, is each of the bricks that compound the further history, the history that you are promising your children. Truly I think you have motifs to be worried, when I suspect you are only tired. I guess you already noticed I am not giving any candy along the text, less sugary. I feel that to talk deeply and root is the life, and, if we lie we are making hurt others, precisely what I do not want.

  The history doom us to recognize our wrongs, and after seeing the film I have seen, my avowal only could be to tell you loudly I am tired of so many sugary lies.

  19. Criteria, the tools do not prevent the thorny issues.

  Voices nothing saying.

  The last century had a bunch of philosophers, artists, scientists, writers, physicists, engineers, humanists, all them talking intensively about the matter of this text. Today, there is a lot of people making visible their product, their trending topics, their ways to “make differences”, their kinds of new brainchild, a new bursting idea, but nowhere can be sound no one true feeling.

  Barely I hear a thunder, someone kicking (pardon, yeah I listen someone and not infrequently) between those who monopolize the press and TV. Everybody is hurry to take advantage and be the first, to be visible, to be “five minutes of TV”. They are your leaders, there are doing the world, the culture life. With all this, with this huge salad of Disney's tales and human needs grossly mixed, you decide what you will do, what you will have, what you will teach, what to drink, how to sleep. Nobody likes hear the word tightrope, that means choose either follow by an ascending way of lifestyle which is meaningless and already looks have a bad end, or either follow by a sensible way more balanced and realist.

  The laws are only imposed naturally when are envied by that which provide. The closer they are to everyday and real life, the more can be easily met. A law that is missing among these is the ban for doing business with those who violate the most basic laws. And this violation moves to the citizens whose country is origin of those companies. If this is not met, the voice is lost, the vote, the chair in a common forum. Today, this is affecting all developed countries, no one exception, and therefore its citizens and comfortable passive witnesses.

  The natural direction that conducts to law may or should be called criterion or judgement (be we wise). On the Nature, animals and also plants show a behavior that permit distinguish, observe, scrutinize, find that is hidden in the landscape, but also distinguish distances, hazards, find resources: always identifying environmental signals, recognizing them. From the cellular level to the systemic level, it is part of the properties acquired by living systems. Our body keeps an army of methods, tools and processes that establish a mobile equilibrium point around which we find an optimal situation: thus, sometimes push us up cheering us, sometimes push us down prudently, between the new adventure and the feared disaster. This move is wide, we are continuously doubting, back and forth. As result, we achieve finally a rate of success, said it in a mathematical way, and always assuming a rate of failures, as already happen.

  Our brain is a store of information, a machine which uses it, the signals outside and inside, and that learns from facts: has learnt to manage a big bunch of signals, and be deaf to some of them sometimes ever in natural conditions: when it does not happens, when conditions are fully out of range, as speedy, as farthest, cannot be managed. This is usual today, and is the reason that makes so valuable has and make grow the criteria. A lot of information today is far from us, invisible, not understandable. Taking care of criteria for every field in the life may mean to make a good reading of environment, of development, be in tune with reality, not with "sustainable balance" but the "really possible".

  All this is nice, yes: and any solutions with criteria?

  Some leaders from the later centuries could have told us: Less crying and put solutions for the stones on the road. And the radical, unsound or wrong ideas have not space, are profitable for nobody. Criterion is something that shows some wild animals in conditions or proximity to humans, when faced with situations where they must choose a path between two or more presented to them, and entails compliance or not with group cohesion, or the own survival when are solitary. These criteria are not always desirable from a human point of view, the animals decide not reasoning, but do so with a kind of criteria. The criteria can be a simple inherited or learned behavior, and the type of judgment and decision picking turn distinguishes the conditions found in this population, and the character of its cohesion. We have already examples between geese, ants, monkeys, penguins, orcas, dolphins, rodents, and also between humans! Social animals always have criteria.

  (1) Woman. Why on the first place? Well, underneath other aims, whatever the target we could look for, should be there a base that support all, not only physical, but also live and affective. With less means they reach more, less noisy, in less time and for more time, listening always in different ways, being more adaptable, they solve more issues and more thorny. Whom has supported all life in worse conditions, struggling for a place, being responsible for the essential economy, the teaching, the growth of each of us, who has been the link and glue for bind the persons and things, has been the woman. She never has had the role that actually can have. Never was seen their role? I deeply think that a change from the manly management to the womanly will lead us to more fairly walking. The more that has been banned and hampered, the more clear and obvious becomes the need of a feminine management.

  (2) Children. Suffice it to say one thing: surely will come a change in our understanding of fatherhood, as there came a change in other matters as the couple, sex or procreation. We will begin to care for children who are not ours, and this will be a true sign of a mental change, real: that will be a true sign of profound change, because of the implications involved, and among them, the feelings towards those who have no defense that we could provide them.

  (3) Consumption. Talking about the recent enforcement that trade associations have made on the world, this global market: said rawly, just one market with the same prices for every meter there are in the world is not an idea for the Nobel prize: is both a subtle and a cheeky steal. Each place must have its own prices, each own effort, each own work; it could be really an equaled balance. The current rules are only the rules for manage the folks as sheep, without guns, only with hunger and needs. Perhaps we have here a first true law necessary: food is life, and must be defined by the local population. Foreign prices are as foreign invader species: why do not protect we from them the regions? The same reason that allow the far prices can be so lower -the underpricing when buying-, makes them a kind of colonization: this only favors to big buyers and big sellers, not to you.

  One way to change it? Slowly, day to day, the markets respond to daily behavior of consumers, and its accumulated change along a year, by buying locally, and rejecting fake that were made far away, than only weak all the work at both sites, the nearby and the farthest. This change in behavior is being conducted in various sites already: Germans, Finnish, Arabians and more, always starting from small towns, where there is a high awareness of that market called global market. Prices should include distances and transport always when are carried far away.

  (4) Environment. Touching closely the ecosystems, there are something to say: well, we need cultivate plants and breed animals, but it was time ago that we know the ecosystems are not built of pieces exchangeable: streams, soils, forests, atmosphere, complexity, sea floors, sea reefs... are all necessary, even when are not producing packets of goods directly, all those are maintaining the whole earth. I hope nobody will dry a piece of sea it thinks is not valuable, will do it? And exchange of some elements as could be the change of fluvial streams by channeled streams
only for water transport, is not even an idea, is another folly more. Ecology is not a trending topic, is not in our lives, has not been learned, and actually has been forgotten completely. I could repeat this fold hundred, because is an obvious fact: we should go back to it and learn again, and first define rules unavoidable for anyone, rules which can adapt the man to the environment, and not vice versa; define the leeway within which we must acting, always and all of us. Of course this can be built and become law, but has never arisen on the international ambiance, into the blue offices; so is necessary talk about the blue offices. As in other matters, nothing prevents it locally and from small communities. And we would not start from zero; there is a lot of knowledge.

  (5) Attitudes. Other matter barely mentioned is our attitude; anyone could reflect to have the same fear to change. Who is the first? Who will make steps? Easy: the first step is as easy as be aware that all what is happening affects your life, your children, your time on the life, your relations, your future, absolutely all. Even more, the effects of changes by our economic and industrial model (worn by the

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