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Control (Blood & Bone Enforcers MC Book 1)

Page 9

by Grace Brennan

It was then that she realized, despite not knowing if he was—despite everything—she was completely falling for him. Her heart was already almost totally lost to him. And she couldn’t imagine any other man would ever make her feel the way he was in that moment.

  That made her next words some of the easiest and most natural she’d ever spoken.

  Nipping at his bottom lip, she pulled away, staring up at him breathlessly. “Come to my room with me.”

  He froze, his mostly golden gaze searching hers. “Come again?”

  “You heard me.” Easing away from him, she trailed one of her hands down his arm, lacing her fingers with his. “Come to my room with me. I want—well, I want you. Come with me.”

  His eyes, already full of desire, heated even more. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I know what I want.”

  Without waiting for a reply, she pulled him along with her to the door, going inside and up the stairs, fingers locked with his the whole time. Just as she was opening her door, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye and glanced over to see Georgie staring at them from the doorway of her own room.

  The thirteen-year-old inside Tarun wanted to either stick her tongue out or smirk at her, but she did neither. She ignored her, instead. She had Luke, after all, and she felt no need to rub it in, despite the fact that she knew Georgie would want to if their situations were reversed.

  She put her from her mind and pulled Luke inside her room. He had her in his arms before the door could shut behind them, and then she didn’t think of the other woman again. Hell, she didn’t think about anything. The only thought in her head was how freakin’ amazing it felt to be plastered against his body as he ravaged her mouth.

  And there was no other word for it than ravaged. That was exactly what he did. His mouth devoured hers, licking, nipping, and sucking, until the only thing keeping her from turning into a boneless heap at his feet were his arms.

  One of his hands tangled in her long hair, gently tugging her head back until he had access to her neck. His other hand slid slowly down her back, his thumb brushing her breast in a caress that made her gasp, before continuing on to her ass, where he squeezed, pulling her pelvis in against his.

  Holy hell. There was no mistaking the hard length pressed against her stomach. Nerves fluttered in her belly, along with a healthy dose of excitement.

  She always imagined that when the time came when she slept with a man, she’d be a massive bundle of nerves and fear. But she was learning that who the man was made all the difference, because she wasn’t scared like she thought she’d be.

  She was intrigued, excited, anxious. But not fearful.

  His lips left hers, skimming over her cheek until they reached her ear. He nipped the lobe before sucking it into his mouth, soothing the sting softly, before letting go and moving his lips to her neck. Slowly trailing them down, he licked and sucked, the whole time kneading her ass with his hand.

  Eyes rolling back in her head, she squirmed against him, not sure if she was encouraging him or trying to end the torture. No—she was definitely encouraging him. Who knew her neck was so sensitive? She sure hadn’t.

  He eased away, his chest heaving with the force of his breath, much like hers. She realized she hadn’t participated much—just held onto him for dear life as she enjoyed the ride. She should probably remedy that, but there was one thing she wanted to do first. One thing she had to do.

  Reaching out with hands that had the slightest tremble to them, she grasped the hem of his shirt and pulled upward, hoping he’d get the hint to take over. He was far too tall for her to be able to get it off of him without his help. Thankfully, he picked up on what she wanted and reached an arm behind his head, grabbing a fistful of the material and pulling it off.

  Her eyes widened as she got her first look at his bare chest. He was thickly muscled, which she knew—but seeing it literally in the flesh was a whole different thing. His shoulders were large and broad, giving way to bulging biceps and thick forearms in one direction, and thick pecs in the front. The hills and valleys of his abs were well-defined, and he had a V of muscle on his hips that literally made her feel stupid.

  And highlighting all those delicious muscles were tattoos. Across his collarbone, his bicep on one arm, a half sleeve on the other. And tats down either side of his abs, one disappearing beneath the low riding waistband of his jeans.

  Damned if her mouth didn’t water as she took him in. She’d never known she had a thing for tattoos, but apparently she did. He had a beautiful body, but the ink decorating his skin turned it into a work of art.

  She was so absorbed with eating him up with her eyes that when he reached for the hem of her shirt, she lifted her arms so he could take it off without remembering to be shy or embarrassed. It wasn’t until it was on the floor and she felt the coolness of the air against her skin that she even realized it was off.

  Her eyes flew to his and she started to raise her arms to shield herself, but he shook his head at her. The look in his eyes was so warm, so appreciative, the desire he felt for her so evident, that she slowly let her arms drop back down to her sides.

  Shaking his head again, he swallowed hard, his eyes roving over her. “Fuck, Tarun. You’re so amazingly beautiful.”

  She’d honestly never felt like she was. She was passably pretty, maybe, but that was it. Under his gaze, though, she felt like a goddess, and she believed that, to him at least, she was beautiful.

  Lifting her hands, she set them gently against his pecs and slowly trailed her hands down until her fingers were skimming his abs. He sucked in a breath and she felt it under her palms, smiling as she raised up and pressed her lips to his right pec, kissing softly. Unable to help herself, her tongue darted out, and she tasted his skin.

  Groaning, he gently pushed her back, shaking his head at her. “If you keep that up, this’ll be over before either of us wants.”

  She smirked but it quickly faded as he raised his hand and traced a finger over the strap of her light green bra, following it over the lacy, scalloped edge, leaving tingles erupting on her breasts. Glancing up, his eyes completely golden, he winked before repeated the same route with his tongue. Reaching behind her, he unsnapped her bra and pulled it off, his fingers lightly grazing her skin as he pulled it off.

  Unlike with her shirt, that time she realized what he was doing. She was just too far gone, too intent on feeling his touch against her skin, to care. A sound of appreciation came from deep within his throat, the sound sending chills racing over her skin.

  Reaching out, he gently touched his fingertip to her nipple, drawing a circle around it before grazing the bud. “I’ve wondered what color these would be. Cinnamon. I love that they’re a cinnamon color.”

  He cupped both breasts in his hands, kneading for a moment before bending over and running his tongue over one of her nipples. Gasping, she thrust her fingers into his hair and held his head, half scared that he’d stop.

  And she never wanted him to stop.

  She had nothing to worry about, though. He flicked her nipple with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth, and his fingers played with the other one, mimicking some of his movements. She moaned, unable to help herself. It felt overwhelmingly amazing, and every pull of his mouth shot directly down to her center.

  He continued his play, switching his mouth back and forth between her nipples, as she lost herself to the pleasure, finding it hard to believe that anything could feel that good. Maybe she’d die from the pleasure. In that moment, it didn’t sound like a very farfetched notion, but it didn’t scare her, because damn—what a way to go.

  Letting her nipple slip from her mouth, he lunged up and fused his mouth to hers. She thrust her tongue in his mouth, dueling it with his, the heat in her blood boiling over as she felt his fingers fumbling with the snap of her jeans.

  He’d been so smooth, so controlled, before then. She knew he was feeling the same level of desire that she was, but he’d been controlling himself.
He was losing that control, though—she could tell by the way he was having trouble unbuttoning her jeans. Satisfaction rolled through her at the knowledge. He prided himself on his control, and the fact that she was making him lose it was heady stuff.

  Once he had her jeans undone, he didn’t immediately pull them off. He kept kissing her as he walked her back toward her bed. The backs of her knees touched the mattress and only then did he break the kiss, backing away to unsnap his own jeans and shove them down.

  And holy hell. The tattoo on his side stretched all the way down his thigh, reaching just above his knee. Her own knees went weak at the sight and she started to sink down onto the bed, but he laughed, shaking his head.

  “Not just yet. Let’s get your jeans off first.”

  She nodded faintly, watching as he hooked his fingers into her waistband and peeled her jeans off. Stepping out of them, she lost her balance, giggling as she fell back onto the mattress. Her laughter quickly cut off as it put her eye level with his groin and her eyes widened as she took him in.

  She’d been so focused on his ink that she hadn’t even noticed his privates. Dick, she said to herself. It’s his dick and you can say the word. Be brave.

  It said something, that she’d been so focused on his tat that she hadn’t even noticed his dick. It was long and thick, and she should be intimidated, especially since she’d never had sex before, but she wasn’t.

  A fact that became clear as she felt desire and moisture rush to the spot between her thighs.

  Pulling her gaze away as Luke moved, she focused on his face, breath catching at the intensity she found there. He stalked forward a bit and she scooted back on the bed, until her head was lying on the pillow. He followed her until he was over her, hovering above her, propped up on massive arms that were holding him up with ease.

  Leaning in, he rubbed his nose against hers, and then kissed her again. She started as she felt one of his hands on her knee, gasping into his mouth as he eased it slowly up her thigh. Acting on instinct and the overpowering desire to feel more, she let her legs fall open. He groaned in approval, the sound vibrating against her chest, as his hand slowly crept upward.

  And then finally, he was at the juncture of her thighs and cupping her center. “Fuck, Tarun, you’re so wet.”

  She opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out, because at that moment, his fingers slipped inside her, the calloused digits circling around her swollen nub. And sweet heaven, it was unlike anything she’d felt before. Far better than the times she’d touched herself, and he’d barely gotten started.

  It wasn’t going to take long, though, she knew that immediately, and she was right. He’d only circled a few times before her back was arching, her body strung tightly, right on the precipice. One more circle, then he pressed down firmly, rubbing directly over it, and that was all it took.

  She was flying, so fast and so far, it should have scared her. But it was impossible to feel fearful in his arms. She let herself go, her body shuddering against his, reveling in the strangled curse he let out.

  When she finally came down, she was panting, and Luke’s face was buried in her neck as he held himself perfectly still. There was a fine tremor skating over his skin, and she knew he was calling on every ounce of his superhuman control. Trying to give her time to recover, maybe.

  The hell of it was, she didn’t need it. She’d just come harder than she’d ever made herself in her life. Soared higher than ever, and felt like she almost drowned in pleasure. She was practically boneless and should be totally sated.

  But she could already feel desire for him burning through her veins again. Already feel her core tightening, gearing up to go again.

  She had a feeling she would never get enough of this man and what he could do to her.

  “I want to feel you inside me, Luke.”

  He froze against her—she didn’t even think he was breathing. And when he raised his head and his golden eyes met hers, the need in them almost did her in.

  “I want that too, baby. But, if I’m right—and I think I am, based on the way I know you were raised—you haven’t done this before. I’m trying to do this slow. I want it to be good for you.”

  Heart melting, she leaned up and kissed his lips softly. “It already is good for me. More than good, it’s been amazing. And I’d bet anything that it’ll get even better. I don’t need you to go slow, Luke. I just need you.”

  His eyes softened and he leaned down, giving her a thorough kiss that had her heated blood sizzling through her veins. “If I hurt you, tell me. Promise me, T.”

  Lips curling, she nodded. “I’m not completely ignorant about this. I know the first time will hurt. But I promise, if it gets bad, I’ll let you know.”

  She let her legs fall open further and as he kissed her again, she felt him settle within the cradle of her thighs. His dick brushed against her, and she sucked in a breath, just that touch already sending pleasure streaking through her.

  Propping himself up on one hand, he took himself in hand and rubbed the head through her folds, coating himself in her wetness. With every pass, he bumped her nub, and she arched her back with pleasure. It felt amazing, but she was dying to feel him inside her.

  And then, finally, she got her wish. Lining himself up at her entrance, he held himself still for a moment as he propped himself up on his forearms, planted on either side of her. As he brushed her hair back from her face, he gazed into her eyes as he slowly began pushing himself inside her.

  He eased in slowly, pushing forward a little at a time and then sliding back out, over and over, going a little deeper with every push. Until finally, she could feel him against the barrier of her virginity. She squirmed, wanting him to get it over with, but he held his hips still.

  He kissed her nose gently and then pulled back to meet her eyes again, his golden depths radiating sincerity. “I’m so sorry.”

  Before she could even formulate a reply, he pulled out slightly, and then pushed in hard, breaking through the proof of her virginity, not stopping until he was buried all the way inside her. She sucked in a breath, for a moment unable to feel anything except the pain. It was worse than she expected, and it felt like it was coating every inch of her body.

  Luke held himself perfectly frozen, and she was more grateful than she could express as she fought to breathe evenly. Eventually, the pain dulled, becoming more of a sting, and then even that eased, leaving only a slightly uncomfortable feeling of fullness.

  Glancing up, the words giving him the okay to move on the tip of her tongue, she stilled as she caught the look of anguish in his eyes. It was completely different from the look of pain-like unfulfillment he’d worn earlier.

  The expression he had right then was the look of a man who’d hurt a woman he cared about, his eyes full of self-loathing.

  “Hey,” she said softly, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek. “It’s okay.”

  His voice was tight when he replied. “No. It’s not. I hurt you, and that’s the last thing I ever want to do. I know it was bad for you.”

  “Just for a moment. I swear, I’m fine now.”

  Looking unconvinced, he shook his head. “Maybe we should stop now.”

  The hell they would. That wasn’t even an option. But she could tell there was nothing she could say to sway him.

  She was grateful he was thinking about her physical comfort, she really was. But her discomfort would be a lot worse if they stopped now—because she might still feel too full in that moment, but her desire was rushing back quickly, and it needed to be sated.

  So did his.

  Deciding it was up to her to keep them going, she wrapped her arms and legs around him, making sure her grip was tight. Tentatively at first, and then with growing confidence, she rolled her hips. He felt strange inside her at first. It wasn’t painful, it was just different.

  But soon, the desire she felt quickened, and her skin felt like it was buzzing again, her blood sizzling in her veins.

nbsp; “Fuck, Tarun, what are you doing?” he bit out. She ignored him, rolling her hips faster, and he groaned, pleasure washing over his features. “I hate that something that hurts you feels so fucking good to me.”

  She laughed breathlessly. “It doesn’t hurt anymore. I swear, Luke. It feels amazing. Now are you going to make me do all the work?”

  The honesty in her voice must have finally registered, because his eyes cleared and determination settled over his features. “Hell no, baby. Hold on tight. We’re in for one hell of a ride.”

  Her laughter died a quick death as he pulled almost all the way out of her and then pushed forcefully back inside. Her nerve endings lit up with pleasure as he increased his speed and tempo in increments until he was finally slamming inside of her, his hips thrusting powerfully over and over.

  She clung to him, feeling pleasure in every molecule of her body—but she wasn’t quite there yet, maybe because she’d orgasmed not very long ago. But one look at Luke’s face was enough to tell her he was doing everything he could to stave off his own pleasure until she found hers again. She just didn’t know how to get there.

  A few more minutes of exactly what he was doing would be enough, she was sure of that. But she didn’t want to make him wait even a second longer. It wasn’t her pleasure she was concerned with—it was his.

  And then he reared back, making her back arch, and the new angle made her lose her breath. His every thrust was amazing, and he was hitting a spot inside her that until then, she would have sworn didn’t exist.

  A few more thrusts just like that had her body strung tightly as she clung to him, her legs manacled around his hips. And then he reached down and pressed his thumb firmly against her nub, and she had no more conscious thoughts.

  Her body splintered apart, feeling like every single molecule took a life on its own, soaring into different directions. Her hips undulated, milking the sensations, and she couldn’t breathe as she drowned in pleasure.

  She was vaguely aware of Luke letting out a gruff exclamation as he thrust powerfully into her a few more times before he held himself still, buried to the hilt inside her. She could feel him pulsing inside her as he found his own pleasure, coating her insides as he poured himself into her, finding his own pleasure.


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