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Double the Fun

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.” She ducked her head again, but William lifted her head with a finger under her chin so she was forced to look him in the eye. Rys continued to hold her hands, and the way he gently ran his thumbs over the back of her hands had warmth spreading through her.

  What was she supposed to tell them? That she was worried if she went through with this, if she gave in to her feelings, feelings that had been growing inside her until she felt like she was going to explode, everything was going to go downhill? The idea that they would think less of her, that their friendship would be ruined by a mixture of emotions and feelings, had her petrified. Rys and William were the only people in the world who knew everything about her, had gotten her through the toughest time in her life.

  They were the only two who didn’t push her away or judge her because her family lived in poverty and her father was a lowlife drunk who beat his wife and daughter. If she lost them, she would be lost. Unexpected tears pricked her eyes, and she inhaled deeply.

  “Hey.” Rys pulled away and moved so he was standing in front of her. She suddenly felt so cold despite the heat. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  For several seconds, she couldn’t talk. All she could think about, visualize, was not having these two incredible men in her life.

  “Janey, please, sweetheart. You’re scaring us.” William ran his finger along her cheek, and she pushed her tears away. “Did we do something wrong? Push you too far? We didn’t mean to, Janey. We’re so sorry.”

  William’s pleading broke her heart. She looked at Rys. His face was as stoic as always, but underneath that hardened façade, she saw a flicker of compassion and… love.

  She took a deep breath. The guys deserved better. They deserved to know how she felt, how she feared losing them. “I’m afraid of going through with this and losing you guys.” She clasped her hands together tightly and made herself look both of them in the eyes. “I love you both so much. I’ve wanted you for as long as I can remember. If you weren’t in my life, I don’t know what I’d do.” They didn’t say anything, and it only caused her heart to pound harder. “I’d be lost.” She whispered the last part, and Rys pulled her to him immediately.

  “You aren’t going to lose us, baby.” He kissed the top of her head, and despite the swirling emotions deep inside her, her arousal was still burning strong.

  “We love you too. So damn much.” William’s arms wrapped around her too, and in that moment, she didn’t worry about the repercussions of what could and would probably happen when she let herself be with the Holden twins. There was no “if” in this situation. She would be with them, and she would worry about how bad an idea it was after the fact.

  Chapter 10

  They hadn’t spent any more time at the lake after Jane confessed how she felt to them. Rys and William packed up the truck in record time, and now they were back at their ranch, walking into the cabin they had built. A lot of people thought it was strange that two grown men, twins to boot, built a cabin and lived together.

  People liked to judge and point fingers, but she knew how close they were, knew that after their parents died they had to stick together. The three of them had to stick together.

  She walked into their spacious cabin, the smell of natural wood and leather permeating her senses instantly. Even though she had been in their home hundreds of times, she was still in awe every time she looked at the handcrafted woodwork. There was no doubt Rys and William were talented, and if anyone doubted that, they could take a look at any one of the dozens of houses built by them and the Eberhardt Construction crew.

  One of them shut the front door, and the sound of them unloading their gear in the foyer had her turning around. The two of them were staring at her so intently that she swallowed the lump in her throat. They took a step toward her at the same time, and she found herself moving backward. Why she was retreating was beyond her. This had been her idea, to come to their home. She could have easily stripped off her suit like Rys wanted, and he made sure to remind her of that fact, but when she suggested they go back to their home, the whole atmosphere had changed.

  He had growled low, like some kind of feral animal, and crushed her to him. His kiss was so much more forceful than William’s, and she found that she liked their differences, loved their differences.

  “You can run, Jane, but where do you think you’ll go?” One of Rys’s dark eyebrows cocked up as amusement played across his face. Her heart dropped to her belly, and her synapses started firing in all directions, making her confused, dizzy with lust. William reached her first and ran his finger over her bottom lip.

  “So soft and sweet.” He dragged his eyes from her mouth and looked her in the eye. “Are you sure about this, Janey?”

  She didn’t want to think about it anymore, because if she did, she would back out. Years of longing for them had built to this one moment. Maybe things would change, but she hoped they didn’t. They reassured her that she wouldn’t lose them, and she believed them to a point. So then, if she wasn’t 100 percent positive things would stay the same way, why was she going through with this? Because I’m a damn fool in love with twins.

  She closed her eyes when William slipped his hand around her waist. He pulled her close until there was nothing separating them. His mouth descended on hers, and she opened right away, loving how his tongue found hers and started a seductive rhythm that reminded her of sex. There was no doubt in her mind that William would be a gentle lover, taking the time to please her and show her exactly how much he wanted her.

  Her eyes were closed, but she knew the moment Rys stepped behind her. He didn’t give her time to assimilate what he was doing. He just slipped his hand over the curve of her ass and gave it a hard squeeze. He lifted the thick layer of her hair off her neck and kissed her nape. The hand on her ass kneaded the mound until she found herself thrusting her ass back, wanting more of his touch.

  William continued to kiss her, but growing bolder, he cupped her breast through the thin material of her tank top. A groan spilled from her, and he broke their kiss. Resting his forehead against hers, he kept his eyes closed. His breathing was ragged. The three of them sounded like they had run a marathon. A cock was pressed against her stomach and one against her back. What would it feel like to have one in her pussy and in her ass? At the same time?

  The feel of Rys gently thrusting his cock into her lower back drove her arousal higher. He tangled his hand in her hair and lifted the heavy weight off her shoulders. He held the locks up, and his lips found the back of her neck. Chills popped out along her body at having both Rys and William touching her, bringing her to new heights. They hadn’t done more than touch her over her clothing and kiss her, but her pussy was soaked and her nipples were harder than hell.

  “You smell so good, baby,” Rys whispered against the damp flesh at her nape, and she shivered. “And you taste even better.” An involuntary groan of pleasure left her, and she thrust her ass against him, loving how he reciprocated the act by pressing his shaft further into her, grinding the hard length against her body.

  “God, Jane, I want you so bad,” Rys murmured.

  William all but groaned, “We want you so bad.”

  Hearing their proclamations and the heat of their touches were loosening all of her resolve. “I want you both too, so much.” God, did she ever. She felt Rys’s fingers snake between her and his brother’s body, expertly unsnap her shorts, and pull down the zipper. A second later, the denim was pooled around her ankles, and she was stepping out of them. William gripped the bottom of her shirt, his fingers brushing against the bare skin of her belly. He moved away just an inch so he could pull the material over her head and toss it away. She stood in her bikini while they still had on their T-shirts and trunks. Even though she was technically not naked, being sandwiched between them made her feel completely bare.

  Rys moved his hands to her hips, and he pulled back again, pressing her ass against his erection. William moved away from her,
and in the next instant, she was spun around and Rys was kissing her passionately. He cupped her ass, gripping the area right where her leg and bottom met. He lifted, and she instinctively went with the movement and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Her pussy came into direct contact with Rys’s throbbing erection. He felt it too if his guttural groan was anything to go by. Without breaking their kiss, Rys started moving with her wrapped around his body. Her arms were tangled around his neck, her fingers woven into his thick hair. The sound of a door opening pierced her sexual high, but she was too lost in the feeling of Rys’s mouth on hers, of his tongue pushing in and retreating, reminding her of what she wanted him to be doing between her thighs.

  A soft bed met her back, and she arched into his body. She knew he was going to break their kiss, so she held on tighter with her arms and legs. Everything inside her was alive with sensation, and she didn’t want it to ever end. Rys moaned and pressed his pelvis harder into hers. Over and over, he did this, driving her desire to a critical point.

  He broke the kiss and started trailing his lips down the side of her face, over her neck, and continued to trail down south until his warm breath was fanning the expanse of her belly. Her hands were still in his hair, tugging at the strands, pulling him closer. He lifted his eyes to hers, and the inferno of desire she saw within the blue depths left her breathless. He looked to the side, and she followed his gaze, seeing William standing a few feet away, his lids heavy, his lust as clear as the sun pouring in through the window.

  He stalked forward, and really any other word to describe how he was moving wouldn’t have described it well enough. Gentle and calm William looked like he was on the edge, like he wanted to eat her alive. Feeling a lot braver then she initially had, she reached out for him when he stopped at the edge of the bed. This close to him, she could see his ragged breathing. His chest rose and fell under the thin cotton of his shirt. William didn’t move any closer to her, but at that moment, she couldn’t protest, because Rys hooked his fingers under her bikini bottoms.

  Dragging her eyes back to the man kneeling beside the most intimate part of her, she watched with parted lips as he urged her thighs open even wider with his free hand. He positioned his wide shoulders between her legs and held her gaze as he slowly pulled the crotch of her bikini to the side. Her nipples felt like they were about to tear through her top for how hard they were.

  Although her pussy was now bare, Rys kept her gaze for another suspended moment. When he finally did look between her legs, it was like he had physically touched her. The sensation that he was looking at her down there, a spot only one other guy had seen, was exhilarating. If she was being honest though, the fact that it was one of the Holden boys looking at her with such carnal appreciation was a hell of a lot headier than when she lost her virginity.

  He had yet to touch her pussy, but she felt his warm, humid breath coasting over her folds and let her legs fall completely open. She started to turn to look at William, but Rys’s words stopped her.

  “Watch me, baby.” When she looked back at him, warmth spread through her as she watched his tongue peek out and touch her folds. He spread her as he ran it up her cleft. When he got to the top of her mound, he circled her clit before sucking it in his mouth.

  “Ahhh.” Her head fell back against the mattress, but before she could close her eyes, she lifted her head again and watched the erotically wicked things Rys was doing to her. His finger was still holding her bikini out of the way, and the fact that his mouth was on her pussy but she was still technically clothed had her arousal climbing even higher.

  He sucked on her clit until she could feel the tendrils of her climax rising to the surface, but right before she went off, he moved down her slit and started probing the opening of her body with his tongue. She should have felt mortified at the way her inner muscles clenched down on his tongue, seeming to drag him farther into her body, but he started rubbing her clit in slow, deliberate circles. Again, she started to climb to the precipice of orgasm, but as she was about to go over, Rys stopped.

  She saw movement out of the corner of her eye, and she turned and saw William standing in the doorway. His arms were crossed, and he held a small box in his hand although she couldn’t make out what it was. Her desire jumped at the sight of him. Here was Rys, eating her out, bringing her to the brink of orgasm and denying her, while his brother, his twin, watched it all. When had he left to get the box?

  It really didn’t matter, she supposed, because just knowing William was watching what they were doing was making her crazy with pleasure. It had felt incredibly good having Rys between her legs, but now that she saw William’s eyes, heavy-lidded from his arousal, his impressive erection tenting his trunks, it made this whole situation, her pleasure, more powerful.

  She let her head fall back again but kept it down as she watched William stalk forward. The way he moved, with such purpose, such determination, made him look like an animal in the wild. It seemed so out of place for her gentle and calm William. When he stopped at the edge of the bed, he let the box in his hands fall to the mattress.

  She glanced down at it and saw it was a brand-new box of condoms. The sight of it shouldn’t have made her clit tingle or her pussy pulse with renewed desire, but the fact that he had gotten them did exactly those things. He was making sure she knew exactly what they were about to do. Maybe he was trying to warn her away, trying to show her that what they were about to do couldn’t be undone.

  She did have reservations, deep, deep down inside, but she wanted them so freaking badly that she pushed those nuisances out of her head. If they weren’t going to stop what was inevitable, then neither was she.

  Chapter 11

  When she didn’t stop them, Will gripped the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He tossed the material aside and went for the tie of his trunks. His cock was unbearably hard. Here Janey lay, her bathing suit still on, but she might as well have been fucking naked. Her eyes stayed on him, and he let his gaze travel down her body to her breasts.

  The tiny triangles that covered her mounds had initially caused jealousy to rise inside him. The fact that any male, aside from him and his brother, could have easily seen her in something so scandalous had infuriated him, but he pushed back those basic instincts to claim her as his. That wasn’t like him at all.

  Rys was the one who let his caveman tendencies come out when it came to Janey. Will let him too, because more times than not, he was the one holding her, whispering to her that everything was okay while Rys took care of the matter at hand. He didn’t doubt she enjoyed the possessive side of Rys, but there was a part of her that liked the gentle cuddling he indulged her in. Their Janey needed both of them, even if she didn’t know it right now. She soon would, because there was no way he was going let her go, not now and not ever.

  Once they had her, she would know exactly how much she meant to them. It wasn’t just about the sex, although he wanted to show her physically how much he loved her too, but it was also about that they’d known each other for years. There wasn’t anyone on this planet who knew her better than they did, that could take care of her like they could. She might not realize it yet, but when it was all said and done, she would know the three of them were meant to be together.

  He undid his swimming trunks tie and let the material fall to the ground. His cock sprang forward, and her eyes widened. He wasn’t conceited, not in the least, but he knew he wasn’t the smallest in the cock department. He gripped his shaft at the root and stroked it as he tore his eyes away from her face. His gaze swept down her flat belly and stopped at the apex of her thighs. Rys was really working her over if the gasps and breathy moans coming from her were any indication.

  Now that Janey was finally seeing that there was more to the three of them than just being best friends, he had no intention of letting her get away. Her bottoms were still on, and he found that knowledge arousing as hell. He could see her clit clear as day as Rys fucked her pussy with
his tongue. The tiny pearl was engorged, pushing out from her body, and he felt his mouth water for a taste of her. There would be other times for that though, many other times.

  He stroked his cock as he looked at her face. Her mouth was parted, and her eyes kept flickering down to his crotch. He wished he knew what she was thinking. Maybe soon she would reveal it all to him. Rys might be the twin who took what he got, but William wanted to know the feelings behind it all. Continuing to run his hand from root to tip, he knew he wouldn’t last long once he was inside her.

  This had been years building up, and his need for her was slowly spiraling out of control. Her hands were bunched in the sheets, pulling at them as Rys brought her closer to orgasm. He knew his brother wouldn’t give her that pleasure yet. When she did come, one of them would be buried deep inside her.

  Moving closer to her, he continued to stroke himself. Her eyes were glued to what he was doing, and as if she read his mind, she let go of the sheets with one hand and gripped him. When her tiny fingers wrapped around his cock, he let his head fall back and his eyes close. It felt so good. She felt so good.

  Finally having her hand on him, stroking her smooth palm up and down his length, had his muscles straining. Shit, it would only take a few more strokes from her, and he would come. He moved away from her until her hand fell from his body.

  He couldn’t let go now, not when he and Rys had so much more planned for her.

  Chapter 12

  Jane didn’t know what to think when William moved away from her, denying her touch. Had she done something wrong? The look on his face and his raging hard-on proved he was still very much aroused, yet he stopped her after a few strokes.


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