OURS: The Brothers of Diabolo MC

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OURS: The Brothers of Diabolo MC Page 3

by Simone Elise

  He doesn’t say anything, and I don’t say anything. He drives in silence to the clubhouse, and when he pulled in the lot. He gets out slammed the door and to be honest with myself I thought that was it. My relationship with Maddox over. And now have every urge in my body to get my hands on pills. I know where they are at the club. I know that they aren’t monitored. I could pop enough OxyContin to end all this shit.

  The door opens and it startled me.

  I looked at Maddox, who looks the type of furious you’d see before a man’s neck was broken. He glanced at my lap, and he sees my engagement ring off. I was going to give it back to him.

  He then lowers to the ground, he’s eyes locked with mine. “That ring doesn’t leave your fucking finger ever Gabriella. You got my soul, you got my heart, and the only way the world knows your fucking mine is by that fucking ring, so put it the fuck back on.” He then grabbed my hand and took the ring off my lap, slipping it back on my finger. He then locked eyes with mine. “Don’t fucking test me Gabriella. I’ll get your finger tattooed if that rings comes off again.”

  I swallowed sharply. “So this means, we aren’t over?”

  He sighed, running a hand through his hair, and looked at me. “I love you Ellie. But you’ll always love him. Still. I know he ain’t in your future. Cause what we have. I’m secure in that. So no. We aren’t over. Unless you want to tell me something else.”

  “If I said I fucked him, would that make a difference?”

  “Do you want us over?”

  “No. But if I had.”

  “No.” He says it with so much confidence. “You and I are like Russian roulette, this bullet didn’t kill us and maybe the next one will. But you fucking him, still wouldn’t end us. Cause I know you feel this,” he placed my hand on his heart. “You’ve got my soul Ellie. My heart. And I ain’t leaving until you tell me otherwise.”

  My hand spreads over his heart and I knew then, what I was getting him for our anniversary.


  My arm was wrapped over Gabriella and the phone was ringing on my bedside table. It wouldn’t shut the fuck up. Ignored it twice. Then I finally picked it up. “What?” I barked into it.

  “I’m in town.”

  I frowned. “Who the fuck is this?”


  My expression dropped. “Heard you were out.” And I pulled my arm from under Ellie’s head. “Where and when?” I said into the phone, knowing what he wanted.

  “Half an hour, on the outskirts of the valley.” And he hangs up. I sighed. Well this wasn’t going to go down well. I threw the blankets back softly, and Ellie immediately moved.

  “Where are you going?”

  “King’s in town.” I grabbed my pants. But I caught her terrified expression. “Don’t worry baby.”

  “What do you mean don’t worry! I’ll fucking worry Maddox!” And she got up, throwing the blankets back and standing there in her underwear turning me the fuck on. “Last time you saw King you did years. And that was just a prison visit!”

  “Babe calm down.” I say walking towards her, putting my hands on her hips. I dipped my head down. “I ain’t going back in, and King just wants to talk that’s it.”

  “His talks lead to damn fucking trouble.”

  I nipped her bottom lip before kissing her cheek. “It will be fine.” And I walked back, grabbing a shirt, vest, keys, knuckle busters in case, guns, knives. Check. Check. Check. Okay. I could leave, and then I turned seeing Ellie’s expression.

  “What?” I say.

  “Nothing. It’s just...” She bit her bottom lip. “I’m going to be busy today, so I’ll see you tonight.”

  I frowned and nodded my head. I think she had forgotten it was our anniversary, and thank fuck for that cause it gave me more time to get things ready for later.

  I walked out of the room, Ellie’s words repeating in my head. King was trouble. But I knew something Ellie didn’t and it was fucking lucky she didn’t know otherwise she wouldn’t have let me leave.

  Pulling on the dirt road, the sand and dust cloud behind me, as I rode down that road at a speed that I could lose the bike at. But I’ve been riding since I was six, dirt bikes were my start and then I was riding a road bike by fourteen.

  I saw him pulled to the side. It was the fucking pick up that threw me. I pulled over to the side, and killed the bike. Looking the man up and down, he had a cut lip and a bruised jaw. I frowned but didn’t say anything because King wasn’t known for settling any argument peacefully.

  “You alright King?” I said climbing off the bike, and I see his eyes on the fields, before they bounced to me. If I didn’t know him better, I’d say he was regretting something.

  “How do you deal with regrets Maddox?” he asked, and the tattooed king of the underworld was looking at me for an answer. I frowned. What was with him tonight.

  “Learn from them. And just be damn fucking sure not to repeat them.” I said, and my frown deepened. “You got girl problems King?” I knew too well about girl problems. Currently had a woman so scared by men, she thought I was going to walk on her at any chance I get. Don’t know how to reassure her to the point I wasn’t going anywhere.

  He shook his head, shaking whatever thought he was thinking away. “Crow Spade, and Kobi Spade, you still having them watched?”

  I frowned. Odd question. “They’re in charge of the south charters, pulled eyes off them when Crow for arrested.”

  “So that protection for his sister disappeared too?”

  “Meadow?” Now I was really fucking confused. “I assumed the boys had her looked after. Didn’t think she needed the north to be keeping an eye on her too.”

  His expression hardened. “And you made this decision?”

  Some questions. You either answer directly or dodge the fucking question. But. When the King asked you a question like that—I wasn’t fucking scared, so I squared my shoulders back, and looked him directly in the eyes.

  “Fucking hell yeah I made the call. Pulled the protection over four years ago.”

  And the crack of my jaw, caused me to fucking swear, and it took everything in me not to throw a punch back.

  I looked back at him, blood filling my mouth.

  But it was the rage on his face that stopped me from reacting, because it threw me. The rage wasn’t directed at me, it was directed at himself. He was angry with himself. He stormed back to the pick up, opening the car, climbing in and taking off. While I spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground.

  Fucking bitch punch if you asked me.

  Had attitude all day after taking a punch from King. Had two words for anyone that came near me. Or commented on my broken lip and swollen jaw. Fuck icing it. I wasn’t a little bitch. Unlike King, who throws bitch punches.

  I brought the bourbon to my lips, some fucking anniversary this was. I was meant to be doing something romantic for Ellie —and she hadn’t fucking been around at all. I sipped my bourbon and then fucking placed it against my lip. Gabriella was avoiding me. She had to be.

  I had the room decked out for her, took me a few hours but I fucking did. Pissed off. But did it. I pulled out my cigarette packet, and lit up a smoke. Nothing could calm me down at this point, I was that fucking worked up. I honestly thought Gabriella had gone off with Hudson on our anniversary and was fucking him. And I was going to be King’s punching bag until he figured out his love life. Fucked if I was letting that happen. I wasn’t being his punching bag, especially when I could punch him back. And maybe even knock him out, because I matched him in size.

  Why he thought it was my job to keep an eye on Meadow fucking Spade, when she had two brothers. I don’t fucking know. The woman was barely any trouble when I had her watched. She always kept to herself. Doubted any trouble would come to her.

  When Crow went in, Kobi had shit covered. I could tell. So I didn’t fucking get involved. I was Vice of the north but not the national or international President. When Kobi was the mother fucking president o
f the south, he had his shit sorted. I didn’t need his sister baby sat.

  I then gulped back the rest of my bourbon. Fuck this. I’m getting wasted.


  I stilled hearing my name from her lips.

  “Did you hear?”

  The only fucking reason I turned around was because I heard panic in her voice. Gabriella is making a beeline for me. Pushing the few members that learned to stay the fuck out of my way tonight, out of her way.

  “Meadow Spade? Did you hear?” She said, looking at me like I should know what the fuck she is going on about.

  What was with this chick? This is the second time she’s come up today!

  Wanted to say something smart but stopped myself, so I just arched my eyebrows.

  “She’s been kidnapped.” She says and her own fear of being kidnapped because of the MC was clear in her voice. “They don’t know much more, but her brothers are losing it. Do you think it’s worth the ride there?”

  I immediately pushed the empty bourbon away from me. How much had I drank? Two, three? Maybe five over the space of how many hours. Fuck it. Fuck my licence. I wasn’t letting Gabriella on the back, that’s all that mattered.

  “Where are you going?” She said, gripping my arm.

  “They’ll need a hand to look for her, that’s where I’m going.” Wasn’t that obvious?

  “I’m coming.”

  “Like fuck you are!” I growled. “Ain’t fucking letting you get involved Gabriella. Ya to keep your ass here, and you aren’t to fucking leave, understand?”

  “She runs the club, the club will need help.”

  “Gabriella.” I growled again. “I can’t be out looking for her, worried about you.”

  She stared into my eyes for a few moments, knowing I wasn’t backing down on this. She then went up on her toes, kissing my lips. “Go. Call me when you can. Come back.” She said the last two words more firmly. And then kissed my lips again. “Love you Maddox.”

  And hearing that took my anger that I had carried all day—well it lifted. I cupped her face. “I love you too babe.” And then kissed her lips once more, before leaving.

  Gestured my head to my sergeant of arms, enforcers, and the latest prospect. We were hitting the road. Cause now I knew why King had reacted how he had. Because his fucking pussy whipped for Crow and Kobi Spade little sister. I smirked at that. Because if one girl was known for giving men hell, it was Meadow, and if King had fallen for her, fuck me—he was going to have a hard time keeping men away from her but more importantly, which he had to know, it was going to be near impossible to get into her pants.



  The boys were gone for three weeks, three painfully long weeks. It got hard the moment I walked into the dorm room and saw the roses, and candles that Maddox had set up. It got harder when my dreams started to take over, reminding me how much of a sex god my fiancé is. And his tongue. I swallowed sharply. Yeah it got harder, and of course because I was struggling, I wanted him to need me just as bad.

  So, I started sending the pictures, revealing nearly everything but not everything. Giving him glimpses of what he was missing. His reactions were priceless. I think he was tempted just to come home to fuck. My favorite reaction by him was when I was wearing a black lace bodysuit with suspenders. He basically came home that night, I had to talk him out of staying the rest of the week. But my tormenting him, was over now. Because… he was riding back tonight. A long ride here, but he started this afternoon and I had been counting down the five hours since he said, I’m coming home.

  I wasn’t the only woman dressed up for her man tonight. But as the prospect said to me when I came to the bar—I was fucking come in ya pants hot tonight. His words not mine. I smiled when he said that, also told him not to repeat that to anyone or try and use that line on a girl. I think overall I gave him some good advice.

  I was playing poker with the girls, waiting, when we heard the bikes. My heart fucking started drumming to a beat that was unknown for. I was standing up, when the door opened, and there he was. My man. My fiancé. My purpose.

  I smiled, and it turned more into a grin as he locked eyes with me. He had road dust all over him, his clothes looked to be hardly washed. I don’t know if it had rained on their way here, but he looked slightly wet. But it was his iron grey eyes that were locked on mine, as he stormed for me.

  “If any of you fuckers, fucking think of knocking on my dorm for the next twenty four hours, it will be the last fucking thing you do.” He roared to the crowded room, and then his hands were on my hips, and he threw me over his shoulder, causing me to squeal loudly. But as I looked up, everything being backwards—I see Hudson standing there, his eyes on me, and it looked like he was about to storm towards us. I see it and I put my hand up and shake my head silently.

  I wasn’t his anymore. He needed to let me go. He said it himself.

  No one else noticed my small interaction with Hudson.

  A firm whack on my ass, scored my attention back.

  “For the record baby girl you brought tonight on yourself.” He says as he pushed open the door, and carried me in, slowly he lifted me off his shoulder, and lowers me down in front of him on the bed. He doesn’t just drop me on the bed, he lowers me to it, like I’m made of glass or something. He pulled back, he’s eyes on me.

  I smirked as his hands ran over my body. Slowly. And it’s moments like this I’m reminded he is more than an outlaw. “I’m going to fuck you raw.” He says and then I laughed, because just when I think that, he says something like that. “Why are you laughing?” he has a confused smile on his face, and I moved over him, straddling him.

  “I have something for you.” I said with a grin on my face.

  “Is it a belting for leaving you on our anniversary?” He said, as his hands goes to my hips. I forced myself to be serious for a moment, and climbed off him. His eyes widened. “Fuck Ellie. I was joking. You aren’t seriously pissed are you?”

  I put a hand up, silencing him. And my hand goes to the dress. My fingers going to the dress of the mid-thigh, skin tight grey dress. I let the zipper down, and the dress dropped to the ground.


  I watched her dress drop, and my eyes ran over the beautiful body that is my holy Gabriella’s. The black suspenders, holding up her black tights, and her small lace underwear, then her strapless bra. I fucking inhaled sharply. Coming back a day early was so fucking worth it.

  My eyes run over the scar in the centre of her body and I always kissed that scar fucking thankful she had it.

  My hands went out to her, and I needed to touch and explore. But I can’t. Cause she slapped my hand away.

  And shakes her head, her raven hair moving from side to side. Then she turned around, and pulled her hair to the front. My eyes ran over her firm tight ass, and my hand is going for it, when I see… my eyes widened… fuck I think my heart stopped. Fuck. Maybe I’ll need a heart transplant. My eyes are on the emblem on her back. But it’s my name, designed under the tattoo, that had me speechless. My name. Maddox Steel. I don’t know how to say anything, I can’t form a word.

  Had a lot of fucking ink on my body. Spend hours in a chair, and laying on the table. So tattoos weren’t new to me. But I couldn’t stop myself from reaching out and touching it. My fingers barely feeling the skin, but I felt the skin was raised and I knew then it was real. She slowly turned around.

  “How mad are you?” she says softly.


  She nodded her head. “I didn’t ask you about it, I just got it. I know I didn’t follow the normal rules around it.” She had nerves in her voice, and she is slightly shaking. Wasn’t sure if she was scared or cold, so I just stood up.

  Didn’t have a word to say about it yet.

  I spun her around, seeing the tattoo again. And I gripped and undid the strap of her bra, hearing her inhaling sharply, as I pushed it down her arms.

  “Maddox, say something?” She w
hispered, nerves, fear, all clear in her voice.

  But I’m still not ready.

  So I looped my thumbs into the sides of her small lace underwear and pulled them down.

  Then seeing as the tights and suspender were in the way, I undid them, before I could get her underwear off. Then she was exactly how I liked her. Fucking naked. But my eyes went to the tattoo on her back.

  Gabriella was called Holy Gabriella for a reason. She was the girl a man would dream of. She was the girl that if you got a taste of, you wouldn’t be able to let go. She was everything to me.

  “Maddox, please say something.” She basically whimpered. “Are you… that mad?”

  I turned her around, and her eyes were on the ground, cupped her face, forcing her to look me in the eyes. “Babygirl, do I look mad?” I whispered down at her, and then brushed my lips against hers, as I backed her back towards the bed. “Kiss me back.” I growled when she didn’t immediately do it.

  Why wasn’t she kissing me back? I pulled back to look at her, only to see that she was crying. Fucking hell. I brought this on myself. Shouldn’t have fucking kept my mouth shut.

  “Come on darling,” I went to comfort her, and she shakes her head, gripping my shoulders, and jumping on me. I caught her out of habit, and gripped her ass as she wrapped her legs around me, and kissed me so fucking hard.

  Just how I liked it.

  I laid her down on the bed, and she wasn’t letting go of me any time soon, she was kissing me like she wanted more, needed more—but fuck I’d give her an overdose, cause she was never going to not have me.



  Her laugh had me gripping my knife and fork tightly. Her sweet giggle as she spoke with Ribs. I wanted to fucking punch the guy for making her giggle. I was barely keeping control over my temper. I was going to snap. Fuck breakfast, peoples chances of living within this room, were getting slimmer if I didn’t leave.


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