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OURS: The Brothers of Diabolo MC

Page 8

by Simone Elise

  I immediately felt angry. Who would play such a sick fucking joke on someone?

  I answered it. “Who is this?” I snapped into the phone. Hudson’s eyebrows slightly arched, as he watched my rection.

  “Your fiancé.”

  And I went cold.


  Three Weeks Later

  My hands were shaking. Maddox had been home for a week, and during that week, I had to pretend like everything was fine but I knew he was hearing rumours of Hudson and I together, from other club members. He had seen pictures of the wedding. Saw him glaring at a certain one of Hudson and I dancing. I couldn’t do it any longer.

  I loved Maddox more than life, but the sick and twisted part was, I loved Hudson to the same level, just slightly differently.

  I couldn’t tell one of them that I didn’t love them. I couldn’t lie to them. I ran through it. I was going to tell Hudson, that I was marrying Maddox. But that tore my heart in a way I couldn’t stomach. So I redid the scenario and told Maddox that I’d be with Hudson, and that cut me to pieces.

  If love is all consuming, how could two men consume my heart?

  Finally and it was a slow process, I realized what had happened.

  I couldn’t pick between them, which meant I had to end both. I was sliding Maddox’s engagement ring off my finger, as I heard the door open.

  “Babe—” and he stopped, seeing me with the ring in my hand. His eyes locked with mine and I swallowed sharply.

  “I can’t do it Maddox.” I said, and I placed it down on the dresser. I looked him in the eye, and I couldn’t lie to him. “I can’t marry you when I feel like this.” And I couldn’t watch the pain consume his eyes, so I quickly picked up my bag and brushed his shoulder, as I walked out—leaving.

  I knew I wouldn’t be getting through this sober. I couldn’t live when I lost Hudson alone, now I had lost not just Hudson again but this time my soul mate at the same time. I loved Maddox, in ways I could never fully explain. I loved him enough to acknowledge he deserved better than me having feelings for another man

  Same went for Hudson. He deserved a woman that would be his and his alone. Tears ran down my cheeks as I walked from the clubhouse, I didn’t even care about coming out of this alive. I didn’t care I had been sober for years. I didn’t care, because my heart was bleeding in ways that would never heal.

  I walked out of the lot, and I knew exactly what I needed, a dose of numbness—so I headed back to a house that I swore I’d never return to.


  The demons wouldn’t leave me alone. She left. She put her ring down on the dresser and left. She fucking didn’t want to be my wife, she didn’t want me—and without my purpose I wasn’t seeing the point in keeping going on.

  Hudson rode out of town the same day that she left. Sort of knew they were together. It hurt on a level I couldn’t put into words.

  I had been nursing this drunken state now for two days since it had happened. She walked out, I walked down the hall, sat at the bar and the prospect kept my glass full.

  Can’t say I hadn’t got creative on how I could get Hudson back for this. But then I knew I’d hurt her more than him. And Gabriella hurting after everything she has been through, is the last thing I wanted. So I reined in my crazy ass, and kept it locked to the stool, stopping myself from starting a blood bath with the National President.

  Thought of leaving the club, hell that thought wouldn’t leave. Cause I couldn’t physically take the sight of seeing him with her.


  I glanced over my shoulder seeing Chief. He gestured for me to come to him.

  Fucking had to remind myself he was the president. So I got my ass up and walked towards him.

  That’s when I see him walk through the clubhouse door, looking like death but I can’t stop myself from glaring at him. My fists curling at my side. Then I heard the safety of a gun being clicked off, and it wasn’t my own, it was Chief, who had two guns pointed, one at me, one at Hudson.

  Hudson eyes are just as wide as mine, staring at Chief. I didn’t understand why Chief would have a gun on his future son in law.

  “I’m giving you both twelve hours, to get her back, get her telling me that she’s gonna try again.” Chief hissed at us. “If Gabriella, doesn’t walk through those doors, telling me it herself. I’ll execute both of you.”

  I didn’t fucking understand and Hudson is looking at me with the same confusion.

  Chief lowered both guns, pulling out a piece of paper and shoving it in my chest. “Twelve hours.” He grunted, and I saw tears in his eyes. It was like something was killing him on the inside.

  I looked at Hudson. “What’s he going on about?”

  “How the fuck am I meant to know! She picked you pretty boy! I ain’t got time for this.” Hudson went to leave and I gripped his arm.

  “She picked you.” I said it clearly, causing the confusion to deepen on his face. “She left me, and she rode off with you.”

  “Nah. She told me she couldn’t pick, and she then must have picked you cause she walked out on me.” Hudson said and everything Chief said, now clicked into place.

  “She didn’t pick either of us.” I muttered, and then my eyes widened. Chief was looking like he was grieving and I now understood why. “She’s using.” I said and looked at Hudson. “Look. I don’t expect you to come. But.” And this was going to fucking kill me. “She’s gonna need more than just me saying for her to get clean and come back. So, Hudson, what do you say to—”

  “We’re wasting time.” He snapped over me, and stormed out. And Gabriella didn’t know it but we were coming for her and I was going to breath life back into her if I had to—and if she would let me. But nerves ran through me cause last time she didn’t ease back till it cost her, her heart.

  I made a promise to her a long time ago, I’d always be a reason for her to stay clean and now I was a contributing reason to her using—the hunger in my stomach to get to her, to fix this, was burning and I knew as I mounted my bike. I normally can bare what most can’t. What breaks most men, makes me. But knowing Gabriella was using, and numbing herself from damage I had caused, well I couldn’t live with that.


  Looking at the house, it looked run of the mill. But I knew inside, was the place where addicts and users hung out. Mostly dealers, that would always crash here. Junkies that couldn’t keep themselves off the product.

  I climbed off my bike, I wasn’t sure what I was going to walk into, but one glance at Maddox, it was like he had been here before. The grief mixed with pure rage in his eyes, were fucking clear even to me.

  Wasn’t going to lie and say I wasn’t nervous when I followed Maddox, he paused at the front door and looked at me. “Anyone that gets in our way, gets a fucking bullet.” And then he turned, kicking the front door open and I stormed in right behind him.

  Don’t know what I was expecting. Wasn’t going to lie, I sort of expected Gabriella to be fine. But as soon as we entered the lounge, that delusion went out the fucking window.

  I know Gabriella better then she knows herself, or at least that’s what I thought. Until my eyes landed on her right now.

  The junkies and Gabriella hadn’t noticed us here. So I did the only thing I could think of, and shoot the speaker that the music was coming out of.

  All their eyes went to us. They took in the patches, and the cuts. They weren’t dealing with lowered members. They were dealing with the top of the food chain. The mother chapter Vice and the National President.

  As soon as they knew that, they got up and left the room. The only one who didn’t leave was Gabriella. She was sitting in the middle of the couch, zoned the fuck out. Had no idea what she had taken.

  “Do we make her realize it here, or do we sober her up?” Maddox said, and he looked at me. But I’m speechless as I stared at Gabriella.

  I had fucking caused this.

  How the hell was I going to help her get through this? />
  “Can’t take her and drop her off at rehab.” I looked Maddox in the eyes. “We caused this, we will fix this.”

  He nodded his head. “Get the prospect to bring a car, and we’ll take her home.”

  Gabriella is so spaced out that I doubted she knew we were here. Maddox and I needed to have a fucking conversation cause I wouldn’t let Gabriella die over me again.

  I stopped living the moment she told me, she couldn’t be with me. The moment I realised she was staying with Maddox, I rode out—didn’t look back.

  Only I was so fucking wrong. We get Gabriella back to Chief’s waiting arms, within twelve hours. She can’t fucking say she will give living another go, because she can’t string a sentence together. She’s off her face and I’m concerned as to what she has taken.

  Chief takes her to her and Maddox dorm room, and tells us to stay put. We then get told, we’re to watch her sober up, and when she comes to—we’re to tell her, we are both willing to do anything to keep her sober and alive.

  It doesn’t go to plan, because Gabriella comes down hard and the club doctor has to get involved. Helping her detox. Takes three days before she can speak knowing where she is.

  It’s Maddox and I that go and face her, she’s in the middle of the bed and IV in her arm. And the room is tense as fuck.

  “We’re sorry Gabriella.” Maddox kicked the conversation off.

  Her eyes flashed to him. “Nothing to be sorry about Maddox. I’m the one that is fucked. I can’t pick between two great men.” Tears swelled in her eyes. “I need you both to leave.”

  “Yeah, that ain’t happening.” I said, and looked at Maddox, he nodded his head. “We’ll both get you through this Gabriella.” I added.

  “I don’t want to get through this.” She doesn’t even blink saying it. It’s like a monster had awakened within her and I knew, so did fucking Maddox, that just because she was sober now, didn’t mean shit. She had no intention at all of staying sober. “I need you both to walk out that door and forget me.”

  “Yeah, that’s not happening.” Maddox grunted. “You’re my world Gabriella, I’m not letting you go.”

  She blinked coldly. “It hurt you enough watching me last time. This time I’m not planning on getting another heart. So do yourself a favor Maddox. Turn. Leave. Forget me.”

  Again, I can’t think of Gabriella ever being so shut down. She said she couldn’t pick between us.

  “I love you both, and I love you both enough to say this,” Her words dipped with emotion, and hope sparked in me that we hadn’t lost Gabriella altogether. “You don’t want me like this. I can’t fucking pick, so—"

  “Then don’t.” I say it, cutting her off. I don’t even regret saying it. And she’s looking at me. “I ain’t gonna make you pick, you can have me and,” I looked at Maddox, he was thinking the same thing. “and him if that’s what makes you happy.” I walked towards her, kneeling beside the bed, cupping her face. “I just want you happy, and if him and me, is what makes you happy, then fuck it. That’s what we do.”

  Gabriella is just staring at me.

  Maddox stepped forward, and I let go of her.

  “Darling, he’s right. I ain’t making you pick either. You’ve got me by the heart, and if you need him as well as me, then,” Maddox looked at me. “That’s what we do.” He quoted me.

  Gabriella looked stunned and she looked between us. “You two aren’t suggesting that we, like the three of us, have a relationship.”

  “Well I’m sure as fuck not having a relationship with Maddox. But I am having one with you.” I tried to stay friendly but the thought of Maddox and I in a relationship fucking repulsed me.

  “We share you Gabriella.” Maddox was shedding more light on the idea. “Hudson and I agree with you being with both of us. But so help me god if another man looks or touches you, he’s dead.”

  I take the cigarette from my mouth. “I fucking second that. Already sharing you, I ain’t letting anyone else near ya.”

  She’s still staring.

  “So we agree, you’re ours.” Maddox says to her, and then looked at me. How the fuck Maddox and I were going to share Gabriella, without ripping her apart, I didn’t know but I knew I’d do anything to make her happy, including letting her be with myself and Maddox.


  Maddox’s hands were on my hips, keeping me in between his legs, as he sat at one of the stools behind me. The boys wanted me out of my room. Between the two of them nagging, I gave in. The IV was out, and I was trying my best to not think of drugs. Which actually wasn’t that hard, as my mind had drifted to Hudson.

  I was scanning the bar. Hadn’t seen Hudson for a few hours. For some reason that made me anxious. Had he changed his mind?

  Then just as I said that, Hudson stepped into view at the bar. He glanced up, clearly in the middle of a conversation and saw me. The smile on his face dipped as he looked at me. I don’t know if he saw the panic in my eyes, or the fear of him leaving me—or what. But I watched him tell the man he was talking to, he’d be back, and he walked towards me.

  He’s eyes locked with mine. Maddox’s grip on me didn’t tighten like I was expecting with Hudson approaching. And rage wasn’t on Hudson’s face, as he saw Maddox’s hands on me.

  My heart was racing, just by the mere thought of Hudson leaving me.

  Hudson’s eyes were telling me to calm down. But my heart was already racing with nerves and the thought that he had left. I think he sees how worked up I am, because as soon as I’m within arms reach, his hand cupped my face and while I’m in Maddox’s arms, Hudson brings my face to his—his tongue invading my mouth immediately.

  It’s not a sweet kiss. It’s a dominating, claiming kiss—and I love every second of it. Maddox’s arm slowly snakes around my waist, and as strange as it was, it really turned me on, with Maddox touching me as Hudson kissed me.

  My hands go to Hudson’s hair, slipping my tongue into his mouth. He had completely made me lose track of my thoughts. I wanted more, needed more and I’m aware of Maddox’s thumb rubbing a small circle on my hip, as Hudson continued to kiss me.

  Then Hudson pulled back and I pouted.

  He looked me dead in the eyes. “You calmed down now sweetheart?” He said, still cupping my face. Maddox’s fingers are moving in small circles on my bare hips, as he continues the conversation he was having with Ribs. While Hudson is waiting on my answer.

  “I thought you changed your mind.” I whispered softly, and he heard it because his eyes darkened.

  “You know better than that.” He says, and dips his head. “Ain’t no one taking me from you.”

  “Until you get sick of sharing.” I didn’t mean to say it, and then Hudson’s eyes told me that I had crossed a line. Hudson was big on his word, and he had given me his word, that he was in this for the long haul. But I just couldn’t believe a man like Hudson and a man like Maddox would share someone like me.

  “Maddox.” Hudson said over my shoulder, and he’s looking directly at Maddox. “I’m taking Gabriella for a bit.”

  “Is this about last night?” Maddox said, taking a hand off me to light up a cigarette, then his arm was wrapped back around me. The whole time I’m thinking how can he be so calm? Hudson had just kissed me, claimed my mouth while I was in Maddox’s arms.

  They shared a look and it only dawned on me now, that these two had conversations without me, about how the relationship I had with both would work.

  “Damn straight it is.” Hudson said, and takes my hand. “You ready to follow through as well?” He added.

  I had no idea what they were talking about.

  “Calling it a night Ribs. I’ll see ya when I see ya.” Maddox said and stood up, his arm still wrapped around me.


  I froze and I swear I heard both the boys groan.

  “Gabriella!” Dad stepped into view, and his eyes went off the phone. “Need ya hand.” And he glanced between Maddox having his arm wrappe
d around me, and Hudson having my hand. “Ain’t got time for your weird couple shit right now, need my daughter.”

  I forced the boys a smile, but Hudson’s pissed off—he doesn’t hide it. Maddox rolled his eyes. I had no idea what they had planned but I worked out of their grips and got to my old man. Who was having phone problems. I glanced back at the boys, and I still couldn’t believe that they were prepared to share me. I couldn’t believe it had taken two men to give me my happy ever after.

  Want to continue the series?

  Yes the book you read was standalone, but it is also prologue Novella of three or more books in the same series. So if you want to continue reading Maddox/Gabriella /Hudson’s love story, you can follow the series on.

  Please keep in mind I kept the sex light in the prologue Novella. The following books will have a steamer theme, and isn’t for everyone.

  You can pre order the book


  by Elise Nicholls,

  at these links:





  You can also follow the KING series which is set in the same world

  Next up is a small scene from OUR PURPOSE….



  O U R P U R P O S E

  I felt a soft kiss on my shoulder, and I moved slightly. And then I felt his hand run over my back. My head was on Maddox’s chest, as I felt Hudson’s hand move across my ass. He pushed the t-shirt up slightly, and I knew what he wanted. So I pushed back into him, feeling him hard, and I felt him nip my shoulder. He knew I was awake.

  I pushed my ass further back into him and he ran a hand down my back, stopping on my side. His mouth going to my ear. “Mind if I fuck you baby girl?”

  It sent shivers down my skin, as his breath swirled around my ear. I lifted my leg up slightly, putting it back on his thigh. I my lips parting, a slight gasp escaping as he slipped his dick into me.


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