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Page 18

by Patrick Stewart

  They still had time before they arrived at the town, time enough for Martial to think of something.

  * * *

  They rode for the rest of the morning at a steady pace. Learmouth was still a day and half away by horse. Cassie and Michelle had packed food for the trip, and money too for when they arrived in Learmouth.

  During mid-afternoon, they reached a small cluster of low hills and decided it was a good place to sit and have their afternoon meal. As the girls set about collecting wood, Martial spotted a collection of buildings by the side of a hill covered in vines.

  He walked towards it and cutting aside enough vine, he stepped through what would have been the front door. A sad smile spread across his lips as he stared at the floor and the rusting metal bent out of shape.

  “What is it?” Cassie asked, as she joined him.

  “Cars,” Martial replied. “They used these things to get around back in the day.”

  “Looks small. Wouldn’t the horses block your view?”

  “They didn’t need horses. It used an engine that could turn wheels at over a hundred miles per hour.”

  “Hundred miles?” Cassie repeated.

  He could see her working that out, processing that sort of speed in a world where the fastest thing was a horse.

  “That’s fast, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah… I never really got into the whole cars thing, but I miss it now.”

  “Got into?” Cassie frowned. “Were they too small for you to fit into?” she turned her gaze back onto the rusting scraps of metal, most of the cars’ roofs having collapsed some.

  “No, I could fit into them. I meant, guys would buy cars and kit it up, drive it around like hooligans. It was a thing,” he said, when Cassie continued to stare at him blankly.

  “So, what period were these cars from?” Cassie asked, her voice trying hard to be inconspicuous.

  Martial knew that she was trying to figure out how old he was, and from that, figure out what generation Legacy he was. It wasn’t an exact science. There were still some Immortals alive, and being Immortals, they could still have children. Though few did, technically, you could be a first-generation Legacy and be only twenty-years old.

  “Probably a long time before you were born,” Martial said. “Any more questions?”

  “Um, so… Like… are your… parents Immortals?”

  “Nope,” Martial said.

  “Oh,” Cassie’s face fell. But then, it lit up pretty quickly. “What about your grandparents?”

  Martial glanced over his shoulder. Michelle had already gotten a fire started and was cooking meat over it. “Let’s head back,” he said.

  The walk back was silent. Cassie walked beside him, her body close, her fingers brushed against his. He could feel her aura, knew that she had fallen for him in a way separate from the usual relationship between apprentice and master.

  It was a surprise to him how that had happened. When he first met her, he got the distinct impression that she didn’t like him much, or at the very least, she was disappointed in him.

  Martial liked her too.

  It went without saying that she was hot. Every Legacy was hot. But she had this tenacity about her, and those eyes, the way they looked at him, he felt like he couldn’t disappoint her.

  And that was a dangerous place for Martial to be in.

  He did not want to go down that route again, where he had feelings for a girl, or girls. It never ended well.

  He wondered if this was what happened when he stayed sober for too long. He made a mental promise to get some wine at the next village they passed.

  The meal prepared by Michelle smelt great. Martial had a rapturous appetite. It didn’t taste bad. The meat was burnt on the outside, rare on the inside. Still, he’d had much worse. And being here, sitting by the side of a hill, it reminded him of a time in Hell, when he’d sat beside a hill and eaten meat cooked by a girl.

  He’d been full of hope back then, hope that things could be put right. But all of that hope had proved to be in vain. Things were worse now than they had ever been in the past thousands of years.

  If Satan had really returned, with God gone, with his Archangels dead, with Lucifer gone, Satan, a beast of immense power, would stand unopposed.

  Beside the devil, Immortals and their Legacies were nothing more than little children, toddlers even.

  After the meal, they set off once more on the road to Learmouth.

  * * *

  It was late in the evening when they reached the next village. The local pub was small, and they had a single room for travellers. Cassie had only shared a room with Martial once before, when he’d been too drunk to leave on the first night they had pledged themselves as apprentices.

  It seemed he wanted to replicate that tonight as well.

  Martial sat at the pub and downed drink after drink. Alcohol poisoning was a thing, though possibly not for Legacies. But still, what with demons roaming around, it didn’t seem like the thing to do. Especially seeing as Martial had done so well in the past month, hardly touching wine.

  And as with alcohol, it seemed Martial’s alter ego was making a comeback. He’d moved on from the bar to a table beside the fireplace. The barmaid sat on his lap as he talked away to the crowd that had come in on hearing news of Legacies passing through.

  They had questions about demons as they had heard of what had happened in the neighbouring village.

  Martial did nothing to allay their fears. Confirming the existence of demons in the area, he went on about how fearsome some of them were, recounting tales against demons of impossible sizes.

  From there on, he began to list his victories, rattled off the many titles he had given himself, none that Cassie had ever heard before.

  As the night wore on, and the crowds thinned, Martial headed up the stairs, his arms wrapped around the barmaid and a pretty village girl.

  When Cassie finally headed up, she found Michelle sitting on the floor in the corridor, her back against the wall. She was naked, having taken off her metal armoured bra and panties.

  “Still getting used to wearing it,” she said. “How’s yours?”

  “It’s not so bad,” Cassie lied. Truth was, the metal poles that rested in her ass and cunt were really uncomfortable. Especially the one in the ass. Cassie regularly grabbed her own ass cheeks and pulled on them, trying to get the dildo in her butt to fit right. “What’s going on in there?”

  “Martial is fucking the girls. I was walking behind them when they came up. He closed the door in my face so, I’m squatting here.”

  Cassie felt a pang in her chest.

  She’d hoped travelling on the road with him would have given her the opportunity to spend more time with him, intimate time.

  She didn’t even care that he was fucking two other girls now, but it did bother her that he was fucking two other girls when he had Cassie and Michelle that he could use.

  She sat beside Michelle and waited.

  The walls were thin, and even if they weren’t, the noises coming from within the room would have made it out. It sounded like the girls were having the time of their lives.

  It was obvious when they came, and Cassie thought they would leave soon. But then, it started again. There was a period of silence after both girls orgasmed for the third time.

  Finally, the door opened and the two girls walked out, completely naked, their hair ruffled as if they’d just crawled through the woods, a glazed look in their eyes, they trudged past.

  Michelle climbed to her feet and held a hand for Cassie. They entered the room to find Martial asleep. His large body took most of the bed, his legs sticking out at the end.

  He was naked and Cassie stopped and stared at his body.

  He was a perfect specimen. Powerful arms, thick chest with no fat, big strong legs. And his cock, even limp, it was enormous. Cassie sighed, and her cheeks blushed as Michelle glanced at her, a twinkle in her eyes.

  “What?” Cassie said, frowning.

  “If you want his cock so bad, why don’t you take it?”

  “He’s asleep.”


  “What do you mean so?” Cassie asked. “Why would I want to suck his cock while he’s asleep? What would I even get from that?”

  Michelle shrugged her shoulders. “Only one way to find out,” she said. “Let me know if you decide to it,” she added with a yawn.

  Already naked, Michelle climbed into bed beside Martial. His arms were stretched out, and Michelle rested her neck on his arm, her hand stretched out to hold his, she wiggled her naked bottom against Martial’s hips.

  Cassie unstrapped her metal bra. Her breasts popped out, and she massaged them. Her nipples complained of being pressed against the little holes in her metal bra, and she rubbed them gently to sooth.

  Suddenly feeling exhausted both physically and mentally, Cassie sighed. Taking off the metal armoured panties was always a tough task. She uncoupled the buckles and started at the back. Spreading her legs, she grabbed her left cheek and pulled it, and at the same time, with her right hand, she dug her fingers in-between the back and the plug and pulled.

  Cassie groaned as it came out. The plug in her pussy slid out with relative ease in comparison. Cassie placed her armour on the table in the corner of the room. She climbed into bed beside Martial, wiggling her ass against his hip like Michelle had done, but for completely different reasons.

  Her ass still felt sore, despite having worn the armour for days now.

  Beside her, Martial breathed deep and long, and soon, Michelle’s breathing indicated she was asleep too.

  It wasn’t that she wasn’t tired, on the contrary, she was exhausted. Her butt ached, and her pussy was sore, but even that wasn’t the reason she was awake.

  It was what Michelle had said, that dumb little bitch and her annoying ability to say stupid shit that was so dumb and fucking stupid.

  It really was stupid, and Cassie realised she was really worked up about it. Why the fuck wouldn’t Martial take interest in her body? Why wouldn’t he give his cock to her? She would take it anywhere he wanted her to, anyhow he wanted her to.

  And that was why she was still awake.

  Because Martial’s cock was beside her, glorious even in its limp form. And what Michelle said was stuck in her head.

  Would it be so wrong if she took it in her mouth, just for a taste? Lucifer knows no man would complain if he were to wake up and find a girl, a gorgeous girl like her sucking on his cock, would he?

  Cassie turned to face Martial, her breasts brushed against his hard chest. She had never seen an angel. The ones that lived on earth had created walls over a hundred feet tall and cut themselves off from both humans and demons.

  But she’d heard of what they looked like. Devine beings.

  Martial could have been angel, at least, when he was asleep, not drunk, not bragging.

  She rested her hand on his chest and watched his expression. There was no change. Her hand moved down his body, coming to his cock, she took it in her hand and held it. It felt good, felt right, and still, he was asleep.

  Her heart racing, Cassie leaned down and took his cock in her mouth.

  Chapter 27

  The following morning started late. Cassie and Michelle both woke as the sun rose. They washed and dressed in their armour. Martial continued to sleep, snoring away. Eventually, he did rise and stumble out of bed. After dressing in his casual clothing, wearing jeans and his worn leather jacket, they had a late breakfast.

  After breakfast, Martial spent the next hour drinking to his heart’s content.

  Finally, they left the pub behind, on their way to Learmouth.

  Cassie and Michelle rode beside Martial, who was very drunk. More than once, he almost fell off his horse, tipping over, only at the last moment, managing to stay upright.

  He started to talk too, rambling on about things, followed by long pauses where he drank more wine from the leather skin he had packed from the village pub.

  It was as another village appeared on the horizon, beyond the fields, did Martial start talking about Satan. It was a subject that made any sane person feel uncomfortable, especially when the devil’s name was used.

  “You know what pisses me off the most?” Martial asked. “Like, there’s all this history right, all this word of mouth. You know, things happen. Things happen. But like, how the fuck do people always manage to fuck up history? Lucifer isn’t a god. You can’t pray to him. I mean, far as I know, Alex was the only mother fucker, the last fucker to be one with Lucifer, right? And from Alex, we all know about Lucifer, right? That he was the first human and first in this realm and shit, right? But did Alex ever say anything about Lucifer being a god, being some sort of all-powerful all-knowing entity that responds to prayers?”

  There was silence. Cassie and Michelle exchanged glances, but neither girl said anything. Martial had been going on for hours now, with pauses to drink in between.

  Cassie had learnt to drone him out. It was a far cry from the man she’d have done anything to spend time with, anything to have him speak with her. Nothing had changed in that, not really. She still wanted to be beside him, to have him look at her, hold her.

  But it was like, in this moment, Martial was going out of his way to drink as much as he could, and then, be the biggest asshole he could be.

  “Don’t even get me started on fucking Satan,” Martial growled.

  Cassie shuddered at the mention of that name. “We won’t,” she mumbled.

  Martial turned his head towards her. “Did you say something?”

  “Me?” Cassie feigned innocence.

  “No. That walking tree beside you,” Martial growled. “Yes, fucking you! You’re afraid of Satan, aren’t you?”

  “Little bit,” Cassie swallowed.

  Her eyes moved away from Martial and took in her surroundings. The road was a dirt track, surrounded by thinly spread trees. If there were demons about, she would see them coming. Hopefully.

  “You should be afraid. Satan is pure evil. And apparently impossible to kill.”

  “Right,” Cassie nodded. “Maybe we should stop saying his name?” she added, her eyes now on a particularly large oak tree that seemed to have a dark shadow about it.

  “Why? What do you think is going to happen?” Martial asked.

  “Demons get angry when we say his name.”

  “Why the fuck should I give a shit about offending demons?” Martial asked. “And firstly, do you see any fucking demons about?”

  And firstly? How drunk was he to get his sentences muddled?

  “What do you think is going to happen, Cassie?”

  Cassie’s brows furrowed. Why did he say her name like that? Was it a good thing, or a bad thing?

  “Do you think the ground is going to open up, demons are going to pour out and take vengeance?”

  He was mocking her. “It’s happened in the past.”

  “Because someone said the word SATAN?” he yelled it out. “That’s the fucking problem with people these days. Just because there are now demons and angels, superstitions are suddenly acceptable. You know how crazy you would have sounded a few hundred years ago?”

  Cassie didn’t reply, but continued to stare at Martial, her lips curling.

  “What?” Martial demanded.

  “You’re a strange master,” she replied.

  “Don’t call me that.

  “It’s what you are,” Cassie told him. “You took us on as apprentices. We pledged our minds, bodies and souls to you. You’re our master now. Maybe you should start acting like it.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Martial demanded.

  There was a dangerous tone to his voice, one Cassie had heard before when drunken men threatened their significant others. It was usually followed by violence. Was Martial going to hit her?

  She had pledged her mind, body and soul to him. She gave him the right to strike her, if he so thought it right, if he thou
ght she had stepped out of line.

  “It means you shouldn’t be trying to pick an argument with me. You are my master. You are right, and I am in the wrong. If you feel I deserve punishment for any insubordination, you are entitled to punish me.”

  She said the words calmly, and it defused the situation. After staring at her awhile, the glare in Martial’s eyes faded. He stared ahead at the road and beyond, where the little village was rising across the horizon.

  “You’re right,” Martial finally said, his voice now calm too. “I shouldn’t be arguing with you. I’m right on this. Saying Satan’s name doesn’t bring bad luck.”

  “Of course, master,” Cassie said, her voice diplomatic, though inside she felt unease.

  “Say it.”

  Cassie took a deep breath. “Satan,” she whispered.


  “Satan,” she said through gritted teeth.

  Martial turned to Michelle. “Don’t think being silent means you won’t have to participate. Say the word.”

  Michelle visibly squirmed in her saddle. A pained look across her face, her lips quivered as she mentioned Satan’s name. It was barely audible, and Cassie wondered if the girl would be able to say it loud enough for Martial’s satisfaction, or if she would faint instead.

  Thankfully, the kinder side of Martial emerged and he didn’t press her to speak up.

  “See,” he said triumphantly. “Nothing happened. No demons emerged from the ground to devour our souls.”

  They continued to ride on towards the village. Cassie wasn’t convinced by Martial’s words. Her hand rested by her waist, where her sword was sheathed in the scabbard fasted around her armour.

  Feeling on edge, she glanced around. They had left the last of the sparsely growing trees that surrounded the dirt road. Around them were now fields of wheat. Growing over a meter tall, they were ready to be chopped down.

  As a gentle breeze swept passed them, the golden grains at the top of the stalks swayed in a mesmerising fashion.

  And then, the ground shook.

  Martial, Michelle and Cassie pulled on their reins in unison.


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