Book Read Free

Bite Me

Page 1

by Bella Street


  Book Five | Apocalypse Babes


  Bella Street

  Firefly Press

  Nashville, TN

  © 2011 Kindle Edition

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover by Palindrome Design


  ©Valua Vitaly

  ©Tomislav Zivkovic

  Playlist at

  For Patricia Kirkham

  (see, stalking can serve a purpose)

  Now wash me and I will be whiter than snow.

  James L. Nicholson

  Chapter One

  It was its eyes that caught her attention—sulfurish and feral. And somehow they held her gaze despite the way she bobbed along the river, despite struggling to keep her head above water. The current hastened as she moved downstream, but the wolf loped along the bank, keeping her in sight. She knew she should be concerned.

  Why was it following her?

  What did it want?

  The river moved faster. White caps broke the surface, splashing icy water against her skin. She shivered uncontrollably, but was it the cold, or the current moving her inexorably toward the wolf?

  She tore her attention from the animal long enough to realize the river suddenly dropped off. As the water carried her toward the edge, the wolf picked up speed and raced to a large outcropping of rock that would bring them to a point of intersection. She cringed, knowing there was nothing she could do to stop the collision. No way to stop the wolf from reaching her.

  It knew, too. Pinning her with its stare, it reached the rock and launched itself right at her.

  Seffy lurched upright, gasping and sputtering. It was dark, wet, and freezing. Where am I? She heard movement next to her.

  “What the hell?”



  “Right here.”

  Seffy heard him moving around. She couldn't see him. The darkness was absolute.

  “I must've left the damn skylight open! We're getting soaked!”

  She nodded, though he couldn't see her, and tried to stop her teeth from chattering. Giant goose bumps riddled her shaking body, but there was no escape. All the blankets and padding were wet through with icy rainwater.

  She heard him fiddling with the latch above their heads.

  Suddenly a river of water crashed into her face, knocking her backward. When she came up gasping for air, she realized Trent must've experienced the first force of the deluge if his language was any indication. Seffy wiped the water from her face, feeling bits of ice against her skin.

  “Go toward that lower room. We need to get into the shower.”

  Seffy crawled blindly in what she hoped was the general direction of the room. The blankets were soggy beneath her hands and knees. How had they slept so long in the rain?

  “The lights won't turn on, dammit. The rain must've shorted the wiring.” Trent came alongside her, running his hand along the floor as he looked for the ceiling tile that would open up to the lower compound resident room. “I think I found it. Hold on.”

  Seffy shivered in response. She heard what sounded like a tile sliding to one side. Then she realized Trent would have to climb down to the room in the dark. “You're not going to jump down there, are you?”

  “I have to.”

  “But you'll slip.”

  She heard the muffled thud of his feet landing on the linoleum below. Then the rest of him. “Are you okay?”

  A muffled groan. “Yep.”

  A light came on below. She saw the room was thankfully unoccupied, as the majority of rooms were in this section of the compound. Next, she heard the sound of water in the bathroom.

  Trent reappeared and stood looking up her, wearing only wet, baggy boxers. His shaggy, dark blond hair was plastered to his head. He stretched up his hands.

  Seffy edged forward, then put her legs over the opening, most of her strength expended in violent trembling. But a hot shower beckoned, so she forced her limbs to move.

  Lowering herself down, she released a relieved sigh when she felt Trent's hands on her thighs. As she came down all the way, he caught her around the waist, the pressure of his grip causing water to drip from her tank top and underwear. Once her feet touched the floor, he hustled her into the bathroom where steam was beginning to rise. Even the floor was cold.

  After sticking his arm into the shower stream to test the temperature, he drew her into the stall with him. Seffy closed her eyes and huddled against him as the warm water coursed over their bodies. Trent slowly turned the water hotter and hotter as they adjusted to the heat. Nestling her head under his chin, she reveled in the feel of his hands stroking her back. Warmth slowly returned to her bones.

  Maybe waking up in a wet, leaky bed wasn't so bad after all.


  She nodded, but was loathe to leave the circle of his arms.

  “I grabbed the blanket off the bed. It's on the towel rack, but we need to get out of these wet clothes first.” He turned off the water.

  They stripped out of their clothes, then Trent wrapped the blanket around their bodies. The fabric was warmed slightly from the steam, but she still experienced a chill as they made their way to the bed. They fell lengthwise onto the mattress. Seffy slid her arms around Trent's neck, seeking his warmth.

  He returned the hug, pressing a kiss on her shoulder. “That was quite an adventure.”

  “Pretty tame for what usually goes on at the compound.” Seffy relaxed in his embrace and smoothed his wet hair from his forehead. “I was dreaming about being in whitewater rapids. Usually a water dream means I have to pee, but I guess this one was real.”

  A corner of his mouth lifted. “We probably shouldn't have gone to sleep with that skylight open, but I get so sick of the stale compound air.”

  She tangled her legs with his. “That cold night air makes for some sweet cuddling under the covers.”

  Trent smiled, his gray gaze caressing. “Yes, it does. Luckily the window opening was over our feet and not our heads.”

  “What was that rush of water that came in as you were closing the window?”

  “I guess the water puddled up on the roof and I must've done something to let it in. Sorry about that.”

  “It was very...invigorating.”

  He laughed softly. “The next challenge will be how to get back to our room.” He nuzzled her neck. “Being naked and all.”

  “Are you sure the compound doesn't keep all the rooms stocked with ugly 70s castoffs?”

  “Well, there were no towels, which is why we're using a blanket, so my guess is no.”

  She tipped her head back and looked up at the ceiling, seeing the gaping black hole of the Light Room above. “Have you ever wondered about the compound—I mean, how they get money to run this place? It must cost a fortune to feed everyone, keep them in hot showers...and generally make everyone's life miserable.”

  “Sef, we're in our birthday suits, wrapped up in a warm blanket, all alone, at night, and you want to talk about the economic ramifications of a run-down ex-Soviet military compound stuck out in the Montana wilderness?”

  She raised her brows. “Yep.”

  He sighed and braced his head in his hand. “I don't have a clue how they keep the lights on and the water hot. I don't know how they come up with conspiracy plots and completely botch them. Now, how about a kiss?”

  She leaned up and momentarily obliged him. “Do you think the compound makes something that they can sell for funding? Or maybe there's some natural resource they're exploiting for fun and profit.”

  Trent groaned and eased onto his back. “Geez, you're serious.”

  “Well, we never really talk about it.”

  “Maybe it's that whole survival t
hing that gets in the way of Fugere small talk.”

  “Humor me. Where in Montana are we? By Canada, the Dakotas, Idaho? Isn't there another nearby state?”

  “Wyoming also touches Montana.” He sighed. “I've never been able to find out where exactly, but my guess is that we're near Canada.”

  “Are there wolves in Montana?”

  “What? Why?”

  Seffy shrugged. “I was also dreaming about wolves—well, just one—before I woke up.”

  “Yes, there are wolves here. What else do you want to know? Game laws? Demographics?”

  She traced his collarbone, wondering if she should ask the question that really vexed her. If only she could be sure she wasn't under some pharmacological influence that affected her feelings for Trent—the same influence that sent many compound residents on lustful misadventures...and murderous rampages. “Did you ever find out exactly how the mood altering drug was dispersed?” she said, easing into the subject. “Addison said it was in the food this time.”

  He regarded her, his expression telling her he knew exactly why she was asking. “It turned out to be both, which caused overdoses—”


  “Yep. Real sharp scientists we got here.”

  “So, what about us?” she said, keeping her voice steady.

  “Well, we were mostly insulated from it by being up in the Light Room with all the fresh air, along with subsisting mostly on packaged trail bars.” His arms tightened around her. “This is real, Sef.”

  She considered his words. “I know.”

  His heavy-lidded eyes were lit with amusement. “Uh huh.”

  She nibbled her bottom lip, resisting the urge to look away. “I also heard some of the compound residents left after the dust settled.”

  Trent nodded. “Considering all the other crap that has gone on here, it's amazing anyone has stuck around.”

  “Doesn't seem fair that they get to leave when we can't. I wonder if they'll find bloody corpses and abandoned towns like we did.”

  He caressed the small of her back. “Why don't you make a list of questions for Fenn and I'm sure he'll give you all the details you need.”

  Seffy snorted softly. “Yeah, right. I've heard all his old excuses for not giving us information. Not really interested in new ones.”

  “That's why it's pointless to think about it. Especially right now.” He cupped her jaw and kissed her in a way she couldn't dismiss.

  “You have a one track mind,” she whispered against his mouth.

  “Just about you.”

  Seffy threaded her fingers into his hair and returned his fervency, finding herself floating on a wave of desire that would soon turn into the rapids-to-waterfall of her dream if he kept touching her like this.

  After several minutes succumbing to the feel of Trent's busy mouth and hands, he suddenly stopped.

  In a daze, Seffy blinked and became cognizant of Trent cocking his head at a funny angle. “What do you hear?” she asked, trying not to sound disappointed.

  “Oh, crap.” He kicked off the blanket, pulled the sheet out from underneath her, and wrapped it around his waist. “It must've been a monsoon rain!”

  Alarmed, she sat up and followed his line of sight. A thin stream of water was dripping rapidly from the opening above the room, creating a growing puddle on the floor.

  “I thought you closed the window.”

  “I did! The bedding must be so saturated it can no longer hold the water.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  He sighed, pawing a hand through his damp hair. “We have to get that bedding out of there. We have to stop the leaking before it stains the ceilings of surrounding residence rooms. If the compound finds out, they'll have to fix the damage and we can say goodbye to the one place that's truly a refuge around here.”

  Gathering the folds of the blanket around her, Seffy jumped off the bed and went to the pine dresser in the corner. Trent joined her, going through the drawers, looking for anything to wear. She sniggered at his appearance. He sent her a dark look but his mouth twitched.

  The dresser was empty. Seffy went to the closet and opened the door. Her smile faded at what she saw hanging from the rod.

  Her pink velour Juicy Couture tracksuit.

  Trent came up behind her. “Whoa. How did that get here?”

  She twisted around, her heart pounding hard. “I have no idea.”

  “Well, put it on. Then you can run to my room and get me some clothes. I'm sure our stuff up in the Light Room is as soaked as the blankets.”

  “Trent, I am not putting that on.”

  “What? Why not?”

  Her eyes widened. “Think about it. Why is it here? Who put it here? Why the room under the Light Room? The tracksuit is probably bugged, or...cursed.”

  He touched her shoulder. “We'll figure all that out another time. Right now, it meets a need.”

  She shook her head. “No way. They know about us—whoever planted it here—and they'll know as soon as I have it on, they'll tap on their stupid computers and send me somewhere else in time.” Her fingers felt for the J pendant at her neck and wrapped around its reassuring shape.

  “Sweetheart, did you bump your head climbing down from the attic?”

  Seffy stared at him, shocked by his denseness. “You're the one who told me it was a 'mystical artifact for time travel.'”

  He raised his hands. “Okay, you're getting upset and I'm not sure why. And trust me, I would never call a designer tracksuit a 'mystical artifact for time travel.' I was just repeating what the nerd herd called it.” He blew out a breath. “So, do you want me to put it on instead?”

  “No. Not only do I not want you to stretch out, and thereby ruin, the only decent thing I have to wear, especially since I can't replace it, but then you could get sent into a wormhole instead of me. Either option sucks.”

  Trent regarded her for a long moment. “Sef, you wear the thing all the time. Were you worried about time travel-napping then?”

  “No, because I was the one who washed it and dried it and hung it in my closet. Someone else has had their creepy hands on it, and it's tainted by their creepy plans.”

  She turned away from Trent, feeling ridiculous in her current state of non-attire, and wondered why he wasn't seeing the big picture. As she surveyed the hated beige décor, she spied a telephone.

  Seffy walked over and picked it up. Hearing something like a dial tone, she called Lani's room.

  Her friend's sleepy voice answered after several rings.

  “Lani, sorry to wake you up.” She turned around and faced Trent, sending him a droll look. “But I'm in a predicament and wondered if you'd bring me some clothes.”


  “Serves you right for doubting me.”

  Trent sent Seffy stink eye as he emerged from the bathroom, zipping up a pair of Malone's old coveralls.

  “They're clean,” Lani said helpfully, tucking a lock of her dark hair over her shoulder.

  Seffy, newly dressed in a teal T shirt and a pair of sweat pants, smiled at her friend. “Thanks. The alternatives were...not acceptable.”

  Lani's sky blue eyes were wide. “What are you guys doing in this room anyway?” She scrunched her nose. “I mean, I know what you were doing—”

  “I think we should be going,” Trent said quickly.

  Face burning, Seffy hopped off the bed and followed him to the door.

  Lani grabbed her arm. “Were you guys, like, trying to do it in every room of the compound?”

  Seffy held up her hands in a gesture of surrender. “Can we talk about this later? Please?”

  “I just wondered,” she whispered loudly, “because Malone and I thought that would be fun too.”

  Seffy made a harsh shoosh face, hoping her friend understood the conversation was not for mixed company. She leaned close. “I'll visit you soon, and we can talk then okay?”

  “Okay. But call first to make sure it's a good time. Sometimes
Gareth comes over and he's still mad about finding you and Trent in bed together.”

  Seffy froze. Her guilty gaze flew to Trent's.

  He stood with his hand on the door handle, his gray eyes shocked. She glanced back at Lani. “He told you about that?”

  She nodded gravely. “Me and Addison. He said some pretty hard things, too. I'm hoping he gets over it...soon.”

  “When were you planning on telling me this, Sef?” Trent asked, his voice flat.

  Lani's attention swiveled between them in dawning comprehension, then she excused herself and slipped out the door under Trent's arm. Before she was completely gone, she poked her nose back in the room. “The coast is clear, guys. See you later!”

  Seffy gave a half-hearted wave, unable to look away from Trent's eyes. Before she could think of a response, he went to the door and looked out into the hall.

  “Let's go.”

  Gut churning, she followed him down the corridor toward their rooms. Neither of them spoke until they arrived at her door.

  Seffy felt bad not telling him about that night, but it was hard to bring up a conversation about such a delicate subject. And possibly worse, she hadn't spoken to Gareth since, either.

  Inside her residence, Trent headed for his room through the passageway. Seffy sat on the edge of her bed, wishing they could go back to snuggling in the blankets.

  No, she'd had to go and ask a bunch of pointless questions and waste a perfectly good romantic interlude.

  Trent returned a few minutes later, dressed in a black T-shirt and blue jeans. She braced herself when he sat next to her.

  After a long moment of silence, he sighed. “Were you going to tell me?”

  Seffy decided to be brutally honest. “I don't know.”

  He lowered his eyes, his jaw tight. “When did this happen?”

  “The night Fenn brought us all back to the compound from the desert. I guess Gareth came to my room looking for me and saw the light from the closet. I forgot to close the panel.” She touched his arm. “You were asleep when he came in. I was in my pajamas. Technically he didn't see anything.”


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