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Sovereign Rising (The Gods' Game, Volume III): A LitRPG novel

Page 34

by Rohan M Vider

  Wynak reacted instantly and angled his own line to face the remains of Gnarok’s faltering charge. Kyran spared an admiring glance for the disciplined and practised ease with which Wynak’s legionnaires repositioned themselves. He could only imagine how menacing the Balturra legion Wynak had commanded must have been in its day.

  Turning his attention to his own party, he reached out to the wyverns and ordered them to dive in to attack.

  Gaesin has summoned a level 42 ice elemental (duration: 7 minutes).

  He smiled as he saw Gaesin’s summoning complete. Despite the last-minute changes, the battle was progressing smoothly. Turning his focus inwards, he began his second casting.


  Behind Kyran, Mirien and Adra dashed out of the ravine. Adra dropped onto one knee and released a storm of ensnaring arrows into the right flank of the warband, while Mirien, surrounded by a magic shield, shadow stepped into the ogres’ lines to wreak her own chaos amongst them.

  Gaesin’s ice elemental—a three-metre tall humanoid of frozen ice carrying the frigid essence of winter’s heart—crystallised into being onto the ravine’s edge. “Attack!” ordered Gaesin, sending it racing after Mirien, while he turned his focus inwards and began casting again.

  At the centre of his warband, Gnarok himself had unfortunately not been caught in Kyran’s shock wall. As the left half of his line was shattered, the young chieftain stumbled to a halt and whipped his head around, searching for the source of the attack.

  “You!” he roared, his eyes widening as he caught sight of Kyran. Snarling, Gnarok swung around and charged uphill, back towards Kyran.

  At the top of the slope, Aiken burst out of the earth directly at Nekuhr’s feet in a spatter of rock and dust. But even though the old warlock’s eyes rounded in surprise as he was tossed helplessly in the air, Aiken’s ambush failed to have the desired effect.


  Aiken’s attack has activated Nekuhr’s prepared spell!

  Nekuhr has trigger-cast chaos shield.

  Aiken’s stone dive has hit Nekuhr for 0 damage (25 blocked by chaos shield). Remaining shield: 875 / 900 HP.

  Aiken’s jade bite has failed (blocked by chaos shield).

  Kyran’s head whipped around in shock as he saw the Game’s message. A glistening bubble of black had appeared around the warlock. He dropped the weaves of the mass sleep spell he had been preparing and, without hesitation, launched a mind shock at the warlock.

  Kyran’s mind shocks has hit Nekuhr for 0 damage (51 blocked by chaos shield). Remaining shield: 824 / 900 HP.

  He ground his teeth in frustration as the psi projectile was rebuffed. Like a divine shield, the chaos shield seemed to stop psi attacks.

  Kyran had been expecting Aiken’s attack to catch the warlock off-guard. How had Nekuhr trigger-cast? The ability was adept-ranked, he knew, and not one that Nekuhr should have been able to cast. According to Wynak, the warlock was only of journeyman-rank.

  Reaching out, he probed Nekuhr with insight.

  Name: Nekuhr. Race: Ogre (goblinoid).

  Level: 50. Health: 700 / 700.

  Stamina: 1400 / 1400. Will: 480 / 480. Essence: 800 / 800.

  Attack: 160 (chaos).

  Defences: 91 (physical), 51 (psi), 65 (spell).

  Class: Chaos warlock.


  Chaos warlocks are mortal mages who have bound themselves to demonic masters in exchange for the ability to use their powerful magics. In exchange for the gift of chaos magic, warlocks are sworn to provide both their own mortal shell and those of others for their masters’ use, allowing the demons to escape the Abyss—if only temporarily—and manifest on the physical plane.

  Wynak’s information was accurate, he saw. Nekuhr must have an enchanted item, Kyran decided, which, while bad enough, was a relief. Facing an adept spellcaster would have been an altogether impossible challenge.

  Picking himself up, Nekuhr glanced curiously first at the jade bear circling his chaos shield, then at Kyran. He bowed mockingly to the pair before turning to consider the battle. Kyran gritted his teeth as the warlock smiled approvingly at the shock wall. Nekuhr seemed to think little of their efforts.

  Kyran pulled in essence for another attack, but paused as he saw Nekuhr raise his staff and wave it airily across the battlefield. Looking at Kyran, the warlock grinned again.

  Kyran glanced downslope. He could discern no perceptible change in the battle from the warlock’s action. Yet clearly Nekuhr believed he had done something. Kyran frowned.

  What had the warlock done? The gesture had been too quick to be a spell of any sort. It must—

  A moment later, he found out as a torrent of Game messages roared through his mind.

  Nekuhr has activated a demonic pact. Nekuhr’s call has summoned a minor demon from the Abyss to his aid.

  A chaos-marked ogre has been possessed by a minor demon (buff: demonic might, debuff: demonic payment).

  Demonic might (all attributes doubled, duration: 10 minutes).

  Demonic payment (all attributes halved permanently, debuff will be activated in 10 minutes).

  The blood drained from Kyran’s face as he received forty-two separate messages that the chaos-marked had been possessed. The old warlock had not been lying as he had hoped. The chaos marks had been activated, and each member of Gnarok’s warband had doubled in strength.

  Kyran had not known what form the chaos marks would take. The marks themselves were reputed to vary widely in their effects, though all chaos marks were the same in that they temporarily lent power in return for an onerous payment.

  Ignoring the grinning warlock, Kyran surveyed the battle. Wynak’s people would not survive ten minutes against forty demon-possessed ogres. His gaze caught on the twenty ogres in the shock wall.

  Despite the strength newly granted them by their possession, the ogres remained trapped. But they would be free soon, once the spell lapsed.

  Kyran’s brows drew down. Wynak’s people may not be able to hold against forty demon-possessed, but could they survive against twenty? They will have to, Kyran decided. It’s the only help I can spare them. Reaching out to the four wyverns arrowing down from the sky, he redirected their attention.

  “Gaesin, cast healing rain,” Kyran ordered across the battlegroup. “Turn all your efforts to keeping Wynak’s people alive.”

  “On it, Kyran.”

  Kyran turned his attention back to Nekuhr. The warlock’s eyes were closed, his attention turned inwards as he prepared a spellcasting. He could not afford to leave the warlock unattended. I have to disrupt his spell if I can, or who knows what other horror will emerge?

  “Brother, continue your attack on the warlock.” Drawing on his essence, Kyran began throwing shock bolts at the warlock, trying to whittle down his chaos shield as fast he could.

  Aiken’s mauling attack has hit Nekuhr for 0 damage (48 blocked by chaos shield). Remaining shield: 773 / 900 HP.

  Kyran’s shock bolt has hit Nekuhr for 0 damage (69 blocked by chaos shield). Remaining shield: 704 / 900 HP.


  The right half of Gnarok’s warband, abandoned by their leader, crashed into Wynak’s legionnaires—and were rebuffed. Despite the impetus of the charge, Wynak’s warband gave not an inch of ground.

  Crouched low, behind their tower shields, the ogres absorbed the impact, then rose and struck out with their hammers. They were holding, just as Wynak expected they would.

  But then something changed.

  Gnarok’s warband seemed to stutter. Hammers halted mid-swing, and faces froze mid-snarl. It only lasted a split-second, too quick for Wynak to take advantage of.

  But when Gnarok’s hunters snapped back into motion, they were changed. Their eyes gleaming solid black, the warband struck at the legionnaires with redoubled fury and speed.

  “Demon-possessed,” Wynak whispered, dread coiling within him as he realised what had happened. Helplessly, he watched one of possessed’s hammers cleav
e through the shield of a legionnaire and into the startled ogre’s face.

  “Fall back!” Wynak barked. “Lock shields and retreat!” he growled.

  His legionnaires could not hold against the demons. He glanced up at the sky. The wyverns which he had expected to plummet down into the rear of Gnarok’s warband and provide his people some sorely needed relief were diverting.

  He swore profusely. What was Kyran doing?


  Gnarok, rushing towards the party, found himself intercepted by a hunk of ice that loomed larger than him.

  He attempted to dodge the summoned creature, but the ice elemental was having none of it. Wrapping its frigid hands around the chieftain’s torso, it heaved him off his feet. He tried to pull away, but couldn’t. The blasted creature was stronger than him.

  A moment later, he yelped in surprised pain as he felt the burn of the elemental’s icy touch penetrate his toughened hide. He struck out at the creature with his hammer and carved out a chunk of ice from its body. It deterred the creature little, though, as it tightened its hold on him.

  Growling in frustration, Gnarok struck at the elemental again. He would have to kill the summoned monster before he could get to the elf, he knew. But how? His blows were having little effect. He growled in frustration. He would rip the thing in two if he—

  Gnarok’s thought ground to a halt. His limbs were locked into immobility and control of his body was wrenched away. He had only a split second to howl in impotent rage before even his mind was stolen. He tried to fight the entity that that dived eagerly into him, but he was powerless to stop it from taking over. After all, he himself had granted it permission.

  Then his eyes began to change.


  Mirien flowed across the rear of Gnarok’s warband. Striking out at will, she disrupted the battle line and distracted Gnarok’s ogres while the legionnaires hacked into them from the front. When opportunity arose, she dealt what damage she could. But always she kept one eye skywards.

  So she happened to notice the moment the wyvern’s diverted off-course. What—? The revised plan, she knew, called for the wyverns to demolish the warband attacking Wynak’s men. What had changed? Out the corner of her eye, she saw a hammer racing towards her. Automatically, she sidestepped the blow and began her own counter-attack by rote.

  Mid-swing, she halted her own strike. There had been something peculiar about that hammer blow. It had been too fast. She darted her gaze upwards and saw glistening black eyes. Instinctively, she leapt backwards and, by happenstance, dodged an attack she hadn’t seen coming from her right.

  She cursed softly. Demonspawn. Now she understood why Kyran had diverted the wyverns. Teleporting backwards, Mirien cast her gaze across the battlefield. Downslope, Wynak’s warband was being hard pressed, upslope Aiken battled the warlock, and on the approach to the ravine where Kyran, Adra, and Gaesin were, Gnarok was battling the ice elemental.

  If Gnarok had changed, too, then the elemental would not be able to stop him from reaching the party.

  Gnarok could not be allowed to reach the party’s casters. Tightening her grip on her blades, she stepped into the chieftain’s shadow.


  A wyvern clutch’s acid spittle attacks have hit Gnarok’s warband for a total of 600 damage (acid), 8 demon-possessed ogres have been afflicted with corrosive touch (damage sustained: 900 HP over 30 seconds per ogre).

  A wyvern clutch’s acid spittle attacks have hit Gnarok’s warband for a total of 500 damage (acid), 7 demon-possessed ogres have been afflicted with corrosive touch (damage sustained: 830 HP over 30 seconds per ogre).

  Kyran smiled grimly at the Game messages heralding the wyverns’ entrance into the battle. He darted a quick glance at the ogres battling at the bottom of the slope.

  As ordered, the clutch had landed at edges of the shock wall and were unleashing a flood of yellow ichor on the ogres still trapped within. Despite their demon-infused strength and health, Kyran fully expected the afflicted ogres to be dead soon.

  His gaze returned to the enemy spellcaster. Kyran’s and Aiken’s attacks against Nekuhr were faring less well than he liked. Despite everything the pair had thrown at the demon worshipper, his chaos shield was still up.

  Kyran’s 4 shock bolts have hit Nekuhr for a total of 0 damage (251 blocked by chaos shield). Remaining shield: 453 / 900 HP.

  Aiken’s 4 mauling attacks have hit Nekuhr for a total of 0 damage (180 blocked by chaos shield). Remaining shield: 273 / 900 HP.

  Then Nekuhr completed his own spell.

  Nekuhr has summoned three level 71 hounds of chaos (animating spirits: minor demons, duration: 8 minutes).

  Fear clenched at Kyran’s gut. “Dive, brother,” he commanded. The jade bear snarled in protest. He wanted to continue the fight. “Now!” Kyran barked, nearly choking with terror for his companion. Aiken would not be able to combat the hounds when each was more than twice his own level.

  Sensing the emotion behind Kyran’s command, Aiken fled into the ground without further complaint. Kyran puffed out his breath in relief. “Go help Wynak’s warband, brother,” Kyran said.

  Nekuhr opened his eyes and smiled viciously as he beheld Aiken’s fleeing form. But a second later, the warlock’s grin faded when he caught sight of the wyverns and the devastation they were wreaking. Scowling, the shaman waved his hand forwards, and the hounds took off sprinting towards the clutch.

  Kyran sent a thought rippling to the wyverns, warning them of the danger racing towards them. Then he turned back to Nekuhr. He had to destroy the warlock’s shield before Nekuhr could do further damage. He wove another shock bolt and flung the charged bolt of air at the warlock.

  Kyran’s shock bolt has hit Nekuhr for 0 damage (70 blocked by chaos shield). Remaining shield: 203 / 900 HP.

  At the attack, Nekuhr turned slowly back towards Kyran. But something seemed off about the warlock. His stance and even his features had subtly shifted. Now what? wondered Kyran in dismay.

  “What are you, mortal?” the warlock asked, his words reverberating clearly even from across the battlefield. The warlock’s voice was low and guttural. Entirely different from how Nekuhr had spoken earlier.

  Noticing Nekuhr’s flashing black eyes, Kyran shivered, his suspicions confirmed. It was not Nekuhr standing there. Not anymore. This is Nekuhr’s demon master.

  The demon in Nekuhr gazed at Kyran with studied interest, waiting for his response. Kyran gritted his teeth and sent another shock bolt rippling across the air. Response enough, he thought.

  Kyran’s shock bolt has hit Nekuhr for 0 damage (65 blocked by chaos shield). Remaining shield: 138 / 900 HP.

  The demon ignored the attack, seemingly unperturbed by the damage to his chaos shield. “I smell no stench of the divine upon you,” the demon continued, curiosity brightening his tone. “You don’t belong to one of the gods. Yet you are a player. Interesting.”

  Kyran wove another shock bolt. It didn’t matter what entity occupied Nekuhr’s body. As long as Kyran destroyed the mortal shell, the demon would be banished back to the Abyss.

  Kyran’s shock bolt has hit Nekuhr for 0 damage (70 blocked by chaos shield). Remaining shield: 68 / 900 HP.

  The charged bolt of air smacked into the Nekuhr’s shield, sending crackling bots of light across it.

  “Stop that,” the demon snapped irritably. He softened his tone a moment later. “Why fight me?” asked the demon, his voice dripping with sudden sweetness. “I sense there is something different about you. Something remarkable. Surely whatever you are, we can find common cause?” he asked, his tone openly wheedling now.

  Kyran felt unclean just listening to the demon, but he kept his lips firmly pressed together despite his vehement desire to fling back the demon’s words. Ignore the creature and win the fight, Kyran. Pulling in weaves of essence, he began casting again.

  A Game notice opened in his mind. Reading the message, Kyran’s eyes widened in shock, and the weaves of t
he shock bolt spell in his mind fell away, unheeded.

  Muroc, a lesser demon, is offering you a portion of his power in return for your service. The demon has proposed a demonic pact.

  Muroc’s demonic pact: Binding yourself to Muroc, will earn you the following traits:

  Chaos sworn: You will gain access to the chaos magic skill tree. Note: all divine creatures are vulnerable to chaos magic and take +100% damage from chaos spells.

  Demonic servant: Increases the power of your chaos magic by +10%.

  Demon-pledged: The pledge binds you to the demon to which it is made. It will enforce your loyalty and allow you to channel raw essence directly from your demonic master.

  Do you wish to pledge yourself to Muroc?

  Kyran stared disbelievingly at the demon. This creature—Muroc—expected him to bind himself into its service? Did Muroc really think he would accept its offer?

  But if the demon wants to talk…

  Glancing downslope, Kyran saw the hounds had nearly reached the clutch. The wyverns had swung around to face them. Four on three, the clutch would have the advantage of numbers against the hounds, but he needed a wyvern’s help for what he planned next.

  Reaching into the mindscape, Kyran gave the wyvern mother new orders and began spellcasting again. He kept the Game window with the demon’s offer open while he did so, neither accepting nor refuting.

  The demon looked at him, eyes glinting with avarice. “Well, elf? Do you accept my offer?”

  Kyran did not answer immediately. He licked his lips and squinted at the demon, playing for time while he wove his spell. Around him, Kyran felt the battle rage, unabated. Yet the demon did not seem to care, his interest focused sharply on Kyran.

  The wyvern mother was aloft and gaining altitude. The shock wall had dissipated, but the ogres that had been trapped within were all dead, or nearly so. While nearby, Mirien and the ice elemental were battling demon-Gnarok.

  The chaos hounds had reached the three wyverns and were locked in battle with the winged creatures. The wyverns were faring worse than he hoped, but with his resources stretched thin, Kyran knew there was little he could do to help them.


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