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Whisper in the Dark

Page 13

by Charlene Perry

  Yep, option B.

  I turn on my heels and retreat back through the hardwood hallways. When I reach her door, I lift a hand to knock. She told me to come and go as I please. I lower my arm and just call a hello as I open the door.

  The scene inside the room doesn’t make sense, but my instincts take over and I draw my weapon, pointing it at Isaac Durant’s chest as I walk slowly forward.

  “Whisper, stop!” Tanikka’s voice is shaky as she picks herself up off the floor. Up from where she landed after his fist knocked her off her feet. Tears have streaked her flawless makeup, black mascara running down her cheeks. “This isn’t any of your concern.”

  “I told you having her here was a bad idea,” her husband hisses through clenched teeth, balling his fist as if he would strike her again with me right here.

  “Tanikka, come with me.” I motion with a tilt of my head for her to retreat through the door, my gun still aimed at her husband.

  I would very much love to pull the trigger.

  “Put that fucking gun away.” He starts to walk toward me. There’s no hint of fear in his eyes, which only makes me want to kill him slower.

  “Stop it! Both of you!” Tanikka puts herself between us, one hand on her husband’s chest and the other waving me away. “Just go, Whisper.”

  Her voice is steady now, commanding. But her eyes are pleading, begging me to listen. I’m powerless. I can’t injure the son of an Elder and heir to that title without ensuring I never see the light of day again. And she would defend him, both physically and legally, of that I have no doubt. She might be up here, at the top of the world and in the highest position a woman can occupy, but her eyes right now are that of every abused woman I’ve ever encountered.

  “I can help you,” I offer as I holster my weapon. I know it’s a pointless gesture.

  “I’m fine. It was a misunderstanding. Between all of us. It won’t happen again.” She looks from me to Isaac as she speaks, but he only grins in my direction. He knows exactly where things stand. Exactly how safe he is as a man in a man’s world.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She flinches as I deliberately use the formal term even though we’ve been on a first-name basis since we met.

  “Go back to your suite. I have no need of your services until nine tomorrow morning, when we leave for your appointment.”

  Well, I got my question answered at least. With no choice but to obey, for now, I nod and turn back the way I came. The muffled sound of their arguing follows me for just a little while, until I’m too far away to hear.

  This time, I don’t hesitate to open my own door.

  My beautiful panther hops down from the bed, his body reforming into the shape of a man that makes me instantly heat up by a few degrees. His playful expression turns to concern as he gets closer, and my heart melts as he pulls me into his strong embrace. I wrap my arms around his waist, resting my cheek against the hard comfort of his bare chest.

  What’s wrong, little one?

  I tell him everything that just happened. In the past, he would listen and give brief opinions, never seeming to put much thought into any of the decisions I was faced with. He was there for muscle and protection, not so much for heavy debates. In human form, he seems to think more, feel more, understand more. All the reasons we were told a Shifter brain couldn’t handle human form. He should have gone insane with the overload of information and yet he has adapted almost seamlessly.

  Is he unique? Or was it always a lie? I’ll probably never know, because I’ll never risk his safety by asking the questions.

  “You can’t help her if she doesn’t want to be helped. You would only be risking your own safety. You’ve dealt with people in this situation before.”

  “I know. I do. But I just...” He waits patiently for me to find the words, one arm holding me tight while the other strokes softly through my hair. He’s petting me. Just like I do for him when he’s agitated. “If someone like Tanikka can’t even be above such things, what hope is there for any female? What’s the point of any of this? I fought to get to the top, and here I am working for a woman who is nothing more than a man’s possession. I’ll never be free of it. No one will. What’s the point of even trying?”

  I hate the sound of my own voice. I hate the words I’m saying. But no matter how I look at it, they’re true. This world is broken, and I was naïve to think I could ever be free of the bullshit.

  “Whisper,” he says against my ear, and I can’t miss the hint of heat in his voice. “I think I know what would make you feel better.”

  My body responds instantly to his suggestive tone. Just the hint of sex in his voice and I’m ready to ignore my problems and forget the world.


  He pushes away from me and I catch the mischievous grin on his face before he turns and walks toward the balcony. Once outside, he swings his long legs up and over the railing before pushing off into thin air. My heart lurches as he disappears, even though I know he can sprout wings in an instant.

  I shake off the pointless whining, heading for the balcony to get a glimpse of his glossy feathers. Maybe I’ll get a good, close look at him this time.

  The moment I step out into the cool air, a huge winged form swoops up from below. The creature is as black as pitch and has a wingspan of at least fifteen feet. I instinctively reach for my weapon, but relax an instant later as recognition dawns.

  Damon lands on the balcony with the soft paws of his panther form. His body’s a much larger version of his panther. He has the head of his phoenix form with big, saucer eyes and a hooked beak that shines like ebony in the light from my suite. He tucks thickly feathered wings into his body.

  I’m speechless for a moment as I take in the sight of him, and I can’t stop the embarrassingly girly squeal that comes out of me.

  “You’re a griffon! Holy shit, Damon! When did you learn this?”

  He shakes his head, his big eyes darting away from me to look out over the city.

  Wow. I’m simply in awe of him. I reach out to touch his thick neck, but his head jerks backward. I stay still, with my hand extended, until he leans forward into my touch. His new forms always come with their own quirks and instincts that he has to learn to overcome, so I don’t take it personally that his griffon is a little skittish.

  “Are you good?”

  He shakes his head as if clearing his thoughts, then fluffs his wings before tucking them back to his sides.

  I’m good. Climb on.

  He lowers himself down, but I hesitate. It’s a little too soon to trust the new form quite that much.

  “Maybe not yet... I’ll give you a bit more time to get the hang of it.”

  Climb on. I know what will make you feel better.


  This is exactly what I needed.

  I welcome the familiar, sour scent that carries notes of sweat and bleach. It’s a Friday night and Kelseys is crowded as usual. The tables are filled with couples and groups of co-workers enjoying some down time at the end of their work week. The dance floor, though not large, teems with young people enjoying the modern, up-beat tunes that vibrate through the floorboards.

  Flying with Damon was insanely fun and more than a little terrifying. Landing in the bar’s parking lot had attracted a flow of curious onlookers, and I suspect he hadn’t minded the attention one bit. He had flared his wings and posed with an air of vanity I’ve never seen in him before. I guess his griffon comes with a bit of an ego.

  I was more than happy to leave the attention for him.

  I slipped away from the crowd, swapping out my clothes for something more casual and untying my hair. Damon was right. I need a drink or four to unwind and get my mind off Tanikka and all the new bullshit I’ve stepped in.

  I slide onto my favorite seat, in my favorite bar, and wait for my favorite barista. She doesn’t disappoint, and within minutes a glass of my Balvenie slides toward me.

  “I didn’t think I’d see you d
own here again so soon.”

  It’s so good to see her again. A pang of guilt hits me as I realize I haven’t even texted her once since I went up to work as Gideon’s Apprentice.

  “I wanted to see a familiar face.” My smile doesn’t convince her for a moment.

  “Oh girl, what’s up? Grass isn’t so green up there after all?”

  My face must answer for me, because she immediately gestures with a finger for me to wait a moment. She talks in the ear of the other two baristas on duty, before shucking her apron and making her way around the bar to slide onto the stool beside me.

  “You’re busy tonight, there’s no need...”

  “Don’t be silly.” She reaches to put a warm hand on my thigh, and I cover it with my own. “I always have time for you.”

  “You’re a good friend.” That’s more than I can say about myself.

  “Yes, I am.” I look up expecting to see her sassy grin, but she’s all serious. “I mean it, Whisp. We’ve been friends for a long time, but you’ve always held back. You’re strong and independent, and I respect that, but everyone needs a friend. Talk to me.”

  And I do. I tell her everything, almost. Jeffries betrayal and Damon’s human form... though I skip the part about us hooking up. I tell her about Gideon’s ulterior motives, his niece and the girls being sold. I tell her about Tanikka and her husband. It all comes out, in hushed tones as we lean toward each other on our stools. At some point her hands grab mine, and then I’m finished and we’re sitting in silence as I wait for her to respond.

  Was it too much? I shouldn’t have put all that on her. The relief I feel at having unloaded my shit is immediately replaced by a fresh wave of guilt and some regret to boot. I didn’t just tell her my problems as if she should give a shit, I also told her things no one should know. Things that could get me and Damon into some serious trouble. How stupid could I be?

  “Thank you.”

  Her words are barely audible over the noise of the bar, but they bring me out of my thoughts and back to the woman sitting in front of me.

  “I shouldn’t have told you all that.”

  “No. Don’t say that. I want you to trust me.”

  We sit in silence as I finish my drink. I’m not really sure how to proceed after all that, and I start to fidget as my eyes scan across the other patrons. Some are having a great time celebrating or just enjoying their companions. Some look to be drowning their problems in a glass. One face grabs my attention and makes my breath catch in my lungs.


  He’s standing near the door, wearing jeans and a plain black shirt. Two girls, barely twenty-one if you add them together, hover a little too close for comfort. They’re chatting him up as they talk with their hands, taking every opportunity to touch his arms.

  I grit my teeth. What the hell would possess him to come in here? He hates the crowds and the attention. He definitely hates being touched by anyone other than me.

  “Who’s that?” Kelsey asks with a lilt in her voice that makes my temper rise even more. “He’s been looking at you like a cat with a mouse.”

  I don’t answer. I just sit there staring, possibly with actual smoke coming out of my ears.

  “Oh shit. Is that him?”


  “Wow. I have to say...”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “... He’s pretty damn sexy. You definitely skipped over that part of the story, and I know you noticed. If I were even a little bit straight...”

  “Kelsey, stop. He’s a Shifter.”


  I want to argue with her, but I’m too distracted by the sight of him and those little tramps. One of them grabs his hand in both of hers, leading him to the dance floor. In a moment, he’s sandwiched between them as they grind to the beat, letting their dirty little hands wander over him.

  He doesn’t resist, not even for a second. And he doesn’t glance my way. I take a deep breath and turn away from the scene, forcing my attention back to Kelsey.

  “Are you okay?” She looks at me with raised eyebrows as I exhale the breath I’ve apparently been holding. “I’m not going to have a cat fight in my bar tonight, am I? No pun intended.”

  “No. Of course not. He’s doing what he wants to do. There’s no harm in that. It’s not like he’s going to shift in plain sight. He’s an adult. It’s none of my business.”

  “Wow. Okay. Defensive much?” She tips her head back and forth as if she’s weighing her next words. “You like him. And I don’t mean the way most people like their cats. You like him.”

  “Kelsey, seriously. I’m a grown woman and he’s a Shifter. He’s my best friend. I’m just worried about him.”

  “Right.” She leans closer to me, her voice dropping even farther. “You know he’s kind of perfect for you, don’t you?”


  “He’s Damon! He’s your partner. Your best friend. You trust him with your life. You’ve told me these things many times.” She pauses as a smile spreads across her face, then alters the tone of her voice for an unflattering impersonation of my own. “If only he had a cock, he’d be the perfect man.”

  She bursts into a giddy laugh, and I swivel on my stool so I can lean my elbows on the counter and bury my face in my hands.

  Her laugh stops abruptly, and I look up from my wallowing. I follow her gaze to see Damon, still sandwiched between the sorority twins. The blond has a hand snaked around the back of his neck as she stretches up on the tips of her gaudy red shoes. Her lips are planted firmly on his.

  It looks like a one-sided thing, like she just planted one on him and he doesn’t know what to do. I stiffen, ready to go to his aid, but then he puts an arm around her waist.

  He’s fucking kissing her back.


  I turn my back to him and his new plaything. Kelsey’s face has fallen with a look of disappointment, and that sure as hell better not be pity in her eyes.

  It’s not like this is unexpected. I was just too blind to see it coming. He took the body of a man, and he’s been learning what it means to be a man. It was only a matter of time before his affection for me took a back seat to the seduction of a new piece of ass.

  It shouldn’t bother me. We had fun while it lasted. But a man’s a man, no matter how selfless and noble they think they are. They’re all the same in the end.

  “Maybe he just doesn’t know any better. You’ve kept him hidden away, and he’s got all these new... urges.”

  “Stop, Kelsey.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  I wave her off, pulling my comm out of my pocket. I’ve got bigger things to be thinking about than my twisted sex life. I pull up Gideon’s number and send off a quick message.

  Me: Hey. We need to talk. You free in the morning?

  Gideon: Can do. Where?

  Me: Meet me at the edge.

  Gideon: I’ll be there at seven.

  Damn, he’s an early riser. I guess I am now, too, with this gig. Tanikka’s day starts at eight, so meeting Gideon at seven works just perfect.

  “I’ve gotta go. Early start tomorrow.”

  I down the drink that was evidently refilled at some point during our conversation, then slip off my stool. Kelsey grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug before I can get away. I give in without protest, enjoying the chance to breath in her sweet, vanilla scent.

  “It’s not all bad, you know?” She says.

  I roll my eyes as I shuffle backwards out of her grip, but she takes my face in her hands to coax me to look at her.

  “I mean it. The world’s not all bad. You came from a shitty place and your job has you involved with truly awful people. But that doesn’t mean the whole world is like that. People are mostly good. Mostly happy. Not all women are oppressed and living under men’s thumbs. I own this bar, it’s my name on the door, and no man tells me what to do. You’ve got to let yourself see the good stuff, too. Don’t get yourself killed trying to save the world.”

>   I nod, giving her another quick hug as I blink away the sting in my eyes. I kiss her quickly, but there’s no spark there. We’ve had some great times in the past. She’s a good friend, and a crazy fun lover, but it was never quite enough. I’m hopelessly attracted to the opposite sex, even though I don’t particularly like any I’ve met so far.

  To be perfectly honest, I liked it just fine that way. Always hunting, always looking for my next plaything. Never quite satisfied. Then Damon had to go and ruin everything. Him and his perfect body, and his apparently natural ability to deliver earth shattering orgasms. Why can’t it just be fun and casual, without all this moral, emotional crap mixed in?

  No, I can’t save the world. But I can kill some of the assholes that make life hell for innocent people. I just need to stop acting like the weak, whiny girl I’m starting to turn into. I don’t need a lover. I need my Shifter to watch my back.

  I turn my attention to my man-panther, and steel myself to haul his ass home.

  I’ve never cared much for interacting with humans. They’ve never cared much for interacting with me, either. That’s always suited me just fine. I’ve never felt the need to communicate with anyone other than my Whisper.

  Until I met the boy in the alley. Eric. I earned his trust and took him to safety. I spoke with the owners of the orphanage as if I were just another human. They thanked me. They told me I had done a good thing, and that Eric’s life would be forever changed.

  He hugged my neck and told me he would never forget me... and never tell my secret to anyone.

  Now, I’m curious about the people around me.

  I brought Whisper to her favorite bar because it always cheers her up. I hadn’t considered that it would be any different than any other visit, with me waiting outside while she does whatever it is she does. But I see things differently now. I hear things I’ve never paid attention to before.

  The people outside the bar wanted to get close to me. They wanted to take photos of me and touch me. It was a little odd, but I couldn’t really blame them. I saw my griffon form in my reflection over the water and it was an impressive sight.


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