Entice: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies Book 1)

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Entice: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies Book 1) Page 11

by Faith Summers

I didn’t know there was anything going on tonight.

  Usually I’m clued up on anything like that.

  He sees me and I rush over to him, straight into his arms, my lips to his. I can’t believe this is me.

  Me and him kissing under the moonlight. It feels like a different version of us. One that I could easily get lost in forever.

  He pulls out of the kiss slowly and catches my face, beaming down at me.

  “Woman you’re going to get me in trouble,” he says with a wolfish grin.

  “What kind of trouble?”

  He looms before me and nibbles on my bottom lip. “Indecent exposure, having sex right here with you dressed like that,” he answers, and I giggle when he reaches down to catch the hem of my dress.

  Thank God he doesn’t pull it all the way up like he would if we were at the club. He does look at my panties though and nods.

  “Yes, I’m keeping those tonight,” he says, and I laugh.

  “Josh, if you take any more of my panties I won’t have any left.” I can’t get over how he is. Every time I change some fragrance about me he takes my underwear; bras and panties. Anything that smells like me. “What will you do then?”

  “Like fuck, what the hell kind of question is that? I will just keep you.” He replies like that’s the obvious answer and it makes me wish for it, even though I shouldn’t. I know it’s just a matter of speech.

  Him keeping me however is a thought to relish.

  “Can I have you Miss. St. John?” he asks enhancing the wild, sexy vision that comes into my mind.

  “Yes, you may, Sir,” I tease.

  “Jesus… don’t you dare. Tonight is different.”

  “So I see. We’re in a park with cars. Is there another sex club nearby?”

  “No… there isn’t.”

  I’m not sure that what I’m seeing is right, but he looks kind of nervous.

  “What are we doing tonight?”

  “This,” he answers, taking my hand.

  I glance up at him and smile as he leads me closer to the cars we walk down past a station wagon with a couple sitting on the hood. Looking around, I see people either gathered together on blankets or sitting on the tops of their cars.

  It’s eight o’clock at night and people are gathered like they’re here for some kind of concert.

  We stop by a Porsche and Josh points way ahead of us as a set of bright lights go on, illuminating the men who are setting up a screen.

  It’s a cinema size screen and I see what we’re doing. Why we’re here.

  “The cinema?” I ask, looking back to Josh.

  “Yeah. Thought you might like this.”

  I love it. “I’ve never been to an open air cinema before.”

  “Me neither.” He beams and I laugh when he picks me up and sets me on top of the car.

  Josh normally drives a convertible. I’ve never seen him with this car before.

  He reaches into the car and grabs a massive bag of popcorn, hands it to me and gets on top of the car to sit next to me.

  I just look at him, wondering what this is.

  As the film starts, my heart stills in my chest when I see Casablanca come on the screen.

  I look from the screen to Josh in complete disbelief.

  This was so much more than thinking we were going to a restaurant. This is so much more than anyone has ever done for me. It’s so much more than what I expected from us.

  He kisses the top of my nose and smiles. “I watch, remember? You really like this,” he whispers.

  “I really do.”

  “So, I want to as well.” He says and slips his arm around me.

  I rest my head against his chest and allow my mind to drift and slip into another fantasy. This moment and this feeling that settles over me.


  Chapter Fourteen



  It continued through the film, and now it’s over I don’t know what we’ll do.

  We’re normally at the Dark odyssey. We’re normally in a bed. We would have normally had sex several times by now and played around with each other.

  But… we’re here in a normal setting and it’s that part of the evening where I’m supposed to go home.

  This was a date, and it was a nice date.

  What next, though?

  As the credits go up on the screen and people start packing up Josh slides off the car top and makes his way around to me to lift me down.

  He kisses me the minute my feet touch the ground, and the kiss consumes me.Before it can turn hungry though he moves away, but not too far.

  “Come home with me,” he says.

  “What?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Giselle, I’d like you to come home with me. If it’s not too… weird. I know that tonight was different and I probably should have asked you out, but I didn’t want to ruin the surprise of it.”

  “It was amazing. I loved every minute of it.”

  “And Casablanca is my new favorite film,” he adds.

  “You didn’t think it was boring?”

  He narrows his eyes at me. “You know me well enough by now to know I’ll tell you exactly what I think.”

  I smile at that with appreciation. “I want to go home with you.”

  “You sure?”

  I nod.

  He doesn’t need to be told twice. He just opens the door for me to get in the car.

  His house looks exactly like the kind I imagined him in.

  Something massive and dominant that would take up a whole block.

  So when the wide gates open to allow his car to drive up a drive that took us at least three minutes to drive up I wasn’t surprised. Nor was I surprised to see the mansion rising into my view with a picturesque vison of the lake behind it and what I can make out to be a sailboat off in the distance.

  Okay… so maybe I didn’t imagine all this. I just knew his home would be big, and my little apartment would be no match for it.

  I’m also not shocked when we go inside and see a maid who looks like she was just finishing up for the day.

  She looks surprised to see Josh and shocked to see me.

  I get that she could be surprised to see him because we’re always away at the club and I know for sure he hasn’t been home most Friday nights as they’ve been spent with me.

  The shock to see me though is something else.

  “Joshua, I wasn’t expecting you,” she beams . There’s a slight accent to her voice. It sounds French.

  “I know,” Josh says. “Juliana this is Giselle.”

  “Hello Giselle,” Juliana states with a wide smile.

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” I say to her.

  “Like wise. Well, I better be going. I’ll see you sometime Monday,” she says and leaves us.

  Josh nods and waits about two seconds after she goes through the door before he grabs me and hoists me over his shoulder cave man style.

  I’m laughing so much I can barely contain myself. He flips my dress up and runs a firm hand over my ass.

  “Finally, I get to have you all to myself. In my bed,” he booms, giving my ass a good squeeze.

  We enter his room, which looks a little similar to our playroom at the club. It’s medieval looking with the same wrought iron fixtures. I realize then that’s his thing.

  I like it. He sets me down on the bed and it takes a handful of seconds before we’re naked and tangled with each other. Naked and kissing, his hands touching me everywhere, and I touch him too.

  Everything we’ve done over the last two days has felt more sensual. It’s been fast-paced and seems faster than before. Like someone turned up the speed we were traveling on the rollercoaster of this wild romance.

  The minute his cock sears into me, something happens inside me that feels like so much more. A blast of energy sweeps through me, severing me from everything that isn’t him.

  It burns and scorches, yet it sends a shiver through me of hot and c
old. Just like the wax and the ice. Hot and cold and pleasure.

  Him… it’s all him and I’m trying so hard to stay over the line. I could be looking at it before me. In my mind's eye I’m watching myself on a road and the line is painted right there in front of me. Telling me this is the limit I should keep within.

  I know the line is there and I should stay over it but my feet have kept moving, trying to move me over it every time I feel for Josh.

  Tonight, though, the line is blurring. It blurs, then fades , then disappears like someone erased it as we come together in a shared release and he laces his fingers through mine, his face is pressed against mine and our lips together. He’s holding my hand and holding me and being this close to him there’s an unmistakable look in his eyes that’s a tell of the change I feel.

  He feels it too. I can see it.

  That change and the energy that pulsed over us was us making love. It didn’t feel like sex. It was different, as different as we are.

  “More… I want that again,” he mutters.

  “Me too.”

  My answer feels like something more too. Just as his request. I stay the night, then I stay the weekend. The next week passes and we’re either at his place or mine. We bounce in and out of each other’s world’s, from home to home, and work and then the club. We play at the club, and then we watch my old films.

  We go sailing. I learn so much more about him and he learns about me.


  It’s all more. I find myself telling him about Kirk, and he listens. He listens to me, and I listen to him.

  We exist outside time and space. We just are.

  Three weeks later sees us at the club and we become the couple I saw that first night getting into the exhibitionist box.

  We become them and I have that first fantasy I imagined up with him.

  Me and him inside the box devouring each other, naked and free and wild and reckless, sharing raw erotic pleasure at its finest.

  I will never forget the experience of being with him like that or the way I have been when I’ve been with him.

  It’s Monday morning again, and so much time has passed. I haven’t been unaware of it nor the fact that this is my last week with Josh.

  This is it and I don’t know what will happen.

  He’ll be going over to the new building, and he’ll have new staff. I won’t see him every day the way I have been and I don’t know if I’ll see him otherwise because I’m not sure what we are.

  I got here from early and prepped for one of my cases. I have a client who has a trademark dispute, and I wanted to read through the files a little more. There’s some information I needed in the archives so I thought it would be a good distraction to go and check it out.

  I was right. I was in there for at least an hour before I started thinking about Josh and I was only pulled from my work because he sent me a message asking to meet for coffee. It was then too that I saw how early it still was.

  It’s just gone nine, so Josh would have only just gotten in.

  I text back letting him know I’ll meet him at the coffee shop in ten minutes, but footsteps make me look up.

  The sound breaks through the silence and seeing Riley walking toward me sends a shiver down my spine.

  Josh might be judgmental at times and he might sometimes show too much candor, but not when it comes to his cousin.

  Riley really is an ass, and I’ve noticed that the man has made it a point to look at me more so every time he sees me since the day of the fight. I start to gather my things so he doesn’t get any ideas to talk to me for longer than necessary, but he comes right up to me.

  “Rushing away so soon?” he says, looking me over. His gaze lands on my breasts and lingers there for longer than I like.

  “I’m really busy today,” I answer, not wanting to be rude. It’s hard though when he’s still looking at my breasts. “My eyes are here.” I say with an edge to my voice that makes him look up.

  “I’m very aware of where your eyes are. I doubt it’s where your brain is though. Any woman with half a brain can see that my cousin is a playboy. Is that what you’re into?”

  I’m not sure what I should say here.

  The bottom line is I’ve been sleeping with my boss. There’s no policy on office relationships being forbidden here but not amongst direct line management. Even without that stipulation though I know I’m not supposed to be sleeping with my boss and I know not to confirm that I am to his cousin.

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” I answer.

  He laughs. “So you’re not denying it then? You’re seeing him, fucking him. Did he promise you a sure sign off if you did? Or maybe he paid you to be his personal slut.”

  My cheeks heat up at the same time my blood boils. “Excuse me?”

  “Oh please, don’t act so innocent. I know you aren’t as stupid as you look or appear to be, you must know what the man is like, and his… unconventional habits. Whores in his bed, a prostitute here and there. Personal waitresses from the fucking Dark Odyssey you can hire to do whatever the fuck you want. Of course, I would ask you that.”

  Oh my God… he wouldn’t be saying all of that if it wasn’t true. The mention of The Dark Odyssey just snaps me.

  “He wasn’t supposed to get involved with you, but Josh is like that. He defies authority.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Because your boyfriend is such a playboy, his father laid down the law. We’re in competition for management of the new unit. My tasks was just to restructure the training program for the interns. His tasks was not to sleep with you or sleep around. That’s the kind of man you are with. That is the man who will be in charge of something I should have. The kind that gives his family’s company a bad name.” He takes a breath and shakes his head. I hate that he looks so much like Josh. The two are not alike, but the similarities strike me at this moment because it’s like the words are coming from Josh. “He just goes from one woman to the next. You’ll just be pussy to him come next week and you’re here in this façade with him as his whore, while his father thinks he’s been the perfect saint.”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. But why am I surprised? He’s right. I’m not stupid, I should know all this.

  I should know because Josh met me at The Dark Odyssey. Should I kid myself into thinking he was just there for the night simply exploring the place?

  The private lounge he has and the access to a bedroom and the playroom and everywhere else is all at his fingertips because he uses them.

  He’s used them, and he didn’t start when he met me.

  He’s well versed in all kinds of things and I’ve just been on this wild ride with him.

  Riley laughs when he sees he’s thrown me and managed to faze me.

  “Awww, there, there, I really hope you weren’t fool enough to fall for him. Guess what though, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. When he cast you aside, I’ll be here. I wouldn’t mind testing out that body of yours since your putting out. I’m sure I pay more than him.”

  “You asshole,” I snap and step back when he steps forward.

  “Watch it girlie, I’m a senior partner here, doesn’t matter who’s cock your riding, one word from me and you’re done. I fucking mean it.”

  I can see he does.

  I can absolutely see that he means every word he’s saying and relishing the threat he’s handing me, probably because of the way Josh handled him last time.

  The door opens, and Sheila comes in smiling with her usual brightness. I’m relieved to see her and for the chance to escape.

  I don’t look at Riley as I rush away. I don’t look at anyone. I rush to my office and put my head down on the desk, trying to steady my nerves.

  I’m thinking, and maybe thinking clearly for the first time.

  This thing with Josh was fun and I hate to admit this, but I was stupid enough to fall for him.

  I was stupid enough to do it long ago

  Maybe from the first time that I saw him and wanted him to be mine.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “So any chance of hanging out this weekend?” Matt asks tentatively.

  I smirk and shake my head. I have plans this weekend. I want to take Giselle sailing but something is up with her and I don’t know what it is.

  Scratch that…

  I have an idea. I think I know what it is and I’m trying to get my head around it so I do it right.

  Friday is supposed to be our last day together working here and the last day of us the way we are.

  That was the unwritten contract and understanding. Things have changed though.

  I think she wants to know what’s happening with us.

  “Any chance of ever seeing you again outside work?” Matt asks, leaning against the table.

  We’ve been meeting up here at the coffeehouse in the mornings and sometimes late like this.

  “Of course. Let’s plan something,” I laugh.

  “Plan, like the last time you canceled a sailing trip we planned months in advance?”

  I still feel bad about that, but not so much when I think of what I got in return. It was a trip with the guys worth sacrificing. I will never, ever, get the image of Giselle in my bed wearing that yellow set out of my head. She’s right, yellow is her color, but then I fucking love her in anything and any kind of color.

  I take a sip of my coffee and raise my hands.

  “I won’t cancel this time. We’ll go sailing in a few weeks.”

  He inclines his head to the side and frowns at me. “Weeks Josh?”

  God, he’s the one with the girlfriend and he still has time for the guys. Me though, I’m obsessed with my girl and I can’t get enough of her no matter how much she gives. I still can’t get enough.

  “Let me check my calendar later and we’ll make a date for two weeks.” I think that’s reasonable.

  “Okay… that’s sounds better. And in two weeks will you still be under this contract of yours with Giselle? I mean, will you be extending it, promoting her, or ending it ?”

  I stare at him and rest my elbow on the table. The thing about Matt and I is we’ve always been real with each other. He’s the guy I tell my secrets and my inner thoughts. He’s the guy I trust.


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