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The Sentinel

Page 15

by C Cato

  “What has happened?” asked Celene.

  “Um… oh,” stammered Sonya, caught off guard by the question. “I’ve activated a defensive form, and my body is sort of on autopilot. I mean, it’s not responding to my mental cues,” she added at the confused furrow.

  “We’ll start slow,” said Cole.

  He wasn’t glowing, so she assumed that meant he wasn’t ready, but he stepped within reach, and her hands shot forward to slam into his chest, knocking him off his feet. He landed with a whoosh of air.

  “Ouch. Block next time, Sarge,” teased Soren.

  Rushing to his side, she bent over to lightly press her fingers into his chest, searching for injury. “I’m so sorry. Are you hurt? I couldn’t control it.”

  “An autonomous weapons system?” mused Soren.

  “What does that mean?” asked Alex.

  “The program takes over,” answered Sonya.

  “But you’re human, not a machine, how does that work?” asked Titus.

  “I’ll have to do some more research into the changes made to the nanobots, but I felt a change in my body when I activated the system. Like I could fire up each individual muscle. Not sure the cause. Could be the bots, could be some underlying cause from the Halo.”

  Cole got up, a sheepish grin on his face. “Let’s go again. I’ll know better than to underestimate you this time.”

  He squared off.

  Instead of doing the same, Sonya took two steps backward. “I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt anyone.” There it was again. The steady rise in heartbeat, difficulty in breathing. Her vision contracted until there was only Cole.

  “Baby, I need you to take a deep breath. I can’t come close until you power down.”

  Second by agonizing second, she worked through the paralyzing fear and turned off the system. Cole was there a second later, arms wrapped firmly around her. She pressed her forehead to his and sucked in a ragged breath. She was thankful no one commented. A glance told her that Risa and Soren had corralled the family by the weapons and were asking questions about the various options.

  “I don’t know how this is going to work. If I need to defend myself, do I just turn it on and let my body do its thing, while I fall to pieces inside my own head?”

  “Ditre can help you. It was hard for him when he first joined the military. He’s a pacifist.”

  Sonya found the solemn redhead a couple of feet away, his hands held behind his back. “I didn’t want to take life either. I still don’t. For the most part Sarge and the others will hold me back unless it looks bad. Concentrate more on defense if you can channel whatever the Halo is doing.”

  “There is an option,” she said, grasping for the lifeline just thrown. She didn’t have to inflict harm.

  Cole’s hold on her arms steadied her, and he let go when she nodded.

  “Ready to try again?” he asked quietly.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt,” said Celene.

  Sonya’s head snapped to the side hard enough to send a sharp pain spiraling down her spine. She’d forgotten they were there.

  “Your conversations are so broken. How can you possibly know what is being said or meant?”

  Sonya wasn’t sure what to tell them. Cole had been letting her take the lead in sharing information, and the others deferred to him. Checking to see if he was going to weigh in, he stood with his arms relaxed at his sides, with a smile.

  Up to her then.

  “Advanced technology was added, along with the Sentinel enhancements. We can communicate with each other.” She tapped her button-free temple for emphasis.

  Celene’s mouth opened in a small O, and then spread into a feral grin. “An extreme tactical advantage. Can others benefit from this communication?”

  Sonya opened and closed her mouth, not sure how to answer. She didn’t have to.

  “Yes,” said Soren. “The comms are independent of the other enhancements. I made sure we had the devices on hand in the Vault in case we needed repairs. We have plenty. We’ll have to go back there to deal with a recharge anyway. I can set you up if you want.”

  Celene met the eyes of each husband and they all nodded agreement. “Yes. We’d like that.”

  Soren chuckled. “Don’t get too excited. It’s not exactly comfortable and you have to be awake for it, so only local anesthetic. You’ll probably think a little differently when you’re hearing a drill grinding through your skull.”

  Celene blanched.

  “Don’t be an asshole,” said Sonya, throwing daggers with her eyes.

  “Can we get back to the systems please?” whined Risa. “I really wanna hit something.”


  “Just go slow,” said Sonya, as she activated her defense mode for hand-to-hand.

  Risa had taken Cole’s place, but she didn’t power up. Like Cole, she had plenty of combat training and didn’t need to rely on the system for that. Having the nonviolent doctor use it, was going to be a good test of how effective it was.

  There was no warning when Risa lashed out with a fast kick to Sonya’s stomach, but it didn’t land. Sonya’s body curled enough to avoid the impact, and she stepped hard to the side, pushing the petite woman away. Risa spun with the momentum and was ready with another attack before Sonya had recovered from the first. She evaded this one, too. One after the other, Risa came at her until they both were slick with sweat and panting hard. Sonya’s body was screaming to stop. Fire lanced up and down her legs. If not for the Halo, her arms would be deadweights at her side.

  “Hold it, Risa,” came Cole’s quiet command.

  She stopped immediately and relaxed her hands. Sonya took that opportunity to power down and melted like ice in a microwave in his arms. He supported her and followed her down, pillowing her head on his thighs. “Could we get some water?” he asked.

  Someone stomped across the floor and out the door, letting in the chill air that cooled her overheated body.

  His hand stroked her cheek, and she opened her eyes, to see his swimming in her vision laced with concern. “I’m okay. My body is already starting to recover,” she assured him. “It’s good to know that the system doesn’t have a failsafe to protect our bodies. If we turn it on, it will keep going until we turn it off.”

  Gentle fingers touched her arm, and Sonya turned her head to the side enough to face Celene. “You’ve never fought before?”


  “Amazing,” she said, in awe.

  “Can you use a sword, too?” asked Titus.

  Alex returned with an earthenware mug, beads of water sweating down the sides. Sonya became keenly aware of how dry her mouth was. She accepted it with a thank you and drained half of it.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea to use Sonya for that kind of test,” said Cole “Soren?”

  “Oh hell, yes!”

  Springing to his feet, he turned to check out the swords on the wall.

  Alex put an arm around Soren’s shoulders and led him to the end of the rack

  “We don’t use live weapons for practice,” said Alex, handing Soren a wooden replica. “These still hurt, but you can’t do any vital damage.”

  They moved to the center of the floor and Soren took a couple of practice swings. Internally, Cole gave him instructions on how to access the file to use the learning mode.

  “Go easy on me,” said Soren, batting his lashes. “It’s my first time.”

  Cole lifted Sonya enough to move his legs. He scooped her up in his arms and climbed first to one knee and then to his feet.

  “What…?” She threw her arms around his neck to steady herself. He didn’t go far, sinking back to the floor between Risa and Celene. Sonya was spun around and repositioned, so she was sitting between his legs.

  Risa winked at her and turned her attention back to her teammate, who was slowly circling the floor with Alex. The man lunged and tapped Soren on the side. “Touch,” he said, with a slow smug smile.

eyes blazed with light, but his expression was neutral. Alex got in ten more touches on him until Sonya worried that he was going to lose his temper. With every touch his body grew brighter.

  “Do you need a break?” asked Alex, standing at ease with his sword at his side.

  “Permission to kick ass, Sarge?”

  “Permission fucking granted, Ren. Impress me.”

  Soren smiled with all his teeth showing. “Bring it!”

  This time he was on the offensive. He moved with the natural grace of a jungle cat and speed so fast, she wasn’t sure Celene and the others would track it. Alex yipped in pain when Soren’s first blow landed.

  “Touch,” he said with glee. After that Soren beat Alex into submission. Literally.

  “Stop! I give up,” he said, sweat dripping from his brow, gulping down air. He dropped to one knee with his hand up.

  Sonya panted, not immune to the display of prowess. So much for being a pacifist. I can see why gladiator games were so popular back in the day.

  With a chuckle, Titus and Celene clapped their hands, before rising and helping Alex up. He staggered on his feet.

  “That was amazing. I’m the only one who has ever beaten Alex at the sword,” said Celene.

  “Sorry to hear that,” said Soren, putting his practice weapon away. He didn’t sound sorry. “I’ll try to go easier on you next time.”

  Alex gave a feeble snarl, but his eyes were smiling.

  “Come on, my love. Let’s get you to bed and massage those muscles before you can’t walk anymore,” said Titus, flinging Alex’s arm over his shoulder.

  Celene did the same. “Feel free to use the bathhouse to freshen up. I’m sure Rolly, has already started on dinner.”

  Sonya gazed at the skylights to see that the hazy ball of light behind the clouds had moved across the sky. At least, they’d made some progress.



  A long tortured groan fill the wooden building as Sonya sank into the hot water of the tub. Risa whistled in appreciation, and Sonya cracked open an eye to give her the stink eye.

  “Don’t make me regret inviting you.”

  “What?” she said with a doe-eyed innocent face. Sonya raised an eyebrow at her friend, and her innocent facade changed to devilish intent. “Are you sure you don’t want Sarge in here, instead? I mean, I did interrupt.”

  Sonya splashed water at her. “Yes, you did. I owe you for that.”

  Cool air blew across her shoulders as the door opened. Sonya sank lower to escape the chill.

  “Do you mind if I join you?” asked Celene, stepping onto the platform.

  “No. Not at all,” said Sonya, moving close to Risa to make room.

  The tubs were big enough to fit five people if they kept their legs tight to their bodies but would fit the three women comfortably.

  Celene slipped in without a splash and leaned her head back, eyes closed, against the lip of the tub.

  “How’s Alex?” asked Sonya.

  She didn’t lift her head. “He’ll be fine. Sore tomorrow, but his ego is more bruised than his body.”

  “I’m sorry. Cole should have told Ren to go easier on him.”

  She lifted her head to regard Sonya seriously. “There is nothing to apologize for. Soren bested him. It was his own fault that he chose to underestimate you. He didn’t believe your claims. Not entirely.”

  Sonya sighed. Of course not. “And now?”

  Celene chuckled. It set everyone off. “Now, he will be sure to show the proper respect to all of you.”

  Risa snorted. “Men.”

  “Indeed,” agreed Celene.

  That was as good a segue as Sonya thought she was going to get. “Celene, can I ask you something?”

  “Certainly. If I can answer, I will.”

  “What’s it like having...being with...” She wanted to duck under the water and disappear, but worried that the heat from her face would boil away the moisture.

  Risa giggled. That didn’t help.

  Celene just waited patiently.

  “I think she wants to know about the little harem you have,” said Risa.

  Sonya wanted to hold her head under water until she begged for mercy. Could she think that and still be a pacifist as long as she didn’t follow up?

  “Ah.” The tips of Celene’s ears colored a deep cherry red. “It is extremely common for the men to band together like this.”

  It was Sonya’s turn to be confused. “So, they didn’t do it for you?”

  Celene’s smile was indulgent. Sonya tensed. She hated being talked down to. As if she could sense Sonya’s mood, she toned it down.

  “No. Not for me. When assigned to lead them, they were already together. I do not know the histories well, but I do know there were more women before the time of the plague.”

  “Now?” Sonya was afraid to hear the answer.

  “There are roughly two hundred men for every woman. Most of those are infertile and Valkyrie. Men will live their entire lives without having known the touch of a woman.”

  “But why groups?” asked Sonya.

  Risa giggled again, and Celene glanced at her. She shrugged.

  “Why not groups? It gives them greater comfort, more love, increased safety.”

  “It wasn’t the done thing in our time,” said Risa. “Not by everyone, anyway.”

  “Well, I have the impression that your question is less general than it sounds,” said Celene, stretching her arms out on either side of her on the edge of the tub.

  “I don’t want to be rude or sound ignorant.”

  “Just ask,” said Risa, as blunt as always.

  “How did you know you wanted all… no, that’s not the right question. Doesn’t it feel wrong to have feelings for all of them?”

  Celene sat up straighter, a tiny crease forming between her brows. “Wrong? I love my husbands. All of them. I am fortunate that they chose to love me. Together, we produced our little miracle.”

  “Let me guess,” said Risa. “Catholic?”

  “Southern Baptist, but not devout. My mom is, though. Was,” said Sonya, quietly.

  “Mm. Sonya, things are different now. It’s going to take some adjusting, but the stupid, outdated rules on relationships have changed in the years we’ve been asleep.”

  “For them, maybe,” she said, waving her hand at Celene and accidentally splashing her. “Sorry.”

  “No harm,” she said with a small smile. “Is this about those men that are with you?”

  “Well not Ditre,” said Risa. “He’s super, super gay. Like me. It’s why we get along so well. Soren, he’ll fuck anyone that asks. The man has never had an issue with getting laid.”

  “Good to know,” giggled Celene. “Alex may have wounded pride now, but he desperately wants to get that man in bed.”

  Risa cackled. “He should just tell him. Ren loves attention. The man is a perpetual player.”

  “I will let him know.”

  “And that’s okay?” asked Sonya. Was she the only one having a hard time with this?

  “Certainly. Alex doesn’t love me less just because he enjoys a fuck with Soren.”

  Sonya sighed. “Things are so different.”

  “Not like you don’t have your own harem starting,” said Risa, nudging her with a shoulder. “You have Sarge drooling after you and the other one.”

  “Other one?” asked Celene.

  She meant Keet. What about him? They’d probably never see each other again. An ache started in her chest. Risa explained about their time in the camp and the strange man that helped them get away.

  Celene froze. “Are you sure of the description?”

  Sonya sat up straighter, and Risa lost her teasing smile.

  “Positive,” said Risa. “Why?”

  “What you’ve described...” The blood drained from her face. “Who you’ve described is one of the Ghost People. They live on the other side of the wall. If the Valkyrie has one...” She flippe
d her long braid from over her shoulder to her back, absentmindedly. “You say they are using one to track you? That he called you his mate?”

  Sonya wasn’t sure what to do as Celene became more frantic. “Celene, what’s wrong? What can we do?”

  “We need to leave. If that man is your mate, and they are somehow forcing him to track you, they’re coming. He will find you.”



  Sonya fired her crossbow, but her shot went wide, the bolt disappearing into the brush that lined the rock face surrounding the little hidden canyon. The little crossbow was perfect for a woman. The weapon clipped onto a harness buckled to the forearm. The bolts fired were seven inches long and did some serious damage.

  Her shoulders tightened, ready for her ass-chewing for losing the precious arrow, but nothing came. Celene was staring back at the narrow opening of the canyon.

  “Celene?” Sonya had to call several times before Celene shook her head and dropped her gaze to the ground.

  Hectic preparations filled the two days after her revelation. Alex and Celene taught them to use the crossbows and swords that were common weapons for the time. On the third day, the tension ratcheted as they waited on Elijah’s return.

  “My apologies, Sonya. I’m worried.”

  “About Elijah?”

  She gave a small nod. “Yes.”

  “Isn’t he due back tomorrow?”

  “He understood there was some urgency to the trip. He would have done his best to be back as soon as possible.”

  “Maybe he got held up by the weather.” Massive thunderstorms and rain had continued to plague them since the one that had taken the barn.

  “Maybe,” she said, her eyes drifting back to the trail.

  “Let’s call it a day for practice.”

  Celene agreed, and they returned to the house.

  The shooting range was a fifty-foot space that started from the edge of their cultivated farming space to the cliff wall. They slogged their way past the bathhouse to the main house and met Cole and Alex on the front porch speaking in hushed tones.


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