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Into the Lyons Den

Page 9

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Viktoriya!” Andrei spluttered.

  “What? Is it so wrong for me to want my dad with the FBI guy instead of the son of a crazy killer?”

  “Devin is just as bad,” Chris cocked an eyebrow.

  “I did my homework,” Viktoriya said proudly. “Agent Devin Lyons is crazy, yes, but he kills bad men. So, go out with this Mikhail guy, then come home and make the moves on the FBI guy.” Viktoriya waggled her eyebrows.

  Andrei threw his hands up in the air “Ugh! Get out!”

  Chris snickered.


  By the time Andrei was dressed and ready; Mikhail had arrived and was standing in the study waiting for him. Andrei entered the room and eyed Mikhail Borkosky. The man had one hell of a body. Lord, was he that hard up? He was checking out the son of a man he’d killed. Andrei shook his head clear and approached Mikhail.

  “You look wonderful,” Andrei said, smiling.

  Mikhail gave Andrei a slow once over. “You are truly a beautiful man, Andrei. It is my honor to escort you out tonight.”

  “Well, shall we?” Andrei motioned to the door.

  “Yes, let’s,” Devin drawled from the corner.

  Andrei looked over his shoulder. He hadn’t been aware of Lyons in the room. “I did not know you were here.”

  “That’s because I’m that good.”

  Mikhail frowned. “Shall I have a third chair set up at our table as well?”

  Devin crossed his arms. “I don’t need to be close to kill you. Now, let’s go.”

  Andrei had to smile; Mikhail looked extremely uncomfortable at Devin’s statement. They left the study only to run into Viktoriya in the hallway. Andrei braced himself.

  “I’ll be leaving in the morning. Just wanted to say goodnight and have a good time.” Viktoriya narrowed her eyes at Mikhail.

  “And you are?” Mikhail put his hand out.

  “The last person you want to piss off.” Viktoriya stalked by Mikhail.

  Mikhail looked over at him and Andrei shrugged his shoulders. “Shall we?” He was not about to admit that Viktoriya was his daughter. Mikhail was handsome, but revealing too much would be a mistake.


  Andrei was at least thankful that Lyons sat in the front seat of the helicopter. With all the noise, Andrei gave up trying to talk to Mikhail. Once they touched down, Andrei walked behind Lyons as they exited the building. A limo waited for them and Lyons opened the door all while looking around.

  Devin leaned into Andrei’s ear. “I had it checked.”

  Andrei nodded and climbed into the limo. He and Mikhail made small talk all the way to the restaurant. Once arriving, Andrei waited as Lyons checked out the area. When he was cleared to leave the limo, Lyons walked in front of him all the way in. The waiter seated them in a corner and Andrei guessed that Lyons had arranged that, too. Lyons stood not too far away - out of earshot, but close enough to make a move if need be. Andrei looked over the menu as wine was poured. He looked at Mikhail to see him scanning the menu.

  “You are taking this quite well.”

  Mikhail put the menu down and regarded Andrei.

  “Let us put our cards down on the table. I find you attractive. I was not close to my father and I do not care that you killed him.”

  Andrei sat back in shock. “And your brother? What does he think of this?”

  “Ruslan has his own life.” Mikhail shrugged. “He was not fond of our father. Yuri was the son who followed in my father’s footsteps.”

  Andrei clasped his hands and leaned forward. “Let me put my cards on the table. I killed your father and I allowed my son to tear apart your brother. If I feel you are setting me up, Mikhail,” Andrei leaned in even closer and lowered his voice. “What happens to you will always remain a mystery. Do I make myself clear?”

  Mikhail’s lips lifted in a smile. “You are very sexy, Andrei.”

  The waiter came back, stalling their conversation. A basket of bread was placed on the table along with a butter dish. Andrei cleared his throat and looked over his shoulder to see Lyons’ eyes fixed on the table. Mikhail reached for his butter knife and Andrei snatched it away quickly.

  “Here, let me do that.” Andrei picked up a roll and cut it in half. He placed a square of butter on it and handed it to Mikhail. He smiled at the bewildered look on Mikhail’s face. Andrei shrugged. “I have control issues.”

  Mikhail smiled. “Ah, I see.”

  The dinner went without incident. Andrei found himself laughing on more than one occasion. Mikhail had a good sense of humor. He worked in Moscow in a prestigious law firm. He had done quite well for himself - despite being the son of a notorious killer. Andrei reached for the wine bottle as Mikhail did, their fingers brushed and Andrei felt a stirring in his slacks.

  “Please, allow me.” Mikhail poured the remaining wine into Andrei’s glass.

  Andrei sipped the wine. “You are different than I thought.”

  Mikhail leaned forward, smiling. “Is that good?”

  “Yes, it is. I am wondering if you would like to accompany me to the AIDS benefit in Paris next month.”

  “The first weekend, correct?”

  Andrei nodded. “Yes, that is correct.”

  Mikhail frowned. “I am supposed to go to Germany.”

  “Oh, I am sorry. Maybe another time then?”

  “I will see if there is a way to avoid it. I would be honored to accompany you, Andrei.” Mikhail took Andrei’s hand and ran his thumb over the skin. “I would enjoy that very much.”

  Andrei swallowed hard and smiled. His lower body was screaming at him to jump over the table and fuck Mikhail on top of the bread rolls. The check arrived and Mikhail paid. He offered his hand to Andrei as they left the restaurant. Once in the limo, Andrei became nervous. He hadn’t kissed another man in over a year. Lyons had behaved most of the date. Now and again he would cough slightly whenever Mikhail attempted to touch him in some fashion. Mikhail - to his credit - ignored Agent Lyons. The helicopter touched down and Lyons exited first. He did his sweep and allowed Andrei out, completely ignoring Mikhail. Devin escorted him to the main building and opened the limo door for him. The ride to the mansion was silent. Andrei fidgeted the whole way. They pulled up in front of the mansion and Lyons exited the limo first. When he was done checking the area he allowed Andrei out.

  Andrei walked to the front of the house, aware of Mikhail right behind him.

  “Would you like to come in for a drink?”

  Mikhail noticed Lyons in his peripheral vision. “I think I shall retire, but I would like to do this again. If you’d like.”

  Andrei nodded slowly, licking his suddenly dry lips. “Yes, I would.”

  Mikhail stepped forward and took Andrei’s hand. “May I?”

  Andrei nodded. A warm hand caressed his cheek and he looked into very blue eyes. Andrei closed his eyes, just as Mikhail’s lips landed softly on his. He kept back the urge to whimper, and opened his mouth to Mikhail. Their tongues met in a lazy kiss and Andrei’s thighs heated. No one had kissed him in over a year and the feeling was euphoric. Mikhail broke from the kiss slowly.

  “Goodnight, Andrei.”

  “Goodnight,” Andrei breathed. Andrei watched Mikhail get into the limo and turned to find Lyons right in his face.

  “Happy?” Devin groused. “I behaved myself and didn’t kill him.”

  “I thank you for not shooting him at dinner.” Andrei entered the mansion and walked down the hall to his room.

  “Are you really that hard up that you’d go out with a man like Mikhail Borkosky?”

  “He finds me attractive. He is a very nice man and a very good kisser!”

  “Pfft! You have no idea what a good kiss is!”

  “I have kissed Vince - believe me, I know what a good kiss is.” Andrei studied Lyons. “What is your problem with Mikhail?”

  “Please! He’s shifty! You don’t have to whore yourself out to that guy!”

  “I am not a whore!” Andrei sh
outed. “I have not had sex in over a year! I just want someone to touch me and kiss me!”

  Devin grabbed Andrei and threw him up against the wall. He grabbed Andrei’s hair at the nape of his neck and dove for his lips. A growl left him as Andrei tried to push him off. He tightened his grip and opened Andrei’s mouth with his tongue, pushing into the warmth. Andrei’s hands were at his hips, fingers digging in as the kiss became wild. Devin’s other hand slid down to Andrei’s dick. He gripped it, all while plundering the man’s mouth. A moan from Andrei escaped into his mouth and Devin forced himself away. What the fuck was he doing? He backed away from Andrei, breathing hard.

  “There.” Devin snarled. “Now you’ve been kissed and touched.” Devin turned and walked down the hall.

  Andrei leaned against his bedroom door breathing heavily. “Holy shit.”


  Devin entered the kitchen cursing himself. What the fuck had he been thinking kissing Panchenko? Devin paced the kitchen. He hated that man. Devin stopped and looked at his reflection in the kitchen window. He’d wanted to kill Mikhail with his bare fucking hands tonight. He still wanted that now. Devin collapsed into a kitchen chair and banged his head on the table. Why? Why had he kissed Andrei? He needed to focus. Ivan entered the kitchen and went for the coffee pot.

  “Ivan, I need you to stay with Andrei tonight.”

  Ivan turned with an arched brow. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, I just need to do some things and I can’t stay focused on him.”

  Ivan nodded. “All right.”

  “Thank you,” Devin got up from the table and raised his eyes to Ivan’s. “Do you approve of Mikhail?”

  Ivan shook his head no.

  “Good, then I’m not nuts.”

  Ivan smiled as Agent Lyons left the kitchen mumbling to himself. He didn’t think Lyons even realized he had just called Andrei by his first name.

  “No, you are not nuts. But you are falling in love.” Ivan whispered to the empty kitchen.

  He jumped when the phone rang and glanced at the caller ID.

  “James - is something wrong?” he asked with a frown.

  “What? No hello?” James feigned hurt feelings.

  “Hello. Is something wrong?”

  James chuckled before continuing. “Just checking on our boys. How are things going with Devin’s bodyguard assignment?”

  Ivan relaxed. “Well, there were some rough spots… beating each other up, strangling one another, plotting the other’s demise. Minimal bloodshed. But they appear to be tolerating each other quite well now.”

  James guffawed. “Well then, I’m grabbing Derek and heading to church because that has got to be one of the signs of the Apocalypse and I’ve got some serious praying to do.”

  ~~Chapter Six~~

  Andrei opened his eyes to see light pouring through his curtains and Christophe smiling at him. He moaned and rolled over, hiding under the pillow. Christophe snuggled in, spooning him.


  “Yes, dear?”

  “Why are you in my bed?”

  “I like it here.” Chris inhaled Andrei’s hair. “You smell good.”

  Andrei rolled back over and smiled at Chris.

  Chris waggled his eyebrows. “How was the date?”

  “Mikhail kissed me.”

  “Yeah? Was it good?”

  “It was,” Andrei nodded. “But Agent Lyons’ kiss was much more explosive.”

  Chris almost choked in surprise. “What!?”

  Andrei propped himself up on his elbow. “We came back to the house and Mikhail kissed me goodnight. I came to my room and Lyons and I argued in the hall. He called me a whore. I got angry and shouted at him that I just wanted to be kissed and touched.” Andrei grinned.

  Chris snickered. “So he obliged you? What a hardship.” Chris rolled his eyes.

  “I was very surprised. Lyons was even more so I think.”

  “Is that why he’s in the gym beating the shit out of the punching bag instead of being here?”

  “He is?”

  “Yep, I saw him on my way down here. Maybe you should spar with him?” Chris chuckled.

  Andrei leapt from the bed and threw his sweats on. “Yes, I think I will.”

  Chris stood up. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “Yes, it is time for us to clear the air.”

  “”I’ll stay here and watch cartoons.” Chris snickered as Andrei slid him a look. “Okay, okay, I’m going to watch porn.”

  “Nooo,” Andrei laughed.

  “I’m so glad you are taking after Nikolai.”

  Andrei laughed, leaving his room. He met with Viktoriya in the kitchen and kissed her cheek.

  “I will miss you.”

  “I want details.” Viktoriya pointed at him.

  “I do not know what you are talking about,” Andrei walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water. “I am late for my workout.”

  “Fine, play it that way, but I want details soon, okay?”

  Andrei held his daughter and kissed her forehead. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Now, go get your man!” Viktoriya smacked her dad’s ass on her way out of the kitchen.

  “I liked her better when she was a little scared of me,” Andrei smiled.

  “A healthy fear of one’s parents is good,” Ivan nodded.

  “I will be in the gym.”


  Devin’s arms were aching. He’d been beating the bag for over an hour and still couldn’t get the taste of Andrei out of his mouth. He remembered the feel of Andrei in his arms, his skin under his hands. Devin hit the bag hard, sending it flying backwards. It swung back and Devin hit it again and again. It was no use. He couldn’t stop thinking about Andrei Panchenko. The worst part? He wanted the man. When the fuck had this happened? He despised Andrei, wanted him dead and buried.

  Devin stopped and held the bag still, breathing heavily. The door to the workout room slammed shut and he spun around, his eyes meeting with Andrei’s.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Andrei flipped the stereo on and went about taping his knuckles. “I work out every day, remember?”

  Devin cocked his head to the side, listening to the music. “Interesting choice of music.”

  “I’m sure you’ve heard it many times as you walked by here.” Andrei turned the volume up. It was ‘Too Close’ by Alex Clare. Andrei bounced up and down on his toes. “Are you in the mood today, Lyons?”

  Devin cracked his neck from side to side. “Yep.”

  “Good.” Andrei walked to the middle of the mat and got into his stance. He watched Lyons warily. He wore sweatpants and no shirt. The muscles twitched and Andrei licked his lips. Sweat was pouring down Lyons’ chest, making him glisten. He wanted to lick it off.

  “See something you like?” Devin flexed his pectoral muscles.

  “Maybe.” Andrei moved slowly, watching the other man’s body language. Andrei ducked down and rolled out of the way of Devin’s kick. He sprung back up and delivered his own blow. Devin caught his wrist and tsked.

  He removed his gloves and motioned to Andrei to begin again. They were very well matched. Andrei could move, that was for sure. He was lethal as well. Devin blocked another kick. He grabbed Andrei’s leg and flipped him. Andrei moved like a damn cat, righting himself before he hit the mat.

  “Nice,” Devin whistled softly.

  “Are we going to talk about last night? Or just try to kill each other?” Andrei spun around, catching Lyons’ face with his foot. He backed away as Devin recovered and threw another punch, catching Andrei’s lip. Andrei wiped the blood from his lips and looked up at Lyons - who was licking Andrei’s blood off his knuckles. The action took him back to their fight at James and Derek’s wedding. Andrei had done the same thing after hitting Lyons.

  “Is that supposed to scare me?” Andrei drawled, repeating Lyons words back to him. “Because I am a little turned on right now.”<
br />
  “So you do bleed,” Devin said wryly.

  “I am human.” Andrei moved around Lyons.

  “Are you?” Devin ducked out of the way of another punch. “I always thought you were a mindless killer.”

  “I have never killed an innocent.”

  Devin laughed. “Bullshit!”

  Andrei stopped. “I have never killed an innocent person, Lyons.”

  Devin plowed into Andrei. “Don’t fucking lie to me!”

  Andrei hit the wall and the air left his lungs. He fell to the mat and tried to take deep breaths.

  Devin straddled Andrei and wrapped his hands around his neck. “How’s that feel, huh, Panchenko? “ Devin watched the color drain from Andrei’s face, yet the man didn’t try to stop him. “Fight me!”

  Andrei shook his head no, gasping for air.

  “Goddammit!” Devin let go. “Why won’t you fight me?!”

  “I don’t want to,” Andrei coughed, trying to suck air into his lungs.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? I want you dead!”

  “Then do it.”

  Devin balled his fists and looked up at the ceiling letting out a loud growl. He grabbed Andrei’s hair and hauled him to his feet. Slamming Andrei into the wall, he searched the other man’s eyes. Andrei’s eyes were wet; Devin didn’t know if it was because he was going to cry or from lack of air.

  “Dammit! I can’t.” Devin hauled Andrei into his arms and kissed him.

  He nipped at Andrei’s lips, forcing his mouth open and taking what he wanted. They both fell onto the mat, Devin on top of Andrei. Hands were everywhere, delving into sweatpants and stroking hot skin. Devin’s nostrils flared as Andrei’s hand stroked his cock. He growled into Andrei’s mouth and squeezed his dick harder. Fuck but he wanted to pound into Andrei. Releasing Andrei’s mouth, Devin pulled the man’s sweats off and finally got a good look at naked Andrei Panchenko.

  Devin almost groaned at the sight of Andrei’s cock, glistening with precum. He dove for the glistening member, sucking it down into his throat. Andrei cried out, his fingers white knuckling the mat. Devin ground down until his nose pressed into Andrei’s pubes, inhaling him to the root. Andrei’s hands went into his hair, trying to pull him off and Devin kept his suction tight. He wasn’t being gentle. His teeth scraped up the underside of Andrei’s cock and when the head flared getting for release, Devin let up with an audible pop.


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