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Into the Lyons Den

Page 13

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “If that man hurt you,” Dimitri snarled, holding Christophe in his arms. He looked back over at Ivan. “He was here before us, was he not? He had plenty of time to coat the glasses!”

  Ivan was up, but was teetering as was Viktor. Shit. Dimitri grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket. He dialed Damon.


  “Where are you?” Dimitri shouted.

  “In Sicily. Why?” Damon snapped his fingers at Lorenzo to get his attention.

  “Get a team to Paris now!”


  Devin’s mouth was dry. He opened his eyes and blinked the blurriness away. They widened at the sight of Andrei struggling in the grip of two goons. His mouth was duct-taped. Oh God, he’d been drugged. Devin put his hand out in an effort to reach Andrei.

  “Andrei…” he croaked.

  “Goodnight, Agent Lyons.”

  Andrei struggled as Devin was hit over the head. He kicked his feet at the approaching man. As he neared, the light caught his face and Andrei growled.

  “Oh, Andrei. How good it is to see you. We are going for a ride.”


  Within the hour, Damon had an associate at the hotel testing the substance on the glasses. A team had already been sent to Andrei’s room and had found it empty. The adjoining room had been empty as well. Dimitri paced back and forth in the now empty ballroom, keeping watch on his husband.

  “Well?” Dimitri snapped at the doctor. “Is it poisonous?”

  “No, it is not,” he said. “It is a slow-acting sedative.”

  The door to the ballroom slammed open and Damon walked in with Lorenzo, Marco and Antonio.

  “Where is he?!”

  Dimitri turned to see Keegan and Vince, followed by Nikolai. Dimitri sighed; Nikolai was in a rage.

  “Where the fuck is my father?!” Nikolai roared, throwing men out of his way.

  “His coordinates put him just west of Goury.” Damon crossed the room to Nikolai. “We will find him.” Damon turned to all the men standing behind him. “Get the helicopter ready. Vince, get in touch with our friends here and get the speedboat. Everyone move; we do not know who has Andrei.”

  “It is Mikhail Borkosky,” Dimitri sneered with disgust.

  Nikolai balled his fists. “What?!”

  “Nik! We need to focus! Now get into assassin mode and let’s go!” Vince shouted.

  Nikolai growled and stormed past the men and out the door.

  “No one touches Mikhail but Nikolai.” Vince raised his brows.

  “Done,” Damon said.

  ~~Chapter Eight~~

  Andrei slowly came around. He was aware of people speaking nearby. The words were garbled and in English and Russian. He kept his eyes closed and listened to the voices around him. One was to the right, the other to the left. His hands were still taped as well as his ankles; the stickiness was pulling at his skin. A voice came closer on his left side and Andrei kept his body relaxed, not revealing his conscious state.

  “It is too bad Mr. Borkosky wants to kill this one,” one of the men said.

  Warm breath tickled Andrei’s face. He moved suddenly, head-butting the man leaning over him. A cry of surprise rang out as bone crunched. Andrei swung his lower body out, grabbing the man between his legs. He scanned the room for man number two. He let go of the first man and rolled across the bed as the other man lunged for him. Jumping on the other man’s back, Andrei wrapped his taped wrists around the man’s throat and pulled backwards. The click of a gun at his temple stopped him from snapping the man’s neck.

  “Bravo, Andrei! I had forgotten how ruthless you can be.”

  “You piece of shit!” Andrei spat as Mikhail yanked him off the man he’d attacked.

  “Come now, you were not so angry when I kissed you.” Mikhail touched Andrei’s face gently. “It is a shame to kill something so beautiful.” Mikhail yanked his hand away as Andrei tried to bite him. “You are an animal, aren’t you?”

  “I am your worst nightmare!” Andrei growled, lunging for Mikhail. “You had better make sure I am dead, Mikhail, because I will never stop coming for you!”

  “Well, I’ll make sure you and Lyons die together,” Mikhail grinned as Andrei jerked back from him.

  “Where is he?!” Andrei shouted.

  “Soon Andrei, very soon.”


  Devin could hear people talking. They were close by, but not too close. He kept his eyes closed in case someone was nearby. His hands and ankles were duct-taped. Devin slightly lifted one lid to see who was in the room. It was empty save for him. He maneuvered on the bed, bringing his wrists to his mouth to bite through the tape. Stupid assholes thought duct tape would hold him? Devin almost laughed. He freed his hands and went about freeing his ankles. The door opened and Devin rolled off the bed as a silenced gun went off.

  He slipped under the bed as the man climbed on top of it, shooting rounds through the mattress. Devin rolled to his back and planted his feet on the mattress. Using his thighs and feet, he pushed, sending the mattress up and over. The man let out a grunt as he hit the wall and more gunshots went off into the ceiling. Devin leapt on the man’s back and snapped his neck. He took the rest of the tape off his ankles and checked the gun. Shit. One round left. Who the hell still used revolvers these days? Devin put the gun in the waistband of his pants and looked around the room. More men would come. He knew they would.

  Voices were coming down the hall toward the room and Devin crouched in attack position right behind the door. The first one walked through the door and Devin hit him in the throat, silencing his cries. The second man came in and Devin jumped on him. They landed on the floor and Devin straddled the man, punching him in his throat as well. The sound of bones cracking filled the room as Devin let loose on the men inside it. Devin searched them for weapons and let out a frustrated growl. Nothing. Fucking itchy trigger fingers. These were the type of men who, if armed, shot first and asked questions later. Probably a no-no with whoever had kidnapped them.

  He dragged the men into the bathroom and shut the door. He turned the light off in the room and crept to the door. Peeking around the corner, he saw it was clear and headed out. He was on a yacht; that much he could tell. The wooden deck creaked under his shoes, so Devin removed them quietly. He stayed low, keeping his eyes open for more men. More voices were close by and Devin pulled the gun from his waistband.

  He crept across the deck of the ship. He heard people up ahead talking and moved slowly, keeping his eyes open for any sign of ambush. A laugh pierced the night air and Devin’s skin broke out in goose bumps. He knew that laugh; it was the laugh of the man who had shot him so many years ago. Devin slipped behind one of the lifeboats and craned his neck to see what was going on. His eyes widened. Andrei’s hands and ankles were duct-taped and he had more over his mouth. Devin moved carefully to get a closer look. Two men were standing with their back to him, but Devin knew that salt and pepper head anywhere. Fucking Mikhail Borkosky. Andrei’s face was one of rage. His nostrils flared as Borkosky caressed his cheek.

  “It seems a waste to kill him, no?”

  Devin had moved another inch when another voice stopped him. He knew that one, too.

  “Oh, Mikhail, you can have any man you want. Why sleep with this?”

  Devin almost exploded. Carmine Rizzo was touching Andrei. He moved to the next life boat. He had a much better view of Andrei and realized Andrei had seen him, but had not let on. He kept his eyes fixed right over Mikhail’s shoulder.

  “Go get me Lyons,” Carmine laughed. “I want these two to see each other die.”

  “Who shall we kill first?” Mikhail flipped a coin in his hand.

  Devin looked at the gun in his hand. He had one round. He looked over the lifeboat. Mikhail was running the blunt side of a knife over Andrei’s throat. Andrei’s eyes were fixed on Devin’s.

  “How about you, Mikey?” Devin fired off the last round. It hit its mark.

  Mikhail’s head blew open, s
praying brain matter all over Andrei—who didn’t even flinch. Carmine spun around and pulled Andrei in front of him as Mikhail’s body slumped to the deck.

  “Agent Lyons! How good it is to see you!” Carmine grabbed Andrei’s neck. “Let us play a game, shall we?”

  “I don’t play games, Rizzo,” Devin pointed the gun at Carmine’s head.

  “Don’t you want to know the truth?” Carmine caressed Andrei’s face. “Wouldn’t you rather shoot the man who killed your family?”

  Devin saw Andrei’s eyes widen. He struggled in Carmine’s grip, shaking his head and grunting. Devin’s eyes met Andrei’s; the truth was right there in his eyes.

  “Did you kill my parents, Andrei?” Devin asked calmly. Andrei kept eye contact with him and slowly shook his head.

  “You cannot believe him! He’s a killer!” Carmine guffawed.

  “Oh, but I do, Carmine. Andrei would never lie to me.” Devin walked closer. He hoped and prayed to God Carmine couldn’t tell his gun was empty. He stopped when Carmine put a gun to Andrei’s head.

  “Do not come any closer, Agent Lyons. Wouldn’t you like to know what your real name is? Who you really are? I have all the answers. Old man Borkosky knew who you were the minute you stepped foot in the compound. Do you know how? Because he made you who you are. Plucked you from your happy life so many years ago and made you into an efficient killer - except you couldn’t kill the man he ultimately wanted you to assassinate. Instead, you followed James Jacobs’ orders and fell in love with the damn target! Now, wouldn’t you like to know where your parents are?”

  “In exchange for what?” Devin laughed. “Sparing you? We both know I can still kill you even if Andrei’s in your lap. I am that good and we both know it. That’s if I even believed the load of shit you’re shoveling. You just tried to blame Andrei for their deaths!”

  “I am giving you the chance to know who you are, how you ended up where you did. I will tell you whatever you want to know. How you came to wake up in the hospital, where that bullet scar came from. I can tell you everything.”

  “I’m going to take you in one way or another, Carmine.”

  “What do you want more?” Carmine grinned.

  The realization hit and Devin ran. Carmine pushed Andrei right off the side of the boat into the water and Devin went in after him.

  “Goodbye, Agent,” Carmine cackled.

  Devin hit the frigid water and went under looking for Andrei. Panic set in as the dark water enveloped him, making his chances of finding Andrei less likely. He reached out blindly in the water, hoping to grab Andrei’s arm or leg. His chest burned the further down he went. Suddenly, something grazed his hand and Devin fumbled for it desperately. He gripped what felt like hair and pulled. Andrei’s face came into view and Devin grabbed him by his bicep and kicked for the surface.

  The sound of the boat’s engines drifted further and further away as Devin got closer to the surface. They broke through and Devin pulled the tape off of Andrei’s mouth.

  “Andrei!” Devin looked around for a piece of land, anything where he could get Andrei out of the water. He turned his attention back to Andrei, who had begun coughing. He removed the duct tape from his wrists, then went under to free his ankles. Surfacing once again, he cupped Andrei’s face.

  “Devin,” Andrei coughed again, seawater dripping from his nose. “He is getting away. You should have killed him instead of saving me.”

  “Who gives a shit?!” Devin held Andrei close to him. “Thank God you’re okay. That’s the thanks I get?”

  Andrei shivered. “Thank you, for saving my life, Devin.”

  “There was never any other choice, Andrei.”

  “I am cold,” Andrei managed through his chattering teeth.

  “I know. I need to get you out of the water.” Devin tried to adjust his eyes in the darkness surrounding them. He started swimming, pulling Andrei with him.

  “Is your tracking device waterproof?”

  Andrei nodded. “Yes.” Andrei stopped Devin and looked into his eyes, treading water. “You believe me?”

  Devin palmed Andrei’s face. “I believe you. I know it wasn’t you who shot me in the back. It was Mikhail. When I heard his laugh tonight, I knew it was him all those years ago. I know you didn’t kill my parents either.” Devin leaned in, kissing Andrei softly.

  “I would never lie to you, Devin.” Andrei breathed against Devin’s mouth. The warmth from Devin’s mouth flowed into his as they kissed, gripping each other tightly. Andrei broke from the kiss and leaned against Devin in the cold water. “I would never hurt you.”

  “I know that now, but we really need to move and I mean, like, faster.”

  Devin knew the longer they stayed in the water, the more likely was the chance that hypothermia would set in. He pulled Andrei along, checking on him every now and then to make sure he was awake and breathing. Devin kicked something about ten minutes later and then felt around with his hand. Rocks. Devin pulled Andrei up and put him on the small shelf. Andrei tried to pull Devin up with him.

  “There’s not enough room,” Devin’s teeth started to chatter.

  “You can sit on my lap.” Andrei pulled Devin by his bicep.

  “No, I’m okay.”

  Andrei slid down into the water and took Devin into his arms.

  “What are you doing? Get back up there!” Devin pushed Andrei back towards the rocks.

  “No.” Andrei took Devin’s face in his hands.

  “Goddammit, Andrei!”

  They were interrupted by the sound of a helicopter flying low. Searchlights scanned the water just a few feet in front of them. Devin swam out and waited for the light to pass over him. Andrei breathed a sigh of relief when the lights passed over Devin then came back and hovered over him. He heard voices shouting at Devin and his eyelids became heavy.

  “Andrei!” Devin shook him. “Hurry!” he shouted. A warm hand landed on his shoulder and Devin looked over to see Nikolai smiling at him. “Get Andrei first.”

  Devin sat on the shelf as Andrei was pulled up into the helicopter. It suddenly hit him that he had hated Andrei Panchenko all these years for nothing. Andrei hadn’t shot him; Andrei hadn’t killed his parents. He’d wanted to kill Andrei for something he hadn’t even done and if James hadn’t put Andrei under his protection, Devin would have killed the man. Devin closed his eyes and felt an overwhelming sense of guilt wash over him.

  He was in love with Andrei.

  “Devin!” Keegan shouted, shaking him. “Nikolai, hurry!”

  “I got him,” Nikolai strapped Devin into the harness and pulled on the rope. “He’s good!”

  “We’ll meet you at the hospital!” Keegan shouted over the roar of the helicopter and the engines of the speedboat.

  Devin felt his body being hauled upwards, the light from the helicopter briefly blinding him. Cold air whipped at his wet clothing and Devin succumbed to the fatigue.


  Andrei opened his eyes to see Nikolai pacing the room. Vince was in the corner chair with Keegan asleep on his shoulder. Andrei’s lips were dry and cracked and his throat hurt. He tried to speak but no sound came out. Bile rose and Andrei leaned over the bed, trying to throw up, but could only manage dry heaves. Nikolai was at his bedside in seconds.

  “Dad!” Nikolai pushed the call button and grabbed a glass of water. “Here, sip this slowly.”

  “Devin,” Andrei whispered. He sipped the water, letting it slide down his dry throat.

  “He’s down the hall,” Keegan smiled, sitting up. “He’s still out of it, though.”

  “But he is all right?” Andrei tried to get up.

  “Hey, Dad, don’t move okay?” Nikolai lightly pushed on his father’s shoulder.

  “Yes, he’s doing fine. He would be angry with you if he knew you were trying to get out of bed to check on him, though.” Vince crossed the room to his ex-husband’s side.

  “He saved me,” Andrei’s eyes met with Vince’s. “He saved my life.
Mikhail Borkosky was about to kill me; Devin shot him. Then Carmine—”

  “Rizzo?” Nikolai’s eyes widened. “Rizzo’s alive?”

  Andrei nodded. “Yes, he is. Devin had the chance to know the truth, but he chose to save me instead.”

  “What truth?” Keegan asked, confused.

  “Rizzo said he knew who Devin really was. He knew about the bullet scar. And his parents. I think he truly knows who Devin really is.”

  “You can’t trust Carmine Rizzo for shit, we all know that!” Vince spat.

  “But what if he was telling the truth? Now Devin will never know the truth unless we find Rizzo again.”

  The door opened and Reece strolled in, smiling.

  “Well, look who’s awake.” He picked up Andrei’s chart and looked through it. “How are you feeling?”

  “I will feel better when I can see Devin.” Andrei looked up to see all eyes in the room on him, brows raised. “What?”

  “Dad,” Nikolai began slowly. “Is there something we should know?”

  “Yes, there is.”

  They all turned to see Christophe lounging in the doorway.

  “Your father is in love with the apparently very Special Agent Devin Lyons,” Chris grinned, walking across the room and sitting on the edge of the bed. “Isn’t that right, Andrei?”

  Andrei clasped his hands together and raised his eyes. “Yes. It is true.”

  “Well, shit!” Keegan chuckled. “Let me go get him.”

  “No, please don’t,” Andrei whispered. “He does not love me back.”

  “Well I’ll make him.” Nikolai crossed his arms.

  Andrei tried to smile. “You cannot make someone love you, Nikolai. It is all right. I will be okay.” Andrei turned on his side and closed his eyes. “I am tired.”

  “Okay,” Nikolai kissed his father’s head. “We’ll be back, though.”

  Andrei waited for the door to shut, then looked over his shoulder to make sure the room was empty. He squeezed his eyes shut. He would not cry dammit. Devin had given up the chance to know his true identity. Andrei would never forgive himself for that. What if Devin had a family? A wife? Kids? Andrei sighed, and fisted the sheet. He had loved Vince and not been loved in return; now he was in love again.


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