Into the Lyons Den

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Into the Lyons Den Page 15

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  The front door slammed and Andrei heard whistling. He sighed and took Devin’s hand. Devin raised a brow and Andrei leaned into his ear.

  “It is Christophe.”

  Devin sighed. “Oh, no.”

  “Where is my sexy Russian man?”

  “I am here, Christophe,” Dimitri laughed.

  Andrei snickered as his best friend and his husband sauntered into the kitchen. Christophe stopped and crossed his arms over his chest. Andrei tried to keep his face stoic.

  “Nik,” Chris nodded to the younger Markov. “So, what did we interrupt?”

  “My dad and Agent Lyons,” Nikolai chuckled.

  Chris raised a brow. “Oh? Is that right? Were you guys humping in here?”

  “Never in the kitchen,” Andrei drawled. “You know how Irina is.”

  Dimitri chuckled. “He spends too much time with you, my love.”

  Devin motioned to Dimitri. “Can we talk?”

  Dimitri nodded and Devin leaned in to kiss Andrei. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Oh,” Chris wiped at his eyes. “That is so sweet!”

  “I know, right?” Nikolai chuckled.

  Devin eyed Chris and Nikolai as he left the room with Dimitri. They walked down the hall to Andrei’s office and Dimitri plopped down into the chair across from Andrei’s desk. Devin sat behind it and clasped his hands together.

  “I’m sure you know about Carmine Rizzo?”

  Dimitri nodded. “Yes, Stefan has been informed; he is looking into it right now. I have informed all the men on our end and we will not stop until Rizzo is found.” Dimitri tilted his head to the side. “You are staying here with Andrei.”

  “Yes, I’m not letting him out of my sight.”

  “So, you know he is not responsible for your parents’ death.”

  “If it’s even true that they are dead,” Devin nodded. “Who knows with Carmine Rizzo? He’s a known liar. It’s his MO.”

  “But, what if he is not lying?” Dimitri sat forward in the chair. “Do you not wish to know who you are?”

  Devin sat back in the chair and looked around Andrei’s office. Pictures of Andrei and Nikolai were on the wall, both of them smiling. A family portrait with Andrei, Vince, Viktoriya and Nikolai sat across from the desk. It hadn’t been there before, which meant the staff was truly trusting him by putting it back up. Devin grinned. This was home now. Andrei and the kids were his family now.

  “I have a life right here.”

  ~Chapter Nine~

  Over the next week, Devin settled into life at the mansion. The staff - who had previously regarded him tensely - now lavished him with affection. It was weird certainly. Irina had hugged him to within an inch of his life and plastered him with kisses. Andrei had chuckled at Devin’s look of utter shock.

  He’d moved into Andrei’s room and had his belongings sent from Arizona. James had signed off for him to be a permanent fixture in Andrei’s life. James and Keegan were on their way to visit in the next few days.

  Right now, however, Devin was sitting in the limo next to Andrei. They were on their way to the orphanage. Andrei was going to have ‘movie night’ over the weekend. All the kids would stay over from Friday night to Sunday. Devin was a little uncomfortable. He didn’t really deal well with kids.

  “Stop fidgeting,” Andrei smiled, kissing Devin’s cheek.

  “I don’t do well with kids, Andrei.”

  “Well, they will love you. Relax. Would you like me to give you a blow job?” Andrei chuckled.

  Devin thought about that one. The previous blow job from Andrei had almost knocked him unconscious.

  “I’ll be good until we get home, then I think I’d like you to top me.”

  Andrei spit out the water he was in the middle of drinking. It flew all over the floor and the seat across from them.

  “What?” Andrei stammered. Although he enjoyed sex with Devin immensely…okay that was a lie, he loved sex with Devin. Vince had been awfully good in bed, but there had been no emotion behind the movements; Devin fucked him within an inch of his life. He loved it. But for him to top Devin? It seemed a bit... momentous.

  “Oh come on,” Devin grinned. “Did you really think I would never let you make love to me? I’m an asshole, but I’m not that much of an asshole.”

  “Yes you are,” Andrei laughed. “But you are my asshole.”

  Devin turned sideways in the seat and cupped Andrei’s face in his hands. “Yes, I am yours. I want you to make love to me.”

  “It has been a long time for me, I may hurt you,” Andrei grinned lasciviously.

  “Oh yeah, babe,” Devin whispered huskily. “Make it hurt.”

  The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as Devin took his mouth. Andrei moaned and fell back on the seat as Devin slithered up his body. He was hard as a rock, and Devin’s hands roamed up his sides, scorching his flesh in seconds. Andrei had never felt as he did in the hands of Special Agent Devin Lyons. Andrei groaned as Devin’s hand slipped inside his dress pants.

  “Devin…” Andrei whimpered.

  Devin’s head shot up as the limo stopped. “Shit, we’re here.” Devin looked into the flushed face of Andrei Panchenko and grinned. “We’ll have to finish this later, sexy.”

  Andrei righted his erection and slapped Devin’s ass as he opened the limo door. As always, Devin did a check before allowing Andrei out and then walked in front of him to the door. Ivan and Viktor exited from the car behind them and began grabbing all the bags that Andrei had brought for the kids.

  The door flew open and Valya greeted them with a wide smile, and a very loud squeal.


  “How are you, Valya?” Andrei hugged her hard.

  “I am well,” Valya regarded the same agent at Andrei’s side. “Things have…changed,” Valya watched as the agent took Andrei’s hand. “Yes, yes they have. I am so happy for you both!”

  Devin was grabbed and pulled into a bone-crunching hug. Valya held him at arm’s length and peered into his eyes.

  “You are in love, agent,” Valya smiled.

  Devin looked over at Andrei and winked. “Yes, I am.”

  “Well! You could not have chosen a more wonderful man!”

  Devin leaned into her ear. “You do know what he does, right?” Devin whispered.

  Valya eased away and locked eyes with Devin. “I am very aware of Andrei’s dealings. I do not judge him. He has done much for all of us. I believe you are just as he is, no?”

  Devin narrowed his eyes. “You’ve done your research.”

  “I do have high speed internet and Google,” Valya snickered. “Well, come on in!”

  Devin stood dumbfounded until Andrei gripped his hand and pulled him forward. Little voices came floating down the hall once more and another loud squeal erupted down the hallway.

  “Andrei!” Marina ran for him.

  “Hello, Marina!” Andrei crouched down and was almost knocked over when the little girl flew into his arms. “I have missed you!”

  “Nikolai said you would come!”

  “Oh, he did, did he?”

  Marina nodded. “He brought me an Easy Bake Oven! It cooks with a light bulb!”

  Devin’s nose twitched. “Ew.”

  Marina looked up at the man who had come with Andrei before. “Mr. Lyons?”

  “Yes?” Devin squatted. Marina came over to stand in front of him.

  “Will you read us a story?”

  “Oh...well I…”

  “He would love to!” Andrei interrupted.

  Devin sighed in defeat. “Okay, which story?”

  “Beauty and the Beast!” Marina took Mr. Lyons’ hand. “Let’s go!”

  Devin narrowed his eyes at Andrei as he was dragged down the hall.

  “It is better than the bachelor auction, no?” Andrei winked.

  “Ugh,” Devin moaned rethinking that night. Thank God Andrei had bought him. God that sounded bad. Devin laughed to himself as he entered the same room they
had been in last time.

  The kids were all around the large area rug and Marina went to grab the book. Andrei sat next to him in the other available rocking chair. Devin sat down and took in all the little faces staring up at him. He felt his hands sweating. He was never good at public speaking. Killing sure, but not this kind of pressure. Marina crawled into his lap and settled in. Devin opened the book and coughed, clearing his throat.

  “You have to make the Beast noises!”

  Andrei snickered as one of the little boys came to sit at Devin’s feet.

  “Andrei always makes the noises,” he said.

  Devin glanced over at Andrei and saw him trying to contain a chuckle.

  “It’s a love story, Mr. Lyons.” Marina looked up. “The Beast is mean until he meets Belle. Then he falls in love and is no longer the Beast.”

  Devin took Andrei’s hand. “Yeah, I can see how that happens.” Devin coughed and turned back to the kids. “Okay, let’s read!”

  Andrei had to bite his lip through most of the story. The kids were glued to his every word and they would laugh when Devin did the Beast voice. Devin shut the book when he was done and looked at all the kids.

  “And they lived happily ever after.”

  “Just like you and Andrei?”

  Devin’s mouth dropped open. Damn, the kid was insightful. Devin turned to look at Andrei and took his hand.

  “Yes, just like that.


  By the time Sunday rolled around, Devin was dead on his feet. In all, twenty kids had descended on the mansion. There were movies every night and the kids played in the heated indoor pool. It was exhausting. It was also another eye-opening experience for him as far as Andrei was concerned. The man actually played with the kids in the pool. No wonder he had no issues with food fights. Devin chuckled into the pillow.

  “You are laughing?” Andrei pulled his shirt off as he exited the bathroom.

  “I was just remembering our little food fight, and it was little compared to the one that happened Saturday.”

  “I did not start that one,” Andrei pointed out, removing his pants. He eyed Devin in the bed. “Are you naked under there?”

  “I don’t know.” Devin pulled the comforter down further. “Am I?”

  Andrei crawled up the bed and Devin swore he looked like a wild jungle cat. His eyes were glassy, his pupils blown. Devin was rock hard in seconds. Andrei settled over him, the comforter the only barrier. Andrei leaned over until they were touching foreheads.

  “I want to eat you alive,” Andrei growled.

  “Which Andrei am I with right now?” Devin breathed against Andrei’s lips.

  “The one who is going to make you scream.” Andrei took Devin’s mouth in a crushing kiss. He pulled the comforter down and growled into Devin’s mouth. He was naked. Andrei gripped Devin’s ass as he plundered his mouth. Devin moaned as Andrei’s hands slid down between his ass cheeks and traced around his hole. Andrei lifted his mouth and looked into Devin’s eyes.

  “How long for you?”

  “Lube, lots of lube,” Devin moaned, as Andrei’s finger teased his hole. Andrei reached for the nightstand and put the lube by the pillow. Devin’s eyes were glued to Andrei’s chest as he slid down Devin’s body, settling between his legs. Andrei locked eyes with him as he began kissing Devin’s calves, making his way up slowly. Devin shivered as Andrei’s tongue slid up his inner thigh. He couldn’t stop staring at the man between his legs. As vicious as Andrei was, once his soft mouth and tongue made contact with Devin’s balls he almost lost it right then. It was slow, sensual and torturous. The man was fucking talented.

  Devin’s knees were by his ears and Andrei went to town on his ass. He couldn’t even form a word; a strangled cry left his lips as Andrei spread him out and tongue-fucked his ass. Devin realized he was shaking on the bed as Andrei’s coated fingers entered his ass. When did he get the lube? A third finger breached him and Devin cried out as Andrei hit the sweet spot. It seemed as if he was in a sexual daze. His legs came back to the mattress slowly and then Andrei was over him again. That hot mouth devoured his, lips mashing, teeth clicking. Heat tore through him and Devin let out a wordless cry. Andrei stopped and lifted his head.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, just….” Devin moaned as Andrei slid out slowly, then pushed back in. “Oh fuck, just fuck me!” Devin growled.

  Andrei slammed back into him and Devin gripped Andrei’s biceps, breaking the skin. The bed shook and then Devin felt as if he were floating. Andrei had hauled him up and thrown him over the side of the bed, fucking him from behind. His dick screamed for release against the comforter. Andrei’s hand was holding his shoulder as he plowed into him. Devin grabbed the comforter in his hand, biting down on his bottom lip to keep from screaming. Fuck but it felt so good. Just when Devin thought he couldn’t hold it anymore, Andrei’s hand gripped his angry prick and stroked him. Devin shot all over the bed and a wild, animal-like noise left his throat.

  Andrei came roaring Devin’s name. He shot hard into Devin’s ass, his whole body convulsing as he did. Andrei slumped over Devin’s back; he kissed his shoulders and nuzzled his ear.

  “How was that, Agent?” Andrei rasped.

  “Oh. My. God.” Devin tried to catch his breath. “Fuck, Andrei.”

  Andrei chuckled into Devin’s neck. “We just did that.” Andrei pulled out slowly. He pulled Devin up and took him into his arms. “Let’s shower.”

  Devin stumbled into the shower behind Andrei. The warm water hit him and he groaned at how good it felt. Andrei soaped him up and began a light massage. Devin leaned into Andrei’s body and relaxed his head on his shoulder. Fingers glided over his ass and between his cheeks.

  “Andrei,” Devin sighed.

  “I love it when you say my name like that.” Andrei kissed Devin’s neck and bit down softly.

  “Are you marking me now?” Devin chuckled into Andrei’s neck.

  “Yes, because you are mine, Devin Lyons.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Andrei lay in bed afterwards, just watching Devin sleep. The man was absolutely breathtaking. The hair, the eyes, the lips - everything about Devin made Andrei want him even more. They fought with each other, threatened each other, it was everything Andrei had ever wanted in a partner. Andrei leaned over and kissed Devin’s perfect lips.

  “I love you.”


  The sun’s morning rays invaded his dark room and Andrei rolled over to look at the time. Devin was still sleeping peacefully. Andrei crept from the bed and made his way to the kitchen. He stopped in the door and looked at all the people sitting in his kitchen. James and Keegan sat with Vince, Ivan and Viktor as well as Stefan and Jordan Youngblood. Christophe sat with Dimitri, but stood as soon as he walked further into the kitchen.

  “What is it? What is going on?”

  Chris crossed the kitchen and took Andrei’s hand. “It hit me, when I was back home with Dimitri and the guys.”

  “What hit you? What are you talking about?” Andrei heard his voice rising. “What is going on?”

  “I thought Devin looked like someone I knew; it’s because he is.”

  “You are not making sense!” Andrei growled.

  Chris looked back at Stefan and Jordan and they nodded. He turned his attention back to Andrei.

  “The reason I thought he looked familiar is because I’d seen him before, when he was nineteen.” Chris took Andrei’s shoulders. “Devin is Tanner McKinley, Andrei.”

  Andrei stepped back in shock. “What?” He shook his head. “No, Tanner McKinley died after getting shot during the robbery! Everyone was at the hospital, they saw him die!”

  “I’m so sorry, Andrei.” Chris’ eyes filled with tears. “I know it’s him. I knew Tanner; he’s older, but that’s him.”

  “He’s got an appendectomy scar, doesn’t he?” Jordan asked quietly.

  “Yes, but that proves nothing!” Andrei shouted.

a bullet scar on his upper chest,” Keegan said softly.

  “He has a lot of bullet scars!” Andrei could feel his legs wobbling. It couldn’t be; it just couldn’t be. If Devin was Tanner that meant that Joshua would…

  Chris searched Andrei’s face and saw the fear there. “Joshua’s married, Andrei. To Jason,” Chris whispered. “That part of his life is over.”

  “We can’t say anything until we have concrete proof,” Keegan said.

  Chris took a picture out of his wallet and handed it to Andrei. “This is Tanner with Josh.”

  Andrei snatched the picture and looked at it. His throat closed up and he reached for a chair. Chris pulled one out quickly and Andrei collapsed into it. It was Devin. He was much younger.

  “I didn’t think…”Andrei trailed off.

  “I know. I didn’t put it together at first either, but I knew Tanner so when we went back, I started looking at all the pictures.”

  Stefan stood and made his way over to Andrei. “Just because he may or may not be Tanner doesn’t mean you’ll lose him, Andrei. Josh has moved on with Jason.”

  “What if Devin remembers who he is and he hasn’t moved on?” Andrei whispered.

  Chris knelt in front of Andrei and took his face in his hands. “That man loves you. You, Andrei. He killed for you, saved your life.”

  Andrei felt his eyes watering.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?”

  Chris turned and saw Devin in the kitchen doorway.

  “Andrei?” Devin made his way over to Andrei in the chair. “What the hell?” Devin pulled Andrei’s face up gently. “Why are you crying?” Devin turned to the men in the room. “What the fuck did you do to him?!”

  Stefan sucked in a breath. “Oh God, it is him.”

  Andrei leapt from the chair and ran down the hall. That was enough evidence for him. He felt a hand land on his shoulder and then he was whipped around. Devin grabbed him and held him.

  “Talk to me! What is wrong?”

  Andrei broke down. For the third time in his life, he was crying.

  “Oh my God, Andrei,” Devin felt Andrei shaking. “Please! Tell me what’s wrong! What did they say? Did they do something to you?” Devin held Andrei close. He was starting to freak out now. “Please talk to me.”


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