Into the Lyons Den

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Into the Lyons Den Page 16

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Andrei pulled out of the hug and wiped his eyes. He handed Devin the picture.


  Devin looked at the picture. “Okay? What?”

  “That is Joshua Reynolds.”

  “Yes, I remember him from the picture in your office.” Devin looked up. “What of it?”

  “The other man in the picture is you.”

  Devin looked at the picture closely. “I’ll admit, he kinda looks like me—”

  “Because it is you. You are Tanner McKinley.” Andrei wiped his eyes again.

  Devin laughed. “This is what has you so upset? Because I look like this guy?” Devin took Andrei into his arms. Andrei was still shaking. “What’s wrong? So what, I look like the guy. Do you want me to prove I’m not?”

  “I don’t want you to leave me!” Andrei shouted. He covered his mouth and stepped away. “I am sorry; I should not have said that.”

  Devin grabbed Andrei’s hand and pulled him back. “Even if I was this guy, I’d never leave you! You got that? I love you, Andrei! Now say it back!”

  “I love you,” Andrei whispered.

  “Good,” Devin took Andrei’s face in his hands. “Even if I was Tanner, I’d still love you because I know who I am right now and that’s all that matters, Andrei.” Devin looked up to see Chris in the hallway. “You fed him this line of bullshit?”

  “It’s not bullshit.” Chris motioned to Stefan and Jordan walking up behind him. “They would know; they spent the most time with Tanner, along with Mark Greystone, Damon and Tyler.”

  “Fine,” Devin looked at the threesome, eyes narrowed. “You want to prove I’m Tanner, go right ahead, but it changes nothing. I still don’t remember anything.”

  “We’ll need your blood.” Jordan said quietly. “To test against Jason and your parents.”

  Devin stiffened.

  Andrei palmed Devin’s face. “At least take the test. If you are indeed Tanner, your parents have the right to know you are alive.”

  Devin searched Andrei’s face. “I want you to come with me.”

  Andrei nodded. “I will.”

  “Fine. Then we’ll go.” Devin looked up at Stefan and Jordan. “Where?”

  “Fort Worth, Texas.”


  Devin felt his stomach knotting. He and Andrei sat alone towards the front of the plane. They had taken Riley’s jet while Stefan and Jordan Youngblood had taken their own. They would meet at the airport. Andrei’s hand squeezed his and Devin met his eyes.

  “Are you all right?” Andrei searched Devin’s face.

  “I want to make sure you are.” Devin leaned in, pressing his nose to Andrei’s. “You and I are together, Andrei. Nothing that happens in Texas will change that.” Devin heard a short cough and looked up. Sabine was smiling from ear to ear. He narrowed his eyes at her. “Not one word.”

  Sabine smiled wide. “Would you like a drink, Mr. Panchenko?”

  “Please call me Andrei, Sabine. I would love a Coke, if you have one?”

  “Of course; and for you Devin?”

  “Why don’t you call me Mr. Lyons?” Devin saw the smirk and sighed. “Fine, water.”

  Andrei waited for Sabine to leave before cocking an eyebrow at Devin. “You made love with her.”

  Devin almost choked. “Oh, no. I had sex with her. There was no making anything.” Devin kissed Andrei lightly. “I have made love to you and you alone.” Devin eased back, but kept his eyes on Andrei’s. “I meant what I said back at the house, Andrei. I’m not leaving you, not for anything or anyone. Ever.”

  Andrei leaned his forehead against Devin’s with a sigh. He knew that when it came down to it, he would do what was best for Devin. That’s what love was, putting the one person you cared about above yourself.

  “I know,” Andrei whispered.


  The plane landed and Devin took Andrei’s hand as they descended the stairs. A limo was waiting for them off to the side and when the door opened, Stefan Youngblood stepped out.

  “I’ve already had the limo checked.”

  Devin cocked an eyebrow. “I’m sure you won’t mind if I double check? I promised Andrei his safety.”

  Stefan motioned to the limo. “Please, be my guest.”

  Andrei had to smile as Devin combed the entire limo from one side to the other. When he was finished, he dusted off his pants and took Andrei’s hand. Andrei sat down and Devin joined him. Jordan and Stefan sat across from them. Jordan had a small smile.

  “It won’t be long from here.” Stefan looked out the window.

  Devin watched the scenery fly by. Even for winter it was still warm outside. A sign for Arlington Heights flew by and then another one. For Lake Como. Devin’s hands began to sweat and his fingers tightened on Andrei’s. Andrei squeezed back and leaned against Devin, letting his head fall onto Devin’s shoulder. They pulled off the main road and approached a gated community. Devin looked out the window at the massive gate guarding the entrance.

  “Is T-Rex in there?” Devin snorted.

  “As you know,” Stefan sat forward clasping his hands. “My father is a notorious mobster, reformed. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t still have enemies. When I became part of that life, I made some of my own. Borkosky is one of them as well as the Rizzos. All the children who live here are children of assassins and in training to become assassins themselves. We’ve had to do some things over the years, just as you have. I don’t apologize for anyone I’ve killed.”

  “That list is getting long, isn’t it?” Devin smirked.

  “Almost as long as yours,” Jordan interjected.

  “Devin…”Andrei gripped his hand tighter.

  “I think it’s safe to say that everyone in this limo has taken a life.” Jordan raised both eyebrows at Devin.

  Stefan elbowed his husband in the ribs.

  “It’s all right, Andrei,” Stefan smiled. “Devin, I know you don’t want to believe what we know, and I understand that. But give peace to those who have mourned you.”

  Devin looked back out the window as house after house went by. None of them looked the same, which was odd in a subdivision. All the houses had back decks that overlooked Lake Como. They pulled into a long driveway and the limo stopped in front of a one-story house. A deck ran all the way around it and it was painted white with navy blue shutters. Four men stood on the front porch. Devin got out first and checked the area, which drew a chuckle from one of the men on the front porch.

  “Nobody who doesn’t belong here gets in without getting shot,” he said.

  “Didn’t see armed guards at the gate,” Devin shot back.

  “Sentries in the trees,” the man responded.

  “And you are?” Devin made sure Andrei was securely behind him as they walked toward the house.

  “Jason Reynolds. Your brother.”

  Devin stopped and took a long look at Jason’s face. The resemblance wasn’t there. As if knowing what he was thinking, Jason smiled.

  “I look like Dad.”

  Devin heard a soft intake of breath and turned his attention to the man at Jason’s side. It was Joshua Reynolds. Devin recognized him from the photograph.

  “It is you,” he whispered.

  Devin pulled Andrei closer to him. “That remains to be seen.”

  “Oh God, Tanner.”

  Devin turned to the two other men. One was a dirty blond with blue eyes, the other was Paul Greystone. He’d seen his pictures, which meant the man at his side was his husband, Mark. And it was Mark who had made the comment.

  “As I’ve said—”

  No,” Mark whispered. “I know it’s you.” Mark came down the steps and came closer. “We dated, I would know you anywhere. Josh would know, too. You were engaged.”

  “This is all well and good, but go ahead and take my blood, make sure I am who you think I am. For now, I just want some rest.”

  “We can go to my house,” Andrei said quietly.

  “You have a house here?” Devi
n turned to look at Andrei.

  Andrei nodded. “Yes, Vince and I lived here during Russian winters.”

  “Can I just….” Jason stepped forward.

  Devin sighed. “Go ahead.”

  Jason stepped closer and tentatively put his arms around Devin.

  “I missed you so much,” Jason whispered.

  Devin’s temple throbbed and a flash lit up behind his eyes. He groaned and held his temples.

  “Devin!” Andrei moved forward.

  “Andrei…” Devin put his hand out. Then blackness enveloped him.

  ~Chapter Ten~

  Devin cracked his eyes open to see Andrei sitting on the edge of the bed. His eyes scanned the room. Pictures of Nikolai with Vince, Viktoriya and Andrei were on the wall. The room was painted tan with soft beige accents. A fireplace was in the corner with candles lit. Devin moved slowly, alerting Andrei in the process.

  “You are awake,” Andrei smoothed Devin’s hair back.

  “What happened?” Devin licked his dry lips. “Water, please?”

  Andrei grabbed the bottle of water from the nightstand. “You scared me.”

  “Did I pass out?”

  Andrei nodded. “Yes, Jordan took you into the house. He checked you out, and then I brought you home. They asked Evangeline for your medical records. She refused. They need your consent to release them.”

  “Did he get his blood sample from me?”

  “Yes, you did give permission for that.” Andrei caressed Devin’s cheek. “I was so afraid…”

  “Hey,” Devin sat up slowly and took Andrei into his arms. “I’m okay, this happened before when we were in Asia and I was fine then, too.” Devin saw the worry in Andrei’s eyes. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

  Andrei rested his forehead on Devin’s. “I do not want to lose you.”

  “You won’t, only the good die young, remember?”

  “You are not young anyway,” Andrei chuckled.

  Devin’s eyes widened. “Why Andrei! Are you saying I’m old?”

  “I would not say that, that would make me old. I do not feel a day over twenty.”

  “You don’t look it either,” Devin grinned, pushing Andrei down on the bed.

  “Devin, this may not be a good idea,” Andrei breathed. Devin’s lips found his neck and kissed softly to his ear.

  “I think it’s a great idea.” Devin nibbled on the soft flesh of Andrei’s ear. “I think sex is just what the doctor ordered.”

  Andrei closed his eyes as Devin’s lips traveled across his collarbone. “But what if—”

  “Shhh,” Devin moved his lips over Andrei’s. “Nothing changes, no matter what. Say it.”

  “Nothing—” Devin’s lips closed over his and Andrei’s body arched into the man on top of him. His man. Devin would always be his. Clothes were discarded and hot, wet kisses trailed every part of his body. Andrei sighed in complete and utter bliss as Devin entered his body. Devin moved inside him, calculated thrusts, deep kisses, hands touching bare skin. Andrei sighed into Devin’s mouth. This is what making love felt like, it was what he’d always wanted but could never reach.

  “I love you, Andrei.” Devin spoke against Andrei’s mouth.

  “I love you, too.”

  Andrei moved to his stomach and Devin lay across his length. Devin’s mouth kissed, licked and sucked his shoulders, neck and back as he thrust inside him. The pleasure was mounting and Andrei arched his ass up higher. Fingers gripped his hips and a loud cry left his lips as his body exploded. Devin thrust inside a few more times and then succumbed to his own orgasm. He collapsed on Andrei and wrapped his arms around him. Andrei tilted his head back and met with Devin’s lips.

  They held each other quietly for what seemed like hours afterwards, just kissing. No words were spoken; everything was conveyed in other ways - Devin’s fingers trailing across his abdomen, Devin’s mouth on his. Andrei felt Devin on his back, spooning into him and he closed his eyes. Tomorrow would bring another day, and maybe, Devin’s true identity.


  Devin woke up with a start. He had been dreaming, but couldn’t remember the dream. Andrei slept peacefully next to him. Devin smiled and ran his fingertip over Andrei’s smooth skin. He leaned over and kissed him softly. The result was a small moan and Devin grinned. He climbed out of bed and threw his sweats on. Devin left the room and walked into another, larger room. The living room. It was huge. A soft tan sectional took up most of the room with recliners off to the side. A large TV was on the wall across from the couches and a fireplace occupied one corner. Devin furrowed his brows. Did Texas warrant fireplaces? He shrugged and kept walking.

  It was funny to be walking through the house of the man he used to watch day in and day out. Devin found the kitchen and just stood in the middle of it for a while. It was beautiful. Granite counters surrounded it and an island anchored the middle of the kitchen. A double oven occupied one side along with a side by side refrigerator. All black. It screamed Vince. Devin chuckled. Light came from beyond the living room and Devin opened French doors to the beautiful view from the deck. Lake Como sat still and quiet. He could faintly hear noise from the freeway in the distance. It was beautiful, he’d give it that.

  “Oh, um, hey.”

  Devin looked down to see a kid, maybe nineteen, looking at him.

  “Morning,” Devin tilted his head. “Who are you?” The kid laughed and then clasped his hands in front of him.

  “I’m you; I mean I was named after you. I’m Tanner Youngblood.”

  “I know what you’ve heard, but my name is Devin.” Devin eyed the kid. “Damon and Tyler’s son? Don’t you have a twin?”

  “Yep, he’s running up the trail behind me. Damon’s kinda slow,” Tanner chuckled.

  “I heard that!”

  Devin glanced sideways to see an exact replica of the kid in front of him.

  “I’m the gay one, he’s the straight one.” Tanner jerked his thumb towards his brother. “My fiancé is Nico Youngblood. No relation,” Tanner added.

  “I would make a Southern comment, but I’ll refrain,” Damon said with a grin.

  Devin could hear more voices coming out of the woods to the right of Andrei’s house. A group of teenagers came running out and they all came to a stop in front of Devin. He eyed all of them warily.

  “Why do I feel like an animal in a zoo?” Devin drawled.

  “Dude, you are such a badass!” one of them enthused.

  “And you are?” Devin grinned. He could be quite charming when getting compliments.

  “Um, Landon Reynolds? My dads are Greg and Jay?”

  “Ah,” Devin nodded. “The Rambo-looking guy.”

  “Who’s a Rambo-looking guy?”

  Devin turned to face the woods now and saw a guy about six foot two and built like a Mack truck running along the path.

  “Shouldn’t you boys be running?” he cocked an eyebrow at the kids.

  “But Dad!” Landon sighed in frustration. “It’s him!” Landon looked back at Devin. “That’s one of my dads - Jay.”

  “Yes, it is, and I’m sure he just loves you all staring at him,” Jay drawled. He walked in between all the kids and looked up at the man Stefan was convinced was Tanner. “It is you.”

  “That remains to be seen.” Devin said. He eyed all the kids. “And who are all the rest of these guys?”

  “Oh!” Tanner laughed, “Sorry, this here is Josh Reynolds—”

  “You guys really like confusing people, don’t you?” Devin chuckled.

  “It’s a habit,” one of them said.

  Devin looked hard at the kid who had spoken. Light brown hair and blue-green eyes smiled at him, filled with mirth. “Evan Voronova,” Devin laughed. “You look just like your father.”

  Evan beamed. “Thanks! This is my boyfriend, Ryan Cannon.”

  “I’m Jensen Maddox.”

  Devin leaned over the railing and started shaking their hands.

  “I’m Hunter Trevino.

  “Ah, Trigger’s son?” Devin snickered.

  Hunter grinned. “Yeah, Brett Trevino’s flesh and blood.”

  “Okay, to keep you all straight, so to speak, if you have an original name you can stand to the left of me. If you are named after your father or your grandfather or his grandfather’s father, stand on the right.” Devin laughed as all the kids looked at each other and got into formation.

  “Do you want us to line up by sexual orientation, too?” Evan called out.

  “You mean some of you are straight?” Devin said in mock horror.

  “I know,” Evan shook his head sadly. “There’s no accounting for taste.”

  Jay coughed quietly. “I think you guys should go on? You might be a bit overwhelming.”

  “Um, yeah, sure,” Tanner smiled up at the man called Devin who looked exactly like his Uncle Tanner. “We’ll see you at Grandpa’s house?”

  “I suppose you will. It was nice meeting you guys,” Devin said. He was surprised at how much he meant those words. He felt closeness with Tanner and Damon Youngblood and even Landon Reynolds. He watched the kids start jogging along the lakeshore and turned his attention back to Jay.

  “So, Landon huh? Not Jay?”

  “Landon’s my middle name; my first name is Jayden. Greg only calls me that when I’m in trouble,” Jay snickered.

  “Are you in trouble a lot?” Devin laughed.

  “I’ve been known to piss him off, especially in the beginning. I was a lot smaller when we first met and he always felt like he had to protect me. Then I grew into my size and the roles reversed. I don’t think he’s gotten over the fact that I’m bigger and taller than he is now.” Jay motioned to the steps at the bottom of the deck. “May I?”


  Jay climbed the steps and stood at the railing. He looked out over the pond and sighed.

  “I think you should be ready for some pretty heavy crying. I kind of hate to tell you this, but you are Tanner. I held you in my arms while you bled all over me.”

  “What?! You were there?”

  Jay nodded. “I’m the reason you got shot in the first place. We stopped at the convenience store before the wedding because you wanted a blueberry slushee. I didn’t know an armed robber had come in; you saw him before I did. You jumped in front of me.” Jay rubbed his face with his hands. “The bullet went right through you and into my arm. I held you in my arms.” Jay took a deep breath.


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