Mommy's Landlord

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Mommy's Landlord Page 6

by S. E. Law

  Katie takes the sucker with a trembling hand and lightly licks it with her tongue. Her eyes are large and innocent as she looks at me.

  “Like this?”

  I growl, my hardness morphing into a shaft of steel.

  “Yes, like that, but I think it’s better if you pop the whole thing into your mouth.”

  She giggles and the red candy disappears between her sweet pink pout as she takes long sucks of the lollipop.

  “Mmm, it’s really good,” she giggles, popping it out of her mouth once more. “Cherry.”

  I grunt.

  “Now are you ready for Daddy to break your cherry with the lollipop?”

  Katie’s cheeks go red when with those words, she realizes what I’m about to do.

  “Are you serious, Xavier?” she pants, eyes wide. “That’s so dirty! And Mr. Carlton, I should mention this isn’t my first time. I’m twenty-eight, you know. I have some experience in the sack, even if it was pretty awful.”

  I merely stroke a finger lovingly through her folds, making her mewl and moan again.

  “This is our first time together as a daddy and a little girl, so I’m popping your cherry in a sense. That’s what matters, don’t you understand, sweet girl? We’re living in a very special world of our own, and I want to celebrate by taking your cherry. So give Daddy the lollipop back.”

  With a trembling hand, she obeys. The sucker is a deep, glossy red, moistened with Katie’s saliva and perfect for what I want to do.

  “Like back and pull up your knees, sweetheart.”

  She does as told, revealing her pink slit to me once more. Her hole winks a me a bit, as if taunting me and I lean down to give it another sensuous kiss.

  “Mmmm,” she sighs, pulling her knees up even higher. “That feels good.”

  “Excellent,” I growl. “Now, sweetheart, just hold still as Daddy feeds this into you.”

  With that, I trace the lollipop head over her soft folds. She bucks a bit and juices, her eyes closed. The hard candy leaves faint smears of red on her swollenness, and I yearn to lean down and suck it all off. But we’re too close to launch, and as a result, I force myself to continue with the task.

  “Now here goes,” I rumble. “You ready, honey?”

  Her lashes flutter a bit, and she sighs.

  “I’m ready.”

  With that, I nudge the tip of the red sucker against her hole and Katie mewls a bit. It slips in nice and easy, her lips spreading to take the round diameter, and then they close once more after I’ve inserted it all the way.

  “Mmm, you look delicious like this,” I say, indicting the thin white stick protruding from her sensitive spot. “Absolutely ravishing.”

  She pants heavily, opening her eyes to look at me.

  “But aren’t you going to do more?”

  I grin.

  “Of course I am. You’re going to eat this lollipop the old-fashioned way, didn’t I mention?”

  With that, I begin tunneling the lollipop in and out of her sweet reserves. It’s a filthy sight, to say the least. Her kitty absorbs it, the lips opening and closing again and again as that circular red disk disappears and reappears from her body. Katie meanwhile moans and gushes, loving the penetration.

  “Oooh, that feels good,” she mewls. “SO GOOD!”

  “I know sweetheart. Now, let yourself just feel. Let your kitty eat this lollipop like it wants to, and then let yourself burst with sensation and flavor.”

  She moans again, tossing that blonde hair on the coverlet.

  “I am, Daddy,” she whisper-pants. “Oooh, I’m almost there. Almost … almost … oh YES!”

  With that, Katie explodes. Her breasts tremble and shake as her sweetness convulses on the lollipop inside. That clit grows even larger, shaking as a I watch, and hot juices gush over my palm. Meanwhile, my girl screams loudly as her legs extend jerkily, the toes pointed.

  “Yes!” Katie cries. “Oh my god, YES!”

  I watch with satisfaction as my girl catapults into the beyond, her eyes rolling back so that only the whites show as her body spastically trembles and shakes on the bed. Nectar pools in my hand, and I have the urge to lick my palm at this very moment.

  But as Katie descends from her high, instead I pull the lollipop from her hole and look at it with satisfaction. Only a tiny nub of red candy is left, glistening and wet in the light.

  “You did a good job, honey. You ate up this lollipop like a big girl.”

  She smiles at me sweetly, still flushed and panting.

  “But don’t you want to give me an even bigger lollipop, Mr. Carlton?” she coos. “I see one right now, in fact.”

  It’s true because I’ve unzipped my trousers and now my enormous shaft points straight at her, dripping with seed.

  “If you’re ready, then let’s do it,” I growl, my eyes alight with fierce need. “I need you bad, sweet girl.”

  She merely giggles and parts her thighs again.

  “Then use my holes, Mr. Carlton. I want you to.”

  With that, the second part of our lollipop-eating lesson begins.



  Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this is happening, but it really is. I’m alone with a handsome, domineering CEO, and he needs me just as much as I need him. It’s obvious from the male intention in his eyes, and the tense, harsh pose of his body. Xavier Carlton is going to claim, and I can’t wait to be his prize.

  After all, the men I’ve been with in the past can’t even really be called “men.” They’re boys, or even the word “children” would be apt because they were so immature at times. I realize how ironic it is to refer to my past lovers as “children” given that I’m in the midst of pretending to be a little girl, but it’s true. They were immature idiots, full stop.

  Take Johnny for example. He still lived with his mom, despite having both a college degree and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. He was supposed to be in the process of opening up his own practice as a therapist, but instead, he was moonlighting as an Uber driver while sponging off his mom. There’s nothing wrong with being an Uber driver, but what about his degree? What about his career? Why did he spend so much time and money getting a Ph.D. for crying out loud, when he was merely going to be a professional driver?

  And don’t even get me started on Thad. The guy was handsome, I’ll give you that, but he was like a big, handsome ox with a thick skull and a bovine look on his face. Sometimes, I had to help him sort his recycling because he’d get confused by the different bins. You’d think paper versus plastic was easy, but it isn’t when you have the IQ of a child.

  As a result, being with Xavier is a totally new experience. And the billionaire’s right. Although technically, this isn’t my first time, it certainly feels like it to some extent. The man I’m with now is gorgeous, commanding and absolutely masterful in bed. I can’t wait for him to put his lollipop in me, and to enjoy that tasty candy for the first time.

  Xavier’s blue eyes gleam as he looms over me.

  “Ready?” he growls. “I’m big, Katie, so it might hurt at first.”

  I giggle.

  “I think I’ll be fine,” I say. “I swear –”

  But then all the breath goes out of my lungs because Xavier’s done it. In one fell swoop, I’ve been skewered on that enormous stick and he IS big. He’s huge in fact, and my little kitty struggles to adapt.

  “Unnnh,” I moan, my eyes rolling up into the back of my head. “Oh my god.”

  He grunts low in his chest.

  “I told you I was big,” is that rough growl. “But you’ll stretch, don’t worry. Little girls always stretch for their daddies.”

  I moan again, taking deep breaths.

  “Mmmm,” is my melodious murmur. “I think it’s getting better now.”

  “Good,” he rasps. “Because I can’t hold back much longer, sweetheart. Let me enjoy your curves. Let me enjoy this tightness, and I promise I’ll make you feel good too.”

  With that, Dadd
y begins a punishing rhythm in me. The huge lollipop goes in and out, in and out, the stick dragging against my sensitive folds again and again, making me scream.

  “Mmmm!” I cry out. “It feels so good. Unnnh!”

  “I know, baby,” he rasps from above me, those blue eyes gleaming as his hips pummel away. “We’re almost there. Daddy’s about to burst, never you fear …”

  And suddenly, it happens. With a huge roar, Xavier explodes inside me, his rod jerking and twitching as reams of hot seed lash my interior.

  “Fuck!” he cries out. “Shit baby!”

  But I can’t answer because I’m on my second climax of the night. My folds clamp around him, pulling him even deeper while sucking the seed from his balls.

  “Mmm, Daddy,” I moan deliriously. “Yes, give it all to me.”

  But Xavier is a man with a deep well because he pumps and pumps for what seems like eons. My sweet kitty sucks it all up, and it’s only after I’m completely filled with spunk that he finally finishes before collapsing on me.

  “Daddy!” I squeal, “You’re heavy!” I exclaim, pushing at that massive chest.

  He laughs a bit and rolls off, pulling out at the same time.

  “Mmm,” I moan again.

  But Xavier is on it. In a flash, he’s up and in the attached bathroom, before coming back with a warm washcloth and dabbing it between my legs.

  “How do you feel, Katie?” he asks. “You know I always take care of my little girls.”

  I glance down at the handsome man, and he and I share a long, meaningful look. After all, how did I get so lucky? I have a gorgeous, dark-haired Prince Charming who wants to look after of me, and who am I to say no?

  “I’m fine, Daddy,” I murmur with a smile. “More than fine. I’m absolutely excellent.”

  “Good,” he says, reaching up to kiss me once more. His lips are commanding and sensuous, even after the incredible session we’ve had. “Because we’ll be doing a lot more of that going forward.”

  “More fun with lollipops?” I giggle.

  He laughs low in his throat before seizing my mouth in another passionate kiss.

  “Oh that was only the beginning, Kitty Kat. There’s a lot more with the lollipop, never you fear.”

  And with that, the next phase of my life opens before me, and the truth is that I can’t wait.



  My life is amazing now, and I hum to myself while getting ready. I’m in my apartment on my way to see Xavier, and I can’t wait.

  After all, it’s been a month of sheer pleasure. Sure, during the day, I go to my job as a home health aide and perform my duties perfectly. But at night, all holds come off and Xavier and I explore the sensuality of a daddy with his little girl.

  “You dreamin’?” Tennille asked me one morning. “Are you in love?”

  I jerk back with shock. My elderly charge knows me too well sometimes, and I must not have been hiding it very well.

  “No, I’m not in love,” I say hastily. “I’m not even dating anyone!”

  Tennille merely takes my hand in her wrinkled one and pats it.

  “It’s okay, Katie. Sometimes you young ones need a while before something’s crystal clear. But I’ve been on this world eight decades now, and I know love when I see it. You’re in love, girl.”

  I merely stare at her and then my mouth snaps shut. Could Tennille be right? I’ve only known Xavier Carlton for a month, but he has me over the moon with his loving gestures combined with a calm, masterful dominance. Plus, the fun we have in the sack is so spicy that many mornings I wake up sore and yet wanting more.

  “I’m fine,” I say quickly while blushing. “Maybe I’m seeing someone, but it’s not anything serious.”

  Tennille merely pats my hand again while looking at me with a knowing smile.

  “Even a small seed can blossom into great love,” she says with a chuckle. “Mark my words. Me and my Herbie were together for fifty years, and I miss him still to this day.”

  My charge is referring to her late husband and I squeeze her hand.

  “Herbie sounds like a wonderful man,” I say.

  “He was,” Tennille nods, her eyes going nostalgic. “Never met a better man in my life. So if you’ve got a good one, then I say, hold on to him! Don’t let him get away because good ones are scarce these days.”

  With those words in my head, I turn back to getting ready for my meeting with Xavier tonight. Tennille’s right. Good men are hard to come by, and I’ve somehow stumbled onto an incredible catch through sheer luck more than anything else. After all, I was at Carlton Realty that day to beg for mercy for my mom, but instead, I met the man of my dreams. Who would have guessed?

  And now that we’ve been together for a month, my life has been absolutely amazing. I’ve explored sides of myself that I didn’t even know existed. Xavier has shown me so many activities that are both naughty and fanciful, and I’ve enjoyed every second of it. Okay, more than enjoyed. I revel in it, and look forward to pleasing my Daddy every day.

  Which explains my outfit right now. I’m wearing another baby doll dress, but this one’s in bright red with a big floppy white bow that ties at my chin. Plus, I have my hair in a high ponytail with a crisp white bow at the crown, and I’m wearing black patent Mary Janes.

  But it’s the socks that are going to blow Xavier out of the water because they’re Rainbow Brite socks, and the different colors encircle my legs, going all the way up to my thighs. It’s at once dirty, naughty, and yet so innocent, and I know my daddy’s going to adore it when he sees them.

  Carefully, I lean towards the mirror and powder my nose lightly before swiping my lips with a tiny smidge of cherry Chapstick. Perfect. Daddy likes his girls very natural-looking, and I’m happy to retain that fresh, innocent look.

  But I’m not going to his apartment like this. Usually, I wear a trench coat so that no one can see what I’m hiding underneath. The particular trench I have in mind goes almost to my toes, so most of my socks will be covered up too. But where is it? I get up and rummage around in my closet. Nope, not here. There are masses of clothing piled on the floor, but searching through the heaps reveals nothing.

  I purse my lips and try to think. Where could the trench coat be? I walk out into the living area and yank open the door to the front hall closet. It’s nothing more than a small bar hung in a tiny dark space, and within two seconds, I see that my trench coat isn’t here either.

  Damn. Where could it be? I have to wear something over this outfit because otherwise, I’d look like I was parading about in a ridiculous costume, and it’s not Halloween. Hmm, this is really strange. I don’t want to change at Xavier’s place because I like to surprise him as soon as the door opens. So where could that darned coat be?

  I’m just about to head back to my room to rummage through some more stuff when suddenly, the snick of the lock sounds, and the door flies open. To my horror, Dinah steps inside with a breezy smile on her face.

  But then my mom sees me as well, and her expression changes to one of shock, surprise, and then horror as well.

  “What are you wearing?” she gasps. “What is this? Have you lost your mind?”

  I gasp. My outfit is crazy, and I have no idea how to explain it.

  “I’m going to a Halloween party,” I blurt because it’s the first thing that pops into my mind.

  “What?” my mom asks as she squints at me. “It’s November, Katie! Who would have a Halloween party when Halloween’s over and done with? And why is your costume so revealing anyways? Your skirt barely covers your panties, and those socks! What are you thinking?”

  “I was going to change when I got to the party,” I fib madly. “This isn’t my real costume. It’s just a fake costume that I put on before I get there, and then the real costume comes out after I’m already at the party.”

  Dinah stares at me.

  “Katie, I know you think I’m loopy sometimes, but I’m not that out of it. You are my daughter
, and I know a lie when I hear one. So out with it. What in tarnation are you doing in an outfit like this? Are you trying to show your panties to the world?”

  I hang my head and all the fight goes out of me. For all my complaining about Dinah, the truth is that my mom is pretty damn smart. After all, she’s the owner of a thriving business and I think sometimes she just enjoys acting loopy because it’s fun. When push comes to shove, my mom is just as sharp as a tack, and I realize I’m probably not going to be able to pull the wool over her eyes.

  “Okay, I’m not going to a Halloween party,” I admit in a small voice.

  Dinah rolls her eyes.

  “Of course not! It’s too late in the year for that. But where are you going in this ridiculous outfit? It looks like you’re five years old with that ribbon in your hair and the shiny Mary Janes.”

  I swallow. This is the hard part because how do I tell my mom that I’m supposed to look like I’m five years old? How do I tell her that this is what my man and I enjoy doing together? There’s only one path forward, and that’s to tell her the truth.

  “Well Mom, do you remember when you had that trouble with your rent about a month ago?”

  She nods her nose scrunching with confusion.

  “Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?”

  I take a deep breath.

  “Well, I went to Carlton Realty the next day to ask for a reprieve, and I met Mr. Carlton.”

  Dinah nods.

  “Yes, Kenneth Carlton, right? Your old high school friend.”

  I shake my head.

  “No, not Kenneth. His dad, Xavier Carlton.”

  My mom looks puzzled.

  “The Xavier Carlton who’s a billionaire real estate developer? You talked to him?”

  I nod.

  “Yes, I did. Well, one thing led to another, and it turns out that he has certain predilections. Specifically, he enjoys dating women who dress up like little girls, so now I’m dating him so that you won’t be evicted. And to keep him happy, I dress up like a little girl.”


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