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Dearest Biker MC The Complete Series Box Set

Page 55

by Blair Grey

  I smiled again, but my eyes filled with tears. I was consumed with guilt, and I knew I finally had to come clean.

  “There’s something I need to tell you,” I said.

  “What’s that?”

  “I was locked up for shooting someone,” I blurted out. “It was my ex-boyfriend’s idea. My mom was sick, and I knew I had to get money to help her. He had a friend who worked at this store with all this money from the holidays in the register.”

  I took a deep breath. It was hard to get the words out with the tears still in my eyes. “We were going to go in, put the gun to her head, and have her open up the register for us. We’d get the money and be out of there before the cops showed up.”

  “It went wrong?” Spencer asked. I nodded.

  “When we got to the store, I found out quite quickly that this so-called friend of his was his girlfriend. The two of them had been dating for quite some time behind my back. It was more than I could take. I shot him right then and there,” I sobbed.

  “Did he die?” Spencer asked simply. I shook my head.

  “He went straight to the hospital when his girlfriend called the cops and the ambulance. He spent a month in the ICU, but pulled through. Of course, he ratted me out for the entire thing. Though it had been his idea, I was the one with the gun in my hand, I was the one who pulled the trigger,” I said. “So they locked me up.”

  We sat in silence for a moment. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking, and the suspense was killing me. I wanted him to say something, anything. I had to know what was going on in his brain. But then, he merely shrugged.

  “That’s it?” I asked.

  “Why are you telling me all this?” he replied. “We’ve all made mistakes in life, and I think it’s pretty badass that you’re the kind of girl who stands up for yourself when you’ve been double crossed. Hell, the guy didn’t even die, so I’d say you need to work on your aim.”

  I laughed through my tears, but I shook my head. “I was afraid you wouldn’t want to be with me if you knew who I really was. I was so careful to keep it a secret because I didn’t want you to think bad things about me.”

  “I could never think bad things about you,” Spencer said quickly. “You are the woman I’ve fallen in love with, and it honestly didn’t take very long for that to happen. You’re everything I wanted in a partner, and now I can’t believe that you’re sitting right here with me. It feels so good, it can’t be real.”

  With another laugh, I shook my head. “I can’t imagine anyone feeling that way about me. Are you sure you’re not making a mistake? We did this so fast, but I know I love you. I want to be with you, right here. I don’t want to move out. I don’t want things to change. I want to be with you.”

  “I don’t care how fast things went for us. When you find the right person, you just know they are the person for you. And, I think that’s what happened to both of us. I love you, too, Brooke, and I’m not ever going to stop fighting to keep you – fighting for the both of us.” Spencer reached over and took my hands in his, looking at me with his piercing gaze.

  I didn’t know what to say. I never thought I was going to find anyone like that in my life. I had gone through so much shit with men in the past, and I was sure that’s how things would always be. But here was a man who didn’t want to lose me.

  Hell, he just said that he’d fight for me. And after all that we’d been through in the past few days, I had no doubt in my mind that was true. He had shown me time and time again he cared about me more than I thought possible, and it made my heart melt.

  I gently reached up, touching the part of his cheek that had gotten slashed. “That must have hurt so badly.”

  “It’s alright. I’m going to have a scar, but I hope you still think I’m handsome,” he said with a laugh. “I think we got to it with the butterfly bandage in time. The EMTs didn’t think I was going to have to go in for stitches.”

  I couldn’t find the words anymore. He had taken a knife several times for me. He could have been killed. But, here we were. We had fought to be here, and it had been a crazy few days, but I was happy. Hell, I was happier than I ever thought possible.

  Without another word, I eased myself up on the bed, pressing my lips to his. I knew I had to be careful with his cuts, but I was full of need. I had to have him, that was all I could say. Slowly, we started making out with each other, the need was growing between us. It was getting hot, fast, and we both went with the moment.

  We were rolling with the passion, pulling at each other’s clothes. It didn’t take long for them to start hitting the floor piece by piece. Then, his hands were on my tits. His mouth was on my nipples. His teeth teased me before he kissed his way up to my neck. I had my hands on his body, running them down to his cock.

  All I wanted was his dick, and as soon as I took it in my hands, he started moaning, easing himself back on the bed for me to get a better grip. I stroked him, getting him rock hard. Then, just as I was going to put him in my mouth, he put his hands on my elbows and flipped me over on the bed, taking the place underneath him.

  I didn’t mind if he was on top. I liked it when he was. Hell, I liked having him any way that I could, and I had a feeling he felt the same. He continued to massage and stroke me, taking me as much as he could. The passion was alive in the air, and I moaned as he took his cock and pressed it against me, closing my eyes and getting ready to take him.

  I couldn’t get enough of him, and the feeling of his body teasing mine was almost more than I could take. I shuddered under his touch, wanting him more and more. Then, he pushed himself inside me. I leaned back on the bed with closed eyes as he started pumping himself in and out of me, taking me fully.

  Our bodies moved together as one, and I spread my legs further, taking him even deeper. He thrust into me fast and hard, pushing himself in and pulling himself out. I wanted to cry out in pleasure, letting the waves run through my body. It was more than I could take.

  I was quickly taken to climax. But then, that’s what always happened with Spencer. He knew how to push me right up to the edge with little more than the touch of his hand on my body, his breath on my neck. I closed my eyes as he continued to push and pull, taking me and giving back.

  He smiled as I finished, then he held my arms as he continued to thrust harder now. I knew he was quickly getting to climax himself, so I spread my legs as much as I could, taking him as much as I could. I wanted him deep inside my pussy – as deep as possible.

  The more I could feel him, the more I wanted. Spencer made me cum again before he emptied his load inside me, giving me all he had in him. He always held my hips in place, pushing into me as much as he could before filling me with his cum. I moaned, lying on the bed with a smile, loving every second of the throbbing of his dick inside my pussy.

  I put my hands up around his face, looking into his eyes with the same satisfied grin. I loved him, and I felt so loved by him I didn’t know what to say. I knew we were going to be together forever. Spencer was right. We were made for each other, and I never wanted to let him go.

  If I could hold him in my arms for the rest of my life, I knew I would die a happy woman. After all the shit that I’d gone through, this was where it was taking me, and I was happier than I’d ever been. I felt on top of the world, where nothing could touch me.

  If I had to go through it all again to end up with Spencer, it would be worth it. I had known that he was the one for me since the day we first arrived in his house. I never thought my dream would actually come true, but now that it had and he was in my arms, I didn’t see how it could have come out another way.

  I pulled him close, holding him tightly. I never wanted to let go, and with his arms around me, I felt like I never had to. This was worth everything, that was for damn sure. I didn’t know where life would take either of us next, but I knew as long as I had him in my world, I would be okay.

  Nothing would ever hurt me again. I was finally safe, and I could relax for good. This was h
ow life was supposed to be, and with Spencer, that had become a reality. It was everything that I ever wanted and more, and I wouldn’t have traded it for anything.

  And, I knew he felt the same way.



  I brushed Brooke’s hair out of her face as I held her in my arms. It had been such a crazy day, it was hard to believe that this was where we were right now. I had been so pissed off when I saw what was happening with Warden Park, I had nearly lost control over myself again.

  This was one of my favorite times with her. After the two of us had made passionate love, we spent time together, just holding each other. There wasn’t any need to go anywhere or to talk to anyone else. It was just the two of us, and that was all I wanted.

  I had nearly lost this earlier, and I didn’t know what I would have done if I had. It made me feel uneasy, though I knew now there was no reason to feel that way. We were together, we were safe, and nothing was going to happen to either one of us.

  In fact, we would soon be hearing about Warden Park’s trial and the outcome of that.

  I was glad nothing had happened that would have gotten me in trouble, and I was even happier I had Brooke, safe and sound. I had nearly lost her twice in the past few days, and I worried about what might have happened.

  I knew we were both lucky she was safe and back at home, but it was still hard for me to think about it. There were so many things that could have gone wrong, I didn’t think she even really understood what all could have happened.

  She was so happy to be back in bed with me, she was forgetting the way the night had gone. But, I was so relieved that she was okay, I wasn’t even angry with her for going against what I told her to do. She had meant well. Hell, when I asked her about it, she had made it clear to me she just wanted to make sure we were all okay.

  Not just me, but the rest of the MC. She wasn’t part of the club, but over the past few days, she’d gotten to know Aaron as well, and things were going well for all of us. I didn’t know if she would ever want to be involved with any of them, but I was glad that she was able to get along.

  It was going to be a long road with Aaron, and knowing that he got along with her was going to make it all easier for me. She could help with the alcoholism, and we could pull him through it.

  Hell, she might even get along with Vanessa. It had meant so much to her when she first moved in and there were the clothes and makeup on the bed. I promised myself I would introduce the two of them soon. It was hard to believe how much had gone down in our lives in just a couple short weeks, but it already felt like Brooke had been in my life forever.

  I knew her so well already, and I was excited to learn more. She had given me her darkest secrets, and I hadn’t found any of it to be anything that bothered me. I knew what it was like to make mistakes, and I didn’t hold what she’d done in the past against her.

  She knew plenty of my own, and she didn’t hold it against me, either. She knew I’d struggled, and she knew about all the fights in prison. There were so many things she knew about me, I was grateful for the chance to get to learn about her, as well.

  “It’s going to be great, isn’t it?” she asked sleepily.

  “What is?”

  “Our life together. I want to do so many things in our lives, and I know we’re going to have fun doing it,” she told me. “I want to have a home together. We can see where life takes us with a family, or we can have an adventure just the two of us. Either way, I want to spend every chance I get with you.”

  “I’ve never thought I would feel that way about anyone, but when you came into my life, you really changed things for me – and now I want to spend the rest of it with you, too,” I told her. I wasn’t ready to ask her to marry me, but I did want her to know how much she meant in my life.

  “I always thought I was doomed to be fucked over by men. No one wanted to be with me. They wanted to use me, sure, but they didn’t want to be with me. There were some who were curious, but when they found out how much work it would be, they would leave,” she said. “I was so scared to give you my heart. I thought you were going to do the same thing.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what we have to go through. I’m never going to leave you,” I promised. “You know, I never understood when the other guys in the MC found girls how they could change so much, but they did. Then, when I met you – when I knew that you needed me, I understood.”

  “I’ve always been willing to fight for love. I wanted it in my life, but when I got sent to prison, I didn’t think it was going to happen for me. Then, when I got raped, I really didn’t think anyone was going to like me,” she sighed, laying her head on my chest.

  “None of that stuff matters to me. I hate that you went through it, but it’s not going to stop me from wanting to be with you – from wanting everything with you,” I assured her. And, I meant it. I truly didn’t understand before how Nathan had been so willing to go against everything to be there for his kid.

  I didn’t understand how Zach was willing to give up his position in the MC to be with Vanessa. I didn’t understand how Nathan could change his life so much for Jenna. Hell, I really hadn’t understood how Adam had been so willing to be there for Erika. I knew they cared about those women, but they were putting everything in their lives on the line to make it happen.

  There was a time when I had thought they were all crazy. I didn’t think it was going to work out or that those women were really going to be there long term. But, in just a few short months, things had changed around the MC. Zach was happier, Nathan was the most content I’d ever seen him, and Adam had become far more responsible.

  “I guess they just found the women they needed in their lives,” Brooke said with another sleepy yawn. “They all seem really happy to me, and I’m happy for them. Everyone deserves to have someone in their life who makes them happy. Like you do for me.”

  She was clearly falling asleep, but I couldn’t help but agree with her. She was right. They had all found who they were looking for in life, and I was also happy for them. Things had changed, sure, but it wasn’t a bad change, and it was nice to see everyone with their own family.

  Nothing was going to change the fact we were a family with each other, all of us brothers in the MC, but I was still glad that they had found partners.

  They had found the people they wanted to spend their lives with, and I was finally lucky enough to join them. Marriage would come in the future. I would wait for the right time to spring the question on her and make her mine forever. I would get the right ring, and I would happily put it on her finger for her to wear proudly.

  I’d make sure both our wedding bands were an accurate representation of our love. It was too important for me to not think about such things. There was a time in my life when I thought I’d forever be the loner, but here I was, laying in bed with the woman I loved and thinking about the future.

  Hell, it might be a while before I ever asked her, but I knew the day would come. I wanted to have a family with her one day. I wanted there to be kids in the picture, and I hoped she did, too. I had so many plans for the future, and I couldn’t wait for any of it to come.

  We’d need a new house. A bigger house that we could both fit in easily. It might not happen right away, but it was going to happen. I wanted to give her all that I could – she deserved the best. She needed the best in life. After all she’d been through, I knew I wanted to give her what no one else had.

  She didn’t need her brothers. She didn’t need anyone else. The MC could be her family just as much as I was. We could build a life together and not have to worry about what was coming. The future wasn’t here yet, but we’d managed to get through the past few days and still hold our heads high.

  We didn’t have a lot of blood relatives to speak of, but being together, we didn’t need them, either. We were each other’s family, and things were going to stay that way. She had been accepted by my brothers, and I knew that wasn’t going to go away.
They were just as happy to have her as I was.

  We’d keep track of what happened with Warden Park, and we’d both be there when he was finally sent to prison himself. I was already looking forward to the moment. I’d make sure I made eye contact with him when he was taken out of the courtroom. And, I would make sure Brooke was by my side.

  Hell, for the first time in my life, I could say I was genuinely, truly happy. I hadn’t ever opened up before, but now that I had to this wonderful woman, I was so happy I had acted on my instinct to be with her. I didn’t think it was going to happen, but it had all come together.

  Never would I have thought that it would work out so well, that was for damn sure. Never would I have acted on something with her unless she had wanted it herself. So many things had fallen right into place, and I was proud to be hers.

  This was my woman, and I was her man. There was no one else in the entire world that I liked as much, that was for sure. I had gone through so much to be with her, and now that it was finally happening, I knew I’d go through all of it again in a heartbeat.

  Not even the stabs on my body were enough to make me regret a single thing. This was the woman I wanted in life, and I had taken her for my own.

  Let life throw at us what it would, we would be together forever.




  The sound of the rain falling on my umbrella and dripping to the ground filled my mind. It wasn’t raining hard. Rather like a mist than actual droplets. But, it was enough to gather on the tops of the umbrellas that were gathered about and hit the ground in light, steady streams.

  My raincoat was black and uncomfortable, not quite fitting me right. But, it was all they had at the thrift store, and it was better than nothing. It had been raining a lot lately, and I hated showing up anywhere with damp clothing.


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